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Page 9

by Kate LaMontagne

  “Son of a bitch!” TJ choked out in a voice somewhere between a growl and a sob. He turned his eyes to Remi’s, and they were so cold that Remi drew back reflexively.

  “That fucker raped him!” His voice got louder and louder. “I’m going to tie that bastard up and cut his body into little pieces while he watches! I’ll cauterize the wounds, so he doesn’t bleed to death till I’m done!”

  “What are you talking about? Harriott’s long out of the picture now! We can’t just…”

  “Not Harriott! Chris! Tiger and Jake lied! Chris raped him too and Tiger must have told Jake to keep quiet about it! Max had to have known too, that’s why he kept citing patient confidentiality and said Tiger wouldn’t testify against them! Max knew the rapes would shut Tiger down!”

  Remi dragged TJ up out of the chair and pulled his face tight against his chest, muffling his murderous rant as TJ dug his fingers into his ribs hard enough to leave bruises. Hanson charged into the office, eyes big as saucers, unsure what to do.

  “Take a break Hans! Close my door and lock the outer door on your way out,” Remi ordered.

  Hanson backed out, closing the door. Remi heard the outer door slam shut a minute later.

  He pushed TJ back and clamped his hands along TJ’s jawline, holding his head like a vise grip. “Stop!!” He stared into TJ’s eyes and shook him a little. “Stop it right now!!” Dropping his voice, he said “Hysterics are not going to help Tiger. We need to talk calmly and decide how to proceed. I’m on your side but we can’t just go rushing out like rabid dogs. We don’t know all the facts and we don’t know where to find Chris. Pull yourself together Kirk.”

  He pushed TJ back into the chair and grabbed a bottle of Old Earth whisky out of his desk drawer. TJ slouched forward with his head in his hands, elbows propped on his knees, on the brink of hyperventilating again. “Son of a bitch” he whimpered quietly.

  Remi dumped the coffee cups into the sink, setting them back on his desk. He poured a generous amount of the liquor into both cups and held one out to TJ, briefly squeezing his shoulder. TJ scrubbed his hands across his wet eyes and stared numbly at the cup for a few heartbeats before taking it.

  Glancing down at the folder, Remi picked it up from the floor, stuffing all the pages back in, and shoved it into the desk drawer with the transcript, locking it. They both drained their cups in silence, then Remi picked up the bottle, pouring another round.

  Several rounds later, TJ set his cup back on the desk and cleared his throat. He leaned back in his chair, scrubbing his hands across his face again. “Shit!” he croaked. “In all my years of service I have never lost it like that. This is so fucked up.”

  Remi stared out the window, not really focusing on whatever was out there. He appeared outwardly calm, but his heart felt like it was going to explode. No wonder Tiger was in such a wretched state. He wanted to do all the things TJ had mentioned and much more to Chris, but they had to have a plan and not let on to Tiger or anyone else that they knew about the rape.

  “It happens to the best of us,” he murmured distractedly. He glanced back to TJ. “I’ve been there.” He looked away again.

  TJ looked around and pulled himself together. “So, for now, what? We just pretend the file doesn’t exist, pretend we don’t know the truth and continue to support Tiger’s recovery… while we hunt down the perps? I’ll warn you now… once we deal with these monsters, I’m going to hunt down Harriott next. He never should have been released. Fuck!”

  “Sounds like a plan” Remi agreed. “We just play it cool around Tiger and Jake. Maybe eventually they’ll just come out with the truth on their own. We don’t dare mention the file.”

  Remi spun his chair to face TJ. “Look, I don’t know about you, but I’m done for the day. I told Jake I’d ask you to come over later to help Tiger in the bath. I think it’ll be awkward for him trying to get up and down without pulling something and I don’t want to risk him falling.”

  “A nice long soak in a warm jetted tub with a scalp massage should help his back and his stress. He probably could use some help with his hair too. Lather it up good and use some conditioner, brush it out for him.” Remi’s eyes glazed over a bit.

  “I can tell you’ve put some thought into this,” TJ said drolly. “Why can’t you do it? I’d think you’d be all too willing?”

  “I already had this conversation with Jake this morning. Tiger and I are virtual strangers. I just think he’d be more comfortable with you and I’m not an opportunistic asshole,” Remi huffed. “Are you coming over or not?”

  “Come on” TJ sighed. “I’ll follow you home. What’s for dinner?”

  Chapter 10

  Jake was pleased to see Remi and TJ return so early. Tiger had indeed slept in till noon, so Jake fixed their lunch and they sat in Tiger’s room to eat. His pain level was higher than ever as his nerves continued to regenerate, not to mention the meds were once again screwing up his Fae metabolism. The pills kept him doped up most of the day, so he’d just napped most of the afternoon.

  TJ and Remi had stopped off to check in with his team, then they’d gone to the grocery store to pick stuff up for dinner. After wandering through the store, bickering like an old married couple, they finally made it home. Jake and Remi brought the food in and started an early dinner while TJ checked on Tiger. He was just waking up when TJ tapped lightly on the door.

  “Hey, Tigger! You’re awake? Jake said you slept most of the day. Feeling any better?” he asked.

  “Not much” Tiger replied, ignoring the nickname. “My back’s killing me, and I don’t sleep except when I’m all drugged up. I hate this! I stink and I don’t even have the energy to shower!” He did have dark smudges under both eyes.

  “Want me to give you a sponge bath?” TJ teased, trying not to laugh.

  “No!” Tiger looked horrified.

  Failing to hide his laughter, TJ confessed “Actually, Remi said you might want to soak in that jetted tub. How about I help you get settled in some nice bubble bath for a while before dinner? We’ll take your braid down and I’ll give you a shampoo and scalp massage, then brush it out for you. You could use some pampering. I’ll bet you still have traces of that green slime in places the technicians couldn’t reach. I’ll have to get in the tub with you though, if that’s okay.”

  “That actually sounds pretty great. Thanks, and I don’t mind bathing with you if you don’t mind. Not like we haven’t been naked around the team before,” Tiger said. “Besides, I know you don’t think of me as a sexual being,” he joked. “Like one of those male dolls that have no junk.”

  TJ guffawed at that. He knew Tiger had junk. It was actually very nice junk, but he wasn’t inclined to do anything with someone he considered family. ‘Eww!’

  “Alrighty then, I’ll get the bath ready while you get naked. Watashi no chīsana koneko o isoi ‘hurry up my little kitty’!” he said, slapping Tiger on the butt. Tiger had been giving him Japanese lessons, but now he was seriously re-thinking that decision.

  The bath was enormous, more like a spa than a bathtub. TJ hadn’t paid much attention to it when he’d been in there before. The place was pretty swanky for a military captain. He wondered how Remi could afford it at his pay grade. Tiger hadn’t paid it much mind either, since he’d only been in there to use the toilet and brush his teeth, not even bothering to turn the light on. The lights still triggered his migraines.

  The sunken bath was deep and had steps leading down into it. There was a wide bench seat at one side and grab bars at the ends. The whole thing was textured so it was warm to the touch and not at all slippery.

  When Tiger came into the bathroom, TJ already had the water swirling around with bubbles floating on the surface. He had bottles of who knew what lined up along a built-in shelf with a couple of combs and several towels close at hand, ….and he was standing in the water buck naked.

  Tiger had never had any sexual arousal at the sight of TJ’s body, thank god or this could be really awkwa
rd, but he knew a gorgeous man when he saw one and he envied TJ’s ruggedly handsome features.

  Tiger knew people called him beautiful, but he wanted to be a little more masculine sometimes. Not enough to cut his hair though. He thought the long hair gave him the look of an ancient samurai warrior and being part Fae, it just felt natural.

  Tiger’s body was muscular but trim, well defined, lithe, but TJ’s was more like what Tiger imagined an Old Earth Viking must have looked like. Shaggy blond hair, sapphire blue eyes, hard muscles, broad shoulders but a narrow waist, and just enough hair on his chest and down his abdominals to look sexy but not hairy. He had the UCAR tattoo over his heart.

  All the team members had them… except Tiger. They said he was too pretty to put such an ugly tattoo on his body and threatened him with bodily harm if he ever got one. God, what Tiger would give to have that body but no matter how much he worked out and ate he never gained any muscle mass. He was toned and even had a six-pack but still looked like a twink compared to the rest of his team

  TJ grinned up at Tiger, pointing out the steps, which were now nearly obscured by the foamy water, and steadied Tiger as he stepped down into the water. The bath had a built-in heater, so they didn’t have to worry about the water getting cold while they took their time.

  TJ settled on the bench seat, then guided Tiger down on it between his thighs. It was a little weird feeling TJ’s cock pressed against his butt, but at least he wasn’t hard, so he just pretended it wasn’t there and that it was no big deal. TJ squirted some soap on his hands and gently glided them over Tiger’s back, ribs and shoulders, taking great care not to press too hard. While he worked on Tiger’s back, Tiger was busy taking his braid apart.

  Once TJ finished his back, he pulled the loose hair over Tigers shoulders and fastened it back till Tiger could finish his front, then Tiger moved over to sit next to TJ then and they just luxuriated in the water for a bit, making small talk. TJ noticed the tiny scars over Tigers left nipple and asked “Hey, when did you get these? I’ve never noticed them before.”

  “Oh, dunno. It’s been a while. Guess my braid usually covers it up. “I’d be worried if you were spending that much time staring at my chest,” he laughed. The whole team knew TJ was bi. ‘Must have been when there were no bots available to help heal them,’ TJ mused.

  When they’d finally had enough of the hot water and started to prune up, TJ put a folded towel on the bottom of the bath and helped Tiger to kneel on it. Pulling the tie off Tiger’s hair again, TJ knelt behind him, running his fingers through the strands and splaying it out in the water. He squirted some shampoo on his palm and massaged it in while Tiger moaned in ecstasy. TJ laughed and worked some shampoo into the rest of his hair, then quickly washed his own.

  “Okay, Tigger. I think we need to let the water out, so we can get your hair out of the soapy water.” While the water drained out, TJ used the hand sprayer to rinse the shampoo out and get most of the soap off their bodies.

  Once it was down below the level of Tiger’s hair, TJ stopped the drain again, so they still had some warm water to sit in while he conditioned Tiger’s hair. TJ had just begun to rinse the conditioner out of Tiger’s hair when Remi knocked on the bathroom door. He said something about dinner that they couldn’t quite make out, so TJ yelled out irritably “Open the damn door, we can’t hear you!”

  Remi jerked the door open and was about five steps into the bathroom when he was met with the sight of Tiger kneeling in water that barely covered his manly bits, TJ just far enough behind him for his cock to be out of sight, and water droplets running down their naked bodies as TJ still had the sprayer turned on Tiger’s long locks. They both just stared at Remi, not moving, waiting for him to repeat what he’d said through the door.

  Remi stared at them with his mouth open for about four seconds, blushing profusely and twisting a dish towel in his hands, then said “Um… dinner… ten… ten minutes… I... um... Dinner should be ready in ten minutes. I’ll just… I’ll just go check on it,” he stammered as he gestured over his shoulder, finally backing out of the bathroom and closing the door.

  ‘God in heaven,’ he thought, ‘just kill me now’.

  Loud laughter floated through the door behind him.

  Remi kept the food warm while they finished up and got dressed. TJ combed Tiger’s hair out quickly and left it loose to dry while they ate. Things were pretty quiet until Jake finally asked enthusiastically, “So Tiger, do you feel better after your spa treatment?”

  TJ and Tiger just looked at each other and broke into a fit of laughter again. Catching his breath, Tiger replied “Yes, Jake, I actually do feel much better. Thanks for asking.”

  “Your hair is so beautiful. You should wear it loose more often,” Jake said. “If you’d like, after dinner I’ll brush it out for you.”

  “Thanks, I’d like that Jake.” Tiger had donned a lavendar silk kimono after his bath. The color emphasized the violet of his eyes. Remi kept glancing furtively at him all through dinner. When he cast his eyes in TJ’s direction, he realized TJ was staring back at him, eyes narrowed. Turning his gaze back to Tiger, Remi asked “So, what do you guys have planned for tomorrow?”

  “I need to order a new transmitter for Elvi. Hers is in pretty bad shape and it’s pretty dated,” Tiger replied.

  “That’s your friend from the farm, right? I’m off tomorrow. I can take you to the electronics store. Just let me know if there’s anywhere else you’d like to go. I’m totally at your service,” Remi told him.

  After dinner, Tiger stretched out on the couch watching a movie with Jake, laying on his side with his head on Jake’s lap while Jake ran a brush through his hair.

  Remi and TJ chatted in the kitchen as they cleaned up. Remi glanced into the living room every few minutes.

  “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” TJ said, but it wasn’t really a question.

  “Yes, I can’t deny it. I’ve never seen anyone quite like him,” Remi answered truthfully.

  “Bi or gay?” TJ asked casually.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Bi or gay?” TJ repeated.

  “Gay, not that it’s any of your business,” Remi said, frowning.

  “Just didn’t want to worry that you were only attracted to him because he looks effeminate, but if you’re gay I guess that’s not the case.”

  “Who says I’m attracted to him? I just feel indebted to him for saving my brother and I’m worried about his recovery.”

  “Puh-lese, don’t insult my intelligence. It may have started out that way, but you can’t take your eyes off him for more than five minutes when he’s in the room. You’re not just attracted to him, you’re infatuated.”

  “How would you feel about that if it were true?” Remi asked, not meeting TJ’s eyes.

  TJ snorted, leaning back against the counter and giving Remi an assessing look. “I don’t know enough about you to answer that. Frankly, when we first met, I thought you had a stick so far up your butt it had taken root, but from what I’ve seen the last few days you seem to be okay. I just want him to be happy. FYI, I don’t know if he’s into guys, hell I’m not sure he even knows. There’s something else you need to bear in mind. With him being part Fae, anything’s possible.”

  “Sure, he’s also part human but the Fae genes may be more dominant. You saw the file. None of that seemed like it had a downside. Not for the two of you anyway, but when governments get involved things have a habit of going balls up. For now, we just need to focus on the present problem. I won’t feel like he’s safe until Chris is dead. I want all those other assholes too, but Chris is a damn psycho.”

  Between the bath, his full belly and Jake brushing his hair, Tiger didn’t last long before he dropped off. Jake sat there, playing idly with the strands of his hair. He couldn’t help but think how different he looked from the wild protector who’d saved him in that alley. The man who readily sliced off body parts and left the gang a bleeding mess seemed surprisingly incongruous with
the gentle quiet man dozing in his lap.

  How could Chris do such a horrible thing to such an amazing person? Thank goodness the bots were able to repair his body, but he still needed to heal a lot more before he could return to his job, and what kind of life was that for someone like him? He really, really liked Tiger and wished he could stay with them always. He was fascinating and funny but also brave and a lot stronger than he looked.

  Remi and TJ appeared in the doorway. “Hey, kiddo, why so glum?” Remi walked over and rubbed Jake’s shoulder.

  “I like having Tiger around. It’s going to be boring around here when he leaves. I’ll miss you too TJ. I like having company. Remi never wants me to go anywhere and none of my friends from school come here,” he pouted. “Will you guys still come visit us?”

  Remi shot a distressed look at TJ and dropped to his knees at Jake’s side. He pulled Jake’s head down and pressed their foreheads together. “God, Jake, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize how miserable you’ve been. You know this assignment is only temporary. Once the job here is finished, we’ll be…”

  “Yeah, off to the next assignment and we start all over again, only Tiger won’t be there, or TJ and we won’t know anyone. It’s okay, in another four or five years I’ll be out of school and out of your hair. I know being stuck with a brat to take care of wasn’t your first choice and it probably kills your love life.”

  Remi lifted his chin to look him in the eyes. “Jake, first of all, don’t you think for a minute that taking you in wasn’t my choice. I always had a choice and I chose you. I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t around. Secondly, what love life are you worried about?”

  “Exactly!” Jake pointed, scrunching his eyes.

  Remi chuckled and ruffled Jake’s hair. “We’ll figure something out when the time comes. You know we have money and even if I stay with the air force maybe I can get a permanent assignment so you’re not always being uprooted. Just relax for now and take it one day at a time, okay? Let me do the worrying.”


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