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Page 14

by Marianne Spitzer

  “I’m not sure. I wish we knew more about her,” Lance admitted. “If she was in the woods, it could be she wanted to hide. Standing in the clearing may mean she’s confident she won’t be found. That could play in our favor. I hope she feels overconfident. She’s killed several men and hasn’t been confronted.”

  “I pray you’re right. We may have the upper hand. Where do you want to make our stand?”

  “Here,” Lance stated. “I can drop my medallion on this bush out of sight but close enough for you to grab it if I need its protection again. First, you must promise you won’t throw your protection on me no matter what happens. If you don’t give me your word, I’ll walk away now.”

  Kellie blew out a breath. “I give you my word. I need you to promise you won’t act foolishly. I don’t want to tell Hannah you died even if it was to help the world.”

  “Deal,” he smiled. “Are you ready?”

  Kellie nodded.

  She stood slightly to the side and behind Lance close to where he showed her he’d drop his medallion. As soon as Cansha showed herself, he’d grab it again to hide himself, and they’d force the water over her. She breathed in deeply as she watched the medallion leave his fingers. Just as soon as it cleared his hand, Kellie saw Cansha appear about twenty feet in front of them. The wraith threw her head back and laughed.

  Kellie immediately summoned the water stream, but before the water left the river, a streak of white flew toward them, and Lance fell to the ground. He screamed and rolled over fighting the white cat. Kellie knelt next to him, dropped his medallion on his chest, and gripped the cat creature by the throat.

  The cat fought, but before it could inflict more injury, Kellie pulled and tore its throat out and tossed the creature to the ground. Cansha screeched and disappeared.

  Kellie rolled Lance onto his back. He was unconscious, and blood covered his chest. Unsure if she could heal him the way the girls healed her, she placed her hands on his wounds and willed her white light into his injuries. She watched as the deep slices in his skin stopped bleeding and healed. The wound on his neck concerned her. She healed it, but he lost a lot of blood. From the amount of blood she saw on the ground, she knew he lost too much. Tears pricked the back of her eyes as she prayed. “Please, God, let him live.”

  Kellie felt for a pulse. It was weak, and Kellie felt it slow as she checked it. “No,” she screamed. She drew all her strength and pushed her white light into his chest. He didn’t move. She could tell he barely breathed. She prayed harder and kept trying to fill his body with white light. She looked up and saw a white light glimmering near the edge of the clearing. Kellie couldn’t remember how many souls she helped into the white light.

  She screamed at the white light, “Go away, he’s not ready to go.” It remained at the edge of the clearing.

  Kellie closed her eyes and willed all her strength into summoning her white light.

  She squinted at the white light at the edge of the clearing. Her eyes flew open wide as she watched it shimmer and disappear. She dropped her head to her chest and sobbed. “No, no, no. I’m so sorry, Lance. I promise I’ll kill her. Please forgive me.”

  Her head snapped up as she heard Lance ask, “For what?”

  “What,” she stammered.

  “I asked what are you sorry about? Why are you crying.”

  Kellie lifted her head to the sky and cried aloud, “Thank you, God.”

  “Kellie, what’s going on?”

  “You nearly died. The white light came for your soul. I healed your body, but you lost too much blood. I tried to infuse you with white light to save you, but the white light wouldn’t go away. When it did, I thought you were dead.”

  Lance pushed himself up onto his elbows. “I’m alive. I think. My head hurts, and I feel a bit light-headed, but I’m alive.”

  Kellie helped him sit but told him not to try and stand yet. He slipped the medallion back over his head nodding to her. Kellie ran to grab her backpack and return to Lance’s side.

  “Drink this,” she said and handed him a bottle of power drink. “You need to gain some strength back. Drink it all and eat this.” She thrust a power bar into his empty hand.

  “Yes, mother,” he laughed. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Don’t make light of this situation. I watched you nearly bleed out. The ground behind you is saturated with your blood. You should go home and sleep.”

  “Right, and what do you plan on doing?”

  “I’m going to kill her. I killed the cat and unless she can bring back the dead, it won’t return.”

  “Are you sure it’s dead?” Lance’s brow furrowed as he drank the rest of his power drink.

  “I pulled it off you and gripped its neck. I refused to let go. I can’t explain the anger or strength I felt, but it all poured into that creature, and I ripped its throat out. It collapsed next to me and disappeared along with Cansha. I did hear her scream so maybe it’s dead.”

  Lance couldn’t hide his laugh. “You tore the throat out of a cat and didn’t want to freeze a worm?”

  “It wasn’t a cat; it was a deadly creature. Would you have preferred I let it eat you?”

  “No, not at all. I don’t plan on leaving you here. Whatever you have in mind, I’m helping you. Don’t argue. I feel much better.”

  Kellie bit her lip hard. “All right, but this time we use my plan. My own white light protects me. The amulet only hides me from evil seeing me. If I remove my amulet, she’ll see me, but I still have my protection. It isn’t the same as when Max was attacked. I threw away everything to save him. This time I’ll keep my light. You remain hidden from her but can assist me. We do the same plan you wanted in the first place. We just exchange places. She’ll come after me. I killed her cat.”

  Lance stood with Kellie’s help and walked slowly gaining back his balance. “I don’t like you putting yourself in danger, but I know it’s a good plan. Give me a few minutes to clear my head, and we’ll do it.”

  Thirty minutes later, Kellie and Lance stood side by side again. “Ready,” Kellie asked.


  Kellie handed her medallion to Lance. In an instant, a loud wail filled their ears.

  Cansha stood closer than the last time she appeared. Her voice was low and gravely. Kellie thought her voice aged although her body hadn’t.

  “You killed my friend and love. Are you prepared to die?” Cansha spat.

  “It was a cat.”

  “He was my husband.”

  Kellie hoping to keep her speaking while she and Lance drew water from the river asked, “What happened to him?”

  “A man wanted me for his own and turned my husband into a cat. He thought I would be his. I wasn’t. I killed him and fed his blood to my husband. It didn’t restore him, but it made him big and strong. I’ve searched through time looking for a way to restore his body. A foolish man here summoned me to give him strength and his love offered her heart. Once my husband consumes her heart, he will regain his human form.” The flames surrounding her grew higher as she spoke. “After I kill you, I will find her.”

  “Maisy,” Kellie whispered.

  “Now,” Lance answered.

  Kellie and Lance pulled at the water with every ounce of their strength. A broad stream flew through the trees knocking Cansha to the ground and temporarily extinguished her flames. Before the water hit Cansha, Kellie had infused it with her white light.

  Cansha screamed and began to draw back her flames.

  Lance and Kellie focused their thoughts on the water and froze it before Cansha could move. Her face, contorted in anger, was unmoving. Kellie focused her white light and her thoughts with all her strength. The image of Cansha encased in ice began to vibrate before her eyes.

  Lance and Kellie watched as the fire disappeared and the vibrations increased. A loud crack reverberated through the woods, and the image of Cansha shattered into tiny pieces. As the pieces spewed upwards and outwards, Lance summoned wind to blow the icy sha
rds to the four corners of the earth.

  “Did we do it? Is she gone for good?” Kellie whispered.

  “Yes, I think so,” Lance answered and dropped to his knees. “I need a minute to catch my breath.”

  Kellie’s phone chirped. She read the text from Claudia and smiled. “The evil is gone. Claudia said the town is clear and safe. Cansha and her pet are gone. She also sent the name and address of a friend, a doctor. He practices out of his home and will see you to make sure you can continue to heal at home.”

  “How does she know everything and have friends like that?” Lance wondered aloud.

  “Not sure, but I’m taking you there now.” She helped him to his feet, and they walked back to his car.

  “Hey, I forgot my bug sprayer.”

  “You can come back for it another time if you think you need it.” Kellie smiled. Before she drove, she texted Taylor that Cansha was gone and she and Lance were safe.


  Malone Spring’s mayor, concerned for the welfare of the citizens after the strange happenings in town, changed the trick or treat time from Monday evening until Sunday afternoon. Max had the weekend off, and the girls were thrilled he could accompany them trick or treating.

  Kellie told the girls to put on their shoes, and she’d be right back downstairs. She hurried up to their room hoping to find Miss Annabelle.

  Miss Annabelle stood near the window with her satchel in her hand. “I waited to say goodbye to you, Mrs. Noles. I said my goodbyes to the girls earlier. They understand why I must go and if they need me, I will be back.”

  “Thank you for watching over them.”

  “I will always watch over them from wherever I am. Never fear or worry, Mrs. Noles. I am just a moment away. I will protect them and the wee one if you need me.”

  “Wee one?”

  “Of course. The young master will also be under my protection if the need arises.”

  “Young master?”

  “You do not know you are with child?” Miss Annabelle’s hand flew to her lips. “I’m sorry for saying anything.”

  Kellie placed her hand on her lower abdomen. “A baby? A boy? Are you sure?”

  Miss Annabelle nodded. “I must go. Another family needs me.”

  “Are you sure, I can summon the white light. I’ve helped many souls home.”

  “No, Mrs. Noles, I wish to remain here as long as I am useful. God bless.”

  Miss Annabelle faded, and Kellie stood wondering if she heard right. Could she be pregnant?

  “Mommy,” Faith and Hope called. “We want to go. “Auntie Taylor and Ethan are here.”

  Kellie walked downstairs grinning. She needed to hide her elation until she was sure, but she knew she’d confide her suspicions with Max after the girls went to bed.

  Taylor told Kellie, “I’m glad it’s a warm day. Hunter is set up on our porch with Kayla and the candy for both our houses. We can go anytime you’re ready. Ethan is ready to jump out of his skin.”

  “I’m ready.”

  ~ * ~

  The three tired adults and three excited children returned home shortly before dark. Kellie and Max stopped at Taylor’s to ask Hunter how his afternoon was and pick up what little was left in the candy bowl they gave him earlier. They walked back across the front yard to their house, and Kellie stopped dead in her tracks.

  “What’s wrong,” Max asked.

  “Look at the porch railing. There’s a vase with a single red rose in it. I know it isn’t from you.”

  “That’s for sure. I don’t buy you roses. It can’t be another warning after all you’ve been through. I don’t want you in danger again.”

  “It may not mean danger. The roses are always a warning, but this is a red rose. A single red rose means love. My dad used to buy them for my mom. They were my birth mother’s favorite flower. It could be from them to let me know they’re watching over me.”


  It wasn’t the ideal time or place, but Kellie shared her news hoping she was right about the rose.

  Max picked her up and spun her around. “This is fantastic news.” He kissed her and only stopped when the girl’s giggles interrupted him.

  Kellie glanced at the porch, and the rose was gone. Was she right that it was a message from her two moms or was it another warning of danger? Time would tell.

  The End

  Thank you for reading my book out of the many available to you. I hope you enjoyed it as much I enjoyed writing it. If you have a chance, please leave a review on Amazon. I would appreciate it more than I can say. Reviews are the best way to let authors know if you enjoyed their books.

  For more information on all my books please visit my web site Marianne Spitzer, Author, Amazon site Marianne Spitzer on Amazon, my blog Musings Under the Willow Tree., Facebook page Marianne-Spitzer, Author or follow me on Twitter @MarianneSpitzer




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