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How to Lose a Fiance

Page 7

by Stefanie London

  And he was going to figure out what.

  Later that evening, Dion sat in his office. The picture of the squirrel stared at him unnervingly, so he torn the photo down and crumpled it in his fist, suppressing a shudder. Then he grabbed his phone and dialled his assistant’s number. Iva had worked for Precision Investments for the last five years as both his Executive Assistant and Chief of Staff. She was the person he trusted most in the world, aside from Nico.

  “Hi, Dion,” she said in a chirpy voice. “What can I do for you?”

  “It’s something you’re not going to like.” He leaned back in his desk chair. “And I don’t want any questions.”

  “Well, when you put it like that…” She let out a breath. “At least tell me I’m not going to be committing a crime.”

  “I need you to follow Sophia while I’m in London.”

  He was going to be in the UK for two nights, just long enough to close a deal.

  “At what point did you add private investigation to my job description?” Iva asked.

  “Remember that line at the bottom that says all other duties as required?”

  She huffed. “Yeah, like accompanying you on business trips and occasionally picking up your dry cleaning if you’ve been pulling all-nighters. It does not include following people around and spying on them.”

  “If I’m going to marry her, then I need to know what I’m getting into.”

  A pregnant paused stretched on for several heartbeats. “Excuse me?”

  “I was going to think of a more delicate way to tell you, but delicate isn’t really my style.” He pushed out of his chair and walked over to the window. Outside, the garden glowed under a blanket of stars. “Yes, I’m marrying her. No, we’re not in love.”

  “I wasn’t going to ask,” Iva replied. “Because I know you better than that.”

  “You know I’m a heartless bastard?” He laughed.

  Nobody had ever called him that, because Dion could handle anyone. After he’d grown up and realized he’d be worth nothing unless he earned that worth himself, he’d gained a reputation for being charming…and disarming. Dion could put out a social fire with little more than a smile. Being on the outside as a child had meant lots of time to observe. And learn.

  He learned how to read people, how to gain their trust, and how to peek behind the curtain that almost everyone hid their true selves behind. His intuitions were sharpened like a sword. Which was precisely why he knew something was up with Sophia. What that thing was, however, was another issue entirely.

  “I know that you believe in the institution of marriage as much as you believe in unicorns.”

  “I’d say there’s a case for unicorns,” he quipped.

  “Why are you marrying her?”

  “Business reasons.”

  “Do you have any idea how hard it is to be married to someone you love, let alone someone you don’t even know?” Iva was divorced, so he wasn’t about to argue that he knew more than her on the subject of marriage. “Marriage is hard work.”

  “I’m not afraid of hard work.”

  “And she wants this, too? A loveless marriage with a stranger?”

  “She wants to please her father.” He didn’t quite understand it, but he wasn’t going to argue if she was making that element easier for him. “And she’ll have a comfortable life with me. Money will be no issue, she has a beautiful home to live in, and she can do whatever she pleases.”

  “Whomever she pleases?” Iva asked.

  Dion’s nostrils flared.

  As far as he was concerned, marriage was still a vow. A promise. Just because they weren’t in love—which was another thing he believed in as much as unicorns—didn’t mean there weren’t promises to be upheld. He wasn’t going to be like his father, sleeping around on his wife and wreaking havoc on people’s lives. It had felt a little too intense to jump into that discussion already with Sophia, but it would have to happen before they exchanged rings.

  He’d put up with a lot of things…but not that.

  “I want you to keep an eye on her while I’m gone. Report back. Oh, and I want to know what she’s wearing.”

  “What she’s wearing?”

  “Yes. What she’s wearing, where she goes, if she meets up with anyone. Everything.”

  “And how the hell am I supposed to do that?”

  “She doesn’t have a license here, so I’ve told her she can use one of the drivers. Make sure they call you the second she asks to go anywhere.”

  Iva sighed. “I’m going to be expecting a fat bonus this year, Dion. If anyone else were asking me…”

  “I know. I know.” He nodded. “I appreciate it.”

  Whatever was going on with Sophia Andreou, he was going to find out. If she had any plans of pulling a fast one on him, then he’d be right there to catch her out. He would figure out what her real plan was.


  Sophia leaned against the back seat of the Audi and sighed. The weight on her shoulders was far lighter than it had been in weeks. Dion had left for London early that morning, and she’d been roused sometime around five a.m. by the rumble of an engine outside the house.

  Now that it was a much more respectable hour, she’d awoken, showered, spent an hour doing website content updates for one of her virtual-assistant clients, and dressed for her trip into Corfu Town to meet with Theo. It was so nice to dress how she wanted. Sure, it probably would have been safer to throw on her scratchy cardigan and lime-green heels to maintain her character, but she was planning to slip out of the house before the staff could see her. And the driver on duty this week was a younger guy Sophia hadn’t met previously. So nothing to worry about there.

  The car raced along the coastal road, and Sophia had her window down, the breeze whipping her hair around as she enjoyed the view and the warmth on her bare arms. Stupid arranged marriage aside, it really was a beautiful place to be. Blue skies, bluer waters. Lush green trees and colorful buildings that looked like a rainbow selection of ice cream.

  If Sophia was being totally honest with herself, it was exactly the kind of place she would want to live. She certainly didn’t miss the hustle and bustle of Brooklyn, nor the clanking sound of garbage trucks, the constant rush of traffic and the intermittent wail of sirens that seemed to punctuate the hours there. It was all too easy to see herself in a crumbling little building overlooking the sea, with a huge sunny window for her mother to sit beside and a library heaving with books.

  The driver pulled up and let Sophia out of the car. “Just call when you’re ready to go home,” he said. “I’ll be close by.”

  “Thank you.” She stepped out of the car and fished around in her purse for her sunglasses.

  Theo had suggested they meet at a little tavern that was tucked away down a skinny alley, one of those out-of-the-way places that would afford them some privacy. Sophia trailed her hand along the building beside her, her shoulders almost bumping the smooth, white surface. On the other side was a courtyard with tables and chairs, and Theo sat with one ankle propped on his knee, the picture of confidence.

  “I thought you might not come,” he said as she took a seat across from him.

  “Why’s that?”

  “You didn’t look too impressed to be talking to me at your big party.” His eyes were obscured behind a pair of mirrored sunglasses. But his intent to rile her up was still evident in the quirk at the corner of his lips.

  “I wasn’t.”

  “So why call me?”

  Why, indeed. Because Theo had a tense relationship with Dion, which made him the perfect person to help her out of this situation. The only question mark hanging over her head was what he would want in return.

  “I got the impression we might be able to help each other.”

  Theo looked like the cat who’d got the cream. He paused while two coffees were brought to the table. “I took the liberty of ordering you a drink. Now, how exactly can I help you?”

  Sophia stared into the
dark liquid, her stomach tied up in knots. Could she trust Theo? Her gut waved huge red flags, but what other option did she have? So far, Dion took all of her antics on the chin. Sure, he didn’t exactly look thrilled when she’d walked into the middle of his party ready to draw eyes to her for all the wrong reasons, but he hadn’t said a word about it. Nor had he mentioned her clothing, made any disparaging remarks about the fox, or said anything remotely indicative that he might be giving her father’s demands a second thought.

  She could keep up with her persona, but would it be enough? She wasn’t convinced.

  “You said that if I wanted out, you could help me.” She tilted her chin up, hoping she appeared a hell of a lot more confident in her decision than she felt.

  “So I was right?” He sipped his coffee and leaned back in his chair. “You’re a clause in a business deal?”

  Acid burned the back of her throat. “Yes.”

  “I didn’t think Mr. Perfect would need to stoop to that level to get a wife,” Theo mused. “He must want whatever you’re selling really badly.”

  “I’m not selling anything,” she spat. “If I was the one doing the selling, then I wouldn’t be in this position, would I?”

  Theo raised a brow. “Message received. So, if you don’t want to marry the guy, why not tell him that?”


  “I’m sure it’s actually very simple.”

  Sophia sighed. “My father made this deal with him, and I didn’t have a say in it. For the sake of my mother, I need Dion to decide not to go ahead.”

  “Otherwise your father will be angry?”

  “If he only got angry, it wouldn’t be such a big deal.” Her chest tightened at the thought of what he might do. All of a sudden, emotion swirled inside her. Worries about her mother swam in her head. “He, uh…doesn’t accept no for an answer.”

  Theo’s expression shifted. A tightness overtook his jaw and lips, giving his face a hard edge. “I see.”

  “Can you help me?” she asked, her heart beating so hard it felt like the damn thing had traveled all the way up to her mouth.

  “I can.” He nodded. “But I’m also a businessman. I don’t offer my services for free.”

  What on earth could he want from her? “And I don’t offer myself in exchange for a favor.”

  “Relax, asteri mou. You’re not my type.” He pulled the sunglasses from his face as the sun shifted behind a cloud. Now she could see all of him—and the bottomless black pits of his eyes were far more unnerving than not knowing what was behind the mirrored lenses.

  “Then what do you want?”

  “Something that belongs to me. Dion stole an item, and I want it back.” He assessed her with a cool stare, possibly to see if she’d react. She didn’t. “My father’s ring.”

  “What does it look like?” She was certain she knew the answer already.

  “It’s a gold signet design. Square top.” There seemed to be a fire in his eyes. Sophia would have bet her last dollar that this had nothing to do with a simple piece of jewelry. “His initials are engraved on it.”

  “I know the one.” It was the only item of jewelry she’d seen on Dion, besides his watch. But it was strange that he’d so brazenly wear an item that he’d stolen.

  “Get me the ring, and I’ll get you out of your arrangement.”

  “How?” She shook her head when he didn’t respond immediately. “I’m not sure if you’re used to people taking you at your word, but I don’t know you. I certainly don’t trust you. I’d like to know exactly how you plan to get me out of this.”

  Theo cocked his head, those dark eyes running like a laser over her. “It’s probably a good thing you’re looking to get out of this. A woman like you can bring a man to his knees.”

  She wasn’t sure what he meant by that.

  “It’s a compliment. You’re smart, and he probably hasn’t realized it yet.” His smirk bloomed into a sharp-edged smile. “More fool him.”

  Sophia folded her arms across her chest. She wasn’t looking to have Theo stroke her ego. “This is the point where you give me the plan.”

  “You’re going to develop a bad habit.”

  “Another one?” If the taxidermy hadn’t worked, then why would another strange habit be more effective?

  “Theft. You can’t only take the ring, or he’ll be suspicious. So, you’re going to take a lot of things and then I’ll out you.”

  She blanched. “You want me to steal from him?”

  “You didn’t seem concerned about taking the ring.”

  “Yes, but,” she spluttered. “You said he stole it from you, and, therefore, I’m simply returning it to its rightful owner. That’s a totally different situation.”

  “You don’t have to actually steal anything, Sophia. Just hide the items somewhere it’ll take him a while to find.” Theo sipped his drink. “If he questions you, blame one of the staff.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’m not going to make anyone lose their job.”

  “Do you want out or not?”

  She bit down on her lip. “Yes, of course I do. But not like that.”

  It was one thing to make Dion distrust her, but to ruin someone else’s reputation… She would never do that.

  “Then what did you have in mind? You don’t strike me as the type to come to a meeting unprepared.”

  “I thought we could have an affair.”

  Theo’s expression flickered, something stormy and visceral flashing for the briefest of seconds before he went back to looking perfectly calm again. But the change left Sophia ill at ease. He’d looked mad enough to spit fire. “And I thought you said you didn’t trade your body for favors.”

  “Not a real affair, obviously. A pretend one. Text messages, not-so-secret meetings.”

  “There are few things in the world that a man hates more than an adulterous wife.”

  The dark statement sent an icy chill down Sophia’s spine. Whatever happened to Theo was none of her business. The only thing she cared about was getting a plane ticket home, and if that meant doing something that skirted the boundaries of her ethics, then so be it. But she wouldn’t pretend that one of his staff members had done something illegal. No way. A fake affair would only hurt her reputation.

  “So, do we have a deal?” she asked.

  “No.” Theo stood. His eyes were like fire. “I’ve had enough trouble with one cheating wife. I certainly won’t help to fabricate another.”

  Sophia’s stomach sank as she watched him walk away. What on earth was she going to do now?

  Chapter Seven

  Dion sat in his home office, having a staring contest with his computer screen. The image had come through a good ten minutes ago, and he still didn’t quite believe what he was seeing. At a distant glance, it could look like a first date. Cute girl, stylish guy, coffees in the sun. A little awkward.

  To Dion, however, he saw it for what it really was: deceit.

  It was hard to believe the woman in the picture was the same one living in his house. Outside his window, Sophia sat on the grass with a book in her hands. She wore a long dress patterned with swirls of hot pink and mustard, her hair in Princess Leia–style buns and bejeweled sandals on her feet. Music blared from a portable speaker—something called K-pop, apparently—and her feet bounced in time to the gratingly perky music.

  In the picture, however, she was every bit the wholesome girl next door that her father had described. Dark, glossy hair in a bouncy ponytail, a slim figure enhanced by a yellow dress that floated down to her knees. Across from her was one of the only men in the world who could make Dion’s mask dissolve faster than an ice cube dropped into boiling water.

  Theo Anastas.

  Dion’s lip curled into a silent snarl. That bastard. What the hell was he doing with Sophia? His desk phone rang, and Dion snatched the receiver up.


  “You got the picture?” she asked. He could imagine the unimpressed expre
ssion on her face.

  “Yes, I got it.” His nostrils flared as he looked at the picture again. “What were they talking about?”

  “I don’t know. It was a small place, and you’re lucky I got this shot without getting caught. What did you expect me to do, sidle up beside them wearing a bush as a disguise?” She huffed. “There were no free tables and nowhere for me to stand without it looking obvious.”

  “So you didn’t hear anything?”

  “No. But if you think she’s cheating on you, then you’re wrong. I didn’t get that vibe at all.”

  Truthfully, he didn’t get that vibe from the photo, either. Dion had become an expert in reading body language growing up. Being a lover rather than a fighter, he’d used his communication skills to get by. Nico was the one who could throw a punch, but Dion prided himself on managing a situation before it got to that point.

  People had certain tells when they were attracted to someone. They would angle themselves toward the object of their affection, pointing with their feet, knees, or torso as if magnetically closing the distance. If a couple was trying to be subtle, there would still be something. Intense or frequent eye contact, touching of the hair or face.

  But the picture showed Sophia sitting with her hands knotted in her lap, her legs tucked beneath her chair as her body twisted slightly away from the table. They were small signs indicating she didn’t want to be there. Theo, on the other hand, appeared to be relaxed. But there wasn’t a single thing that pointed to it being a meeting between lovers.

  What on earth could they be conspiring about?

  The only thing he knew for certain was that she was hiding something from him. Elias’s greatest lesson had been to take notice of how people acted when they thought nobody was watching—because that was when the truest self was visible. Sophia was hiding behind her wacky wardrobe and her taxidermy hobby and her apparent acceptance of their arrangement.

  But confronting her with questions wouldn’t likely yield an honest answer, because he’d asked her multiple times if she was comfortable with the arrangement. To which she always said yes…but her actions indicated otherwise. He needed to engineer a situation where she tripped up.


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