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Sinners' Playground

Page 41

by Caroline Peckham

  I thrust up against him, fucking his face and his hand and gripping his silky black hair between my fingers as my climax built and built until I was screaming for him and he was slapping a hand down over my mouth even while my pussy clamped tight on his fingers.

  "I knew you were a screamer," he said in a smug ass tone which had me aching to prove to him that I could make him scream my name too.

  JJ stood over me, the garage light behind him casting his features in shadow and for a moment, all of the smiles and jokes were gone and I could see the lethal gangster who killed men who crossed him and drove fear into the hearts of his enemies. This was a man who saw something he wanted and took it. And right now, the thing he wanted most, was me.

  He pulled something from his pocket and dropped his shorts and my gaze fell to his thick, hard cock as it sprang free, making my mouth water with anticipation. JJ wrapped a hand around his dick, slowing pumping it as he drank in the sight of me brought to ruin beneath him.

  "Fuck, Johnny James, don't make me wait," I demanded, pushing up onto my elbows as I made a move to reach for him.

  But the look in his eyes just darkened as he shifted back, tearing open the condom wrapper between his teeth.

  I watched him roll the condom on and I swear a rubber had never looked so fucking good. I wanted his cock inside me unlike I think I'd ever wanted any man before him. He was a fantasy I needed to see play out and I was seriously hoping he could live up to the hype in my head.

  JJ moved over me where I lay on the hood, gripping my hips while he remained standing upright and pressing the head of his cock to my entrance.

  His gaze met mine and the smirk he gave me was fucking sinful.

  "I'm gonna make you scream for me, pretty girl," he promised before driving into me with a savage thrust that gave him his wish instantly.

  JJ glanced towards the door as I arched my back, wrapping my legs around his waist and panting at the feeling of his thick cock fully seated inside me. It was almost overwhelming, making my back arch as I reached out for him, aching for him to move again.

  "You're gonna get me killed for this," he teased, looking seriously okay with that being the way he died and drawing back slowly, gripping my hips so tight I was certain he was going to bruise me and I really hoped he would.

  The next thrust was impossibly harder, deeper, my cry of pleasure followed by another as he began to drive himself into me faster and faster, making it hard for me to even catch my breath as I moved my hips up to meet his.

  The angle he held me at drove his cock into the deepest parts of me and I curled my hands into my hair as he watched me, pawing at my aching nipples and running my fingers everywhere.

  "Don't forget your clit, sweetheart," he ground out, fucking me harder and making me pant and moan.

  I did as he said, moving my hand down to rub circles against the tingling bundle of nerves as he fucked me so hard I could barely breathe.

  I couldn't take much more of it, my pussy tightening around him already as he watched me with a feral hunger that made me feel like the most desirable woman in the entire fucking world.

  He thrust in again and I swear I saw stars as I came for him, his cock filling me perfectly, deeply and his mouth coming down over mine to devour the sound of my screams as I fell apart for him.

  JJ dragged me upright in his arms, his tongue in my mouth, tasting my ecstasy as he pressed my body flush against his.

  I gasped as he started moving again, unable to believe he was still going, his cock still thick and hard inside me even as my pussy had clamped tight and begged him to follow me into oblivion.

  His mouth stayed on mine as he kept kissing me while he fucked me, growling hungrily every time his cock thrust in and one of my moans slipped between our mouths.

  My nails were gouging lines into his shoulders and I felt like I was only just managing to cling onto him when he finally came, his cock swelling deep inside me and my name spilling from his lips in some mixture of a curse and prayer.

  I tightened my thighs around his waist as the tension ran out of his body and our frantic kisses slowed into something deep and powerful which made some long-forgotten piece of my soul hum with satisfaction.

  He moved his hands into my hair, breaking our kiss and looking at me with that devilish glint in his dark eyes that had always spelled trouble and now held this secret in them too.

  The buzz of his cellphone in his discarded shorts saved either of us from speaking and he drew his cock out of me slowly, making me whimper as I dropped back against the hood of Fox’s truck to catch my breath, every inch of my flesh buzzing with pleasure.

  JJ pulled the phone from his pocket to tell the pizza guy he was on his way out before removing the condom and tying it off, his eyes never leaving my naked body and making me feel appreciated in a way I wasn't sure I ever had before. Sure, I'd fucked plenty of guys, but whether they were hook ups or boyfriends, they'd always turned their attention to something else once they'd gotten what they wanted from me.

  In Shawn's case I was left to finish myself off while he headed for a shower. Every. Damn. Time. Fucking Shawn. Why the hell had I put up with that asshole and his bad sex? Oh yeah, because I had nothing else thanks to the Harlequin boys and at least being his girl had made me into someone. Or I thought it had until he’d disposed of me without a second thought.

  I got up and found my clothes, turning my back on JJ as a prickle of unease ran through my skin and I mentally chastised myself for my taste in men. Sometimes I thought I was purposefully self destructive like this, making bad choices because I feared trying to make any good ones. If the things I did could only lead me into shitty situations, then I didn't ever have to waste time on hoping for something better.

  "Look at me, pretty girl," JJ said in a low voice, reaching out to touch my shoulder as I shrugged my dress back on.

  "Don't you need to go grab those pizzas?" I asked in a flat tone, refusing to turn towards him as I combed my fingers through my hair to hide the just fucked look I was no doubt sporting.

  "Is something wrong?" he demanded, turning me around whether I wanted him to or not.

  "Nope," I lied, giving him a fake smile that he saw straight through.

  His phone started ringing again and he glanced at it as the pizza place called.

  "Don't look at me like that," JJ growled.

  "Like what?" I asked.

  "Like I'm some bad decision or mistake you made."

  "I never said-"

  "I get paid for sex, sweetheart. Do you think I don't know regret when I see it in a woman's eyes? I just thought I might have meant something more to you than that."

  The hurt in his voice made me pause and my expression softened as I looked up at him.

  "I don't regret it, Johnny," I said. "I just..." I blew out a breath as the pizza guy started calling again.

  JJ answered it with a snarl of annoyance, his gaze staying pinned on mine. "You'll wait there until I get to you or you'll be getting a blade between the ribs as a tip," he snapped before cutting the call again and I raised my eyebrows at his tone. "Just what?" he asked me.

  "I just should know better than to screw a guy who broke my heart before," I admitted, forcing myself to hold his gaze and hating the way those words struck him. But at the same time, I was glad he felt a taste of my pain. I really was a fucked up kind of creature these days.

  JJ sighed and leaned in to kiss my lips softly and I let him because apparently I was a glutton for punishment.

  "It's just a bit of fun, pretty girl. That's all I'm good for anyway. So don't beat yourself up about it. Okay?" He turned and walked away before I could reply and I got the feeling something I'd said had upset him or pissed him off, but it was clear he had no intention of telling me what.

  I waited while he headed up the ramp out of the garage to collect the pizzas from the no doubt terrified delivery boy beyond the gates and bit my swollen lip as I decided he was right. We were having fun, playing out a fantas
y and giving each other something mutually beneficial. I didn't need to think into it any more than that.

  I probably needed to be more concerned about Fox noticing my swollen lips or the scratches I'd left on JJ's back which were peeking out around the shoulders of his tank. And whatever way this played out, I really just needed to stay focused on my goal. I wanted those keys and it was time I figured out how to get my hands on them. Because the Harlequins were starting to pull me back into their net again, and I refused to get myself tangled up in it.

  T he bumfuck of a pizza order we received had Fox and Chase ready to burn down Lou’s Pizza Place and I only warded them off by calling up the restaurant and getting us free pizza for the next year. Funny how a few friendly threats of murder could open up gateways like that.

  Rogue had disappeared upstairs to shower and hadn’t returned since and I was just praying she didn’t spiral into regret and stop this thing between us before it had even started. I didn’t date girls, never had and never would. But I’d also never expected Rogue Easton to walk back into my life. Because if there was one girl I would have dated all the way to the altar, it was her.

  My dick was still buzzing from being inside her, but instead of riding the high of fucking the girl I’d fantasised about since the moment my balls had dropped, I was feeling like a prime asshole. I couldn’t get the way she’d looked at me out of my head. Like I was just one shitty mistake in a string of shitty mistakes. And I despised that. I didn’t want to be a regret to Rogue. I just didn’t know how to make it right.

  Chase was picking olives off his pizza which was layered with eggplant and anchovies. Like, what the fuck pizza guy? I may have given him the green light for any toppings, but Jesus. This was taking liberties. No one in the history of the world liked eggplant. Not even eggplants liked eggplants.

  “At least he remembered the barbeque sauce,” Chase muttered.

  Yeah I totally ordered that. Oh no wait, I was too busy getting balls deep in our favourite girl.

  Fox snatched the pizza box from Chase and dumped it in the trash with the rest of them. “I’ll cook.”

  “Really?” Chase asked hopefully and my ears pricked up too. Fox usually only cooked dinner for all of us on Sundays, but it was the best fucking food ever and I was so here for it.

  “Yeah.” Fox shrugged, heading to the fridge, taking out some tomatoes and started chopping them. Chase caught the fridge door before it shut then turned to me with a scowl.

  “You forgot the beers,” he accused.

  “Oh shit.” I pushed my fingers into my hair. “Totally slipped my mind.”

  “I’ll pick some up in the morning,” Fox said. “I’ve got to head over to Pascal’s warehouse to make sure he’s got a secure place for the shipment coming in tomorrow.”

  “I can come with you to check it’s all in order,” Chase offered.

  “No,” Fox said simply and Chase cursed.

  “Why not?” Chase grabbed some rum and started making Cuba Libres for all of us.

  “Because I don’t need you,” Fox said offhandedly, but I could see Chase taking that to heart as his eyes narrowed.

  I checked the time and frowned. I had an hour before I needed to be at the club and I was feeling all kinds of weird because I had two escort jobs booked in tonight.

  “I’m gonna get changed for work,” I said then headed out of the room, jogging upstairs and slowing as I approached Rogue’s door. It was quiet in her room and I chewed on the inside of my cheek as I hesitated there, unsure what exactly I was planning. The door yanked open and I swallowed a curse, looking like a fucking idiot as her eyes landed on me hovering there like a damn creeper.

  “Oh, hey,” she said, glancing down the hall to check for the others. “I was just about to go on a snack hunt.”

  “Fox is making food,” I said then ran my hand down the back of my neck.

  “Well that’s…good,” she said, smiling awkwardly and I fucking hated that, but I just didn’t have the right words to say, so I brushed my knuckles over her cheek instead and walked away to my room.

  I headed inside, shutting the door and drawing in a long breath. Douchebag. What the fuck was that? I have all the game in the world and yet I just choked like a hooker with an asphyxiation fetish.

  I showered, hating that I was washing my pretty girl off of me, then dressed in my best jeans and a fitted white shirt that showed off my biceps. I tucked my phone, wallet and keys into my pockets alongside a few condoms and scrubbed a hand over my face. Why did I feel so…fucked? Not the good kind of fucked either, the bad kind. Which was extra irritating because I should have been on cloud nine partying with rainbows and unicorns and shit. It wasn’t like I hadn’t had the time of my life, fuck I really had. But now I had to go back to my normal life. And my normal life was clear cut. Sex with Rogue should have been too and yet it just fucking wasn’t.

  I headed downstairs again and slowed as I found Rogue sitting at the kitchen island. Chase was playing a card game with her, trying really fucking hard not to smile as she made jokes and I had the urge to lean down and kiss her, lay my claim and show my brothers that she was mine. But she wasn’t mine. She’d said it herself. But that didn’t make the urge go away. It was just a bit of a headfuck because it made me feel like a teenager with an obsession again. And that was a scary ass place to go back to. I’d moved on, grown up.

  Fox laid out the pasta for us and I sat down beside Rogue, picking up my fork as Fox dropped down opposite me beside Chase. I wolfed down my meal, figuring it was best to just get the fuck out of here as soon as possible and fix my head. When I was finished, I got to my feet and said my goodbyes.

  “See ya, dude,” Chase said. “Enjoy the pussy.”

  My gaze locked on Rogue’s for far too long as those words fell between us like an axe. It was something Chase often said when I was heading to work, he didn’t even think about it, I didn’t even think about it. Until now.

  Rogue’s eyes hardened but she gave me a carefree look which I really hoped was bullshit. “Go get it, JJ.”

  My throat tightened and I nodded, trying to laugh it off, but it actually hurt. What’s the matter with me?

  “I want you with me in the morning, J,” Fox said and Chase’s mouth popped open indignantly.

  “Why him?” he demanded.

  “Because he can get up before seven am without bitching about it,” Fox said and Chase’s jaw flexed furiously.

  “I’ll be there,” I said and Chase looked even angrier. “Come on man, you hate mornings.”

  “I’m kinda with Chase on the ungodly hours. Who wants to function before ten am anyways? Fuck em’, Ace. We can have brunch together,” Rogue said in a way I wasn’t sure was entirely a joke. Why would she want to have brunch with Chase? He’d been nothing but a dick to her since she’d gotten back.

  “You wanna do brunch?” Chase questioned, though there was a flicker of hope in his eyes that got my back up.

  Great, now I’m a possessive asshole just like Fox. Chase had a right to fight for her too, not that he’d win, but I still wouldn’t block him when he was ready to shoot his shot because all of us deserved that much after the hell we’d been through over her.

  “Sure, if you cook it,” Rogue said. “I’ll make mimosas.”

  “What the fuck is happening right now?” Fox grumbled.

  “We’re making brunch plans,” Chase said, throwing a smirk at Fox. “Aren’t we, little one?”

  My brows arched at that old nickname and I clapped him on the shoulder way harder than was really friendly. He glanced back at me with a confused frown and I fought a scowl.

  “Well, have fun with that. Don’t kill each other.” I managed to force out a totally chill smile.

  “No promises,” Chase said darkly, looking to Rogue and she lifted her chin, giving him an equally murderous look. The way that shit was going, they were either going to kill each other or end up hate fucking. And I guess I had to hope for the latter if I was cutting
my losses. But I’d only just gotten my hands on her and I wanted more of that, more of her. Had I not fucked her good enough? Was she gonna look elsewhere now? Nah, can’t be that. I’m the best fuck in Sunset Cove, if not the entire state.

  I headed to the garage, jogging downstairs and grabbing my GT keys on the way before dropping into my car. I accelerated out onto the drive, heading up to the gate and Rodriguez opened it for me. I revved the engine, sailing past him with a wave and heading down the road. I was soon pulling up in the parking lot of Afterlife, my car drawing the attention of some teenagers loitering there.

  I headed in through the back door, finding Diane and Lyla in spangly outfits for the show tonight, both of them crowded around Bella who was sobbing in a chair.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, striding over to them and nudging Di and Lyla aside so I could step between them.

  “Olly called her a dumb slut,” Di murmured in my ear.

  “For fuck’s sake.” I hunted for Olly around the dressing room, but he wasn’t there. He’d been dating Bella on and off for the past few months, much to my fucking disapproval. It wasn’t like I wanted to stand in the way of love’s young dream or whatever, but a hooker dating a stripper who took issue with her fucking for cash was asking for trouble.

  “He said I d-drink too much as well,” Bella sobbed and I shared a look with Lyla which said well you do, honey. But I knew how to handle my girls individually, and trying to call Bella out on her drinking habit while the tap was currently busted on her waterworks was a terrible idea.

  “Alright, sweetheart, I’ll talk to him. Dry your eyes. Let the girls fix your makeup,” I said.

  “Thanks JJ,” Di murmured and I nodded to her, heading off to hunt down my little bastard of a co-dancer who was going to cost me money tonight if Bella didn’t dance.

  “Olly Sanchez!” I bellowed as I stepped out into the bar which was currently closed.

  Olly was sitting at the bar shirtless while Estelle put body paint on his chest. We were having a UV party and all the bartenders were coloured in ultraviolet paint. I always put at least one of my boys behind the bar during the week because there were plenty of women, and men, in town who came here to drool over the guys as much as the girls. Each of us had our own little fan club, but none was as big as mine.


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