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Tarot for Writers

Page 24

by Corrine Kenner

  Poverty Mentality. The beggars are dressed a lot like the two mendicants who were pictured in the previous card, the Five of Pentacles. They're both dirty and bedraggled and wrapped in old blankets. One's head is covered, which could symbolizes some sort of damage to his thought process. (As is the case with a lot of homeless people, the beggar might even suffer from some sort of mental illness or instability.)

  Energy Exchange. On a less obvious level, the Six of Pentacles also reminds us that money isn't the root of all evil-but the love of money can be. It also hints at the lovehate relationship that many people have with money, and by extension, the discomfort some people feel when they are on the receiving end of a compliment, a favor, or a gift. When anything of value changes hands, money is simply a way to measure the energy that's being exchanged between two parties.

  Can't Buy Me Love. Occasionally, the Six of Pentacles might suggest that someone may be trying to buy love or is begging for attention or affection.


  Upright: Business, commerce, trade, charity, presents, gifts, favors

  Reversed: Envy, jealousy, unsatisfied ambition, class warfare, taxation without representation, forced redistribution of wealth

  Writing Prompts

  Write about:

  . a beggar

  . a charity

  . a merchant

  . an outstretched hand

  . a Goodwill store

  Seven of Pentacles

  THE SEVEN OF PENTACLES is the card of patience, perseverance, and anticipation, as a young farmer gazes at a crop of seven ripening pentacles. While harvest day is approaching, at this point he's still poised between failure and success.

  Key Symbols

  Seed Money. While money itself doesn't grow on trees, the Seven of Pentacles does suggest that it's possible to grow one's finances through careful planting and cultivation. The card could even refer to seed money.

  Growth Fund. The card could also refer to the brief period of stagnation and inertia that can sometimes follow the initial excitement and enthusiasm of starting a new project.

  Patience. Remember that you can't rush Mother Nature, and that patience is a virtue.

  Counting Chickens. While success seems imminent, the card might be a warning of sorts: the young man could be dreaming about the rich harvest he expects, but that thinking could be premature. Late-summer storms occasionally rumble through and flatten even the hardiest of crops. All in all, the image could suggest the old adage "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

  Historical Significance. Historically, the Seven of Pentacles was believed to symbolize arguments, quarrels, and fights-or, alternatively, the qualities of innocence and ingenuity. The card was also thought to represent a raise, promotion, or some other improvement in position for a lady's future husband.


  Upright: Money, finance, business, barter, gain, profit, financial success

  Reversed: Money worries, anxiety about a loan, impatience, apprehension, suspicion, disappointment, failed harvest

  Writing Prompts

  Write about:

  . a buried seed

  . ripening fruit

  . an idea sprouting

  . a stakeout

  . a scarecrow

  Eight of Pentacles

  THE EIGHT OF PENTACLES is the card of prudence and preparation. A woodworker seated at his workbench is carving a series of pentacles. A skilled craftsman, he seems to be continually perfecting his skills-and at the same time, he's managing to produce marketable wares. He displays his products prominently, and he works in full view of customers and passerby.

  Key Symbols

  An Honest Day's Pay. Remember the artist in the Three of Pentacles? Here is his counterpart, the craftsman or artisan, who actually gets paid for his work. Granted, the craftsman's creations probably aren't as rarefied as the artist's-but what the artisan lacks in quality he makes up for in quantity.

  Arts and Crafts. He might not be strictly spiritual-but he's definitely more practical. In fact, as a craftsman, he's probably more likely than a starving artist to generate income, put food on the table, and keep a roof over his head-all without sacrificing his creativity. Ultimately, he may even be more spiritual, because he's better suited to the task of keeping body and soul together.

  Making Money. In many versions of the card, a stonemason carves a series of pentagrams on a series of golden disks. He is literally making money.

  Self-protection. He wears a heavy leather smock to protect himself from chips and shards of wood or stone.

  Historic Significance. Historically, the Eight of Pentacles symbolized intelligence, lovingly applied to material matters-such as agriculture and engineering. Another historic interpretation of the card says that it represents a young businessman or a dark girl.


  Upright: Art, craft, artistry, craftsmanship, workmanship, apprenticeship, tutelage, study, mastery, practicality, a money-making opportunity, practical use of a skill or a talent, artistic creations for sale or trade, work for hire

  Reversed: Loss of ambition, cunning, intrigue, vanity, greed, troubles with a loan, "penny wise and pound foolish"

  Writing Prompts

  Write about:

  • a carving

  • a woodworker

  • a craft fair

  • a trade show

  • the difference between artistry and craft

  Nine of Pentacles

  THE NINE OF PENTACLES Is a card of comfort and prosperity. In a well-manicured garden, an elegant woman stands with a falcon on her arm. She is alone, but she doesn't seem lonely. In fact, she looks as though she enjoys her solitude.

  Key Symbols

  Financial Security. The Nine of Pentacles often symbolizes financial security, perhaps through an inheritance or wisely planned investments. It suggests both good luck and good management of one's resources.

  To the Manor Born. In the distance, we can just barely see the manor, the main house on an estate. The woman's presence in the manor's garden is a sign of wealth and privilege.

  Opportunity Knocks. The woman in the card seems to have a history of putting herself in the right place at the right time, as well as a knack for making her own opportunities.

  Material Comforts. She is surrounded by wealth, luxury, and the comforts of material security. The nine pentacles that give the card its name are growing on the grapevines that surround her. The coming harvest will help assure her continued comfort and prosperity. She will have wine in the winter, and fruit for her bread.

  Security Fence. The trellised grapevines that surround her reinforce her sense of security. Like a wall, they symbolize protection from the outside world. This woman also seems to know her limitations. In fact, she has set her boundaries. She has chosen what she'll allow in and what she'll keep out.

  Custom Design. Gardens symbolize rest and reflection, order over chaos, and refuge. The woman in this card has tamed nature; her mind has superimposed its own design on the world around her.

  Animal Control. She holds a trained falcon on her leather-gloved hand. Even though the falcon is a bird of prey-as well as a hunting weapon that's notoriously difficult to master-she handles the bird with a natural grace and ease.


  Upright: Material well-being, riches, inheritance, pleasure, prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, discernment; solitude and peace

  Reversed: Theft, deception, loneliness, restlessness

  Writing Prompts

  Write about:

  • comfort

  • wealth

  • privilege

  • social status

  • solitude

  Ten of Pentacles

  THE TEN OF PENTACLES is a card of extended family. In the courtyard of a medieval dwelling, three generations are gathered: a young couple, their small child, and a whitehaired, bearded grandfather.

  Key Symbols

  The wealth of detail i
n the Ten of Pentacles is as rich as you would expect in a card that suggests prosperity and satisfaction-not only on the material level, but also in the emotional realm.

  Family Life. In most readings, the Ten of Pentacles suggests the richness of family life. It symbolizes inheritance, not only of resources, but also of wisdom, experience, family values, and beliefs, all passed from generation to generation.

  Tree of Life. The people in the card are positioned behind an emblem of ten pentacles, which is shaped like the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

  Social Security. The old man is wearing an elegant cloak, which implies wealth, social status, and security.

  Go Greyhound. The dogs also hint at the family's status: they are greyhounds, a breed that used to be reserved for noblemen and aristocrats.

  Structural Stability. The young couple is standing under an arch, an ancient architectural construct that still stands as one of the strongest, long-lasting designs for any building. The structure suggests a permanence and support for their relationship.

  House in Order. In the classic Celtic Cross spread, one position is reserved for a card known as your "house." By design, the card that lands in that position describes the people closest to you, the ones who see you every day and know you well. In many respects, the Ten of Pentacles illustrates the "house" concept perfectly, simply by depicting several generations of a single family gathered under a single roof.

  Respect and Protect. There's a brick wall between the young couple and their patriarch, which suggests a healthy boundary between them.

  Historic Significance. Historically, the Ten of Pentacles symbolized gambling, games of chance, and loss.


  Upright: Riches, family life, home, household, inheritance, pension, legacy

  Reversed: Disharmony, discord, strife, arguments with family members

  Writing Prompts

  Write about:

  . an old man and his dog

  . a wall

  . a young boy at play

  . family tradition

  . intergenerational relationships

  Page of Pentacles

  THE PAGE OF PENTACLES is a young man with both his feet on the ground. He is nurturing, generous, and kind. He is also studious, diligent, and persevering. He may even be a child prodigy. Despite his high level of skill, however, he is usually extremely careful, even cautious, and he doesn't take many risks.

  In fact, according to tarot tradition, the Page of Pentacles is earth-in human form. He embodies the grounded energy that connects the suit of Pentacles to the world of matter and physical existence. In other words, the Page of Pentacles is a graphic example of how earth can take human form.

  Key Symbols

  Salt of the Earth. Like all pages, the Page of Pentacles is youthful, with childlike enthusiasm and an unbounded capacity to learn. He stands with an oversized pentacle in his hand, as if displaying a work of art. Wrapped in a green cloak, he stands in a green valley. His feet are both firmly planted on the ground; he's moving slowly, focused only at the treasure in his hands.

  Package Delivery. During the Renaissance, pages were the youngest members of the royal court. It was their job to take news from one person to another. Because the suit of Pentacles is concerned with physical life, the Page of Pentacles specializes in delivering messages with physical impact.

  Learning to Run. The Page of Pentacles is still immature, so his physical ability is not fully developed. He's young and strong, but his fine motor skills are still unrefined. Indoors, he's like a bull in a china shop. Outdoors, he's in his element: he can walk for miles across the open countryside. Hiking and camping are two of his favorite pastimes.

  Historic Significance. Historically, the Page of Pentacles was said to refer to a dark youth, a young officer or soldier, or a child.


  Upright: Study, physical development, news about physical existence

  Reversed: Delays in physical development and maturity

  Writing Prompts

  Write about:

  • a camper

  • a hiker

  • a physical message

  • a physical lesson

  • an earthy young person

  Knight of Pentacles

  THE KNIGHT OF PENTACLES DOESN'T fit most people's preconceptions of knights. He doesn't move fast, he's not especially flirtatious, and when the rest of the knights ride off on adventures, he usually stays behind to take care of the kingdom's routine border patrols. His mission in life seems to be taking care of the ordinary details and everyday responsibilities that the other knights overlook.

  In fact, some people think the Knight of Pentacles is actually sort of dull. He's steady, reliable, practical, patient, slow-moving, and methodical. He pays an almost slavish attention to detail. He is earthy and grounded-so well grounded that it takes him a lot of time to get moving and pick up speed. He is slow to anger, but furious when he's finally enraged.

  Key Symbols

  Down-to-Earth. Elementally speaking, the four knights of the tarot are all fiery. They simply combine the element of fire with the element of their own suit. In that regard, the Knight of Pentacles embodies the rather uneventful combination of fire with earth.

  Slow Motion. The Knight of Pentacles seems to have traded his valiant steed for a heavy black workhorse. He's paused at the bank of a river while he seems to ponder the pentacle in his outstretched hand. Both he and his horse are at rest; neither one is moving.

  Slow Growth. On the other side of the river, several fields have been cultivated and new crops are beginning to sprout.

  Astrological Symbolism. Astrologically, the four knights of the tarot are associated with the four mutable signs of the zodiac. The Knight of Pentacles represents the mutable fire sign of Virgo, which makes him conscientious and conservative.

  Historical Significance. Historically, a reversed Knight of Pentacles was said to foretell a brief period of unemployment.


  Upright: Solidity, usefulness, responsibility, practicality

  Reversed: Inertia, idleness, stagnation

  Writing Prompts

  Write about:

  • a sturdy young man

  • a couch potato

  • a long-term plan

  • a physical adventure

  • a physical rescue

  Queen of Pentacles

  THE QUEEN OF PENTACLES is more than just earthy and grounded. She is intensely physical, sensual, primal, lusty, and tactile. Like the emblem of her suit, she is well-rounded.

  Because the suit of Pentacles is associated with money and material possessions, the Queen of Pentacles is also connected to riches, wealth, and opulence. She's resourceful; when she invests her time and energy in a project, it turns into gold.

  Practical and sensible, she's a natural healer who could go so far as to have a career as a doctor or nurse. She especially likes to work with children so she can see them grow. At home, she has a green thumb. She has plants in every window and gardens in her yard. The Queen of Pentacles also likes luxury and physical comforts, enjoyments that could lead her to be an interior decorator or designer.

  Key Symbols

  Queen of Earth. Like all of the tarot's queens, the Queen of Pentacles is a mature woman, gracious and wise in the ways of the world. Queens, of course, are rulersbut their ruler is based on the feminine principles of safeguarding and nurturing their realms. The Queen of Pentacles is charged with safeguarding and nurturing the suit of Pentacles, which corresponds to the earthy world of material and physical reality.

  She is also quiet, kind, and unassuming. While she is practical, she can be extremely generous. She has a big heart, and she is liberal with her time, her emotions, and her resources.

  Earth Signs. Almost every symbol in the card reinforces the Queen's connection with earth. She sits in a garden of delights, much like the Empress, her counterpart in the Major Arcana. Rams' heads decorate the arms of her throne, a ref
erence to the earthy sign of Capricorn. She's sheltered from the harsh light of the sun by an arbor of fruit-bearing trees. She can see many worlds in the pentacle she holds.

  Astrological Symbolism. Astrologically, the four queens of the tarot are associated with the four cardinal signs of the zodiac. The Queen of Pentacles represents the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, which makes her a savvy businesswoman who can cultivate a wide range of resources for her people.

  Elemental Symbolism. Elementally speaking, the four queens are all watery. Each one combines the element of water with the element of her suit. As a result, the queen of the earthy suit of Pentacles embodies the fertile combination of water and earth.

  Historical Significance. Historically, the Queen of Pentacles was said to foretell presents from a wealthy relative, and a rich and happy marriage for a young man.


  Upright: A dark woman, wealth, security, generosity, magnificence, confidence, candor

  Reversed: Evil, suspicion, suspense, fear, mistrust, suspicion

  Writing Prompts

  Write about:

  • a gardener

  • a florist

  • a dark and mysterious woman

  • a secret pregnancy

  • a wealthy woman

  King of Pentacles

  THE KING OF PENTACLES is a levelheaded businessman who manages the affairs of his kingdom with mathematical precision. He is conscientious, wise, and practical-and he has a flair for ingenious solutions to complicated problems.

  It usually takes him a long time to get angry-but once roused, he can be furious. The rest of the time, he may seem emotionless, imperturbable, and insensitive.

  The King of Pentacles likes to help others gain financially and materially from their work and relationships. He cultivates alliances and partnerships that are deep and long lasting.


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