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Tarot for Writers

Page 27

by Corrine Kenner

  Tetragrammaton-the unutterable name of God, made up of the Hebrew letters Yod, Heh, Vau, Heh.

  Thirteen-bad luck; number of witches in a coven; the number of men at the last supper; number of full moons in a calendar or lunar year.

  Thoth-ancient dog-headed Egyptian god of wisdom; scribe of the gods; married to Ma'at, goddess of justice.

  Three-body, mind, and spirit; birth, life, and death; past, present, and future; holy trinities.

  Three-Leaf Clover-the Holy Trinity.

  Throne-monarchy; wisdom; divinity.

  Ticket-exclusive entrance.

  Tide-the ebb and flow of life; the emotions.

  Tomb-gateway to another life.

  Tower-man's creation.

  Tower card-should we build ourselves up too high, the Tower card warns that a bolt from the blue could shake us to our very foundations.

  Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil-bears five fruits, representing the five senses.

  Tree of Life-the roots are planted in heaven and the branches extend to earth. Its twelve fruits represent the twelve facets of personality, as well as the months of the year and the disciples of Christ.

  Tree-the mind.

  Triangle-interest in metaphysics; see Three.

  Trickster-cultural variant of the Fool.

  Triple Goddess-maiden, mother, and crone; comparable to other triple deities such as father, son, and holy spirit.

  Trump cards-the cards of the Major Arcana.

  Twins-symbol of the astrological sign Gemini.

  Two-duality; partnerships; choices; combinations; creative power; echo; reflection; conflict; occasionally a graphic female symbol.

  Typhon-the serpent; the five senses.


  Undine-elemental creature of water.

  Unicorn-chastity; purity; lunar; feminine.

  Uranus-planet of rebellion and the unexpected.

  Valley-fertility; cultivation; water.

  Veil-hidden emotions, actions, thoughts, and ideas.

  Venus-planet of love; morning and evening star.

  Virgin-symbol of the astrological sign Virgo.

  Virtues-the cardinal virtues of ancient Greece were philosophy, justice, prudence, fortitude, and temperance. Justice, Strength, and Temperance are represented in the Major Arcana.


  Wand-channel for spirit and creative energy; creative power.

  Water Lilies-eternal life.

  Water Signs-the "feelers" of the Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

  Water-Bearer-symbol of the astrological sign Aquarius.

  Wave-swelling emotional force and energy.

  Web-the snare of Satan.

  Wells-offer water and refreshment from the womb of Mother Earth; source of wish fulfillment.

  Wheat-abundance; growth; harvest.

  Wheel-cycle of cosmic expression; the year; time.

  Wheel of Fortune card-because nothing is certain but change itself, the Wheel of Fortune reminds us all that what goes up must also come down.

  White-positive; active.

  Wine-celebration; harvest; blood.

  Wolf-untamed; wild; uncivilized; underlying violence and fear.

  World card-a card of completion and success, the World is the last stop on the Fool's journey.


  X-Y Z

  Yin-Yang-Chinese symbol of the balance between masculine and feminine; active and passive.

  Yggdrasil-the World Tree of Norse mythology.

  Yod-Hebrew letter; the hand of God; divine intervention; gift; drop of light; descent of life force from spirit into material.

  Yoni-Eastern symbol of receptive, feminine energy (see Lingam).

  Zero-non-being; the cosmic egg; the wheel of the year; the circle of life; completion.

  Zodiac-literally, "circle of animals."

  Zodiac Signs:

  . Aries (the ram): (March 21-April 20) The initiator; ruled by Mars.

  . Taurus (the bull): (April 21-May 20) The maintainer; ruled by Venus.

  . Gemini (the twins): (May 21-June 20) The questioner; ruled by Mercury.

  . Cancer (the crab): (June 21-July 20) The nurturer; ruled by the Moon.

  . Leo (the lion): (July 21-August 20) The loyalist; ruled by the Sun.

  . Virgo (the virgin): (August 21-September 20) The modifier; ruled by Mercury.

  . Libra (the scales): (September 21-October 20) The judge; ruled by Venus.

  . Scorpio (the scorpion): (October 21-November 20) The catalyst; ruled by Pluto.

  . Sagittarius (the archer): (November 21-December 20) The adventurer; ruled by Jupiter.

  • Capricorn (the goat): (December 21-January 20) The pragmatist; ruled by Saturn.

  . Aquarius (the water bearer): (January 21-February 20) The reformer; ruled by Uranus.

  . Pisces (the fish): (February 21-March 20) The visionary; ruled by Neptune.

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  *Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Princeton University Press; Reprint edition, 1972)




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