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The Marquis She's Been Waiting For

Page 24

by Ella Quinn

  Taking the paper, Dorie read the list. “I like this idea about a trust in which to keep my property. I do not have much, but what I do have I value. And the part about any future inheritance.” She did not think Alex would attempt to interfere with any of her charities. He already supported most of them, but it did not hurt to add that as well. “Thank you. I believe I shall join their discussion.” Feeling much better she rose. “Before I go, will you give me your receipt for the tea blend?”

  Henrietta smiled and hugged Dorie. “I shall give it to you as a wedding present.”

  Striding back across the square, she went immediately to her father’s study, knocked, and opened the door. “I have decided as these agreements are about me, I should be here to tell you what I want in them.”

  Alex burst out laughing and her father slid a pound note across his desk toward her betrothed. “I’m only surprised it took you this long.”

  She was appalled. “You wagered on me?”

  “Only a pound.” He grinned unrepentantly. “I didn’t want to fleece my future father-in-law.”

  “To make it clear,” Papa said, “the wager was not about whether you would come, but how soon it would be.”

  “Oh.” She took the chair next to Alex and handed him the paper, and asked her father, “How long did you think I would take?”

  “I’d given you another half hour. Exeter gave you ten minutes, and that only due to your mother delaying you.”

  “I don’t have an issue with any of this.” Alex slid her provisions across her father’s desk.

  Papa looked at it. “Nor do I.” He set the paper aside. “We might as well discuss your pin money. I realize that other than bonnets and other items such as that, you most likely do not know the cost of your clothing, therefore, I asked your mother to provide me an accounting…” He named a sum Dorie thought was quite extravagant, but Alex increased the amount based on what his mother had received.

  “You will not be able to fund your charities from that,” he mused. “Shall I match what I am giving?”

  “If you like.” She knew from what Henrietta had said that he had been generous.

  A few minutes later, the men of business arrived, and Dorie did more listening than talking. It was interesting to hear what, exactly, her future husband was worth. No wonder he had been so concerned about managing the estates well. He would not wish his wealth to decrease. What he did not seem to have was many investments.

  “I could have sworn your father discussed other funds,” Papa said.

  Alex’s solicitor blanched, and Alex shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Glancing at his lawyer and Papa’s he said, “Will you leave us for a moment?”

  Papa’s solicitor glanced at him and he nodded.

  Once the door shut behind the two men, Alex cleared his throat. “There is something I must tell you.” He took Dorie’s hand. “I meant to tell you before your parents came in to congratulate us. My father had another family. The eldest is the same age as Phillida…”

  To say Dorie was shocked was an understatement. That a gentleman, much less a peer, would knowingly enter into a bigamous marriage was dishonorable. It did give her much more sympathy for Lady Exeter. “Well.”

  “I have thought of looking in on them or sending someone to do it for me, but my solicitor assures me that they are well provided for.”

  “Not that it matters much to the children. If you accepted them as your brothers, Polite Society would think nothing of it. As a matter of fact, they would have a higher status than they do now.” Dorie squeezed his hand. “But the lady would be ruined if it got out.”

  “You’re right, of course.” He rubbed his thumb across her knuckles, sending up little frissons of pleasure. “I shall leave well enough alone.”

  The talks—they really could not be called negotiations as everyone agreed on almost everything—lasted for another two hours only because the lawyers had to write everything down and have Alex, her father, and her review the agreement. The solicitors left as Banwell came in to say it was time for luncheon.

  They rose and she tucked her hand in the crook of Alex’s arm. “I am famished.”

  “I am as well.” Despite having wanted Dorie to himself earlier, Alex was glad the marriage contracts were settled. “Would you like to discuss the wedding with your parents while we eat, and then you can select your ring?”

  “Yes.” She pulled a face. “Although other than deciding who will be my attendant, I do not think I will have much to do. Mama will want to plan the wedding breakfast.”

  “I have to say that I don’t care how grand she decides to make it. We won’t be there for the whole thing in any event.”

  “Are you planning to run away with me, my lord?” She grinned.

  “I am planning to take you on our wedding trip. Where would you like to go?” They entered the family dining room, and Alex held out Dorie’s chair.

  “Honestly?” Sitting, she smoothed her skirts.

  “Yes.” He took the seat next to her. “What are you thinking?”

  “I would like to visit your estates. Then, if there is time, visit Paris for a short while.”

  He visualized the location of his estates and the most expeditious manner of routing the journey and nodded. “I think that would work out well.”

  The rest of luncheon consisted of Alex and Dorie agreeing with whatever her mother said about the wedding breakfast.

  “The two of you are being extraordinarily agreeable.” Her ladyship narrowed her eyes at them.

  When they exchanged a glance and nodded to her she threw up her hands. “Very well. I shall do as I like.”

  Chuckling, Dorie’s father placed his hand over her mother’s. “If they are anything like we were, they just want to marry and be away.”

  “Of course they do, my love.” Her mother smiled.

  Dorie placed her serviette on the table. “If you will excuse us, I would like to see what is available for my ring.”

  “As you wish, my dear.” Lady Huntingdon began writing in her pocketbook as they left the dining room.

  She turned toward the back of the house. “I am so excited that I shall be able to choose my own ring.”

  Alex was glad he’d made that decision. After all, she’d be the one wearing it. They entered a small room with pegs on the wall holding a few cloaks and mules. He opened the door and they stepped into one side of the garden. “This is clever. One does not even notice it.”

  “It is. My mother likes to garden, and having the items she might need here means she does not have to call her maid.”

  When they reached the gate to the mews, he went through first and glanced around to ensure they were relatively alone. Taking her hand, he walked past the narrow garden of the house between his home and Huntingdon House.

  She glanced back at her parents’ house then at his. “Was your house combined with another one as well?”

  “I have no idea. I’ve never thought about it.” And he really didn’t care. What he did care about was getting her into his house. He took her hand. “We do not want to linger here.”

  “Of course.”

  Taking a key out of his vest pocket he opened the gate and prayed she wouldn’t be distracted by his garden.

  “Oh, how pretty!” Dorie smiled at him and Alex wanted to groan.

  “I’ll show it to you later.” He gave her hand a little tug and sent thanks to the deity when she came without arguing.

  They went through the morning room, and Dorie stopped to look at it. At this rate, they’d never get to his bedchamber where he’d purposely left the rings. “The rings.”

  “Oh, yes. Of course.” Her gaze had lit upon a painting of a girl in a boat. “That is a Steen?”

  “Dorie, can you look at it later?” Oh God, he was practically begging. This, apparently, is what love did to a

  “I am sorry.” She had a contrite look on her beautiful face. “I have plenty of time to inspect the house.”

  He had a moment of panic when they entered his bedchamber and she stopped next to the door before strolling farther into the room. “I have never been in a gentleman’s bedroom before.”

  “One would hope not,” he muttered to himself. “I have not had an opportunity to change anything. You may do so if you wish.”

  Her perfectly arched brows drew together as she tilted her head. “To your bedroom?”

  Now that he realized she wasn’t going to run away in fear, he sauntered toward her. “You will be sleeping here as well. At least I hope you will.” Reaching her he placed his palms on her shoulders. “The marchioness’s apartments are through that door.”

  She glanced to the right side of the room. “My parents have always slept together.”

  Alex moved his hands to her jaw and stroked her soft cheeks with his thumbs. “I hope we shall too.”

  Dorie sighed, and he lowered his lips to hers. He’d waited and wanted this for so long, he was surprised it was actually happening. Her arms slid around his waist, and he deepened the kiss. Lord, how he wanted her.

  Pulling back a bit, she broke the kiss. “The rings.”

  This time he did groan. “Of course, the rings.” He took her hand again and drew her to a desk where his valet had set the rings out on a blue velvet cloth. At this rate, he was never going to be able to make love to her. “Take your time.”

  Dorie lowered herself into the chair and one by one inspected all the rings. There had to have been at least twenty. Finally she selected one with diamonds, amethysts, and pearls set in a wide-figured gold band. “This one.”

  It was perfect for her. Taking it from her, he slipped it too easily on the ring finger of her right hand. “We’ll take it to Rundell and Bridge and have it fitted properly.”

  “And this time, since I am with my betrothed, I will be able to look at the offerings.”

  And Alex would commission a necklace and earrings for her to match the ring. “That’s an excellent idea.”

  He drew her up and to him. She came, flawlessly fitting into his embrace, reaching up, she cupped his face, and kissed him. “I think I am going to like being married to you.”

  “I certainly hope so.” He’d do everything in his power to make her happy. “I know I’m going to like living the rest of my life with you.”

  He held her to him as he stroked down her back over her bottom. His throbbing cock was wreaking havoc with his brain, but he had to take this slowly. There was only one first time to get it right. Sliding one hand back up, he cupped her breasts, feathering his thumb over her nipple while he was busy unfastening the buttons on the back of her gown before starting on the laces of her stays. Thank the gods they were short.

  Dorie moaned and slid her arms around his neck. Her gown and stays sagged, but he had no way of getting them down unless he broke their kiss. Something he did not want to do.. He’d never had this problem before.. Then something miraculous happened. She lowered one arm and shrugged out of the gown, chemise, and petticoat. When that arm was free she replaced her hand on his cheek, and did the same thing with the other arm. Carefully he pushed the mass of cloth down, and it puddled on the rug. Alex stroked every inch of her soft skin, reveling in her moans and small lust-filled sounds.

  Dipping his head, he licked one breast then the other. “Dorie, I want you.”

  She leaned back, her lips swollen with his kisses and her eyes glazed. “You are talking about doing it.”

  “It?” He’d heard many terms for the act, but never “it.”

  She nibbled his chin as he’d kissed hers. “That’s the only name we have for it.” She stroked his chest. “But I think you need to remove your clothing as well as mine.”

  With whom had she been discussing marital congress? She kissed him again. The answer to that would have to wait. For now he was just grateful she knew something. “Yes, I do.”

  He reached up to his cravat, but she pushed his hand away. “I’ll do it.”

  Before he unbuttoned his waistcoat, his cravat was hanging loose. She pushed at his jacket as he shrugged out of it.

  Dorie moistened her lips as she lifted his shirt. “Fabulous. Much better than the marbles.” She threaded her fingers through the hair on his chest, and …found his nipples. Her tongue flicked out, and he was lost. “Take off your shirt. I’m busy.”

  Despite being randier than he’d ever been before, Alex almost laughed. God he loved her. He lifted his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor. He should have worn shoes today instead of boots. Fortunately, the ones he wore were soft and not hard to remove. The only problem was that to do so he had let go of Dorie. There was nothing for it. “I have to take my boots off.”

  “As do I.” Her mouth left his nipples and found his lips again.

  Perhaps they didn’t have to do that right this second. Sweeping her into his arms, he carried her to the bed, pulled back the cover, and carefully placed her down. Her hair was still up and he wanted to see it down. Slowly he removed the pins one by one, letting each tendril fall as he did. Each piece curled around her, caressing her lush breasts and framing her face. “You have the most gorgeous hair.”


  Alex felt the corners of his lips quirk up. Managing indeed.

  He glanced down. Her shoes were tied up her legs. He could leave them on, but he’d never get his pantaloons off with his boots on. In less time than he’d thought possible, they were completely naked holding each other.

  Nothing, no other woman had ever felt so right. And she belonged to him for the rest of his life. “I love you. I never thought I could love anyone the way I love you.”

  “I never thought it would … I would feel this way. It is like being in heaven.”

  “We’re not nearly done yet.” He prayed she liked the rest as much as she liked it so far.

  Dorie alternately wanted to squirm closer to Alex and feel his strong body against hers, and lean back to give him more access. The soft curly hairs on his chest abraded her nipples. But his tongue. Oh Lord, his tongue created fires throughout her body. And she could not get enough of the tight muscles stretched across his back. Not to mention his buttocks. She had only had a brief glance, but they were works of art. As if a sculptor spent days making them perfect.

  Still she needed to see all of him. Particularly the part—the member—she had touched this morning. Looking down, she could barely see the tip of it, but it felt both hard and soft against her legs.

  Then Alex took one nipple into his mouth, and she couldn’t think of anything else. His fingers stroked over her belly and down to there. Her hips rose wanting more. It was amazing how her body knew what it wanted. All she had to do was follow along. His fingers rubbed lightly between her legs and tension like she’d never experienced before rose. Then something, his finger it had to be, was inside her and her hips rose again, taking it deeper. She’d never felt anything so wonderful, but she needed more.

  “Let go, my love.”

  For a moment she did not understand, then she gasped as convulsion after convulsion robbed her breath and left her floating on a warm cloud. Still there was more.

  He rubbed against her core. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” This was the part that might hurt, but after all he’d done for her, it did not matter.

  “Wrap your legs around me.” She did as she was told. He kissed her again, and the sharp pain was immediate. She could not breathe at first. Then she took a shallow breath and another.

  “My love, Dorie, how do you feel?” His tone was so soft and tender

  Opening her eyes she could see the worry on Alex’s face. “I’ll be fine.”

  He inched deeper and stretched her until he had taken over her whole body. Th
en he moved, slowly at first, and the tension built as it had before until she shattered into a million pieces. He called her name before slumping off to her side, drawing her to him.

  Alex placed one hand on her cheek and searched her face before kissing her deeply. “Never forget I love you.”

  If this was what it was like, she might never leave this room. “I love you too.” He rolled on top of her. “It was wonderful.”

  Grinning, he kissed her forehead. “It.”

  “Well, we did not know what exactly to call the act.”

  He placed his other arm behind his head. “Let me see. There are many vulgar terms for it.” She punched him in the side, but he only let out an oufh. “The more common words are marital or sexual congress.” He cuddled her closer and kissed her again. “I think I prefer making love.”

  Nestling her head on his chest, she smiled to herself. “I like that too.”

  “As long as you do not mind giving up it as a name.”

  She opened her eyes. The man was smirking. “You are making fun of me.”

  “No. Well, yes. I suppose I am. But only of the term.”

  Scowling at him, she tapped a finger on his chest. “You have no idea how difficult it is for unmarried ladies to acquire information about making love.”

  “Whereas young men are practically thrown into it,” he mused. “I see your point. How did you find out?”

  “Henrietta. Her sister told her enough to not be taken advantage of. Naturally, we all discussed as much of it as we knew about.” She frowned. “Which was not much.”

  Both his arms came around her. “So now that you have made love,” he said, punctuated by a light kiss, “what do you think?”

  This, making love, seemed to be very important to him. Had Alex been afraid she would not enjoy it? “I liked making love with you a great deal.”

  Running his fingers through her hair, he drew her head down and kissed her deeply. Before today, Dorie never would have thought that having a man’s tongue in her mouth, and touching his tongue with her own, could be so enjoyable. “It won’t hurt the next time. I promise you.”

  “When will your sisters and servants return?” She should have realized when they had arrived that no one else was here but them. No wonder he had been so insistent on bringing her to his bedchamber.


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