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Lost Boy

Page 8

by M. Robinson

  “I got off the phone with the director before I called you. Whatever you did, you did it right, girl. He said you were made for the part.” Before I could contemplate what he just shared, he added, “Proud of you, Sky.”

  Although he couldn’t see me, I smiled and shrugged. “I’m happy my audition went so well. All I did was what you always tell me to do. Gave it my all.”

  “You were born to do this. I knew it the first time your mom brought you into my agency, demanding I meet you.”

  “You always say that.”

  “It’s the truth. You were barely walking when I first met you, and as soon as you smiled, I knew you’d be a star. Signed you that very day. I still remember the first time you heard Annie years later, and you just started singing at that audition. Belting out the lyrics with a voice that didn’t match your body. A powerhouse vocal ability coming from this small, little girl. You couldn’t have been more than what? Four, five-years-old?”

  “Six. I was six-years-old.”

  I know they say it’s impossible to recall something when you’re that young, but I did. I remembered everything about that day. I’d been singing little things here and there up until that point, but when I heard Annie sing, “Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya all of the days and nights of tomorrow!” Something inside me awoke, and when I walked out of that audition, I knew my life would never be the same.

  And it wasn’t.

  “Production on the movie starts the day after your show’s season ends, and will wrap right before the new season begins. You’ll be flown out to Colorado for the next six months and then back to Southport in time to start filming for the next season.”

  “Wow, so I don’t get a break?”

  “Not this time. You’re on a tight schedule as it is, and the director is already working around it because he wants you for the role. The first two months you’ll be learning all the choreography and songs. There’ll be a vocal coach training with you day and night. I’ll send you the script later today, so you can start learning your lines.”

  I listened intently, not saying a word.

  “You can do it, I have full faith in you,” he stated, knowing I needed to hear it.

  No one knew me like Keith did. He’d been such a huge part of my life since before I could walk. Not only was he my agent and manager, he was part of my family, and I don’t know what I would do without him.

  “The world will finally hear Skyler Bell’s voice and see her acting ability full force. You’ll be surrounded by an all-star cast, and the role alone can get you nominated for an award, Sky. Or, at least, finally get you some recognition from more A-list directors.”

  I nodded. “Right.”

  “Jesus, I called in a lot of favors to get you this audition, little girl. How about some more enthusiasm and a thank you?”

  “Right, no… I mean… of course… yes!” I anxiously exclaimed. “I’m excited and thrilled for this opportunity, I’m just… overwhelmed,” I paused, trying to govern my thoughts and emotions. “I just… I… I… didn’t expect to get the role, and it’s a lot to take in. I don’t want to let anyone down, especially you, Keith. I know how hard you work for me. How hard you’ve always worked for me, and I’m forever grateful and thankful for you. I’m sorry if I didn’t sound like I was.”

  “Get your shit together, Sky. You’re about to become a star.”

  “I—” He ended the call. “Great… now he’s mad at me,” I said to myself, placing my phone on the nightstand. I sat there for a few minutes, staring off into space. Going over the audition in my mind, trying to figure out what I did different to earn me the role.

  My body jolted the second I heard the phone ringing again, except this time it was the landline. Breaking me away from the memory of that day.

  Not looking at the caller ID, I answered, “I’m sorry, Keith, please tell me you’re not upset. You know I hate it when you’re mad at me.”

  “Who the fuck is Keith?” a familiar voice growled from the other end.

  I pulled the phone away from my ear, looking at the unknown number on the screen. “Noah?” I questioned, recognizing the Southern accent.

  “You makin’ someone mad with that sassy mouth of yours, I don’t believe it,” he mocked in a sarcastic tone. “You gonna tell me who Keith is?”

  “How did you get my number?”

  “It’s called the Internet. You be amazed how much you can find when ya know where someone lives.”

  I laughed, I couldn’t help it. Noah had this ability to pull me away from anything, which was why I needed to stay away from him.

  “So who’s Keith? I got competition? ’Cuz I’ll tell ya, I fight fuckin’ dirty.”

  My cheeks flushed and my belly fluttered. If there was one thing I learned about Noah right from the start, it was he spoke his mind anytime he opened his mouth. He never held back, and it was one of the things I liked the most about him. He was as genuine as they came, and I hadn’t met a lot of honest people in my life. Especially not in this business.

  It was refreshing.

  He was my breath of fresh air.

  Which was yet another reason I needed to stay away from him.

  “He’s my agent and manager,” I replied, putting him out of his misery. Though I was enjoying thinking about him fighting over me.

  Stop it, Sky.

  The bright sunlight blinded me through the shades, reminding me of how early it was and my eyes wandered to the clock on the nightstand, it read 7:10.

  “What are you doing up this early, anyway? I thought all guys slept the morning away.”

  “Don’t think ’bout other guys when you talkin’ to me, Skyler.”

  I rolled my eyes, but I still found myself smirking.

  “Imma ray of fuckin’ sunshine. Don’t need that much sleep. Can’t stay asleep for very long as it is.”

  I could hear the humor in his voice, but I also heard pain in his tone, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to know why.

  “Somethin’ tells me you can’t sleep for very long either. So since neither of us are sleepin’, how ’bout we start our date now.”

  “Date?” I jerked back.

  “Yeah, ya know… when two people go out, guy pays for everythin’, they get to know each other. Maybe there’s a reach-around?”

  I giggled with a great big smile on my face.

  “There’s my girl,” he rasped, making me bite the corner of my lip.

  “I’ve never been on a date,” I blurted, instantly smacking my hand on my forehead. Noah also had this ability to get the truth out of me, without even trying. “I mean—”

  “I ain’t ever been on a date either. We can be each other’s first. Would ya like that? Me bein’ your first?”

  My eyes widened, and my belly did this somersault thing that only happened when he spoke to me in that suggestive way. I never had anyone talk to me like he did, and I’d be lying again if I said I didn’t like that too.

  “I… ummm… I—”

  “It’s alright, Cutie. I’d love for you to be my first.”

  I breathed out, “Noah Jameson, what am I going to do with you?” I pondered, shaking my head.

  “I already told ya. Whatever the fuck you want. See ya at the river in an hour.”

  “An hou—” He hung up.

  What is it with guys hanging up on me this morning?

  I threw the covers off my body and made my way into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I took a quick shower and threw on a light pink summer dress with Chucks. I never wore makeup unless I was on set or going to an audition, but I decided that today was as good a time as any to put some on. I coated my already long, thick lashes with black mascara which always made my blue eyes pop more than they already did on their own. Sweeping a peach blush across the apples of my cheeks, I finished off my look with a blueberry-flavored lip gloss, and left my hair cascading down my back and framing my face.

  “Dad!” I shouted, walking across the hall toward hi
s room. “Dad, you up?” I asked, knocking on his partially open door. When he didn’t answer, I announced, “I’m coming in.”

  There he was, exactly how I knew he would be. Still dressed in his dirty clothes and filthy work boots, passed out on top of his made bed.

  He worked highway construction and worked crazy hours, mostly at night.

  “Dad.” I shook him, trying to wake him up.

  “Mmm… not now, baby…” he grumbled in his sleep.

  “What time did you get home last night?”

  “Working, baby… I’m tired. Talk… later.”

  I sighed. “Fine.”

  “Love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too. I’ll be gone for most of the day, but I’ll have my phone on me.”

  “Going to set?”

  “It’s Sunday, Dad.”

  “That’s right… I knew that…” He slightly opened his sleepy bloodshot eyes, looking me over. “You going to an audition with Keith?”

  I shook my head. “No. Keith’s in LA.”

  “Why do you look like that then?”

  I scoffed, “Thanks, Dad. You saying I look like crap?”

  “No, baby. You look just like your mom. Beautiful.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Dad. Oh! Guess what?”

  “Hmmm…” he groaned, closing his eyes again.

  “I got the role!”

  “What role?”

  “Dad… you know what role. The one I haven’t stopped talking about. The Chicago remake?”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right… I knew that too.” He opened his eyes, once again taking me in. “Congratulations, Sky.”

  “This is huge, Dad! It could be my big break. I’m Roxie Hart, she’s one of the lead roles.”

  “You’re already a big star to me, Skyler. Always have been, always will be.”

  I smirked.

  “Now let me get some sleep. We’ll celebrate later tonight.”

  “Really?” My eyes widened. “You promise?”

  “Of course, baby.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back by dinner. I can make your favorite—”

  “Nonsense, I’m going to take my baby girl out to dinner. Anywhere you want to eat.”

  “Really?!” I beamed.

  “Anything for you, now go. Let me get some sleep.”

  I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, his familiar smell lingering all around him. “I’ll see you later.” Taking one last look at him, I turned and left, closing the door behind me.

  Rushing down the stairs, I threw a bagel in the toaster, spread some cream cheese on it, and ran toward the door. Grabbing my purse and throwing it over my shoulder, I took the porch steps two at a time and grabbed my bike leaning against the house.

  It didn’t take long until I was peddling up to the river, ditching my bike near an old willow tree and walking over to him. I hadn’t been back there since Noah saved me a few short days ago. I was more nervous to hang out with him than I was from what happened the last time we were together. He looked better than I remembered, and it had only been a few days since I’d seen him.

  I could pick Noah out from a crowd in a room full of people. He stood out in his own way, with his tattoos, his bright blue-green eyes, his stocky build, and he had this stare that almost appeared murderous. He was the first guy to ever catch my attention, and I’d probably been around more males than any other girl my age.

  When his eyes bared into mine, they rendered me speechless. Usually locking me in place like they were right now. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to, and the truth was, I never wanted to. He walked over to me with that same swagger and confidence he exuded every time we were together. It was another thing I liked about him, he was consistent, never a phony act to impress the actress. Even though I picked on him for it, I just knew in my heart he wasn’t showing me anything but the real him. It was still entertaining to call him out on it, letting him think he wasn’t getting to me.

  When in reality, he was.

  Adding to the endless pile of reasons I needed to stay away from him.



  Once his tall, muscular stature towered over my petite frame, he gazed at me with the same longing in his solemn expression that he always wore when he peered down at me. There was something about him, since day one, I couldn’t tear my gaze away from. A magnetic pull I was instantly drawn to.

  It came from something deeper.

  More meaningful.

  A connection I couldn’t explain happened every time we were together, and it only seemed to grow stronger each time we saw one another. The familiarity in his intense gaze made me weak in the knees. I hoped he didn’t notice, although I knew he was the type of guy who would notice everything.

  Especially when it came to me.

  Neither one of us said a word, but it didn’t matter. Our eyes spoke volumes, exactly the way they always did, causing the nervous feeling in my core to subside as if it was never there to begin with.

  “Hey, Cutie,” he rasped, licking his lips. Eyeing me up and down with an infatuated regard. Almost like he wanted to eat me alive. “You look really fuckin’ pretty. You do that for me, yeah?”

  “No,” I simply stated with a glimmer in my eye. “I’m just pretty.”

  He smiled. “That you are, pretty girl.”

  “I thought I was a Cutie.”

  “Cutie, pretty, beautiful, fuckin’ gorgeous. Takin’ my breath away all the damn time. That sassy, pouty mouth doin’ things to me that I won’t say, ’cuz imma gentleman. Need me to keep goin’?”

  And like clockwork, there were the somersaults. A back flip, triple twist with a perfect landing in my stomach.

  “Gentleman? Now you’re just reaching.”

  He busted out laughing, and so did I. Extending his hand out for mine, he led me down to the river and we sat there on a blanket for most of the morning. Just talking and getting to know one another some more.

  “What’s your favorite place you ever been?” he asked, setting his arms on his knees.

  “Like a state or a place?”


  “Well, that’s a hard question to answer.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because most of the places I’ve travelled to have been for work.”

  “Don’t ya get any time to yourself when you workin’?”

  “Not really. I mean, maybe when I’m a little older and I can do stuff on my own, like drive, but usually I’m on set, or I’m with Keith.”

  “Keith, huh?”

  I smiled, picking up on the jealousy in his tone.

  “Tell me ’bout him.”

  “I thought you said I wasn’t allowed to think about other guys when I’m talking to you.”

  He grinned. “I’ll let ya this one time.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “There’s not much to say, he’s like a father figure to me. I guess… I don’t know. I’ve known him all my life.”

  “He know that?”

  I lowered my eyebrows at him. “Know what?”

  “That you see him only like a father figure?”

  “I mean, I haven’t said that to him, but I’m sure he knows. I live with him when I’m not filming here.”

  He jerked back. “You live wit’ him?”

  “Yeah, I mean… only when I’m not here. I’m from Southport, Noah. I was born here, but there’s not much opportunity in good ol’ North Carolina. I got lucky my show is filmed here, that doesn’t usually happen. So when I’m not filming, I live in LA with him. I have a teacher on set and another one who comes to his house when I’m there.”

  “What ’bout your parents?”

  “What about them?”

  “They’re okay wit’ this?”

  “Yeah, definitely. It was actually my mom’s idea to advance my career when I was younger. It’s been like this since I was maybe four or five. She actually used to stay at Keith’s with me when she could.”

  He narrowed his eyes
at me.

  “I know it sounds really weird, but it’s not. A lot of young actors and actresses live on and off with their agents and managers. They usually become more of a parent or family member than your actual parents and family members. It’s easier this way, he takes me to auditions, coaches me, gets me ready. Rehearses my lines, and everything else in between. I’m lucky, he’s one of the best.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “Used to?”

  “What?” I responded, confused.

  “You said your mom used to stay wit’ you.”

  “Oh… right,” I nervously laughed, shaking my head again. “What’s this, Noah, twenty questions? It’s my turn now. Where’s your favorite place to be?”

  He was silent for what felt like forever, gazing at me in that Noah Jameson sort of way. It made my stomach flutter for entirely different reasons, knowing he could see right through me. And as much as it terrified me, it also thrilled me. Finding someone who could see past the girl I was supposed to be.

  Not just someone.


  “Wit’ you, Cutie,” he merely replied.

  “Me? What?”

  “Bein’ wit’ you is my favorite place to be.”

  I smiled. Despite the awareness in his eyes, I looked away. I had to. Sometimes Noah was just too much to take, the truth in his eyes were too much to take…

  Reaching into my purse, I turned my attention to a piece of bubblegum I was pulling out, avoiding the look in his eyes that I wasn’t ready to feel. I put it in my mouth, needing some sort of distraction from the sudden realness between us.

  “Care to share?” he asked, nodding toward the packet of gum in my hands.

  “Oh, yeah.” I looked down, realizing it was empty. “Shit, I don’t have anymore.”

  “What I tell you ’bout cussin’, Cutie?”

  I peered up at him through my lashes, smirking, shrugging and chewing my gum.

  “Share the piece in your mouth then.”


  “You heard me.”

  As if on cue, my stomach did that somersault thing again. Except, this time it felt like it was never going to end, twisting and turning and flipping.

  “Ummm…” I arched an eyebrow. “Okay.” Before I gave it too much thought, I tore the piece from my mouth in half, handing it over to him. “Here.”


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