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The Order

Page 8

by Jaimi Wilson

  The last thing we need is for the Order to learn that we know they're up to something. As it is, we don't have any concrete proof. The captured witches were taken in by the Order, so all we have left are suspicions, and that's not enough to confront them with. I'd rather live to see another day, even if that means they try to take me from here. I can always find my way back somehow. Maybe being taken would actually work out better in the long run. I could infiltrate their headquarters and find out if anyone knows why these things are happening.

  Benji lifts my head from staring down at the floor, tilting my chin back so I meet his gaze. "Jazzy, can I kiss you?" he murmurs, and my heart skips a beat.

  I’ve waited for this moment for years. Instead of answering, I smile and reach up, pressing my lips to his. He growls and moves me back until we hit the bed, his body landing above me. He pulls back to look at me, and I can see he's looking for permission. I smirk, lifting my hands and running them through his hair before gripping tightly, causing a little pain before pulling him back to me and claiming his lips hungrily.

  I pull on his bottom lip with my teeth, enjoying the growl that reverberates through him. He pulls back and makes me sit up enough that he can pull my shirt off. He sends it flying across the room just as three loud bangs sound at the door. Liam's voice comes through muffled, "Sorry to interrupt what sounds like a good time, but the Order is demanding your presence, Jasmine."

  "Son of a bitch!" Benji growls, causing me to laugh.

  I slap a hand against his chest, pushing him over to the side so I can get up. "Maybe we can get back to this later, wolf. Let's go get this over with first."



  I stand nervously a few feet away from the Order as they sit there in their chairs, all staring at me with calculating gazes. Benji and Liam are sitting in the corner of the room away from me. I know they wanted to be closer, but we didn’t want to give away that either of them was my mate, let alone both of them.

  The first witch is in her late thirties, with dyed brown hair that shows the beginnings of blonde roots growing in. Her face is impeccably done up with makeup, making me suspect she used magic to make it so perfect. She glares at me with cold brown eyes, and I fight not to shiver in fear. The look in her eyes tells me she could kill with one glance, without blinking an eye.

  The second member of the Order, and the one sitting to the right of the first witch, is a wolf. He's tall, taking up quite a lot of space in the chair that is obviously too small for him. He looks squished into it, his muscles almost overwhelming the arm rests. I'm surprised he didn't actually break it when he sat down.

  His eyes, while they seem a lot kinder than the witches, have a milky sheen to them that worries me. I think I know why they are like that, but without using my magic, I can't be sure. And the last thing I want to do in a room filled with members of the Order, is use my magic.

  The third and final member of the Order, who appears to also be a witch, is the most intriguing of the three of them. Only because instead of a female witch as I'd assumed it would be, he's a male.

  Male witches are so rare among our kind that to actually see one is a pretty amazing experience. Sure, witches in general are not even slightly close to the extinction scale, but most of us are female. We vastly outnumber the men five hundred to one. It fascinates me to no end how few male witches there are.

  Seeing one this close makes me feel like I'm in a zoo, seeing a rare creature that’s fascinating and close enough to study.

  He's a lot younger than I expected a member of the Order to be. He looks to be only in his early thirties, maybe even late twenties? Much younger than I think any member of the Order has been before. He must be very proficient in his power to have been chosen so young.

  If I remember correctly, the last Order member died only four years ago. He must have been selected then. There was a big ceremony to welcome him into the Order, not that it really mattered.

  None of us get a say in deciding who's chosen. There's a relic that's been passed down through the ages which is said to help choose those who are worthy of being part of the Order. The first Order members combined their energy into what was basically a rock to create a slab of stone known as the Stone of Order with the shape of a hand burned into it.

  It’s said if you put your hand inside the slab, and it glows, you are worthy of joining the Order. Seems like a strange and archaic method to me. Why can't we put it to a vote? There are so many members of our community that could be essential in leading us and keeping the peace, but no. Instead, this piece of stone that is supposedly magically enhanced makes the choice for us.

  How do we even know the stone still works? None of us are allowed to see it unless a member of the Order dies. Only then do they bring it out of hiding to let people test their eligibility. Feels a bit too ‘sword and the stone’ to me.

  It leaves me to wonder what the hell the Stone of Order saw in the man in front of me. His pale grey eyes, while looking charming at first, hide only arrogance and death within them. I can sense it in him.

  My magic, which normally sits inside me waiting to be called, rises up to make it known he's a threat. I don't react, knowing I can't show him what level witch I am.

  The wolf clears his throat, grabbing my attention. He speaks in a surprisingly deep voice. "Jasmine, do you know why we are here? Why we have summoned you to come before us today?"

  I shake my head in denial, trying to appear nonchalant. The last thing I want is for them to know that I am one hundred percent certain why they're here, and that it isn't for whatever little bullshit excuse they're going to give us. "No, sir, I do not. All I know is I was sent here to possibly find a mate among the wolves, just like the witches who've been here before me. As to why I'm here in front of you, that I have no idea." I try to keep my voice impassive.

  Each of them stare at me with blank eyes, and I can't help but glance in the corner of the room where Benji and Liam are seated. The Order allowed them to sit in while we had this meeting, which I'm glad for. It feels like people have my back even though I know if the Order really wanted them gone, we'd have no choice but to obey.

  The female sits straighter, her lips pursed as she glares at me. "Eleven days ago, we were all asleep in our beds when we were woken by a surge of magic so powerful it almost made our own get ripped free. Stephen was actually forced into his shift for a full hour," she says with a fake pout, looking over at the wolf beside her and patting his hand gently.

  He remains still while the female returns her gaze back to me. "The magic we felt was that of a level one user, maybe even a level zero." She cocks her head as she says this, studying me.

  I fight not to squirm under her gaze, but my heart still races in fear. I never dreamed my magic could have such a widespread effect. I mean, I know the Order lives close to the packs, but to have felt my magic so completely leaves me a little shocked.

  My gaze swings to each of them, hoping for some kind of explanation when the male witch leans forward with narrowed eyes. "Jessica, you're frightening the girl," he chides but with a malicious twinkle in his eyes.

  She smiles over at him with devilish eyes. "Oh come now, Evan. If she's a level one, she has no need to be frightened. Isn't that right, Jasmine?" she asks, her gaze swinging back to me.

  I remain silent, knowing I'm being baited, but into what? Do they just want me to admit I'm a level one? Is that it? Or is there more to their game than that?

  Evan stands and begins a slow walk over to me, speaking as he does. "Imagine our surprise when we got here, only to find the visiting witch who is here is registered as a level two. Not only that, but the Alphas of the Virginia pack and Maine pack seem to be defending the very witch who we suspect caused a jump in power. So tell me, Jasmine, what spell did you cast? And why have you not left yet?" When he finishes with his question, he moves back to his seat, lowering himself delicately like I imagine an old man would, the slight squeak of wood loud in the otherwise s
ilent room.

  I have no idea what to tell them. Do I reveal the truth? If I admit I'm a level one, they may take me from here to do tests on me, and I'd like to avoid that if at all possible. Some of those tests are painful. At least, that's what Neira told me.

  As I look between the three of them, I have a feeling I have no choice. "I stayed here because I found out I do, in fact, have mates here. Two of them, to be precise. Until I figured out who I should choose, I decided I should stay behind a little longer to get to know them," I explain, my voice steady as I meet their judging gazes.

  I keep my gaze on them, knowing a single glance towards Benji and Liam may give them away. I need to be careful how I word things because I have a feeling if they find out my mates are the two Alphas, it will move me to the top of their hit list.

  Jessica leans forward, intrigued. "Which two wolves are your mates?" she asks, her eyes demanding answers. I don't like that look one bit. It’s like she's already planning how to take me out.

  "For now, I'd like to keep their identities private until I have made a decision. It does no good to tell you when I have refused to even tell the Alphas. I need time to make a choice. But once my mate is chosen, I will gladly tell you his name." I try not to grimace as I speak. My fear is that they will use the information against me, especially if they know my magic is stronger than theirs.

  Evan sighs loudly, making it clear he did not like my answer. "Very well, you can keep your suitors’ names to yourself. We do, however, expect to be summoned when your decision is made and for the ceremony planned." His voice is hard, leaving no room for arguments.

  "Of course," I agree, bowing my head slightly to show I respect their authority.

  Just when I start to relax, Evan speaks again, setting my inner alarms blaring. "While we understand your reason for staying, when we sense power the likes of a level zero, it makes us concerned you may not have been trained to properly deal with your power. We also find it extremely concerning that for us to even pass onto pack lands to help the Alphas while they were under attack, we needed an invitation, which has never been the case before. You can see how that would make us less than happy. Do you wish to defend your actions?" He narrows his eyes at me.

  I never could have dreamed my magic was strong enough to keep the Order from crossing the border. I only made the barrier to stop anyone from getting across it and hurting the members of the pack. I intertwined the magic so it would only let people through by invite only, but with how powerful the Order's combined magic is, they should have easily been able to cross. When they add their magic together, it’s equal to that of a level zero user. For them to not be able to cross my barrier makes me nervous of my own power. Either I’m a hell of a lot stronger than I realized, or they are so weak they can’t cross it.

  "The Alphas informed me of the attacks on their packs, and I kindly volunteered to help. They were being picked off by witches who seemed to wield soul fire, if their descriptions were accurate." The last known occurrence of someone using soul fire was when a woman used her blood for magic every day for two weeks until her soul was completely gone. That was around fifty years ago and is one of the dangerous things that can happen among our kind. It’s why using our blood is banned in spells. Each time we use blood, it uses a piece of our souls until our soul is no longer left and something dark takes its place, assuming control of your body.

  "It made me fear for the wolves’ safety, so I offered them protection. I'd read about the spell before and thought I could survive the brunt of the magic. And I did, though I was severely drained afterward. I've been unconscious for the last eleven days, at least that's what the Alphas tell me," I explain, looking pointedly at the guys, who both nod in agreement.

  Stephen speaks, and I resist the urge to shrink away at the vicious tone he uses. "Still, you used magic you weren’t sure you could master without asking our permission. What is your level, young witch?" His words while strong, sound rehearsed. Like he’s reading lines in a play.

  "My magic level is a two, sir. But I would like to add, the spell only worked because I used the energies of both Alphas. Without it, the spell would not have succeeded. Maybe that is why the power felt so strong on your end," I suggest, hoping they'll buy the excuse. They don't need to know that Benji and Liam’s energy had nothing to do with the spell itself. I only used their magic to bind with the spell, so the wolves could still pass freely. I didn't actually use either of their unique signatures in the spell itself like I did with my own.

  Evan and Jessica seem to relax into their chairs, relieved, before their masks of indifference fall back into place. Stephen sits there, expressionless as he has been for most of this meeting. I find it odd he hasn’t yet spoken up to ask why I have a barrier to protect the wolves. I know if it was me, as a representative for all wolves, I would find it odd a witch was protecting them.

  Jessica gets to her feet, her bright red nails scraping the wood of the chair as she does so. "Very well then. We will accept your explanation, and no charges will be laid for casting a spell over the wolf pack. However, I would like your power level reconfirmed before we leave, just to be sure there was no mistake when you were first assessed," she explains with a sadistic smile.

  Fucking great! I knew this was going to happen. I hate mind melds. Depending on how easily they can dig into your mind, will reveal your true power level. Every time my mother tried, I was easily able to block her but the more powerful a witch you have digging into your mind, the worse it gets. It can become extremely painful and depending on how well the witch knows how to use their magic, it could even result in permanent brain damage. I have no choice but to fight the power because if the Order sees what level I am, who knows how they’ll react.

  I nod, knowing that while it may have sounded like a request, it most definitely wasn't. Evan stands, taking slow steps towards me, building the suspense when I just wish he'd get it over with. Something about this witch screams evil, but he's a member of the Order, so I can't exactly say no to him.

  He stops in front of me, holding out his hands, ready to grasp my head in them. When he touches me, a shiver of revulsion runs through me and I have to fight not to fling his hands away. All I want right now is a decontamination shower to get rid of the feel of his slimy touch.

  I close my eyes, refusing to look into his cold grey eyes while he rattles around in my mind.

  My barriers lower naturally as his thumbs meet my temples, and he slowly starts his invasion. It begins small at first, and while my instincts tell me to push back, I restrain myself.

  The burn increases as he pushes more magic into my mind, and I start to feel it changing. It’s not supposed to do that. It should be a simple flow of magic to ascertain my level of power, nothing more.

  His power invades my mind and wraps around my magic, trying to change it, but my magic isn't having any of it. It pushes back, only to have Evan's wrap even tighter.

  Images flash in my mind, one after the other in quick succession, leaving me disoriented. My magic doesn't like it one bit and retaliates with force, sending Evan flying across the room. I open my eyes just in time to see him hit the wall and slide down agonizingly slow.

  I sway from the sudden way he left my mind and feel movement behind me. Sensing Liam and Benji, I relax and shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts while I glare over at the Order members as they make sure their third is okay. When he stands unassisted, I glare at him. "You had no right to do what you did! I don't know what you were hoping to accomplish, but that was not the way to go about it! You represent our people, and attacking my magic like that could have made me kill you on accident. You should know how unpredictable magic is." I take a deep breath, trying to get control of myself, but I'm beyond pissed that he tried to manipulate my magic. I let out a breath and meet their gaze with cold eyes. "If you ever try that on me again, I will go straight to the Soldiers. Do I make myself clear?" My magic coats my voice as they stand there, seemingly unaffected by my word

  Arrogant fools.

  Jessica smiles at me, her face conveying apology, but those eyes scream nothing but lies. "It was just a small misunderstanding. Evan got a little too cocky with his magic. You can understand that, can't you? He's only been with us a few years and likes to test himself when he can."

  I resist rolling my eyes, but nod anyway. "Yes, of course, I understand."

  She smiles at me vindictively. "I'd appreciate if you kept what happened here to yourselves. The last thing you would want is word getting out that you attacked a member of the Order unprovoked."

  "Unprovoked? All I would need to do is share my memories with another person to show them his actions. You wouldn't really want that now, would you?" I counter with a threat of my own, enjoying the way her face is immediately wiped clean of her arrogance.

  She must not have thought I was very smart to have threatened me like that, but after living with my mother for as long as I did, I've learned to always have a threat of my own to counter with. And this threat is extreme, and they know it. One share of my memories could be shared far and wide like a virus. It's like the humans version of social media. One pic goes viral but just imagine if I shared their lack of proper procedure? Our kind would rise up in defiance because they’re not following the rules they set for us.

  They really wouldn’t want that to get around, especially since it shows a member of the Order being so inept at his job. Our kind might even request a new Order member be sworn in.

  As I watch the three of them, I see Stephen swaying on his feet. My suspicions are confirmed when the witches place their hands on either of his shoulders, magic sparking in their auras as they support his frame.


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