by Chris Brogan
Hawkins, Rachel, 191–93
Hayden, Tim, 200
health and fitness, 24
helpfulness, 45
helping others, 174
Hemingway, Ernest, xiv
Henderson, Fritz, 155
hero of our own story, 254
Hilton, Paris, 136
Hilton, Perez, 238–39
Hitachi Data Systems, 175
hoarder, 229–30
Hocking, Amanda, 139–40
Home Alone (movie), xiii
“hot mess” line, 238–39
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 198
HTML, 181
Huffington Post, 157–58
Human Business Works, 113
human element, 22, 29, 44
Hyatt, Glenda Watson, 42
advertising as, 148
and channel, 166–68
hyperlinks, 59
idea democracy, 13, 59–60
ideas, 22, 29
acronyms as “handles” for, 73, 127
articulation of, 115–18
bad, 60–64, 68–69
better, 68–73
blind distribution of, 55
and bravery, 80–84
building, 44
business, 108
competition of, 57–58
as crafted and not born, 54
creating, 59–60, 62, 69
creative, 109
ecosystem of (Contrast), 57–60, 75
emotion tied to, 87
framework for, 69–72
goals of, 70
good, recognizing, 72–73
increasing exposure to, 53
lack of, 24
longevity of, 109–10
marketplace of, 53
as memes, 58
reception of, 56
refining, 22
resources needed for, 71
spread or die, 59–60
survival of, 53–54, 59–60, 109–10
timetables for, 71
too many, 107–9, 110–12
usefulness of, 71, 73
work involved in, 70–71
idea storms, 74–76
Iger, Bob, 156, 228
impact, xiv, 7, 12
Impact Equation:
ideas behind, 10–12
impact = C x (R + E + A + T + E), 10–12
importance of, 13–16
Impact Equation ratings:
Dolbeau, 222–24
Dollar Shave, 164–65
Hawkins, 191–93
Instagram, 129–31
Rogers, 16–17
self-ratings, 17–20
Skylanders, 93–95
incentive, creating, 161
income stream, creation of, 149
infographics, 114, 181
and emotions, 124–25
on-topic, 187
purposeful, 180, 121, 177
inspiration, 234–37
Instagram, 129–31
Internet, garbage on, 76
interviews, 156
intimacy, 15
and trust, 207, 216
Into the Midnight Sun (documentary), 5–6
iPhone, 51
iPod, 118, 183
Izzard, Eddie, 82–83, 84
Jagger, Mick, 159
Jay-Z, 88, 159, 220
Jersey Shore (TV), 171
jokes, 210–12
justification, 128–29
Kardashian, Kim, 41, 138, 170
Katamari Damacy (video game), 239
Kates, Andrea, 88
Kaufman, Charlie, 56
Kawasaki, Guy, 187
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), 63
Kickstarter, 16
King, Larry, 156
knowledge, 28
Knowles, Harry, 40, 185
Lady Gaga, 123
of the audience, 241–45
and Echo, 228
mastery of, 106–7
Lean Startup, The (Ries), 71
LEGO, 74
Letterman, David, 156
lettuce vs. apple tree, 3
leveling up, 35, 37, 38–39, 221
leverage, 90, 156
Levine, Mark, 164
Libava, Joel, 140, 200
LinkedIn, 152, 182
listening, 34, 207
Lloyd, Karen J, 122
Lopez, Jennifer, 159
Louis C.K., 142
Lynn, Christopher, 77
Macanufo, James, 121
MacLeod, Hugh, 121
Madden NFL (video game), 37
Made to Stick (Heath and Heath), 72
magic, 256
Maister, David H., 15, 206, 215
marketplace, Echo in, 244–45
McCloud, Scott, Understanding Comics, 122
McCray, Becky, 209
McDonald’s, 64, 91–92
McGonigal, Jane, 37
McGuire, Hugh, 200
MC Hammer, 233
McKee, Robert, 56
McLuhan, Marshall, 123
changing, 7, 8, 14, 26, 27
creators of, 29–31, 56–57, 59
interaction with people via, 56
marketing in, 22
multimedia, 138
public-radio model, 151
purposeful, 180
recurring activity on, 185
media democracy, 147
definition of, 58
see also ideas
mentors, need for, 57, 177
metaphors, 88–89
metric, choosing, 38
Millburn, Josh, 163
mind mapping, 119–22
MindNode, 119
Mindstorms, 74
Mini Cooper, 128–29
mnemonic devices, 127
Moltz, Barry, 209
money, and value, 150
movement, 24
MovNat, 38
MP3, 118
Murakami, Haruki, 106
networks, 197–203
audience and community, 199–200
building, 43–44, 171, 226
cocktail parties, 212–15
interactions in, 200–203
and job loss, 200–201
one person at a time, 226
and platform, 147, 149
unquantifiable nature of, 198
value of, 202–3
Nickelodeon, 139
Nicodemus, Ryan, 163
Nicolaides, Kimon, 46–47
Nike, 97
Obama, Barack, 147
obligation, 252–53
Oblique Strategies, 104
Old Man River (Web), 16
Olsen twins, 33
online business, human element in, 22
opportunity, 28
O’Reilly, Tim, 149
oversaturation, 179–83
Owyang, Jeremiah, 175
Pac-Man, 35
Page, Larry, 26
participants, 39, 42
passions, 30–31
pattern recognition, 64–68, 103–4, 185
business vs., 211
focus on, 10, 22
working with, 23
personality, 45
Peters, Tom, 159
Petroff, Bryan, 237–38
photo sharing, 129–31
piggybacking, 159
pivot, use of term, 71
Plank, Kevin, 184
platform, 21, 29, 31, 135–40
and access, 158
and audience capture, 146–50
and balance, 154
building, 42–46, 118, 137–38, 153, 169, 190
as channel, 148
and community, 153
and content, 159
definitions, 138–40
and exclusivity, 158–59
fallacy of, 169–71
launch of, 160–62
leveraging, 156
and networks, 147, 149
power of, 147
and Reach, 141–65
smaller, 152
value capture, 150–53
platform democracy, 13
podcasting, 150–51, 153
Pokémon, 95, 218–21
practice, 236–37
product placement, 184
Proulx, Annie, The Shipping News, 112
digital, 29
self-publishing, 139
quality, 162, 216
Quint, Doug, 237–38
quirks, packaging, 237–39
Rackspace, 80
Radoff, Jon, 37
Rather, Dan, 8
Reach, 11, 141–65
accelerating over time, 163
and audience capture, 146–50
Dolbeau, 223
Dollar Shave Club, 164
Hawkins, 191–92
Instagram, 130
and networks, 147, 149
and platform, see platform
and prestige, 141
Rogers, 16
self-rating, 162–63
Skylanders, 94
and value capture, 150–51
real estate, and community, 201
Reality Is Broken (McGonigal), 37, 52, 60–62, 76, 215
Red Hat, 202–3
relationships, 22
reliability, and Trust, 206–7, 216–18
religions, competition among, 58
resonance, 55, 56
Ries, Eric, 71
Robbins, Tony, 118, 123, 156
Rogers, Brett, 3–7, 16–17
Rotten Tomatoes, 186
Saad, Gad, 23
sacred places, betrayal of, 176
sacrifice, 229–30
saturation, 179–83
Saturday Night Live (TV), 185
scarcity, creating, 161
schedules, 217
Schultz, Howard, 220
Screw Business as Usual (Branson), 155
self-actualization, 237
self-interest, 207
Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 58
self-publishing, 139
self-rating, 17–20
Articulation, 127–29
Contrast, 92–93
Echo, 250–51
Exposure, 190
Reach, 162–63
Trust, 221
Sermo, 152
Sheen, Charlie, 238
Sheridan, Marcus, 140
Shirky, Clay, 34
simplicity, 97–100, 127
Skylanders, 35, 93–95
Skype, 153
Skyrim, 37
Small Town Rules (Moltz and McCray), 209
social contract, breaking, 176–77
social media, universality of, 33
social mirror, trap of, 252–53
social networks:
and cocktail parties, 212–15
commenting and replying on, 170
quality of contact, 170
rise of, 212
simple touches on, 170
technology of, 9
uncanny valley of, 211–12
updates of, 170
social proof, 150
Sorrentino, Mike “The Situation,” 170–71
and value, 151–52
varied, 103
South by Southwest conference, 51–53
spam, 11, 188–89
spectators, 40
spelling, 106
Spore, 59
stability, 216
Starbucks, 91, 92, 220
starting out, 46
Stern, Howard, 123
storyboards, 122
STORY seminars, 56
storytelling, 45, 55, 110, 128, 174
strategy, 42
Strauss, Liz, 153
Stroud, Les, 4, 16
StumbleUpon, 215
Success, 41
Summit Series, 158
Surowiecki, James, 74
Suzuki, David, 4
synthesis, 103
Taco Bell, 63
Tamagotchi, 94
Target, 94
teachers, need for, 57, 153
TechCrunch, 159
TED, 157–59
telemarketing, 168
“T.H.E.,” 159
theme, finding, 31, 163
thirty best customers, 24
Thompson, Hunter S., 106
time, value of, 109
time zones, coverage of, 187, 218
Toys “R” Us, 94
triangle method, 123–24
Truant, Johnny B., 85
Trust, 11, 198, 204–24
and cocktail parties, 213–15
and credibility, 206, 215–16
defining, 204
Dolbeau, 223–24
Dollar Shave Club, 164–65
and generosity, 230
Hawkins, 192
Instagram, 130
and jokes, 210–12
and reliability, 206–7, 216–18
reputation of, 208
Rogers, 17
self-rating, 221
Skylanders, 95
small-town, 208–9
Trust Agents (Brogan and Smith), 11, 15, 21, 22, 46, 153, 193, 205, 215
Trusted Advisor, The (Maister et al.), 15, 198, 206–7, 215
Trust Equation, 15, 205–8
TV, decline of, 146
TV station, everyone as, 29–31
Twitter, 51, 141, 182
criticism via, 246
feeds, 25–26
frequency of tweets, 186–88
hotels’ use of, 77–79
quick response in, 170
users of, 212, 101
Under Armour, 184
uniqueness, 65
untangling, 253–54
Urban Dictionary, 238
USA Network, 31
user-generated content, 61
USP (unique sales proposition), 65
access with purpose, 155
creation of, 27, 149
extraction of, 150–53
nonfinancial, 151–52
sharing, 46, 171
and sources, 151–52
value propositions, 92–93, 114
Vaynerchuk, Gary, 20
Venn diagram, 124
video, 181
video distribution, 138
video games, and leveling up, 35–36, 114
Vistage, 152
visual thinking, 121–22
vocabulary, 79–80, 97, 99–100, 106
vuvuzela, 209–11
Wales, Jimmy, 189
Walker, Sofia, 80, 84
Walmart, 88, 94
autobiographical content on, 30
being part of, 211
changing the rules, 205
purpose of, 59
utilization of, 28–29
Web designers, 62
Web site:
free creation of, 138
mobile version of, 180–81
Weird Al, 117
Wendy’s, 63
Westerfeld, Scott, 191
West, Kanye, 159
Wi-Fi, 51
Wikipedia, 189, 159
Winfrey, Oprah, 151
Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki), 74
wonder, creation of, 236
WordPress, 217
editing, 100–101
exercise, 98–99
use of, 79–80, 97, 99–100, 106
workplace, Echo in, 243–44
World of Warcraft, 35
Wright, Will, 59
writing skills, 105, 112–13
XMind, 119
X of Y, 126
Yankovic, Weird Al, 117
Y Combinator, 60
Yelp, 202
YouTube, 62, 138, 139, 143
and Amazon, 61
vuvuzela button on, 209–11
Yu-Gi-Oh!, 95
Yukon Passage (documentary), 5
Zahab, Ray, 16
Zappos, 28, 163
Zimmerman, Joel (deadmau5), 144, 231, 234
Zuckerberg, Mark, 26