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With my downtime I started doing my own research on the principles surrounding dimensions. To my surprise, I found a lot of people just as intrigued as myself. I unearthed several different theories that kept me inspired. Originally, I learned about string theory, and pipe theory. Alongside, particle physics, quantum mechanics, metaphysics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and the theory of everything, the Higgs boson, and many more. I quickly came to the realization that I was in over my head. Understandably, these physicists had dedicated their life to science and to the understanding or rationalization of it. With all their complexities, I couldn't really smell what they smelled.
Frustrated but unwilling to surrender, I continued my research and found a lot of skeptics on this subject matter. People, however you slice it, with different viewpoints of the particle of matter theory, or of the different waves, rings, or vibrations. People like me, searching for a more simplistic explanation concerning dimensions. Understand, as long as you're in the progressive majority, you are free to say what you will. However, there are a lot of examples in my defense of seeking simplicity. Arguments abound, some not as scientific, perhaps categorized as pseudo-science, however, plausible, pertinent, or highly logical. I also learned that dimensions, having not a lot of concrete information surrounding them, could be interpreted in a garden variety. Now don't kill the messenger, but dimensions exist among religious circles, society, social structures, media, art, knowledge, life, death, love, hate, history, the present, and the future. With this mindset, pretty much any and everything.
In my search, I unearthed prophecies surrounding several ancient civilizations, the Sumerians, the Romans, the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks, the Khmer, and other advanced civilizations. Understand, each civilization was technologically advanced, the modern world of their time, from an architectural standpoint, to astronomy, philosophy, medicine or medical practices. Regarding the Mayan's, I learned that they reveal that the Mayan calendar prophesies: "Age of the Jaguar," the fifth and final "sun" is 2012 AD. A nice enough number, which just happens to be in your near future, actually, perhaps this date has already passed? How is oblivion? Well, this group of people gave examples and analogies of how they thought it would or could happen. I found their theories about sun spots, a planet X, magnetic fields, warfare and invasion, elites guilt, superstition, environmental destruction, very . . . interesting. (Maybe just an awakening?) Understand, if there were a planet X, we would be able to see it, years in advance. Furthermore, if the Mayans had such a heightened ability to predict catastrophe, why could they not foresee the invading Spaniards, or prevail the cognitive threshold, which we happen to face? Not to mention their/our water crisis. Nonetheless, someday the universe will run out of energy, reach a state of entropy, and cease to exist. Someday, we will have depleted the Earth of all its resources. But last I thought, no one knew the day, the hour, or year for this matter? One can never be too certain, but last I checked, a 'final' theory is a non-zero-sum.
The thought that first percolated in my mind is how can we know if there is such a calendar in existence? Secondly, if there is such, who could you trust to interpret it without ulterior motives or secondary agendas? Imagine, I'm the guy interpreting this ancient calendar, 'forty color plates, black and white pictures, and diagrams,' which most had not heard of until recently . . . hmm, I guess then you could write a book on apocalyptic catastrophe. With a few weeks of research, and collaboration of so-called 'enlightened individuals,' they could package and sell something that would make anyone believe anything. Hence, the possibilities are infinite. The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries. Thus, I, a normal person, should live my life thinking that the world is coming to an end by some calendar that is predicting such extraordinary claims that I hadn't even heard of five or ten years ago? Wow. Bravo, Bravo. Please move to the front of the class, come on people. So this idea is the work of a group of people, 'pseudo-scientists, paranormal activity enthusiasts and internet theorists,' basically, opportunists. With little thought process involved, I decided to straddle the fence on this particular subject. Recalling a collective thought process, 'society,' accepted science, a blink in the eye of time; thought the Earth was flat, and anyone that thought different, was crazy. Then again, the Earth is flat.
Case in point, without the ideas of the Wright brothers' 'fantasy of flight,' we would not own the sky as we do today. At one time landing on the moon was unconceivable much less having observatories, or a manned enclave, mining to gather helium three as an energy source as such conversations are being entertained. Or, terraforming mars for that matter. Our method of pioneering is by discovery, nine times out of ten by accident. Which leads one to wonder: is the way we live today going to seem barbaric or archaic to the dwellers of the not so distant future? How can it not?
"We are the next ancient civilization. Any great dynasty comes to an end. Ours is at hand, unless we change? What we can measure will always limit our view of reality."