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The Way of the Clan 8

Page 23

by Dem Mikhaylov

  Yes, that is how it was now.

  The head of the Sleepless and all their armadas, the Great Navigator, and the powerful fighting magician Malice sat on the same bench in a row and fellowshipped amicably, while the fleet was undergoing a massive offensive from enemy forces. Full surrealism. We could easily pretend we were three old women sitting on a stoop, feeding pigeons, complaining about the youth.

  The main thing was that the enemy did not learn that, during their "sudden" attack, the greater part of the fleet of the Sleepless did not give a damn about their attempts, maneuvers, deceptive moves or battle cries. The leadership sat and waited, doomed to watch how the world around them faded with each passing hour. After all, if the enemies recognized this, they would be insulted to the depths of their hearts. They attack, shout through all the pharynx, shoot from catapults, they flap flags proudly and tear the vest on their chests, and these bastards sit and wrap themselves in blankets, allowing others to fight for them.

  But you could not dispute the truth – the Sleepless did not even slow down, did not try to change the course. We simply went through the enemy, proudly taking their fire into our protective magical fields and lazily snapping back in response.

  The Red Baron seemed to be shouting something, but we did not hear him. Because you never know what is screaming almost naked green-skinned muscled Orc sitting inside a giant bubble suspended above the deck of the flagship and decorated with an inscription: "I'm sad and probably infected moron".

  The bubble was a quarantine isolator. The inscription was a punishment for the events of last night, when the Baron, in the throes of revenge, attempted to take down the Plague Knight and suffered another defeat.

  Externally, the Baroness reacted very gently — but judging by the expression of the fanged muzzle of the Baron, everything was not so rosy.

  "Three more enemy fleets are coming!" Gleefully yelled one of the players on the battle bridge.

  Why was there such joy in the bringing of such bad news? It was as if a little boy knocked a hornet's nest with a stick from a tree and joyfully screamed: "Oh, look how many of them! A legion!"

  "The clouds are gathering," remarked another soldier — not repeating the famous expression, but merely pointing to reality.

  Around and above the armada of the Sleepless, clouds were gathering. I had never seen such a black thunderstorm in my life. Especially considering the fact that the storm front was coming from all sides. Behind us, the clouds were a bit lighter. Apparently, the enemy took into account the fact that the Sleepless were not going to turn around and retreat. And so, concentrated their efforts on the front.

  To be more precise, they were not enemies, but opponents. In order to escape from Decay, I tried to react vividly to what was happening. And listened attentively. So that was it. The Sleepless were being attacked by the fleets of seventeen enemy clans and about eight fleets of "local" sea mercenaries. A lot of ships were trying to intercept us, and also from the water beneath us.

  Hundreds of enemy warships were attacking us!

  This statistic did not fit in my head. I could not even imagine this.

  “Command, BB?” Asked a black-haired guy dressed in a sea jacket with rich embroidery and a lot of activated runes.

  “This round for you, Klest,“ said the BB, standing up and stretching. Throwing off the blanket, she walked along the bridge, gazing around at the sides. "Your plan?"

  “Break the front lines. Accelerate. Leave the enemy forces behind. And then cover the rear with one of the divine acid spells. Then leave one of the hired fleets to be tied up with the fight of the surviving enemies. We will continue on to the next nodal point of the Isles of Death. However, it is necessary to deviate a few degrees from the current route of the Navigation indicated.”

  “The route is not a problem. The plan is cohesive. You have the analysts?”


  "Let them continue to support you. Follow the plan. But I do not like the clouds. Did not you notice them? Why are they so black? Pick up a dozen pteros, two phoenixes and two yellow dragons with riders. Give each one a "Nyusha" and three gigs of fireflies. Activate the fireflies first.”

  “We are already doing it, cap. The fulfillment of your dreams is an honor for us,” boomed Klest, and turned back to the table, the top of which resembled a giant slot machine with a multitude of multicolored lights – blinking, fading or flaring.

  What an ornate guy...

  Standing up, I looked at Malice and smiled reassuringly. I was still a little ashamed before him — it was because of me that the fighting magician was so tired.

  "And the smell," I said hoarsely, to no one in particular.

  “Yes,“ nodded the BB. “The smell of the coming rain, the tar, the smoke and sharpened iron. A great mixture. I'm already sobering up.”

  Two winged shadows, two flaming silhouettes of phoenixes jerked upward from somewhere below the deck. Screeching, the winged scouts began to climb upwards in a spiral, up toward the blue-black clouds creeping over our heads. Obeying the order of the helmsman, the stone bulk of the flagship slightly changed course.

  “We will accelerate,“ Klest warned loudly before shouting out the command: “Push ahead!”

  And with that the Black Queen began to gain speed. Numerous masts crackled. The thin amber ray striking from my chest flickered in displeasure, indicating that the fleet was deviating from the direction indicated. The ancient magic was angry...

  The winged scouts ducked at once into the thunderstorm and flew away. A minute later, a few dozen stars flashed in a black cloudy haze. I shuddered involuntarily. I could not help but shiver, at the moment, and it wasn’t just me.

  The sky above us ... it terrified down to the depths of the soul.

  It seems that we were looking into a huge terrarium that was swarming with the most terrible creatures of devoid of wings, but for some reason holding in the air. Snakes, lizards, salamanders… All would be no problem to deal with, but their huge size amazed us. Every creature could easily swallow me, and the biggest ones reached the size of a passenger bus. All of them were spinning in a frenzied chaotic dance and did not pay the slightest attention to the ships passing underneath them. Yes — the monsters looked otherworldly. Their bodies were translucent, woven from strands of black and gray fog and tied together by golden threads shining in the light of the fireflies. The starry sky turned out to be filled with alien life.

  Looking at the Baroness, I was surprised by the expression on her face. It was calm, and somewhat ... disappointed.

  “The CLOUD of Eternal Creatures!” Shouted one of the players, staring at the head of the clan with wide eyes. “They are our allies!”

  “No longer,“ answered the BB and tightly pursed her lips. “I thought Sage Cthulhu justified his nickname. Tell all Eternal Creatures that we are no longer friends. And tell the ships that approach from the east to be wary of the Creatures' ships! They crossed over to someone else's side.”


  "I should ask you this," the girl roared, and the analyst who asked the stupid question hurriedly turned away and coughed. "They lured them. A monetary lure.”

  “Will they not attack us?” I ventured to ask, realizing that there was a reason no one was moving. But it was really unnerving to see a ghostly aquarium hanging overhead, containing celestial reptiles and insects. And if this cup would be knocked over our heads?

  "They could," answered Klest, flicking his fingers feverishly over the colorful lights on the magic table. “But we noticed it in time. But how did they notice us?”

  “Their intelligence also does not sleep,“ snapped the BB, sipping her coffee. “Clever devils! They looked at our schedule of overseeing, and then proceeded to assemble an atomic bomb right above our heads. Insolent ... and you know what is most insulting, Ros?”


  “This was our sister clan,“ smiled the Baroness widely. “The Sage Cthulhu — one of our former clan friends. Founded thems
elves with the help of the Sleepless. And we helped them conquer many lands, and to defend them, to defend convoys delivering materials for the clan castle. Helped them with quests, with wars, with negotiations and politics with "local" people. Supported them in everything, in short. Even with the construction of ships for the trip to the lost continent. And now you, look ... having been trained ... They are now trying to bend us with the tactics we taught them. Klest, free the disgraced warlord Baron from the bubble, only first let the healers at him, if possible. And then tell him that I will forgive him only in one case — if he overthrows Sage Cthulhu. And if the Amber Grove that belongs to them becomes ours. I give him one month.”

  “I got it. Done. Oh, he will be so furious when he finds out. After all, it was he, who trained them, taught them how to take down enemy forts. Nice ... what a betrayal.”

  "He already knows," I said, pointing my finger at the bubble hanging above the deck.

  The half-naked half-orc, imprisoned in his bubble, had straightened up to his full height, stretched his arms to the sky, and opened his fanged mouth. Looking at CLOUD of the enemy, he roared fiercely. Makes sense… it was quite logical that he recognized the CLOUD of the formerly allied clan, many of whose members he had taught personally.

  "They betrayed us. Fuck them,“ Malice suddenly broke the silence. He had managed to wrap himself in blankets. “It is all clear. Somehow, they were bought, promised something. But was this really the case, Baroness?”


  “The Great Expedition — a one-off, forgive me, Ros. No offense, but you are a supernova star. Flashing by and straight into the ashes.”

  "No offense taken," I replied, nodding knowingly. "After the end of the campaign, my spell will not be needed. It disappears altogether. And I will become an ordinary player. It does not frighten me. What about the trip?”

  "This is an event. Global, yes — the whole world of Valdira was buzzing and gurgling with over excitation. But soon the campaign will end. Half of our clan will return to the old continent. And then what will happen to the Eternal Creatures? We will turn them into fossils. Everyone knows the Sleepless do not forgive. This was serious.”

  “True,” nodded the Baroness, and looked up. In the cloudy mist, dragons, phoenixes and pterodactyls spread their wings, mixing with the ghostly smoky creatures generated by the enemy CLOUD.

  Soon a howling hurricane would fall upon our heads...

  "And Cthulhu knows this very well. He himself saw what we did with the clans like Great Atlantes and the Golden Manticore. And now the question of the day is — why did Eternal Creatures risk it? Why were they not afraid of the coming revenge? Baroness, I don’t want to be a downer, but my gut tells me something’s wrong.”

  "Since you started the topic, you can continue it. Write to Barad Gadur. Let our guys contact each of our allies. On the topic: "How are you? Is everything alright?" And listen to the answers. If the usually daring ones become too polite — this is an excuse to be on the alert. I want to know which of our friends are still friends, and not rats with knives clamped in their sweaty cowardly hands, hidden behind them. I am a quiet girl. I will bury them without unnecessary noise.”

  “I am on it.”

  "Klest, connect me to the Sage Cthulhu. Through our usual magical channel. On speakerphone. And let every word or gesture of his be recorded and remembered. Then we will analyze the tone of voice and facial expressions.”

  "And if he does not answer? They definitely noticed our illumination of the clouds. They know that we will not confuse their CLOUD with someone else’s.

  "He will answer. Cthulhu is extremely self-satisfied — he likes to show off. Give him the means and a microphone – he will jump at the opportunity. By the way, do we know where he lives? Was the "Protocol of Judas" compiled for him?”

  “Compiled,“ answered one of the other guys. “Already checked it as soon as we saw the luminous cockroaches crawling overhead. He was confident in his own anonymity, but we know exactly where he lives, how old he is, and so on.”

  "And activate the protocol. How’s the connection on the call?”

  "The request was sent."

  “OK. Now prepare the tools. We begin to weed out the enemy jungle. Do not spare ammo! Do not feel sorry for me at all! What is Baron doing ... oh, he is already started, I see...

  Only then did I notice that the huge green-skinned orc had disappeared, as well as his bubble. Apparently, the furious commander had rushed to dress and equip. I understood him. It was his chance at redemption.

  “Get ready! Do not spare anything! Klest, I want you to teach the arrogant naggers a good lesson.”

  “I will give them a good flogging…”

  “Exactly. Sink their ships and steal their hopes and dreams. Organize a carnage of Creatures. And on the mainland — destroy everything! Incite them all! Not just one — but all! I want the possessions of the Creatures to be torn to pieces. Make an example out of them.”

  “We will do it. And the CLOUD?”

  "How many more minutes do we have?"

  “Half an hour. Judging from past experience.”

  "So we do not have more than twenty minutes left. Prepare resistance. Call the god.”

  “Oh ...BB ... maybe it is too early to use our trumps?”

  "To die in old age on a mattress stuffed with banknotes? Not my style,” The baroness cut off, more like a predatory cat than ever. I could not help admiring her. Bloodthirsty clever grace in all its fierce beauty.

  “Make the call!”

  “Your choice.”

  “But,” objected Malice. “It is a pity ... can we not manage using a couple of maneuvers? The CLOUD crawls above us, but still it is not a ship…”

  "Malice, we are moving away from the mainland," Baroness said with a sigh, watching the two elves in long robes set a large crystal of a certain bluish-gray mineral on the table. "For terrestrial gods, this is another element, a hostile one. It is better to do it now.”

  “Terrestrial? Wait a minute! So you want to call him?!”

  Malice had barely uttered "HIM" when a massive shot rang out, and the gun platform towed by the flagship erupted in a smoky shroud, colorful lights, and a million sparks. The sky above the flagship turned into an ominous rainbow, one end starting above the platform and the other going into the thunderstorm darkness before us. Most of the colors of the "rainbow" did not please the eye — some nasty shades prevailed. Brown-green, dull yellow, caustic orange among others. And the colors seemed to be slimy. It seemed to me that slime was almost dripping from the deadly rainbow above us. Really foolish to imagine this — but I involuntarily shuddered. Deadly putrefactive colors...

  I was so impressed that I forgot about Decay — or else it graciously receded. Oh, this damn invincible malaria of Valdira. If someone manages to avoid the mystical ban on an excessively long stay in the magical game world ... he would become a billionaire. And a public icon for many players.

  And who did Sleepless decide to call for protection from the CLOUD of Eternal Critters? What kind of deity was this?”

  “BB! A state of emergency!” The armored Red Baron burst onto the bridge. “Al Dra Das was attacked!”

  “What?!” The Baroness turned around so quickly that it seemed to me as if a tornado had whirled in front of me. “The prison under attack?!”

  “Yes! The location is surrounded! The Golden Templars! Them again! Twenty combat heavy-armed ships are surrounding the island and the prison fortress. Our buildings are demolished, the most part of the garrison flew to rebirth five times over. They are covered with clouds of disease. Another twenty transport workers are already approaching the coastal edge – they are about to land the fighters. Of the four dozen ships, about a quarter belong to the Eternal Creatures, and as many to the New Kings.”

  “The Kings ...”

  "It is true, they are also our friends. Were ... we left them at the guard of the southern part of the Vale of Darkness. So, BB, do not freak out
– but no one was guarding the south of the volcanic plateau. Orcs and mountain giants broke through the southern ridge and happily stomped along the banks of Lava Rivers directly to our citadel. Several magicians from the Kings created stone and ice bridges for them, opening a straight path to Barad-Gadur. And everything was done so quickly that even the eye did not have time to react! This was a strategy that was planned…”

  The head of the Sleepless looked like a statue. Her strained, unmoving face frightened me — furious to the limit.

  "Go on ..." Her quiet, calm voice contrasted sharply with her appearance.

  "A god also came to the island! Miasmaria is the deity of disease and plant rot. He works directly with the Templars in a duet – all he touches dies! The bees die on the fly, their hives turn into dust, the sunflowers into dust. Previously, Miasmaria was not so powerful. But I bet the Plague Knight and that little goddess girl sent the illnesses upon us! And we will not be able to transfer additional forces to Al Dra Das. We cannot help the island garrison. Nothing, BB, just nothing we can do. We barely keep the defenses up. But this is not all – the orcs continue to arrive. Together with forest and mountain giants.”

  “There’s more,” said Klest, tensely looking into the air in front of him. “A sea of messages. A panic brewing. One request after another. All require an answer. All write directly to the Baroness. Worst of all is Al Dra Das. BB ... if they capture the prison, they will kill the guards. And — God forbid — release all the prisoners. Or worse, teleport them to the mainland ... Baroness, we swore vengeance before several kings and others – swore that some of the prisoners would never again be at large. If even a couple of these reptiles are freed, and resume their past fun ... everyone’s trust in us will collapse...

  “I wrote to the leaders of several allied clans,“ gloomily said Malice. “Of the ten, only seven answered. Three people are silent, although I see that they are in Valdira. What the fuck was going on, huh? What kind of day is it today?”

  “The day of the overthrow of the dark lord Sauron,“ a clear voice sounded from the bridge, without any glitches — just like the voice of God.


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