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India Transformed Page 83

by Rakesh Mohan

  National Innovation System, 508–37

  National Maritime Development Programme (2005), 354

  National Pension Scheme (NPS), 429

  national power and security, quantifying, 194–97

  National Power Index (NPI), 196

  National Renewal Fund (NRF), 30–31, 476

  National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), 386

  National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCCL), 421

  National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), 381, 421, 556

  National Security Advisory Board (NSAB), 191, 194, 195

  National Security Council (NSC), 196

  National Skill Development Agency, 381

  National Spot Exchange Limited scam, 430

  National Stock Exchange (NSE), 88, 420, 421, 430, 442, 556, 597

  National Telecommunications Policy (NTP, 1994), 332; (1999), 338

  National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), 247, 465, 474

  National Transport Development Policy Committee, 331, 355

  National Warehousing Development Authority (NWDA), 293

  Nationalization Act, 411, 416

  nationalization of banks, 449

  NatSteel, 588

  Navayuga, 351

  Nayan Chanda, xviii

  Nayyar, Deepak, 25, 190

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 25–26, 39–40, 70, 86, 166, 172, 189, 192, 313, 502

  Nelson, Richard, 513

  Net Effective Exchange Rate (NEER), 130, 409

  network and IT outsourcing, 573

  New Economic Policy, 493, 502

  New Industrial Policy (1990), 21, 23, 26

  New Millennium Innovation Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI), 605

  New Telecom Policy (1999), 571

  New Textile Policy (1985), 486

  New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 615

  Nihar, 583

  Nimotuzumab, 601

  Nirlon, 486, 492

  NITI Aayog, 9, 53, 238–39, 240, 248

  Nixon, Richard, xiv–xv, 169, 176

  ‘no first use’ policy, 198

  NOCIL, 463, 493

  Nokia, 572

  Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER), 409

  non-agriculture tariff, 123–24

  Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), 341, 414–15, 418

  non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 385, 386, 399

  non-financial-service-sector companies, 465–71, 474

  non-performing assets (NPA), 219, 361, 364, 365, 411, 414

  non-performing loans, 417

  Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 172

  non-tariff measures, barriers, 99, 116, 124, 135–41, 148, 285

  North Atlantic Financial Crisis (NAFC), 2008, 36, 241, 242, 543

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 171

  North–South divide, 172

  Novo Nordisk, 603

  Novozymes, 601

  nuclear capability, nuclear weapons programme, 3, 173, 192

  Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG), 179

  nuclear tests

  1974, xv

  1998, xvii, 167, 178, 415

  sanctions and liberalization after, 197–99, 230

  O’Hara, William T., 499

  Obama, Barack, 100, 199

  Observer Research Foundation, 555

  Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), 313, 315, 319, 465, 474

  ONGC Videsh, 474

  ‘oil pool’ account, 314

  oil prices, 6, 59, 183, 448

  oil shock (1974), 92

  One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative, 180–81, 185

  on-lending to states, 246

  Open Access Regulations (OAR), 268, 270

  open general licence (OGL), 136, 302

  open-market system, 593

  Oracle, 612

  Ordinance-cum-Act (2000), 336

  Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 99, 144, 146, 193, 561


  development, 486

  learning, 343

  structures, 617

  organized sector, 31, 62–64, 69, 84–85

  formal employment, 62–63

  Osmania University, 604

  over-the-counter (OTC) and exchange-traded derivatives, 422, 429–31, 440, 442, 597

  Pai, T.A., 225


  complicity in cross-border terrorism, 167, 180

  created Taliban, 170, 171

  defence spending, 191

  India wars, 1965 and 1971, 190

  nuclear weapons, 171

  Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK), 181, 185

  PAN numbers, 440

  Panagariya, Arvind, xix, 17

  Pande, V.C., 22

  Paranjape, H.K., 15

  Parekh, Deepak, 36

  Parekh, H.T., 447, 455

  Parekh, Ketan, 435, 441

  parliament, accountability, 208–10

  Parliamentary Standing Committee, 354

  participatory notes (PNs), 433

  ‘passive infrastructure sharing’, 573

  Patanjali Ayurved Limited, 577, 588, 589

  Patel Roadways, 488

  patent laws, 496–97, 592, 601–02

  Patents Act, 1970, 601

  Pavitt, Keith, 513, 514

  Pay Commission

  Fifth, 241

  Sixth, 242

  pension and insurance sectors, 428–29

  Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), 429, 441

  PepsiCo India, 583

  per capita income, 37, 61, 77, 89, 488, 494, 529, 546, 552

  petroleum sector, petroleum products

  market-driven pricing structure, 320

  political economy of deregulation, 312–21

  political pricing, 83

  pharmaceutical industry, 487, 496–99, 531

  and biotech industry towards global leadership, 591–608

  phased manufacturing programme (PMP), 11–12

  abolition, 302

  Philippines, 9, 10, 33, 121, 295, 298, 478

  physical infrastructure, 89

  failure, difficulties in doing business, 478–80

  Pichia pastoris, 600

  Piramal Healthcare, 593, 606

  Piramal, Gita, 36

  Planning Commission, xviii, xix, 5, 7–10, 21, 22, 31, 35, 53, 230, 238, 242–43, 248, 363, 481; See also Niti Aayog

  Pokhran nuclear explosion

  accountability, 212–13

  political interference and weak management, 212–13

  skills and domain expertise, mismatch, 213

  policy formulation and implementation, 66

  political economy, xiii, 38, 252, 262, 270, 271, 482, 567

  of higher education, 370, 377–78

  of reforms, 6, 77–90, 137, 198

  of petroleum sector deregulation, 312–21

  of trade liberalization, 137

  political executive and civil servant, relations, 210

  political feudalism, 87

  political management, 77, 80, 211

  political parties, 218

  accountability, 207–08

  political will, 66, 206, 292, 295, 310, 476, 591

  politicians’ compulsions, 85–86

  pollution of air and natural water bodies, 65, 66, 314, 317

  Poonawala, Cyrus, 487

  Port Trust Act, 331

  portfolio equity investment, 100, 437

  ports, development, 354–55, 473

  poverty reduction, 60, 61, 63

  Power Development and Reform Programme, 334

  Power Finance Corporation, 247

  power generation, 34, 467, 473

  Power Sector Development Fund, 248

  power sector, 33, 83, 246–47, 267, 341–42

  distribution companies, 85

  distribution reforms, 268–70

  electricity consumption, 479

  Multi Year Tariff system, 268

  private sector participation, 83, 334, 355–57

nbsp; reforms, 330, 334–35

  tariff, commercially unviable, 83

  Ultra Mega Power Projects, 357

  Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), 256, 258, 270, 352

  Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs), 133

  challenge, 82–84

  controls, 592

  reforms, 34, 83–84, 341, 342

  stabilization, 285

  Price, Derek de Solla, 513

  private equity and venture capital, 423

  private sector investments, role, 14, 34, 47, 48, 149, 219, 311, 556–60, 569. See also divestment, disinvestment or privatization

  in agriculture, 278, 282, 294

  in air-taxi service, 568

  in banking, 449

  competition, 82

  decontrol, 50, 592

  in digital platforms, 146

  in education, higher education, 39, 373, 375, 378

  employment, 81

  in healthcare, growth, 385, 387

  in infrastructure development, 219, 326–28, 330, 331, 333, 346–66

  in insurance, 451

  in petroleum industry, 314, 315, 316, 319

  in power sector, 83, 334, 355–57

  reforms and corporate profits, 87–88

  in telecommunications, 259

  private vehicle ownership, 219

  product and service markets, 509

  production process for infrastructure, 325

  profit after tax (PAT), 461, 466, 473, 578

  profitability, 467–68

  PSP, Canada, 351

  public consciousness, 66–67

  public health sector, public-health services, 38, 64

  changes, 386–87

  Public Interest Litigation (PIL), 211, 213, 214

  public sector

  autonomy, 41

  banks, 418

  and economic reforms, 39

  investments, 14

  mismanagement, 82

  policy, 27–28

  reforms, 53

  reservation, 73, 74

  public sector enterprises (PSEs), 27, 48, 50, 319, 321, 346, 408, 436, 604

  public services, 39

  failure, 64

  public transport, neglect, 88

  public–private partnerships (PPPs), 103, 205, 253, 270

  in biotechnology, 604

  in higher education, 380

  infrastructure development, 326–28, 333, 336–38, 340–41, 343, 347, 350–52, 354, 357, 359, 365

  problems with, 360–63

  Pune University, 308

  Punjab Infrastructure Development Board, 350

  purchaser–provider split (PPS), 396–97

  purchasing power parity (PPP), 102, 376, 482, 542, 560

  ‘put-call’ parity identity, 437–38

  Putin, Vladimir, 171

  PwC India, 437

  Quality Council of India (QCI), 140

  quantitative controls over imports, 412

  quantitative restrictions (QRs), 53, 73, 117, 124–25, 135, 136–37, 159, 160, 286, 288

  quantity control, 135

  Quest International, 599

  Raheja, Chandru, 487


  computerized reservation system, 72

  corporatization, 342

  infrastructure, 358–59, 483

  Raj Krishna, Professor, 7–8

  Rakesh Mohan, 74, 211, 226, 328, 331, 350, 508

  Ramachandran, S., 598

  Ramdev, Baba, 589

  Ramesh, Jairam, 10, 23, 25–26, 50

  Ramkrishna, G.V., 582

  Ranbaxy, 593, 606

  Rangarajan, C., 6, 34

  Rangarajan Committee, 447

  Rao, P.V. Narasimha, 4–6, 23, 33, 51, 73–74, 91, 166, 168–69, 190–92, 226, 234, 276, 320, 440, 459, 486, 493, 569, 578, 611

  Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan, 372

  Rashtriya Uchchtar Shiksha Abhiyan, 381

  Reagan, Ronald, 4, 7

  Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER), 130, 148, 409

  real-estate and construction sector, 471–72, 473–74

  ReaMetrix, 604

  Reddy, Brahmananda, 239

  Reddy, Jaganmohan, 86

  Reddy, K.I. Varaprasad, 599

  Reddy, Y.V. (Venugopal), 35

  reforestation, 584

  Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), 100, 133, 177

  regulatory uncertainty, 597

  reinvigoration, 513

  research and development (R & D), 509–10, 525–27, 531–32

  highly concentrated, 510

  import and export of technology and in-house R&D, 525–27

  India as an outliner in spending, 510–12

  an invigorated higher education system and an invigorated scientific research system, two sides of the same coin, 532–34

  in industry, 515–20

  lack of investment, 527–28

  role of policy, 535

  publicly funded research and industrial innovation, 512–13

  Reliance Fresh Direct, 562

  Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), 311, 315, 317, 318, 332, 351, 493, 499, 554, 555, 557

  growth into a global-scale conglomerate, 557–60

  Hazira petrochemical complex, 559

  Jamnagar refinery, 558–59

  Naroda plant, 72

  Patalganga project, 72, 559–60

  Reliance Infrastructure Ltd, 435

  Reliance Natural Resources Ltd (RNRL), 435

  Reliance Retail, 562

  Renault, 307

  research and development (R & D), 7, 41, 294–95, 574, 597–98, 602

  reservations (affirmative action policies) in higher education, 374–75, 377

  Reserve Bank of India (RBI), 5, 12, 34, 59, 73, 75, 101, 216, 221, 240, 244, 300–1, 341, 364, 409–13, 414, 415, 419, 421–22, 424, 427, 429, 431, 435, 438, 448, 450, 610–11

  Negotiated Dealing System (NDS), 422

  retrenchment and layoffs, 84

  return on net worth (RONW), 468–70, 473

  Right to Information Act, 204, 217

  roads, road network, 352

  Rodrik, Dani, 57

  Rosenberg, Nathan, 513

  Roy, Jayanta, 10, 19

  Roy, Subrata, 443

  Ruia, Nand Kishore, 489

  Ruia, Shashikant, 489

  rupee, devaluation/depreciation, 50, 73, 80–81, 129–31, 276, 303, 412, 446, 593

  rural employment guarantee programme, 61

  rural road infrastructure, 252, 256–57, 258–59


  China, relations, 178, 182

  services-manufacturing conundrum, 478

  and the West relations, 182

  SAARC University, 373

  Saddam Hussein, 166

  Sagar, Virenchee, 486

  Sagarmala project, 355, 364

  Sahara cases, 435

  Sahdev, Kuldip, 228

  Sahdev, Padma, 228

  Saini, Shweta, 38

  sales taxation system, 245

  Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) measures, 135, 136, 139–41

  Sanofi, 603

  SAP, 612, 617

  Saradha chit fund scam, 435, 443

  Sartorius, 604

  Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), 256, 258, 270, 271, 372

  satisfactory underperformance, 491–92

  Satyam case, 437

  Sawhney, Dhruv, 226

  Schaffer, Teresita and Howard, xix

  Schools of Planning and Architecture (SPAs), 373

  Schwab, Klaus, 227

  Securities and Contract (Regulation) Act, 429

  Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 75, 204, 419, 420, 431, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438, 441–43, 556, 582, 596; Act (1992), 420, 441, 443

  Technical Advisory Committee, 442

  Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT), 443

  Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 2007, 420, 440

  Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SAR
FAESI) Act (2002), 426, 428

  Seddon, Jessica, 34

  Sen, Amartya, 64

  Sengupta, Arjun, 16

  Serum Institute, 487

  Service Level Agreements (SLAs), 571

  service sector, 36, 142–44, 306, 530, 574

  service tax, 238, 245

  services-manufacturing conundrum, 477–78

  Seshan, T.N., 17–18, 19, 22

  Shah, Jignesh, 430, 441

  Shah, Rajen, 463

  Shah, Viren, 463

  Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), 185

  Shanghvi, Dilip, 489

  Shanghvi, Shantilal, 489

  Shantha Biotetechnics, 599, 604

  Shapoorji Pallonji Group, 487

  Sharif, Nawaz, xvii–xviii

  Shaw, Kiran Mazumdar, 37, 489

  Shenoy, P.V., 286

  Shining India campaign, 87

  Shukla, S.P., 25

  SHV, 317

  Shyam Saran, xiii, 35, 228

  Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 (SICA), 475

  sick enterprises, 30

  Singapore, 100, 177, 192, 226–27, 228, 232, 233, 301, 483, 504, 510, 588

  Singapore Airlines, 587

  Singh, Ajit, 18, 19, 20, 21

  Singh, Arjun, 25–26

  Singh, Charan, 18

  Singh, Harsha Vardhana, xi, xix, 35, 36, 38

  Singh, N.K., 34, 226, 229, 249, 335

  Singh, V.P., 18, 19, 22, 276

  Single-Window Clearance Mechanism (SWCM), 253, 262, 263–67, 270

  Sinha, Yashwant, 333

  ‘Skill India’ campaign, skill-development initiative, 234, 307–8, 381, 559

  small and medium enterprises (SMEs), 21, 133, 140, 147, 562, 597

  Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI), 605

  Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), 598

  small-scale industry reservation, 31–32

  Smart Cities, 234, 383

  smartphones, 542, 544, 610

  Snapdragon, 487

  social media, 218

  social-safety net, 89

  socio-economic divide, 564

  software industry in India, 527, 531

  Software Technology Parks (STPs), 614

  soil erosion, 65, 66

  Sondhi, Mantosh, 225

  South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA), 170

  South Commission, 7, 9

  South Korea, 100, 192, 301, 509, 510

  economic growth, 89, 93

  industrialization, 526

  manufacturing, 530

  R & D expenditure, 522

  services–manufacturing conundrum, 477

  technical capability, 523, 525

  transformation, 520–24

  Soviet Union, 193

  invasion of Afghanistan, xvi

  disintegration, xvi, xvii, 3, 4, 7, 93, 165, 169, 171, 175, 176, 188, 192, 568

  special additional duty (SAD) of customs, 128

  Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), 108

  Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Act (2005), 606

  spot and exchange-traded derivatives, 419

  Srei, 351

  SRF, 537

  Sri Lanka, 574


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