India Transformed

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India Transformed Page 84

by Rakesh Mohan

  stabilization policies, 407

  Standard Life Investments, 452

  Standard Life Plc, UK, 452

  start-ups, 263, 447, 553, 577, 588–89

  state, states

  empowerment, 252–71

  growth and resources, 254–56

  and market, relationship, 317

  state-owned enterprises (SOEs), 460

  winners and losers, 474–76

  State Bank of India (SBI), 73, 75, 420, 465

  State Electricity Commissions, 335

  State Electricity Regulatory Commissions, 247, 268

  State Higher Education Councils, 381

  Statins, 600

  statutory liquidity ratio, 410, 446, 448–49

  Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), 474

  stock exchanges, 52, 75, 419–20, 421–22, 431, 436, 439, 440, 442, 542, 597, 601, 612, 614

  government-sponsored, 442

  Stock Holding Corporation of India, 420

  Strategic Planning Group (‘R’–reforms–Group), 315–16, 318, 320

  structural adjustment programmes, 7, 9, 240

  structural change, adding dimensions to, 530

  structural reforms, 48, 51, 276, 557

  in banking sector, 407, 414

  Subramanian, Arvind, 57, 78, 99, 218, 530

  subsidies, 65, 79, 88, 111, 135, 142, 183, 190, 244, 259, 284, 294, 321, 330, 333–35, 341, 342, 356, 374, 387, 446, 483, 535, 612

  Sun Pharma, 465, 531, 537

  supply chain, 142, 144, 145, 305, 561, 562, 589

  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 399, 562

  Suzuki Motor Company, 302, 569

  Swachh Bharat (Clean India), 234

  Syngene International, 601, 604

  synthetic textile industry, 486

  systematic risk management, 436–37

  Taiwan, 166

  economic growth, 89, 93, 192, 560

  healthcare, 398

  India, diplomatic relations, 169–70, 172, 173 industrialization, 526

  research and development (R & D), 509, 510, 514, 515

  technical capability, 525

  ‘taper tantrum’, 59

  tariff, tariffs, 99, 116, 193–95

  distribution across agriculture and non-agriculture products, 124–25

  for non-agricultural items, 127

  policy, 2006, 247

  rates, reduction, 119–20, 132, 412

  reform, 118–35

  regime, simplification, 131, 147

  Tariff Authority of Major Ports (TAMP), 350, 354–55

  Task Force on Financing of Urban Development, 9

  Task Force on Indirect Taxes, 145

  Task Force on the National Electricity Policy, 2004, 335

  Tata Group, 332, 487, 497, 499, 575–77, 537

  acquisition of Corus and Jaguar Land Rover, 95, 588

  acquisition of Tetley, 588

  and liberalization, 579–81

  before liberalization, 590

  the early years of liberalization, 579–81

  the later years of liberalization, 584–88

  Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM), 585, 586, 587

  Tata Chemicals, 583, 588

  Tata Code of Conduct, 587

  Tata Communications, 588

  Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), 72, 311, 465, 527, 582

  Tata Group Innovation Forum, 587

  Tata, J.R.D., 224, 579, 585, 586

  Tata Management Training Centre, 586

  Tata Motors, 302, 311, 531, 532, 534, 536, 579, 580, 588

  Tata Nano, 586

  Tata Oil Mills Company (TOMCO), 581, 583

  Tata, Ratan, 226, 497, 576, 579, 580, 581, 585

  Tata Sons, 72, 576, 579, 580, 581, 585, 587

  Tata Steel, 536, 579, 586, 588

  Tata Tea, 588

  tax policies, 89

  Tax Reforms Committee (Chelliah Committee), 50, 118–19, 127, 131–32, 155, 245, 304

  tax reforms, 9, 52, 240, 486

  Tea Estates India, 584

  Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), 135, 136, 139–41

  technical capability

  impact of trade regime, 524–25

  R & D and innovation, 509–15, 532

  technology, 32, 42, 88, 112, 142, 146, 149, 154, 187, 192, 230, 283, 296, 303, 312, 332, 339, 450, 549–50, 562–63, 610

  change, 30, 42, 344, 509

  development, 41, 239, 307–8, 310–11, 513

  discourse on, 535–36

  foreign, 19, 27, 28, 37, 300–1, 302, 307, 593

  hardware, 510, 530–31

  and healthcare, 398, 399

  import and export of, 509, 525–26

  indigenous, 41

  industrial, 28, 37

  and innovation, xiii, 338, 535–36, 563

  investment, 37, 40, 493

  licensing, 525, 612

  modernization and upgradation, 30–31, 118, 486

  led start-ups, 597

  transfer, 27, 49, 593

  Technology Development Investment Corporation of India (TDICI). See ICICI Ventures

  Technology Mission on Oilseeds (TMO), 285–86

  TELCO, 586

  telecom sector, telecommunications, 217, 259–61, 270, 336, 338–41, 460, 467, 473, 475, 488, 560, 563, 569

  in the post-reform era, 81, 82

  Telecoms Dispute Settlement Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT), 338, 342

  Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), 259, 332, 338, 342, 350

  Telecommunications, Department of (DoT), 326, 338

  telephones, 68 326

  Tendulkar Committee, 60–61, 292

  terms of reference (ToR), 242, 243

  terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, 170–71, 213

  Tewari, Leena, 487

  Textile Commissioner, 70–71

  Thackerays of the Shiv Sena, 86

  Thailand, 477, 510, 588

  healthcare, health insurance, 389, 395, 397, 398 manufacturing industry, 301

  Thapar, Gautam, 463

  Thapar, Lalit, 463

  Thatcher, Margaret, 4, 7

  Tiananmen killings, China, 1989, 169, 176

  Todd, Lord Alexander Robertus, 496

  total customs revenue, 122

  Total Oil, 317


  deficit, 114, 468

  facilitation, 144–45

  share in global economy, 93–95

  liberalization, 50, 52, 94, 137, 192, 198

  policies on agri products, 285–89

  promotion measures, 37

  regime, impact on technical capability, 524–25

  unions, 10, 30, 84, 85

  trade policy, 99–100, 535–36

  changes, 276

  many types of policies and still evolving, 115–16

  reforms in India since 1991, 35, 110–61, 275

  reforms, services and regulation as integral part of, 142–44

  Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 495, 496, 601–03

  Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 181

  transfer system, changes, 242–45

  Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 100, 115, 123, 145, 146, 177, 180, 181

  transparency, 69, 116, 127, 132, 140, 144, 205, 214, 216, 220, 247, 317, 451, 456, 618

  in government procurement procedures, 309

  transport network, 326, 331, 337, 342, 475

  Tregopil, 601

  Triomune, 495–96

  Tripathi, Dwijendra, 499–500

  Triveni, 537

  Trump, Donald, 92, 100, 180–83

  Turkey, 232, 397, 478

  Health Transformation Programme, 396

  TVS, 500

  2G Scam, 338–39

  Tyco Global Network, 588

  Ujwal DISCOM Assistance Yojana (UDAY), 2015, 248, 334–35

  Ukraine crisis (2014), 182, 183

  unemployment, 62–63

  Unilever, 577, 582, 583, 599, 612, 613

  Unilever Arabia,

  Unique Identity ‘Aadhaar’ Card, 204

  Unit Trust of India (UTI), 419, 421, 431, 435, 448

  US-64, 435

  United Breweries group of companies, 437

  United Front (UF), 52, 229

  United Nations (UN)

  Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), 18

  Framework Convention on Climate Change, 173–74

  Human Development Index, 205

  Human Rights Council (UNHRC), 167, 169–70

  Security Council, 174, 179

  United Phosphorus, 537

  United Progressive Alliance (UPA), 53, 58, 167, 174, 204, 217, 282, 319, 379, 380, 467, 478

  II, 58, 282, 290, 467

  United States, 503, 542, 561

  Agency for International Development in India (USAID), xviii, 448

  anti-dumping measures, 137, 139

  China, relations, 174, 176, 178, 181, 192–94

  China–Russia triangle, 182–83

  Comprehensive National Power Index, 197

  Dodd–Frank legislation, 439

  Federal Reserve, 439

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 600

  Healthcare, 389

  higher education, 383

  emergence as a hyper-power, 176

  India diplomatic relations, xv, xvii–xviii, 53, 165–69, 172, 176, 185, 199

  counterterrorism cooperation, 167, 180

  Iraq invasion, 178

  and Pakistan relations, xvi

  Saudi Arabia relations, 183

  tariffs, 120, 124, 125

  terrorist assault (9/11), 180

  user fees and subsidies, 333

  Universal Health Coverage (UHC), 385, 389–90, 399

  Universal Service Obligation (USO), 326, 336

  Universities for Research and Innovation Bill (2012), 380

  University Grants Commission (UGC), 380, 382

  university system in India, 369, 377

  unorganized sector, 31, 62, 63, 64, 84

  urban consumption, 543

  urban infrastructure, 359–60

  urbanization, 7–9, 14, 87, 205, 383

  Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status (UPSS), 62

  USV, 487

  Vaghul, Narayanan, 596

  Vahanvati, Goolam, 214

  Vajpayee, Atal Bihari, xvii, xviii, 33, 52–54, 166, 198, 229, 231, 234, 315, 320, 440, 441, 459, 476, 478, 569, 571

  value added tax (VAT), 238, 245–46

  value chains, 111–12, 139, 144, 149

  Venkateswaran, Sandhya, 38

  venture capital, 423

  funding, the advent of new-age companies, 595–97

  Verma, Amar Nath, 5, 6, 18–20, 22, 23–24, 28, 30, 73, 74, 226, 227

  Vicco Vajradanti, 589

  Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL), 326

  Gateway Internet Access Service, 332

  Virmani, Arvind, 10

  Vision Group on Biotechnology, 605

  Vittal, N., 614

  Vohra Committee report (1993), 207

  voluntary retirement schemes (VRS), 476

  Volvo Motors, 305

  vote bank politics, 377

  Vyapam scandal, 378–79

  Wadia, Lovji, 500

  Wadia, Nusli, 463

  Walls Frozen Desserts, 583

  Warsaw Pact, xvii

  Warwick University, UK, 308

  Washington Consensus, 52, 57, 176

  waste management, unscientific, 65


  infrastructure, 326

  management and agriculture, 294–95

  Wheel, 579

  White Revolution (milk), 277, 286

  Wipro, 465, 527, 569

  Wockhardt, 603, 606

  Wolf, Martin, 35

  worker population ratio (WPR), 482

  World Bank, ix, 5, 6, 7–9, 31, 34, 49, 51, 52, 66, 241, 425, 448, 477, 479, 482, 564

  World Development Report (2008), 34, 292

  World Economic Forum (WEF)

  Geneva, 227, 232

  Davos Symposium, Switzerland, 19, 173, 227–28, 232

  World Health Organization (WHO), 603

  World Trade Organization (WTO), xix, 33, 53, 100, 104, 105, 115, 124–25, 133, 136, 143, 158, 160, 168, 230, 496, 594

  dispute settlement system, 139, 141

  General Agreement on Trade in Services, 112 Information Technology Agreement (ITA), 120 specific trade concerns (STCs), 140–41

  Trade Facilitation Agreement, 145

  agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, 496

  world trade. See global trade

  World War II, 12, 70, 176

  XCyton, 604

  Xi Jinping, 180, 184

  Y2K boom, 587

  Yadav, Ram Krishna, 589

  Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, xviii

  Yale Global, xviii

  Yellow Revolution (oils), 286

  Yelstin, Boris, 171

  Zahura, 583, 584

  Zain Telecom, 574

  Zandu, 589

  Zee, 351

  Zee TV, 569

  Zhou Enlai, 192

  Zydus Cadila, 606




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