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If You Dare (Dare Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Shantel Tessier

  I hear the front door open and close, and then seconds later, my mother’s housekeeper walks in. “Good morning, Demi.” She greets me with a nod of her head.

  “Isabella.” I smile at her warmly. “I spoke to my mother last night, and she said to give you the day off today.”

  She frowns, looking at the scattered cups and liquor bottles that litter the kitchen. I haven’t touched that shit. “The day off, ma’am?”

  I nod and slide the white envelope over to her. “Here. Take a day for yourself. Go shopping and get you something nice for Mr. Rodriguez.”

  Her chubby face lights up, and her brown eyes widen. The leftover trash from my party long forgotten. “Thank you. Thank you so much. Tell your mother thank you.” She nods quickly.

  I wave at her as she all but runs out of the kitchen and then the front door.

  That was easy.

  I hear the door open and close again, and I smile behind the rim of my coffee cup. That would be my sister. She walks in, pulling a rolling suitcase behind her. “God, I just saw Isabella leaving. Where the hell is she going? She needs to get in here and do her job. This place is disgusting.” She huffs as her blue eyes roam around the kitchen.

  “How was Collins?” I ask, ignoring her.

  Her lips pull back in disgust. “The same hellhole.”

  “Then why did you go?”

  She doesn’t answer. I think she’s seeing someone in Collins. Why else would she go back and forth so much? And it’s never for a week at a time. She only spends a day or two there.

  This time, she chooses to avoid answering my question and goes to walk out. “Oh, wait. Who is Evan Scott?”

  She comes to a stop and spins around to face me. “Why?” she asks slowly with narrowed eyes.

  “Because I got a friend request from him Saturday night. I have you as a mutual friend.” She snaps the phone from my hands. “Okay, then,” I say, taking a drink of my coffee.

  She begins to type on my phone.

  “What are you doing?” I ask her.

  “I’m sending this fucker a message.” She growls.

  “What? Why?” I reach for it, but she spins around, giving me her back. “Message him back from your own phone,” I snap, setting down the mug.

  “This motherfucker … talking to my sister.” She rambles to herself. I don’t correct her that he didn’t message me. He just sent me a friend request. “I’ll kick his fucking ass.”

  “Is he like an ex of yours?”

  She gives a rough laugh. “He’s an ex all right.”

  She turns to face me and holds out my phone.

  I look down and see she still has messenger open. “I’ll kill you, fucker.” I nod in approval. “Nice. I bet he’s scared to death.”

  “He should be.” She tosses my phone onto the countertop.

  “Thanks,” I say as it bounces a couple of times before stopping right before it falls off the edge. “Not like I have important shit on that or anything.”

  “Let me know if he says anything else to you.” She growls. “And by the way, tell Seth to lighten the fuck up.” She glares at my neck. “He’s a man, not a vampire.” She looks over my hickeys and bite marks.

  “Oh, you noticed them?” I ask, pressing my fingers to the sensitive skin. I’ve heard of a few tricks to get rid of them, but I chose to wear them with pride. I didn’t even bother caking on the makeup.

  “Of course,” she spits out. “Cover that shit up.”

  “Have a nice day,” I singsong as she walks out of the kitchen.

  I smile, picking up my keys and walk out the front door. The moment I sit down in my car, my cell begins to ring. “Hello, darling.” I greet Seth.

  He snorts at my pet name for him. “So, did it work?”

  I smile to myself as I pull through the open gate, waving to the guard who sits in the guard shack. “A woman never kisses and tells.”

  “Deke wanted to kick my ass.” He growls.

  “He still might.”

  “Cole too. I might be able to take one of them, but not both.”

  I hide my laughter at that. Either one of them would knock his ass out with one hit. And I didn’t need to read Austin’s journal to know that.

  Sighing, he adds, “I hope it was worth it.”

  “It will be.” I hang up without telling him goodbye.

  Twenty minutes later, I pull into the high school parking lot and park my car. I’m going through my locker looking for my books when my cell dings.

  Smiling to myself, I pull it out of my back pocket knowing exactly who it is. And she doesn’t disappoint.


  “What has you in such a great mood today?” Lauren asks, coming up to me.

  “It’s Friday,” I answer.

  “No.” She frowns. “It’s actually Monday. Are you high?”

  I shrug. “Same thing.”

  My phone dings again, and I look down at it.


  My sister hates being ignored, so that’s exactly what I do. Instead of responding, I exit out of her message and look up Deke in my phone. The night he and Cole had broken into my house and he tied my hands behind my back, Cole had taken pics of me and Deke. I’m not sure why and haven’t asked, but Cole had sent them to an unknown number in my phone. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out it was Deke’s number. I pull it up and send him a message.

  Me: My sister knows.

  I stand in the hallway holding books in one hand and my phone in the other waiting for a response. He doesn’t make me wait long.

  Deke: What exactly does she know?

  I smile and type out my reply.

  Me: That you took my virginity. In her bed.

  Then I turn the bitch on silent and throw it into my locker with a smile on my face.



  I STAND BEFORE Deke with my head down, biting my lip to hide my smile. Did he really think I’d let Seth hurt me? Put his hands on me? I forget that he doesn’t know me all that well.

  “What happened?” Deke asks.

  I sniff for effect. “He found out about us.”


  It’s a long shot because we both know there is no damn us, but I’m going to work it. I nod. “I was texting my best friend about what we did at Silence …. and he read it.” I haven’t told a soul what happened at Silence or at my mother’s house. The only person who knows what is going on is Cole, and I’m not even sure how much Deke has told him. But I’m not one of those girls who runs to their friends and blabs about boys.

  “Fuck.” He hisses.

  I look up at him, a tear runs down my cheek, and he watches it. “He thinks we had sex.”

  Have you thought about it, Deke? I have. Over and over. And every time, you get better and better.

  Stepping into me, he reaches up and runs his knuckles through the single tear.

  I place my hands on his shirt and grip it tightly. “Deke.” I whisper his name, and I pray that it’s enough to get what I want. We stood here days ago, and I watched him make out with my sister after he stayed the night, and I decided right then what I needed to do. I was going to win him over. Becky can have him but not until I’m done with him.

  “You’re with Seth,” he says, and I know I’ve won. He’s thinking about it.

  I lift my eyes to meet his. He looks ready to throw me to the floor and fuck me right here. Caveman style. “He already thinks I’ve betrayed him.” I lick my lips. “Might as well give him a reason to put his hands on me.”

  “Don’t say that,” he growls, stepping into me.

  I tilt my head back. “It’ll be worth it.”

  He slides his hand into my hair, and I close my eyes, letting out a moan, and for once, since he followed us out of the kitchen, something I do is real. The butterflies in my stomach, the trembling in my knees—he does this to me. The last time I felt
like this for a man was with Eli. And this time, the tears are real. The thought of him hurts my soul. I need Deke to cleanse it with his evil. Betrayal. Eli was as good as they came even though no one knows that but me. “Kiss me, Deke.”

  “I won’t stop,” he admits.

  I won’t let you even if you try.

  I look up at him, and I see it in his eyes. From the way his lips part and his breathing picks up, I know I’ve won. I reach back and turn the knob to the bedroom and pull him inside.

  He rips my shirt up and over my head, and I grab at his. He leans forward, and I pull it off. I’m trying to get his jeans undone when he speaks.

  “Light …”

  “Leave it off.”

  He yanks me to a stop with his hands on my hips, and my heart pounds in my chest. Keep them off, Deke. It’ll ruin everything. I know he’s been drinking. He’s not wasted, but he’s also not sober. If he was, this would never work. “Are you shy, Demi?”

  “Kinda.” I lie.

  “There’s nothing to be shy of, baby. I’ve already had my fingers inside you.”

  I whimper at his words. And there’s nothing fake about it. “Please,” I beg. The lights must stay off. One, he’ll notice it’s not my room. And two, he’ll know I’m a virgin once I start bleeding. Hell, there is still a risk he might feel a difference once that starts. I don’t know anything about it since this is my first time. I just have to pray he doesn’t notice.

  When he doesn’t say anything, I undo the button to his jeans and reach inside, grabbing his cock.

  Distract him.

  Fuck me! It feels huge. I’ve never seen one in person before, let alone felt one. My heart races in my chest as I wonder if I can pull this off. How painful it’s going to be. I’ve heard horror stories about it from girls at school. I may have had a few drinks, but I’m not drunk enough to numb the pain.

  “Fuck.” He groans, pushing his hips forward, and all nervousness disappears.

  I can do this. I take in a deep breath to slow my racing heart. “Yes, please …”

  His lips capture mine, and we stumble backward. I hear his jeans hit the floor when the back of my knees hit Becky’s bed. “I Don’t Even Care About You” by MISSIO plays in the house as he crawls on top of me. I’ve already shoved my underwear down my legs to make things easier for him. I feel his finger between my legs. He shoves one into me, and I arch my back. I’m already so wet for him. Just like I was at Silence and when he snuck into my house. Just like I am every single time he enters my mind.

  I hear what sounds like a wrapper of some kind, and I take a deep breath, guessing it’s a condom. This is about to happen. I’m going to have sex with Deke Biggs in my sister’s bed. Boy, that’ll piss her off.

  He positions himself between my shaking legs and spreads them wide. I feel his head push against my entrance. I take in a deep breath, and he pushes forward. I cry out as a hot, quick pain shoots through me, taking my breath away.

  “Fuck, Demi!” He gives a deep groan. “God, you feel …” His hips press forward, going deeper, and I feel pressure.

  “Deke ...” I gasp, closing my eyes, and dig my nails into his back, clinging to him for life.

  “Incredible.” He finishes.

  I’m trembling and can’t stop. Tears sting my eyes. He pulls out, and I whimper before he enters me again. My breath gets caught in my throat. He places his arms behind my legs and spreads me open even further, and I scream as he leans forward, pressing his chest into mine.

  “Fuck, yeah, baby. Open up for me.” His hands grip my hair, and he yanks my head back to expose my neck to him. For a second, I can’t breathe. All I feel is a burning sensation between my legs until he moves. Really begins to move. And then a feeling that I’ve never felt before replaces the pain. Tears of pain and unexpected pleasure run down my face as I lie there and let him have his way with me.

  Deke did exactly what I needed him to do. I was hoping that he wasn’t going to ask me to take control because then I’d be fucked. He’d have known then that I lacked experience. I was banking on the fact that he’s a take-charge kind of guy in the bedroom and, thank God, I wasn’t wrong.

  I came twice. I had never come so hard. It felt like getting caught under a tidal wave. You try to come up for air just as another one hits you. He was drowning me in pleasure, and I would have died happily.

  Then after he was done, I lay in my sister’s bed pretending to be asleep so he would leave me alone. Again, I prayed he would. I didn’t need him to cuddle me or profess his love to me. It was just sex. And I needed him to leave the moment he got his.

  After he exited the room, I got up and turned on the light to inspect the damage. I hadn’t bled all that bad. I was worried about that because I didn’t want him to notice it. I was afraid the blood would make it feel different to him, but maybe he didn’t notice due to the condom.

  I lock her door, just to make sure no one comes in here, and survey the room. He left his boxers on the floor along with the condom.

  I walk over to the desk that sits in the corner and rip open a drawer to grab a black Sharpie. Then I go back over to her bed and look down at the sheets. They’re mainly just wet from sweat and my come. I grab the sheet and rub it between my legs, trying to be gentle since I’m sore as fuck. I smile when it shows a little more blood on it. I throw his boxers along with the used condom on the now wet and bloody sheets and climb onto the bed. Placing the end of the Sharpie in my mouth, I bite on the lid to remove it and write.

  Dear Sis,

  I gave him something you never could—innocence.


  Sophomore year

  I wake up with a pounding headache. Rolling over onto my side, a moan escapes my cracked lips.

  “Just what the fuck did you think you were doing?” I hear Eli snap. Did he take me home?

  I blink, trying to take in my surroundings. I’m in a boy’s room. The clothes thrown on the floor and lack of anything remotely girly give me the first clue. The second is his black hoodie and black bag both sitting on a chair. My memory is a little foggy. How did I get here?

  “Oh, come on—”

  “No!” He interrupts the girl’s voice. “She could have died.”

  I shove off the covers and make my way across the room on shaky legs. My mouth is dry and my head pounds. Cracking the door open, I look at Eli standing by the front door. My sister stands before him on the front porch.

  She rolls her eyes. “We were just having some fun.”

  “We? David knew what you did?” He growls.

  “No. It was Maxwell.”

  “Jesus.” He hisses.

  She pushes her right hip out. “They like each other, and she needed to let loose and have some fun.”

  Liar. She knows I don’t like him.

  “So you chose to drug her? Fuck, Becky! What if he had wanted to have sex with her? She wouldn’t have been able to give him consent. Or what if he wouldn’t have cared?”

  She looks down, inspecting her nails, confirming what he’s already thinking with her silence. That was their plan.

  “God, you are such a fucking bitch.” He sighs.

  She looks up at him, glaring. “I’m not here to listen to this. Where is she?”

  “She’s not leaving with you,” he answers flatly.

  “Eli …”

  He slams the door in her face and locks it.

  “Eli.” She pounds on it with her fists.

  “Go home, Becky!” he shouts before punching the door.

  He stands there waiting for her to say something else, but seconds later, her car starts.

  He runs his hand down his face, releasing a long sigh.

  I make my way back to his bed and crawl under his sheets. They’re nice and cold and feel amazing against my heated skin.

  His door slowly opens, and he peeks in to see me now awake. He’s changed his clothes from last night. I remember him sitting at the bonfire and Deke giving me the bottle of vodka. Me walking a
way and finding David. Then my sister giving me a drink before Eli and I got in his car. Everything else is kind of fuzzy. He wears a white T-shirt that has a band I’ve never heard of and a pair of black shorts. His dark hair damp as if he just took a shower.

  “How do you feel?” he asks, coming to sit beside me.

  “Lightheaded,” I admit. The room still spins but not as bad as last night. “I have a pounding headache.”

  “Here.” He grabs a bottle of water off his nightstand and a couple of aspirin. “Take these.”

  “I heard you,” I say, staring at his dark comforter. Tears sting my eyes. “Why would she …?” I can’t finish the question because I know the answer. She hates me. Always has.

  He reaches out, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look up at him. “You’re okay, Demi. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. You’re safe here.” Then he leans forward and places a soft kiss on my forehead.


  Becky didn’t give two shits about me. We weren’t close, but I never gave her a reason to drug me. I still wonder what would have happened had Eli not been the one to take me home that night. He took care of me. Protected me. I passed out thinking I loved him, but I woke up sure of it. But like anything else in my life, if I wanted it, Becky had this need to take it from me.

  That’s why I willingly spread my legs for Deke. A part of her sick and twisted mind still loves him, and I wanted to take something from her that she’ll never forget. And Deke will hate me. Now more than he did before.

  I was never a slut like my sister, but this one act made me one. I used him. And for what? To piss off my sister. To show them both I’m not to be fucked with? I had never had someone touch me the way Deke did at Silence. And so, after I allowed him to touch me, it just went downhill. My mind. My decisions. Now my fucking life. Becky will think of something to do to me, but it’ll be so worth it. My entire body hurts. Will it be like this every time I have sex? God, I hope so.


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