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Page 3

by Luna Hunter

  As these thoughts race through my skull, a deep-seated anger rises to the surface. Before I realize what I’m doing, I’m giving this naked, lethal alien warrior an absolute earful.

  “How dare you?!” I say. “Vuka saved our lives, he freed us, he built us a home, he kept us safe, and you think you can just march in here, purple dick swinging, and take all of that away from us?! All for some imagined royal title or whatever?! Look around you, you dumb heap of perfectly proportioned muscles! We’re in the middle of the fucking woods! This is all there is on Earth, all that’s left! Just wilderness, sprinkled with some backwater villages where the last humans live in fear, controlled by warlords and gangs and raiders. There’s no throne here, no palaces, no royal balls and golden crowns and lavish feasts. All that’s left is the constant shit that we’re in. All that’s left is the struggle for survival. And the absolute last thing we need is some jealous alien to take away the only good thing that has ever happened to us. Do all of Earth a favor and get the hell away from here! You leave Vuka and his family alone, you murdering brute!”

  When I’m done ranting, tears are streaming down my face, my body heaving up and down as the rage coursing through my veins is making me shake and tremble. The Kaizon warrior has stopped in his tracks, his head cocked as if this is the first time he’s ever been talked back to.

  His cock remains as hard as ever, throbbing threateningly an arm-length away. Try as I might, I can’t look away from the purple, ridged spear.

  I asked Jade once what Vuka was packing and she just smirked and said she wouldn’t divulge his secrets. No matter what she would have told me — nothing would have prepared me for this monster anyway.

  “Vuka has… family?” Kerax says.

  “Yes. Jade gave birth to Ka’de a year ago. He’s about to turn one. That’s why I’m out here. All of this started because I wanted to bake him a cake.”

  I cross my arms and sigh. Dev must be feeling awful. I asked her to lie, to cover for me, and look what happened. I nearly got myself killed, and I’m not off the hook quite yet.

  “It’s true!” Kerax says, excitement filling his voice. “Human females are fertile!”

  I swallow the lump in my throat. That’s not the direction I wanted to steer this conversation in, but here we are, regardless. “Yeah,” I say. “I suppose so. Thats not the main take-away I wanted you to have though. I want you to focus on the part where I kindly told you to fuck off. So if you could follow that order, that would be great.”

  From the lustful glow in his eyes, I see that my words aren’t reaching him anymore. He lost all interest in what I’ve been saying ever since he uttered that powerful word that sealed my fate.


  Chapter 4


  The human female has provided me with a wealth of information. Vukaror is alive, he’s nearby, and he has an heir.

  These shapely human females are fertile. Their physiologies are compatible! The future of our species rests between their curvy legs. This truly is the promised land. A whole planet filled with weak males and breed-ready females, ripe for the taking!

  When Vukaror first mentioned his plans of mating with alien females, I was furious. I argued it would dilute our bloodlines, make us weak and decrepit. Now, as my eyes are locked on the beautiful human female in front of me, I realize just how wrong I was.

  This shapely human is more gorgeous than any Kaizon female I’ve ever bedded, and I’ve had so many I lost count. Her many curls sway in the light breeze, her plump lips hanging open in shock as she stares unabashedly at my impressive member. The smell of her wet cunt lingers in the air.

  I will take her. She will be mine, but first, I must punish her for taking that tone with me. No one speaks to me like that, not even her.

  With one swipe of my claws, I rip her remaining clothes to shreds. She trembles as I yank the rags away from her, exposing her beautiful, dark skin to me. I grab her body and hold her close, pressing her soft, dark skin against mine, burying my face in her neck.

  I love the smell of her hair, the feel of her body, the taste of her sweat.

  Not in all my years have I ever felt an urge this strong. It takes a tight hold of me as my cock presses against her soft stomach, enthralling me completely. I have slain countless men, I’ve conquered hundreds of women, but never has the pull at my heart been stronger.

  I’m taken aback by the sheer, raw strength of the feeling coursing through my veins. Could she be… my nera? My fated mate? The one soul who fully fulfills a Kaizon’s every need?

  I never paid any mind to those myths. Women were nothing but conquests to me. I certainly never thought of any of them as my soulmate. I came to Earth with the express purpose of inseminating as many human females as I could find, to make sure my line would never die, to create my own personal army of super soldiers who would usher in a new golden age.

  And now I’m standing here, a naked human female in my arms, my claws sliding down her back, cupping her round, full ass, her hard nipples poking into my chest as my cock rests against her stomach, throbbing, pulsing, waiting, and all I want to is slide my tongue into her mouth and my cock into her cunt and empty my quad deep inside her and make her mine.

  I have no need, no interest, in any other female, human or otherwise. This one will fulfill me. It’s a thought I feel is true in my very bones, in the absolute core of my being. Just as the sun will rise on the east on this planet and set in the west, this female will be my nera.

  There’s only one problem. She hasn’t gotten that memo.

  The tiny female balls her fists and pounds them against my naked chest, and I press my horns against her forehead in response. “Calm, nera,” I say. “You are mine.”

  Correctly pronouncing the strange human language is more difficult than I thought. The translator hasn’t grasped every intricacy of their tongue quite yet, but with every word that comes out of my nera’s desirable lips it learns and adapts.

  However, my soothing words do not have the intended effect. Makayla — such a poetic, beautiful name, fitting for a queen — curses me.

  “Stop, you brute!”

  Her words say one thing, but her body tells an entirely different story. Her cunt is wet and ready, her perky brown nipples hard like diamonds. I can tell she wants this as much as I do, and yet, she resists.

  Stubborn beings, these humans. Why does she not simply submit to her primal instincts? Why must she keep resisting me?

  No matter. It will make breaking her in all the more satisfying.

  When I am done with her, when I have shown her the ultimate pleasure only a Kaizon can give, this strong-willed female will beg for my seed. She will yearn for release. She will pledge her life to me.

  I have seen what these human males have to offer — nothing.

  I will show her a world of bliss beyond her wildest imaginations. However, this is not the time and the place for that. I want to savor every curse that leaves her lips, I want to commit every little moan to memory, I want to enjoy every curve and inch of her body to the fullest extent possible.

  I will take her to my ship.

  Vuka can wait. I want to impregnate this human female as quickly as possible. Before the sun rises again, she will be pregnant with my child.

  I grab her waist and fling her over my shoulder, my strong arm around her waist, her naked cunt so close to my face that her delicious scent surrounds me completely. It takes all of my strength to fight the overpowering urge to sink my forked tongue between her curvy legs right there and then. Patience, I tell myself. She will be yours in time. I don’t even bother to put my armor back on. I have another set on the ship, and this climate is too warm and humid for my liking anyway. I will sprint back to my ship naked. The less layers there are between me and this female, the better.

  “What are you doing?!” she gasps. Her tiny fists rain down on my back, but she might as well be trying to clobber a storm. I chuckle to myself as I race back towards my ship at f
ull speed, Jip following my tracks. The trees become a green blur as I find my way back, the thought of what’s in store for me powering my every step.

  It took me two full days of hunting to find her. I will be back at my ship in six hours.

  Chapter 5


  I can’t believe this is happening.

  This naked alien has just thrown me over his shoulder and is running full speed through the jungle. The trees are nothing but a green blur as twigs and branches slap against my half-clothed body. I try to fight him, to wrestle free from his grasp, but it’s like trying to escape gravity. Completely impossible.

  Hell, at the speed we’re going, I’m not sure I’d even survive the fall! He’s running like he’s possessed by the devil himself.

  “Where are you going?!” I scream. I can barely hear my own voice over the wind rushing through my curls.

  “Ship,” is the grunted reply.


  I need to go back home — not be carried off at the speed of light in the wrong direction! What if he wants to take off? He could head out into outer space for all I know, he could abduct me and take me back to his homeworld! To a distant, alien planet where thousands, or maybe even millions, of Kaizon live. He could show me the way of his people, and I could be the first human to set foot upon an alien world. Columbus, Magellan, Marco Polo, Makayla. Yes, my name could slot right in that little list of renowned explorers…

  Wait, I’m not supposed to be excited. I’m supposed to feel terrified and angry. And I am, a big part of me is seething with rage that this man thinks he can just rip my clothes to shreds, grope me, and carry me off like a trophy, all because he’s much, much bigger and stronger than I am.

  At the same time, another part of me is just too dang curious to be angry. The unknown has always fascinated me, and when Vuka walked into our lives — a honest to god alien, horns and all, a towering mountain of muscles — it was as if the universe itself had sent us a present. My prayers had been answered; there really is more to this world than eating canned beans in a dilapidated subway carriage.

  There was just one big, big problem: Vuka can’t speak a word of English. Besides growling Yade when he wants to address my best friend. All of the conversations have to go through Jade, who’s been blessed with the gift of their language. Courtesy of alien tech that I’m also very eager to get my hands on.

  All of this means that I still know very, very little about Kaizon society, about their way of life, their history, their culture. Vuka’s always either somewhere with Jade (and after walking in on them doing the deed for the third time, I know better to go look for them when they’re both missing), or he’s out in the woods, chopping firewood and building enough cabins to house a dozen children.

  This Kerax fellow — he can speak my language. He’s not completely fluent, I’ll admit that, but I can talk to him. He can teach me so many things! All I have to do is stop him from leering at my body, from pawing my breasts with those huge claws of his, from pressing that giant purple cock against me.

  Hm. This might prove harder than I thought…

  I expect him to slow down after a minute or two, but he’s like a machine. He keeps running as minutes turn to hours without any hint of him getting tired. His breathing does get heavy and raspy, beads of sweat trickling down his gray skin, but his hold on me is as tight as ever. There’s no other choice for me than to surrender to him, to let my mind wander off and daydream as the hours tick on by…

  He grinds to a halt suddenly and without warning. I lurch forward, and it feels like my brain is trying to escape my skull. My vision turns to blurry dots, intermixed with stabs of white hot light. If he didn’t have his arm wrapped so tightly around my frame I would have shot through the air and launched myself headfirst into a tree.

  “Can you not?!” I say, squeezing my eyes shut and willing my pounding headache to go away. “You nearly killed me! I’m not like you, you know.”

  “Yes,” he says. “You are weak.”

  “Geez, thanks,” I mumble as my vision slowly return. “You’re a real sweet talker, you know that? Did you mother give you that mouth?”

  “No. My mother is dead.”

  “Oh. Wow. I’m, uhm, I’m sorry to hear that.”


  “Why? Because that’s horrible, and I feel bad for you?”

  Kerax shrugs, and my entire body moves up and down along with his massive shoulders.

  “Not your fault,” he says, the tone of his voice making it sound like I’m the weird one for having empathy.

  My brain feels like it’s been rebooted, and my eyesight finally returns to me. He lowers me to my feet, and it is good to be on solid ground again. The first thing I notice is that the sun has already reached its peak, while it was barely morning when he started his mad cross-country dash. The second thing I notice is the giant freaking space ship parked in the middle of this clearing, the biggest anachronism I’ve ever seen. The beauty and serenity of the woods clashes violently with the brutal warship.

  Jip jumps up against Kerax, wagging his tail, his forked tongue hanging out his mouth playfully. I’m surprised the dog managed to keep up with the Kaizon’s blistering pace. My captor pets his dog and utters some alien words to him, and even though I can’t understand a word he’s saying, I know that he’s being kind.

  There’s more to Kerax than meets the eye — and there’s a lot of him that meets my eye, oh boy, inches upon inches upon inches… but beyond his steely gaze, his savage horns, his bulging muscles and threatening growl… there’s a kind man in there. Somewhere. I just have that gut feeling.

  The ship’s door slides open ominously, a walkway extending automatically, and Kerax nods towards me.

  “What?” I say. “Do you expect me to go in there?”

  “Not expect. Know.”

  “Know? You know I’ll go in there?”


  There’s not even a hint of doubt in his voice. I’ve never met anyone as cocky or as confident as him. It’s excruciating, and strangely attractive at the same time. It awakens something inside of me, a need I’ve never felt before: To be recalcitrant.

  “No,” I say, resting my hands on my hips. The clothes on my body are hanging on by a thread, Jade’s hard work ruined by a single swipe from this alien’s claws.

  “No?” He cocks his head, his radiant eyes narrowing. It’s hypnotic how they change color depending on his mood, shifting from a rich blue to deep purple to violent red.

  I look away and cross my arms. The more I stare at him, the more I want to obey him. And that’s not going to happen.

  “No!” I say, forcing the words out. Dev would be proud of me, talking back to the menacing alien warlord like this.

  “You defy me?” I can tell that he wasn’t expecting this turn of events.

  “Correct. I defy you.”

  “Mistake, human.” he says grimly. Before I’ve even processed his words he snatches me up, his sharp claws nearly puncturing my skin as he carries me up the walkway like one would a petulant child.

  “Hey! Let me go!” I scream, but there’s no one around to hear me. And even if there were, they wouldn’t be able to stop his hulking giant. Only Vuka can save me from this brute. And knowing him, he’s miles and miles away, mating with Jade so hard that it makes the entire house shake. (We haven’t found the heart to tell them, and the last thing I want is for them to hold back just so they won’t embarrass me. Lets just say I’ve learned to sleep with my ears plugged in.)

  The moment we enter the ship the door shuts behind us, locks turning. The walkway is barely lit, but Kerax walks with purpose, taking me deep into the belly of this beast. His eyesight must be better than a humans if he can navigate these dark corners so easily.

  Finally, after so many twists and turns that I feel dizzy, we reach our destination; An empty room. The walls are padded with black, leather cushions.

  “Is this my prison?” I say.

p; “No, it is your breeding room.”

  My blood turns to ice, my defiance shattered with that single sentence. “My what?”

  “Breeding room,” he says, stressing every single syllable. The door closes behind him, and his body is covered in shadows. There’s only a single light bulb in the room, casting a dim light. His face is hidden, and all that I see is his impressive, dark gray body, his broad shoulders, his gorgeous pecs, his impossible abs, his powerful thighs.

  His alien, dominant, threatening, alluring cock.

  I can’t look away, try as I might. Not that there’s anything else to focus on. His purple spear sucks up all of my attention, like a vortex. My world shrinks and shrinks, and his cock grows and grows, until my entire existence consists only of studying the large, throbbing veins rubbing up his ridged, alien spear.

  He’s already impossibly thick at the base, and the purple ridges swirl up his length like the head of his cock is the eye of a tropical storm. It all leads up to that head, that magnificent-yet-scary-big head, as beautiful as amethyst.

  Below all of that perfection, I count not two, but four testes. A hot shiver runs down my spine, my palms turning sweaty, and I’m painfully aware of how hard my dark nipples are. Every second that I gaze upon his perfectly sculpted form, my body is secreting pheromones, giving my wanton thoughts away.

  Kerax sniffs the air, and with every movement, his cock jerks. A drop of pre-cum forms on that head, making it glitter in the dim light, and without thinking about it I lick my lips.

  I wonder what he tastes like.

  I wonder what he smells like.

  I wonder what he fucks like.

  These invasive thoughts run rampant in my mind, winning out from my common sense that wants me to stay the hell away from him. Every experience I’ve had with men has been bad. It’s given me a deep seated mistrust, a deep resentment for them, for their strength and their power. I’ve pushed all those bad experiences away, locked them up in the back of my mind, never to let them out again. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve been sharpening my mind all these years; It’s my one tool, my one weapon, the one way I can win when faced with brute strength. I promised myself I’d never be helpless again.


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