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Romance And Renovation (MyHeartChannel Romances Book 5)

Page 10

by Erica Penrod

  “Look, all I’m saying is that you are her mother and she needs you. No one will ever replace you in her heart. You just need to spend more time with her, get to know her, and let her know she can talk to you.”

  “Of course she can talk to me.”

  Kael took a breath and put his hands on his hips. “Maybe she needs to hear you say that.”

  Alison tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I guess I just keep thinking of her as a little girl.”

  He wanted to remind her that Alison had never treated Marcela like a little girl, but he didn’t. “In some ways, she is, but for the most part she’s growing up.” He watched as her body relaxed, like she let down her guard. “Are you ready to go in and talk to her? She needs to know that you and I are on the same team, and she can’t run back to me just because she’s mad at you.”

  “Yeah.” Alison straightened her back. “Let’s go talk to her.”

  Kael opened the door and Alison walked in. He closed the door behind him and followed Alison over to the couch, where Marcela sat with headphones in her ears. He tapped her shoulder and gestured for Alison to sit beside their daughter. Marcela pulled the buds from her ears.

  “Your mom and I want to talk to you.”

  She nodded, and Kael saw tears swimming in her eyes. A small part of him wanted to tell Alison to leave and never come back, because right now all she did was bring Marcela pain, but he couldn’t. She needed her mom, and he wanted her mom to need her daughter.

  “We need to talk about what you said to your mom, and we want you to tell us what made you that upset. If we don’t know how you’re feeling—” He glanced at Alison. “If your mom doesn’t know what you’re feeling when you’re staying with her, it’s hard for her to know what you need.”

  Kael knew he was giving Alison way too much credit, but he’d do anything to make sure his daughter was happy. The problem was, Marcela was old enough to know he was embellishing Alison’s part in all this. If things were ever going to change, Alison had to be the one to make the effort. Marcela had to see and feel her mother want to be part of her daughter’s life.

  “Marcela.” Alison touched her leg. “I hope you know that I love you, and I do want to spend time with you.”

  Marcela’s eyes darted to her mother’s face, and Kael recognized a flicker of hope within them. All she wanted was to know that her mother loved her; now he prayed that Alison would show her.

  * * *

  Tori’s voicemail picked up, and Kael tossed the phone into the passenger seat of the truck. Once Marcela and Alison had decided to finish out their weekend together, Kael knew he had to see Tori and apologize for what happened. The drive gave him time to think, and maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. He wondered if Tori had avoided his call, and if she realized that a relationship with him not only was a package deal with his daughter but included excess baggage that came in the form of an ex-wife. Maybe she decided he wasn’t worth the headache, and how could he blame her?

  If he were Tori, if he were on the other side of the equation and she had an ex and a child, he’d have to consider all the complications that brought into their relationship. Relationships were hard; heck, he’d already failed at one. And here he was, asking this woman to not only care about him, but his daughter, too, and to put up with an ex-spouse who was never easy on a good day. If Kael’s feelings for Tori were as strong as he believed they were, he should let her go. She deserved the best, and he wanted her to be happy.

  Marcela’s face flashed in his mind, and he smiled. His daughter was incredible, and his life was good. A little chaotic at times, but pretty dang sweet. He pictured Marcela and Tori laughing together and the way they seemed to connect instantly. Tori fit in so effortlessly, and Marcela had brightened just being around her. He shook his head and laughed. Marcela wasn’t a complication; she was the bonus, the best part of his package deal, and Tori seemed to get that. He had to trust that Tori could handle Alison.

  A block before Tori’s house, Kael’s stomach started to rumble, and his heart raced in his chest. But what if Tori didn’t want to put up with Alison? What if she just wanted to stay in touch with Marcela after the makeover was finished? A wave of nauseas washed over him. Up until that moment, he wanted to be with Tori, but now he realized he needed to be with her. The thought both terrified him and reassured him that he was doing the right thing. He’d do everything in his power to convince her that what was between them was worth the struggle. Kael practiced what he’d say to her and rehearsed his apology one more time before he got out of the truck.

  He walked up the brick walk, and the door flung open. He looked up and braced himself for her anger, but it wasn’t in her eyes or her body language. She had changed into sweats and had her hair in a messy bun on top of her head. She had a retro Justin Timberlake concert T-shirt, but the great big toothy grin on her face took his breath away.

  She bounded down the stairs and into his arms. “Boy, I’m sure glad to see you.”

  He touched her face and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, and though his mind told him to apologize, he had to kiss her and let her know how much he cared about her. His mouth touched hers, and the tenderness spoke volumes. This was it. This was real. Kael reached out and put his hands around her waist as she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, never breaking the bond between their lips. A fire burned in his belly and raged through him like she was kerosene. The kiss intensified, and he was lost in her.

  When his body demanded oxygen, he drew back and held her close to his chest. “I’m so sorry about Alison. That wasn’t how I wanted you to meet her for the first time.”

  She looked up at him, her green eyes glowing. “It’s fine. I didn’t expect meeting your ex-wife to be a picnic under any circumstances.” She kissed him softly. “And I don’t blame her for being upset about Marcela. I’m sure that hurt her.”

  “But the way you left, I was worried you’d changed your mind about us.”

  Her brow furrowed. “No way. I didn’t know how to react or what my place was, so I panicked. I should’ve handled the situation better than I did, but I hope you got things worked out.”

  This woman was amazing, and she was in his arms. His phone vibrated in his pocket, which he ignored while he touched the top of her nose with his lips. “We did, and Marcela went back to Alison’s.” His phone vibrated again. “Just a second. I better check this just in case it’s Marcela and the peace treaty’s already been violated.” Kael took the phone from his pocket and read the screen. “Hello?” The trepidation he felt came through in his shaky voice. “Yes. Yes, this is Kael Santos.” He nodded. “I’ll be right there.”

  Tori’s eyes appeared wide with worry. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  Kael’s voice caught in his throat. “That was the hospital. It’s my mom.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Design Tip

  Use odd numbers and different heights in arrangements.

  Add layers and a variety of texture in your décor.

  Same with people.

  Tori was a rule keeper: always came to a complete stop at the signs, but not when the man she loved—yes, loved, she’d decided—was in agony over his mother. She sped down the highway and made it to the hospital in less than twenty minutes. She pulled directly in front of the doors, and Kael hopped out. Tori circled the parking lot and found a place to park.

  The automatic doors opened, and the sterile scent cleared her nostrils. Her eyes began to water, and she dabbed at the tears, telling herself this was just a reaction to the hospital, because Eve would be just fine. Kael was nowhere to be seen, so she found a seat in the waiting room and waited.

  A large television was mounted on the wall, and a young child sat at a kid-size table, playing with blocks and occasionally watching a cartoon character fly across the screen. He was cute and distracted her from her thoughts. A woman, whom Tori assumed was the boy’s mother, stared lifeless at the television, and Tori didn’
t dare disturb her. By the woman’s pallid complexion and red-rimmed eyes, Tori knew that whatever or whoever she waited for couldn’t be good.

  Kael didn’t have any details other than that his mother collapsed when she was out with some friends, and she was rushed to the hospital. Tori’s insides tossed and turned, beads of moisture collected along her hairline, her hands shook, and she was afraid she might pass out right there in the waiting room. Worry made her heart ache. Carley was right. Tori had fallen in love with all of them. The way Evelyn welcomed her into their lives and included her like she was a member of their family made Tori love her even more.

  She picked up a tattered magazine from the table beside her and thumbed through the pages. Tori heard the swish of the automatic doors and looked up to see Marcela and Alison rushing through the doors. Marcela’s eyes were swollen, and her skin was blotchy. The girl ran to Tori, who stood up and caught her in her arms. She held her close and stroked her hair.

  “Where’s my dad? Where’s Grandma?”

  “I don’t know for sure. I dropped your dad off and he ran in while I parked the car. I’ve been waiting here ever since.” Tori looked over at Alison, who glared at her. But Tori noticed Alison clutching her purse with trembling hands. Her eyes, so much like Marcela’s, were pooled with tears about to cascade down her pretty face. She had the bone structure of a runway model with prominent cheekbones, a narrow nose, and round, full lips. Tori expected the woman to start in on why she had no business being here, but Alison didn’t.

  “How long ago was that?” She looked at Tori and then checked her phone. “Kael texted about thirty minutes ago.”

  “He’s been back there for twenty minutes or so.” Tori released Marcela and had her sit down.

  “Why don’t I go see if I can find out what’s going on and you stay here with Marcela?” Alison glanced over at the desk, where a woman was typing on a computer.

  “Yeah, sure.” Tori sat beside Marcela and wrapped her arm around her. She didn’t know what to say to the girl after Alison left. If she told her that her grandma was going to be just fine, and she wasn’t, was that worse than just trying to comfort her any way she could now? Tori didn’t know what Evelyn’s condition was, so she decided to just hold her.

  Tori saw Alison speaking with the registration clerk; the woman pointed down a hall, and Alison took off in that direction. “Let’s look on Pinterest and see if we can find some more ideas for your bedroom.” Tori thought keeping Marcela occupied might be the best thing for now.

  “But I thought you already have everything for my room?” The girl scrunched up her nose and knit her brows together. “The makeover is supposed to be done next week.”

  “It will be, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make some adjustments or add a piece if we find something you absolutely love.”

  Marcela’s eyes brightened like they were jewels in a treasure chest. “Okay.” The excitement in her voice felt like balm to Tori’s pain. She’d managed to help Marcela, even if just for a moment when she needed her. The truth was, Tori hadn’t considered all that loving Kael involved until the moment Alison stood on his porch, and her concern wasn’t just about the ex-wife, but about Marcela. Tori cared about the girl, and what if things didn’t work out between her and Kael? What would that do to Marcela? In her heart, she prayed she and Kael were meant to be together, but sometimes things didn’t work out, even when two people loved each other. Her mother had ample evidence to support that fact. And Tori didn’t know anything about teenagers, other than once upon a time, she’d been a teenage girl, but that was years ago and so much had changed. Marcela liked Tori now, because she loved her channel and they were friends, but would that change if Tori became a permanent part of their lives and life wasn’t always new paint and pillows?

  “Oooohhh, I love that.” Marcela interrupted Tori and pointed to a sparkly chandelier.

  “Me, too.” Tori pointed to another example. “And look at that one.” She grinned to herself, knowing that Blake helped her hang a repurposed fixture from the ceiling only yesterday and it looked spectacular in the teenage oasis.

  “That’s so pretty.”

  “Hey, girls.” Kael walked up beside them.

  “Daddy.” Marcela jumped out of the chair and into his arms.

  He held her close and kissed the top of her head. “Everything’s going to be just fine. Grandma’s going to be fine.”

  Marcela pulled away and stared at her dad. “She is?”

  “Yes.” Kael gazed down at Tori. His eyes whispered unspoken words between them, reassuring her that no matter what they faced in the future, this was worth fighting for. “She’s already arguing with the doctors about releasing her.”

  “What happened?” Tori saw Alison come up behind Kael and Marcela. Alison stared at Tori, but there didn’t seem to be fiery darts shooting from her eyes, just indifference.

  “It’s her heart, but nothing that can’t be fixed. She’s got an irregular rhythm, and they’ll repair it with surgery.”

  “When can she come home?” Marcela reached back for her mother’s hand, and Tori saw the surprise on Alison’s face.

  Kael sat beside Tori. “They’ll do the procedure in the morning, and then they’ll release her on Monday.”

  “Can I see her?” Marcela asked.

  “In a little bit. They’re just moving her to a room now, and then you can go see her.”

  “How about we sneak down to the cafeteria and see if we can find us a snack.” Alison brushed the hair from Marcela’s face.


  Kael cocked his head and watched as Marcela and Alison headed down the hallway. Tori laughed; his expression reminded her of a sweepstakes winner when they see the big check and it must be too good to be true. “You okay?” She reached for his hand.

  He ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just not sure what I saw there.”

  “Looks like Alison is trying.”

  “I know, and that’s what’s weird. I hoped eventually she’d step up, but with Alison, everything is usually a drawn-out, dramatic affair.” He looked down and kissed Tori. A light went off in his eyes. “Oh, I know what’s going on.”

  “You do?” Tori was confused.

  “Yeah. Alison won’t be outdone, and now that she’s seen you with Marcela and knows how much Marcela cares about you, she’s got to bring her A game.”

  “That sounds terrible.” Tori flinched at the thought.

  Kael laughed. “It’s not as bad as you think, and it’s actually good for Marcela. Alison loves her, but she’s only done it on her terms. Now she’ll be willing to do whatever it takes to know her daughter.”

  “Because of me?”

  He nodded. “Because Alison knows Marcela loves you, and she’ll want her daughter to love her more.”

  “That still seems bizarre to me.” Tori knit her brows together and looked at Kael. “I don’t think that sounds like a good reason for Alison to want to be with her daughter.” Her heart felt heavy with worry over Marcela.

  “You’re right. It’s not a great reason.” Kael stared at the floor.

  Tori chewed on her lip and watched as Kael appeared to struggle internally. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything. Seconds ago, he seemed happy to have Alison to spend time with their daughter.

  Kael broke the silence. “Jealousy might not be a good reason, but I know Marcela needs her mother in her life. Even though Alison might start out doing this for the wrong reasons, Marcela will change that. If Alison really spends time with our daughter and gets to know Marcela, how could she help but be crazy about her? Marcela’s that amazing.”

  Tori squeezed his hand. “She is that amazing.”

  “And if the end result is that my daughter is surrounded by people who love her, then I’m okay with Alison’s motives for now. I just hope Alison’s enthusiasm sticks, for Marcela’s sake.”

  “Me too.” Tori considered how a relationship with Kael would be unlike anyth
ing she’d ever experienced before. She looked up and saw Kael watching her with a wide grin splashed across his face.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, and stroked her jawline with his thumb.

  “Just trying to take everything in.”

  “And you’re sure you want to do this with me?” He raised an eyebrow. “Be a part of my crazy, complicated life?”

  Tori saw tenderness in his eyes and felt his touch along her skin. She had questions, lots of them, but the one thing she was sure of was the way she felt about the man looking back her. “I’m not sure about the crazy and the complicated …”

  Kael dropped his hand and his shoulders fell. “Oh—”

  “But since I know, without any doubt, that I love you, I guess I’ll take everything else.” She bit her lip and enjoyed the view as Kael’s face filled with color, and he looked like sunlight was about to burst through his skin.

  Kael stood up and pulled her to him. “I love you, too.” He cupped her chin and stared into her eyes. “I feel like you put a new heartbeat inside of me.”

  Tori laughed. “And no surgery required.”

  He traced his thumb over skin and smiled. “No surgery required. All I need is you, every day for all my days. You’ve given me something I didn’t know I was missing, and now that you’re here, I don’t know how I ever lived without you.” He pressed his lips to hers. “And I don’t ever want to live without you again.” Kael put his mouth on hers again. His kiss tasted sweet and delicious, like a promise.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Design Tip

  Put investment pieces front and center.

  “This has been my favorite project I’ve ever done. Thirteen-year-old Marcela was the winner of my first contest and received a thousand-dollar makeover. Hopefully, you’ve kept up with me and have seen all the fun projects and repurposing we’ve done over the last few weeks. And today is the final reveal. Marcela hasn’t seen anything that I’ve done so far. She wanted a total surprise, and I’m impressed that a teenage girl would be that patient and not take a peek, but Marcela is a pretty amazing young lady. So, come with me as I show Marcela her new Tori’s Taking Over bedroom.”


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