Obsidian Ressurection
Page 85
Silvi stood. "Fanny come now. The bar closes in an hour and Helen and I want to buy you drinks."
There was only one bar open at this time of night on Wu Station and it was almost empty. Several off duty engineers who were celebrating the completion of the first phase of Holgata Station and were seated at the bar quietly sipping their drinks. Silvi and Helen led Fanny to a table at the back of the bar and away from any distractions. The barman, who was very old, came forward with a towel and wiped the table. The population of Wu station was almost entirely female as the pirates had murdered any males they thought might challenge their authority, but old men and small children had been spared.
"What are your wishes Captains?" asked the barman. His accent was strange and with a lilt.
"How about three beers," asked Helen. "Do you have any Old Nelson's from Jamon."
The barman smiled, "No. Last week two of your OCN crews arrived for R&R and drank every drop in the house. I do have some of our own house brew. Make it myself from my mother's recipe. It's almost as good as we make at home, but the hops from New Carthago are not quite right. A bit too floral. Hops from home are best."
"How about a big pitcher of your home grown beer and three large steins?" said Helen.
"Coming right up," the barman replied, turned, and stepped back to the bar.
The pitcher of beer appeared soon thereafter and not long after that it was empty. Fanny was beginning to feel better after the difficult review of her actions at Cranmore. Helen motioned to the barman for another pitcher and moments later it appeared.
Before the barman could leave Silvi commented, "Your beer is very good. The balance of hops is just fine."
"Why thank you Commodore." Silvi could see the barman looking at her lapel stripes that indicated her rank in the OCN.
Silvi was feeling social and just a bit toasty as she asked the barman where he was from.
"Why Moschus Sir. Born and bread on Moschus. The family grew hops and made beer on our freehold. Sold it to the whole village and to three others as well."
Helen filled the steins from the pitcher. Silvi lifted her stein. "Well here's to the beer of Moschus. Skol!"
Helen and Fanny lifted their steins. The barman smiled and returned to the bar.
Soon after the bar closed and Helen, Fanny, and Silvi left the bar to walk the short distance to the OCN barracks on Wu Station to spend the night.
Helen commented as they gathered up their keys from the front desk. "You know it's funny how Wu station has so many people from so many remnants of human kind. I think I read in one of the reports that said there were folks here from 22 different systems or cultures. Some would like to return home if there was some kind of transportation, but I understand from Smilot that most want to remain. Apparently they see opportunity and freedom here on the station that they did not have in their home systems."
"Good night Helen, Fanny." Said Silvi. "See you in the morning. I am expecting some decoded messages will be available tomorrow and I know there will be redeployment orders. I am meeting with Toni at 06:00." Silvi frowned and went to her room.
Chapter Eighty Seven
Wu System - Wu Station, OCN Conference Room - Year 3247. October 7 ET: 07:32
"This messaging system is driving me nuts." said Area Commander Toni Hamilton. "It has taken all of three days to give us anything like direct orders, and there is simply no elaboration. No explanation."
Silvi laughed, "Toni, it is a hell of a lot better than what we had before."
"True," replied Toni, "but its still frustrating."
"Ok lets go over the orders from Abel again."
"Yes. His orders are numbered so we start at the top."
Toni went down the list as Silvi opened her inter-tab to take notes.
1. SAR & D to N Horiz. ASAP Intel 30 days. Avoid Fight.
2. SAR to Dong S Intel After Green No Fight
3, DeMag to Jamon
4. Green arrive in 5
5. Ice in 34
6, SAR Hildeberg & Grimhildr in 35
"Not too wordy," said Silvi. "And this took all of a week to transmit?"
"No, more like four days. The bandwidth of those Q Balls is so low I could almost walk to Jamon to pick up our orders." Toni sighed. "But the lack of explanation or reason behind these orders makes me uncomfortable."
"Toni, it seems pretty clear to me. They need more intel on Megra from Dong Son and they don't want a fight, just information. Probably how many ships pass through the portal and where they are headed. Also if any return to the portal to pass back into Hitti space. We really have no idea of how many ships they have or if they have other types of ships as well. That makes sense. Why they want us to wait for Greenland I simply don't know."
"True. I just wish I knew more. As for sending a SAR and Destructor to New Horizons I think I understand that. But 'avoid fight'. The place is a seething battle ground! How does Abel think we can just sit around and drink tea while the New Horizons home world is pummelled to death by Megra."
Silvi thought a moment. "I think Abel knows that. I suspect he means not to be aggressive and pick a fight, or if we are in a fight we should make sure we win to come home. Again he is emphasizing intel."
"Yes. I'm sure that's what he meant."
Silvi continued. "Do you think De Magnete will go to Jamon."
"Yes. They are seeking an alliance and they know there is nothing they can do in their home world now but to die. I'll talk with Sohail in an hour and he will probably immediately depart. Since it is time for a ship rotation I'll send the next in line SAR as escort. We don't want Esjan to have itchy fingers. I suspect that everyone at home is getting anxious."
"Yes." replied Silvi. "I am sure our limited communications drives them just as nuts as us. Perhaps more so since they are the ones with the big ideas." Silvi laughed and continued. "Two more SAR's even if green is a good addition. I suspect we are about to scrape the bottom of the barrel in the ghost fleet. There can't be much left."
Tony nodded her head in agreement. "What do you think Greenland and Iceland are bringing us?"
Silvi thought a bit. "More materials for Holgata Station. Additional munitions, although I doubt that. Anyway one freighter would do, but why two?"
Toni stood and went for another cup of coffee. She turned and raised her cup as if to ask Silvi if she wanted another. Silvi shook her head no. Toni poured her coffee and remained standing. "Silvi, I think we should send Farn with New Hildr and Mist to New Horizons. I need you here and we can't do without your skills in combat when the Megra come again."
Silvi was reluctant to agree because she would prefer herself to go to New Horizons where she was certain their would be combat rather than the send less battle experienced Farn. "Well, I am not happy with sending Farn, but she is a solid captain and her crews worship her. All that exploring she has done has made her cautious and not afraid to run home. Yes. That's the right decision. Now who do we send to Dong Son?"
Toni immediately replied. "Captain Marx with Sigrún. As our most mature captain and with his experience in combat I think he is our best choice. Dong Son will present challenges we simply cannot anticipate so I want a captain there who has depth. I'm not sure how to express this Silvi, but Old Man Marx is just that, And in my world that means wisdom, discernment, prudence. I guess what I am looking for is just old fashioned good judgement. He will be way out there and all alone. I think he is the right choice."
"Yes, He is our best captain for a critical and very dangerous mission to Dong Son and return. With the emphasis on the word 'return'."
Toni stood. "We need to get started. I'll meet with Sohail in a few moments and then Captain Marx. I'd like you to brief Farn. Encourage her to mix up her crews a bit between New Hildr and Mist. I don't intend to take away any of her very experienced crew for this assignment, but when she returns I fully intend to raid her crew and fill slots on those green SAR's. Training is a constant requirement in the OCN and experienced crew must shared."
Silvi thought a moment. "Well, I hold back on telling her that at this time. But she knows how stationing crews work."
Arn System - Crusher New Hildr - Year 3247. October 10 ET: 10:03
New Hildr and Mist had left Wu station three days ago and Farn had considered the two routes that would bring them to New Horizons. Both routes were about equal in time which was approximately four months, although due to the peculiar characteristics of portals and knot lines the return from New Horizons to Wu would take only eight days.
The route through Carm from Wu she rejected and instead chose to return home to Jamon for a short visit and then proceed to Girots and then on to Cranmore and eventually New Horizons. She and her crew had been away from the Commonwealth for ten months and she felt that her crew needed at least a brief visit with family and friends before departing on a very dangerous mission. In addition she was anxious to talk directly to the captain and crew of the De Magnete. Written dispatches and recorded intelligence were one thing, but direct discussion with those who had been under fire in the system was another. Farn was determined to learn as much as she could before venturing to New Horizons.
Farn was spending much of her time on the initial portion of the voyage studying the intelligence on the New Horizons system and the ongoing battle. Much of the information, including a detailed scan and map of the entire system had been provided by the New Horizons ship De Magnete. Farn also had the latest edition of the EG which provided additional information.
Farn had learned that New Horizons was an unusual system in that it had a trinary gathering of three white dwarf suns, suspended in an intense field of gas and dust, as well as six gas giants on highly distorted elliptical orbits and numerous planets and planetoids. 43 of these objects qualified as planets. In addition many of the inner planets had multiple moons and the outer planets often had ice rings. Most of the orbits of both planets and planetoids were elliptical and in the early stages of planetary formation some enormous object with a huge gravity well had passed through the New Horizons system and shattered large bodies and perturbed their orbits. Chaos resulted and collisions by planets and planetoids must have been frequent and destructive, at least in a galactic time sense. Eventually New Horizons as a system stabilized but many of the planets continued to have intersecting orbits and orbital scientists predicted that additional collusions would occur in about 900,000 years. An instant in the galaxy, but more than enough time for the inhabitants of both what was called the 'Mother' planet and the 'Daughter' planet to live full and complete lives. Except for the arrival of Megra.
The war with the Megra had started only nine years ago and began with simple probes by single Megra Dumbbell ships passing through, scanning the system, and moving on. However after two years, and half a dozen visits, the Megra arrived with a fleet of four ships and began to attack the New Horizon's Armada. The Armada had a large fleet for its' population and the fleet was used to maintain order in a highly complex planetary system. Many of the planets or planetoids had small colonies or settlements engaged in a variety of occupations such as mining and manufacturing. These settlements were often extended families or small associations who chose to live beyond the immediate control of the Mother planet, but within the law and order provided by the Armada.
The New Horizons Armada had never faced an external enemy and both its' ship designs and its' weapons were of an old design. There had in the 700 year history of the system never been a reason to upgrade their defences. When the Megra attacked the Armada quickly learned that its' rail gun weapons were simply no match for Megra anti-matter torpedoes, and over a five year period most of the Armada was destroyed.
During this period the 'Daughter' planet was mostly evacuated and its' inhabitants removed to the Mother world. The Mother world orbited the three dwarf stars amidst a cloud of dust and rocks, as well as three large moons. Not only was the mother planet on an ellipse, but so to were the moons, and the moons followed their orbits at different intervals. Sometimes all three moons might be visible above the capital city of Empyrean. At other times only one or two of the moons were visible. But due to the peculiar orbits of the moon 98 days out of 100 at least one moon was visible.
Upon these moons New Horizons built fortresses to protect the Mother planet. enormous rail guns with massive fusion engines were constructed and the three moons named Saint George, Saint Vardan and Saint Menas had managed to stave off Megra attacks on the capital city and much of the planet. However repeated kinetic impacts on the fortresses were weakening their defence and New Horizons knew that in time the fortresses would fall and the planet would soon follow.
The overall report seemed to Farn to be quite grim. And the additional information provided by De Magnete that the number of Megra ships was now nine made an already grim picture even worse.
Farn new she was going into a very dangerous system and that confrontation was more than likely. Conflict was a certainty, but the 'avoid fight' element of her orders required explanation and she intended to speak with the Admiral at length about this requirement.
Six days later the New Hildr docked in the Commonwealth at what was now called the Navy Dock. She intended the visit to be a short one, but her crew needed to see their families and friends and shore leave was in order. She dismissed the crew, with the exception of a small watch, for a 48 hour leave. Farn was in a hurry to see Abel and left with the crew as it departed for shore leave.
As Farn exited the main hatch she notice a rather large crowd had gathered to welcome her and her crew home. A small band from the Collegium played music, a teen from the vid news filmed the arrival, many familiar faces were seen in the crowd and then she spotted Abel, John Beckley, and the Chairman. They are going to make speeches she thought to her embarrassment. Instead the Chairman simply came forward and shook Farn's hand and thanked her for her service and for the update to the Encyclopaedia Gallectica. There were joyous reunions between crew and family. Farn had no living family, her father and mother dead long ago in blow-outs, but she had become close to John Beckley and was very happy to see him.
"Welcome home," said Beckley.
Farn smiled, "Yes, it is good to be home. These long voyages make one appreciate the Habitat and our Commonwealth. Even the air smells different here." Farn laughed. "It smells like lots of people."
Abel came forward. "Excuse me John, but I need Farn for about an hour. Then you two can renew acquaintances."
Beckley reluctantly stood aside as Farn followed Abel to the Public Dock and a table at Nolos Diner.
Abel sat and motioned for Farn to sit as well. "I thought you might like to sit here in the open for a bit and have lunch with me. We have much to discuss but that can wait a moment. The curry prawns are quite good."
Farn looked up at the high ceiling of the public dock. After the confines of the ship and the low functional decks of Wu Station the distance to the roof as well as the expanse of the deck almost made her dizzy. It was noon and the diner was packed. Farn had never seen it so busy and with the addition of more tables there was now a larger wait staff.
Farn looked about. "Abel, I see they rebuilt the diner. These tables and chairs are new." Farn laughed.
"Yes. May Mills took over the place and the Commonwealth rebuilt the diner. There was some debate as to whether it should be built exactly as the old one or to build something new. New won out because no one could manufacture wobbly cast iron chairs and scuffed formica tables."
May Mills approached the table with a broad smile upon her face. "Welcome home Farn." Farn could tell the welcome was real and heartfelt. May took their lunch order and returned to the kitchen.
Abel turned serious. "How was it Farn? The trip to Narlanda?"
Farn knew that Abel had read her dispatches that had arrived days before on the Róta and his question confused her. "We accomplished our mission."
"Yes you did and everyone is happy with the results. But how do you and your crew feel about y
our new assignment."
Farn thought for a moment, "To be honest I think the word is concerned. Perhaps overwhelmed is a better description. Apprehensive also."
Abel nodded. "Is your crew ready?"
Without hesitation she replied, "Yes."
"Well Farn I have three gifts for you to take on your voyage. We have constructed combat simulations based on our encounters with the Megra. It's a long voyage to New Horizons and your crew will need training on Megra attack profiles. Silvi had a lot of input on the simulations as did Captain Marx."
"Thank you Sir. I was a bit concerned about just having Unity vs. Greayson simulations since the dumbbells are so different. And the second gift"
"Mines. Experimental of course, but in testing they seem to have a real impact. When detonated their kill zone is about a kilometre and a damage zone four times that. It may not seem to be much, but the real value of mines is that they force an opponent to slow down, move with caution, and avoid spaces where mines might or might not be located. I think you will find them useful at New Horizons. Captain Marx has some innovative ideas about deploying the mines in interlinked strings and I want you to test his theories."
"And the third?"
"Farn I want you to take one of our three Q Balls. Please take care of this rather slow comms system. It is only one of three and I doubt there are any others. I had to make a choice between giving the communications ball to you or to Captain Marx. However at this moment your mission seems to me to be the one that faces the greatest risk. And at some point, if your efforts at New Horizons prove effective, I want you to inform me using that very slow code. I intend to relieve you with other ships if I can free up the resources and both you and New Horizons survives." Abel knew he was being blunt but the reality that Farn and her ships faced was grim.