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Santino (Mafia Heat Book 4)

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by Ella Jade

  Mafia Heat: Santino

  By Ella Jade

  Copyright © 2021, Ella Jade

  Cover Artist: Rebecca Hamilton

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Back Cover Copy

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mafia Heat

  About the Author


  Thanks to my readers who continually one-click my books. You keep reading and I’ll keep writing.

  A special thanks to Tamaria Soana, Shelly Small, Amanda Akins, Misty Roule, and Lacey Wolfe.

  Back Cover Copy

  Even the darkest souls need love...


  I’ve been surrounded by mafia bad-boys my whole life.

  I’m drawn to them.

  I like them dark, dangerous, and dominant.

  When I fall for Santino Marchelli,

  I realize the others were just boys.

  Santino is the real deal.

  He’ll stop at nothing to keep me.

  He says he’s trying to protect me.

  Holding me captive is his solution?

  I won’t make this easy.


  Being the youngest of the Marchelli clan can be a burden.

  My family wants me to stay legit but it’s too late for that.

  My heritage runs deep within my veins.

  I am my father’s son.

  Luca Varelli likes to tease me.

  She thinks she can handle me.

  I’m not like those mafia wannabes she’s used to.

  The more she resists, the more determined I become.

  She’s poked the bear.

  I’ll do anything to make her mine.

  First, I have to keep her away from my enemies and out of the crossfire,

  Even if that means holding her against her will.

  Why does she have to be so defiant?

  ***Book Four in The Mafia Heat Series

  ***All books stand alone and can be read in any order but why not start from the beginning?





  Dominick (Coming soon)

  Chapter One

  This place is trouble...


  Scanning the bar, an uneasiness came over me. I couldn’t put my finger on what had my back up. It was a feeling. But in my family’s line of work, we learned to trust those instincts. If we didn’t, that could get us killed.

  “What the hell is wrong with you tonight?” My oldest brother, Dominick, asked. “You’re making me anxious. I don’t like being anxious.”

  Dominick carried the heaviest burden of all of us with our father’s retirement looming. He would take over the business and bear the responsibility of keeping us safe. I didn’t envy him but I wanted more than anything to stand with him.

  My involvement in the illegitimate aspects of the business remained a sore subject. My mother didn’t want me anywhere near it. I was supposed to follow in my brother Vincenzo’s footsteps and be a legit attorney. I practiced law but I wanted to handle my father’s dealings. Not the real estate and stock market ones. Vincenzo could have those. I wanted the underground stuff. The deals no one spoke about in public, the necessary negotiations, and the disputes that could only be settled behind closed doors.

  My brother, Salvatore, ran the family winery, our most legal money-maker. Sal was extremely happy to stay out of all things mafia related. He was better off. He didn’t have the stomach for such things. Vincenzo would make a formidable council for my father but my parents would never allow it. He was a Harvard graduate with a fierce ethical code. My father decided years ago that our family’s dealings would never touch him.

  Then there was Gianni. The enforcer with a heart of gold. Gianni would do anything to protect us. And he had. With him standing by Dominick’s side, they could take the Marchelli legacy to a level no one thought possible. The problem? Neither of them seemed to want it bad enough. My father had been trying to move us in the direction of being totally legitimate for the past few years. That was why the winery was off-limits. That was going to be our heritage. I wasn’t so sure.

  “I’m not uneasy.” I sipped my vodka. “I have a feeling.”

  “What kind of feeling?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’m here to relax, remember?” He finished his beer. “Keep your feelings to yourself.”

  “How are we the only two single brothers left?”

  Gianni, Vince, and Salvatore were married. Vince and Nadia were trying to have a baby but had been unsuccessful so far. Gianni and his wife, Angelique, had twin girls a few months old, so he was occupied most nights, unless it was absolutely necessary. Salvatore had recently gotten married to Hayden, the executive chef at the winery. They’d had an intimate ceremony in Italy but my mother was planning a larger reception here in the states.

  “What? You don’t like hanging out with your older brother?”

  “I didn’t say that.” Vincenzo was a hell of a lot easier to talk to but Dominick was a good listener when he wasn’t in a mood. He observed everything and told you like it was. He didn’t screw around. If he had something to say, he said it. “I know you’re used to Gianni.”

  “I see Gianni every day,” He shrugged. “He just can’t come out and play most nights.”

  “He’s happy.”

  “Very.” Dominick smiled at the bartender who he’d been subtly flirting with all night.

  “I think she likes you.”

  “She looks like she’s scared to death of me.”

  “You are a little intimidating.”

  “Comes with my line of work.” He smirked. “I can scare off anyone, even a potential date.”

  “She’s probably not your type.”

  “Why not?” He stared at the pretty woman making a martini and I wondered if he was really interested in her or if he was just lonely. If he was looking for a quickie, she could be the one for him. “She’s younger than me but that doesn’t bother me.”

  “Does it bother you that you’d have to pay for her services?”


  “I heard that’s her thing.” I finished my drink. “She picks up extra cash by, well, you know. She frequents the back club, hanging around Bobby Loco and his crew.”

  “Have you...”

  “No!” The woman was absolutely beautiful but that wasn’t my
thing. “I don’t have to pay for it and neither do you.”

  “I’m starting to wonder.” His jaw tightened as he stared at the bartender in a new light. “A girl like that shouldn’t be hanging out with that dirtbag Bobby. He’s a wannabe gangster with no code of ethics. He’s a loan shark with no compassion. Nothing good happens to people who get mixed up with him. He’s a user. A total scumbag.”

  “They’re all wannabes in here. They don’t have our last name.” I looked round the bar, noting the players. Some I had never seen before. Others had been in the shadows for years, hoping to become relevant in the world of organized crime. “Why are we here again?”

  “Because the owner of this fine establishment is under our protection. I try to show my face here every couple months so the wannabes understand who’s in control. It’s us, not them.”

  I figured we were here for a reason. It wasn’t the kind of place we frequented. It was in a shitty part of the city. There wasn’t much to it. A dingy bar that served cheap alcohol and greasy food.

  “Why am I here?” I asked, knowing Dominick never did anything without a motive.

  “We’re hanging out.”

  “We could have hung out tomorrow. We could have had dinner at the winery. Why did you bring me here?”

  “Don’t ask me these questions now,” he snapped. “You’ll know when it’s time for you to know.”

  “What does that mean?” I grew impatient with my brother and father keeping me in the dark.

  “It means you should be patient.”

  “Haven’t I proven myself?”

  “Santino,” he warned. “We’re in public.”

  I had proven myself and we both knew it. If it wasn’t for me our brother Salvatore would be dead. For some reason, no one in this family wanted to talk about what I had done.

  “I’m not even going to try to argue with you.”

  “Good because you can’t win.”

  “Don’t be so sure. I didn’t go to law school for nothing.” I grinned when he cursed me in Italian under his breath. “I might not have gone to Harvard like Vincenzo but you know my mouth will get us out of any situation.”

  “Your mouth could get us into more trouble than it’s worth.”

  As Dominick struck up a conversation with the pretty bartender who may or may not prostitute in her spare time, I took in the atmosphere. In the past few minutes, more people flooded the bar area. A group of six walked in and stood across from us. Four men and two women. The women took the empty two bar stools. The men stood behind them, engaged in their own conversation as the females perused the drink menu.

  Even in the dim lighting, the gorgeous blonde in the white halter top caught my attention. Her long hair draped down her shoulders and flowed over her breasts. I was so focused on her, I didn’t bother seeing who she was with.

  When she looked up at me, she smiled, giving me a small wave.

  “Luca?” I nodded at her.

  “What?” Dominick followed my gaze. “Is that Vincenzo’s assistant?”

  “Yeah, she just walked in.” I continued to stare at her because I was used to seeing her in a work setting. She’d caught my attention once or twice but I never pursued her. She worked for Vincenzo and I didn’t consider her an option. I may have been wrong.

  “With Bobby and his dirtbag friends?”

  “Looks that way.” It was a little concerning that my brother’s personal assistant was in a shit hole like this hanging around bastards like that.

  “You know her better than I do,” Dominick said. “Why would she be with them?”

  “I don’t know her that well.” I shrugged as I finished my drink. Maybe my first instinct to leave her alone had been correct. Not only was she Vince’s assistant but she hung around people I didn’t need to concern myself with. She could cause me more aggravation than I needed.

  “You worked with her when Vince and Nadia were at the safe house. Vincenzo trusts her but he isn’t always aware of everything he should be.”

  “Like the time he went to that warehouse to rescue Nadia and got shot?”

  “Yeah, like that,” he sighed. “What do you know about Luca?”

  “Not much, didn’t you vet her when she applied to be his assistant?”

  “I ran the background check. She’s been with him over two years and there hasn’t been any issues.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t make a problem where there isn’t one. Vince doesn’t like to be involved with anything that isn’t totally legit. If you start asking questions about his assistant, it’ll piss him off.”

  “You’re right.” He leaned back in his seat. “I don’t like that she’s with them. It doesn’t sit well with me.”

  “What does sit well with you?”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Seriously, your radar is always going off and it’s rubbing off on me.”

  “Good, it’s better to be aware than to be taken by surprise.” His phone vibrated on the bar. “It’s Gianni. I have to take this.”

  “I’ll settle up here and meet you outside.”

  He nodded as he headed toward the door, answering his phone on the way out. I placed my credit card on the bar before taking out my phone and checking my messages.

  “I haven’t seen you at the office lately.” When Luca took a seat next to me, I couldn’t help but notice how much that white shirt flattered her olive-colored skin. “How are you?”

  “I thought that was you.” I knew very well it was her but I didn’t like the company she kept. “I’ve been helping my father with some legal matters. Vincenzo manages just fine on his own.”

  “I don’t know how he does it. He’s so busy.” She rested her hand on the bar, causing her purple nail polish to sparkle under the dull lights. “I could use an assistant just keeping up with his schedule.”

  “Do you come here often?”

  “Is that a line?” Her cute giggle caught me by surprise. In all of our earlier encounters, she seemed apprehensive around me.

  “Not at all.” I smirked when I realized my question did sound like a pick-up line. “I’d be much smoother than that.”

  “This is my first time here.”

  “It should probably be your last.”


  “It’s not an establishment I’d expect to see someone like you in.”

  “You’re here.”

  “I’m here on business.”

  “What kind of business would an attorney have in a place like this?” She looked around. “These people don’t seem to be your clientele.”

  “I didn’t think Bobby Loco would be someone you kept company with but here you are.” I signed the credit card receipt. “I hope you don’t make that a habit.”

  “Are you telling me who I should hang out with?”

  “Just a suggestion.” I put my phone in my pocket. “You might thank me later.”

  “You think?” She tightened her lips, possibly trying to conceal a smile. She had the fullest, most delicious lips. “I don’t make it a habit of doing what I’m told.”

  “Hmm.” I stood from the barstool. “I could probably fix that.”

  “What?” She appeared confused by my statement. Had I shaken her faux tough exterior? She glanced at the door. “Are you leaving?”

  “My brother is waiting for me.” I looked over at her entourage. “Maybe I could buy you a drink another time. When you’re not otherwise occupied?”

  I’d encountered her many times before. We’d worked together at Vincenzo’s office. I’d always found her attractive but tonight was different. Tonight, she intrigued me. Piqued my interest in a way I hadn’t expected.

  “I’d like to have a drink with you.” She carefully slipped off the bar stool, staring at me with her wide chestnut-colored eyes. “You know where to find me.”

  I was certain she referred to Vincenzo’s office but the benefit of being a Marchelli meant I could find her anywhere she went if I wanted to. She didn’t need to know that.
  “I do.” Stepping toward her, I closed the gap between us and nodded toward her friends. “Take care of yourself.”

  “You worry too much.” She leaned in and kissed my cheek, taking me by surprise. That didn’t happen often. When she pulled away, a soft, seductive smile played at her lips. “It was nice seeing you, Santino.”

  As she walked away, our fingers grazed one another’s. It was only for a second but it took much effort on my part not to grab her hand and persuade her to stay with me.

  I followed her with my gaze as she made her way back across the room. That feeling of dread crept back up, putting me on high alert. She was back with the group she had come in with but she didn’t look at ease. I studied her expression as the men she was with laughed at her. Were they taunting her? Annoyed because she came to say hello to me?

  “I thought you were meeting me outside,” Dominick said. “What’s wrong?”

  “That doesn’t sit well with me.” I pointed at Luca. “She’s in over her head.”

  “Do you want to do something about it?”

  Before I could say anything, Bobby Loco’s actions answered for me. “What do you think?”

  “Fuck,” Dominick mumbled as he followed me to the other side of the bar. “Can’t we ever go anywhere without all this drama?”

  “Our last name doesn’t allow for normal.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  I knew this place was trouble.

  Chapter Two

  Meeting his match...


  Santino Marchelli had been my crush for the past year. Ever since he stepped in to help Vincenzo out for a few weeks at the office. He never noticed me. He was all business but that didn’t stop me from dreaming that one day maybe he’d be interested in me.

  He was everything I could want in a man. Sexy, muscular, filthy rich, smart, charming, dangerous, and a Marchelli. I was sure he had other appealing qualities. If he was anything like Vincenzo, he would be kind, caring, and make an amazing husband. Maybe now that I’d broken the ice and said hello to him, he'd get the hint and take me for that drink.

  I walked back where my friends were, actually could I even call them my friends? The only reason I had agreed to come tonight was because my hairdresser, Rita, didn’t want to meet some guy here alone. He was bringing friends and she wanted to have someone with her. I didn’t want her to show up alone, so I agreed. I really wanted to go home after getting my highlights, take a hot bath, and curl up with that new mystery I’d one-clicked last week. Bright side? If I hadn’t come with her, I wouldn’t have run into Santino. No matter how shitty the rest of the night went, seeing him would make it worth it.


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