Santino (Mafia Heat Book 4)

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Santino (Mafia Heat Book 4) Page 11

by Ella Jade

  “I heard Bobby say that his son was murdered. Is that true?”

  “Bobby doesn’t know anything.” I gritted my teeth because that idiot shouldn’t speak of subjects he knew nothing about. “Franco has disappeared but none of us know where he is.”

  “Do you think he’s dead?”

  “Probably, but it’s not my concern.” I took her hand, wanting to dismiss this conversation. “Let’s go get that drink.”

  “Can we dance too?”

  “We can do anything you want. I’m all yours.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  Chapter Ten

  Trust me...


  “That was invigorating, as always.” I rolled off her. “I can’t seem to get enough of you tonight.”

  “I feel like that every night.” She stretched out her back and neck. “Although, the other night at the main house was a whole new level.”

  “Oh, you liked it?” I grinned. “I couldn’t tell at all.”

  “I always like being with you.” She sat up and kissed my cheek. “Between the sex and the wine, I’m a little dehydrated. Would you like some water?” She slipped out of bed, giving me a fabulous view of her backside.

  “I can get it for you.” I reached for her hand. “Get back in bed.”

  “I’m capable of getting water.” She pushed me back down.” Save your energy. You’ll need it.”

  “You’re so fucking hot.”

  She went to my dresser and took out one of my t-shirts. As she tugged it over her head, I took in her toned, slender back. Turning to face me, I noted how the shirt fell over her hips and stopped at her mid-thighs. Her nipples strained against the thin, white cotton, enticing me even further.

  “Hurry back.” I leaned against the pillows. “I’m not done with you.”

  “I certainly hope not.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder as she disappeared from my view.

  I propped the back of my head in my hands and smiled. Never had I been so taken with anyone before Luca. She challenged me in ways that I didn’t know I needed to be challenged. I looked forward to our back and forth banter. I waited for her witty comebacks and her flirtatious responses. And the sex! We were definitely compatible in that department. My life was coming together. For years, I struggled to find my place among my family. My mother wanted a different direction for me. My father and Dominick tried to respect her wishes but, in the end, everyone realized where I belonged. With Luca by my side, anything was possible.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the motioned sensor light go on in the yard. I got up and looked out the window. It was probably a deer running into the woods or maybe a few of the guards were doing a sweep. As I reached for my phone to check with Dominick, Luca’s scream halted my actions. Instinctually, I grabbed my gun from the nightstand drawer and took off for the hall.

  In a matter of seconds, the glass from the patio doors shattered throughout the family room. Once I reached the chaos, Luca was on the floor, shielding herself with her hands. The gunfire sparked in the distance. Judging from the back and forth sounds, there were two shooters now. I got on the floor and made my way to her, dragging her behind the sofa.

  “Santino!” She cried out. “I saw a man and then he shot at the window.”

  “Shh!” I looked her over, trying not to let fear take over. I had to stay focused. My brothers would hear the shots. We had guards on the property. “Are you okay? Were you hit?”

  “No, I’m fine.” She shook against me. “Who’s doing this?”

  “I don’t know.” I peered over the couch. “Stay low. I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait!” She grabbed my hand. “Where are you going?”

  “I have to see what’s going on.”

  “Don’t you have people for that?” The panic rose in her voice. “Don’t leave me.”

  “Baby, I have to make sure the whole property isn’t under attack. I might have to help my brothers.” I quickly kissed her. “I promise, I’ll come back.”


  “It’ll be okay.” I didn’t know why I had said that. I had no idea what was going on. No one had ever gotten onto this property and shot at us. “I’m coming back.”

  Crawling out from behind the sofa, I noted the shooting stopped. Getting to the interior wall in the foyer, I got on my feet as I heard someone come through the front door. I raised my gun and aimed.

  “Whoa!” Art held his gun in the air. “Put that down.”

  “What the fuck!” I lowered my gun. “What is happening?”

  “As far as we know, it’s a lone shooter.” He put his arm around me. “We need to get away from the door. Where’s Luca?”

  “In there.” I hurried across the room, scooping her in my arms as Art covered me.

  “I can walk!” She tried to wiggle out of my hold.

  “The floor is full of glass.” The shards pierced my own feet, leaving a trail of blood as I carried her through the foyer and to the kitchen.

  I settled Luca in a chair and got her a glass of water. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on. This has never happened before.”

  Art opened the back door to let Dominick in. He looked me over and let out a sigh of relief. “Are you both all right?”

  “We’re fine,” I said. “What’s going on?”

  “As far as I can tell, it was only one guy. I think I hit him when he fled. If he’s still on the property, he’s not going to get far. Gianni went after him.”

  “How did he even get on the fucking property?” I yelled. “That’s not supposed to happen.”

  “I know.” He gritted his teeth. “I need you two to get dressed and come to the main house.” Luca was in nothing but my shirt and me in my boxer briefs. What a display!

  “Was my house the only target?” I asked.


  “What the hell?”

  “It was probably a random shot. Depending upon how and where they got onto the grounds, they most likely took the first opportunity they saw.”

  “But you’re not sure if there are more?” It was unlikely that more than one person got past security but we couldn’t take any chances.

  “I’ll feel better when we’re all at the main house,” Dominick said.

  “Why do we have to leave here?” Luca asked.

  “For one, the window is busted. I’ll have it fixed in the morning.” Dominick looked at me. “I’m moving us all to the main house tonight. It’ll be easier to keep track of everyone in case anyone else is on the property.”

  “You said there was only one shooter,” Luca reminded him. “Do you think there could be more?”

  “We’re looking at the footage now. It’s a big property. It’s dark. I can’t be sure no one else isn’t hiding somewhere. I need to keep everyone safe.” Dominick glanced down at my feet. “You’re bleeding.”

  “It’s nothing. I stepped on some glass. I’ll bandage it.”

  “Art, stay with them,” my brother said. “Get them to the main house in the next ten minutes.” When he headed out the back door, he was met with three of our guys. I didn’t envy the night ahead of him, especially with my father not being here.

  “I agree with Dominick.” I nodded at my guard. “We’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  “Try to be quick,” Art said. “I know all the security staff will feel better once we have all of the Marchellis in one location.”

  Luca followed me up the back staircase and to my bedroom. I went to the closet and took out a duffle bag. “Toss whatever you want to take to spend the night at the main house.”

  “We have to spend the night there?”

  “I’m pretty sure.” I glanced at the clock. “It’s already after eleven. I don’t see this being resolved before morning.”

  “Can’t I go home?” She changed out of my shirt and into her own sweats. “You could come with me. Art too.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Do I look like I’m

  I grasped her upper arms in my hands and stared into her eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Checking to see if you’re in shock.” I studied her for a few moments. “You were shot at and now I’m asking you to relocate in the middle of the night. I know this is overwhelming but it comes with the territory of being with me.”

  “I’d rather go home.”

  “That’s not possible right now.” I let her go, hoping she wouldn’t fight me on this. “Please get your stuff together. We have to go.”

  “Because Dominick said so?”


  “I don’t understand. Are we in danger?”

  “Possibly.” How could she expect me to answer that question? None of us had any idea what the hell was going on.

  “Then why would we stay here? Can’t we go somewhere until this dies down? Doesn’t it make sense to leave?”

  “We don’t even know who we’d be running from. Let’s do it my way.”

  I went into the bathroom to take care of my feet. They weren’t that bad. A few cuts and scrapes.

  Luca stood in the doorway and I wondered how much I should tell her about my family. How much did she really want to know? Right now, she looked as if she wanted to bolt and never look back. I couldn’t handle that.

  “How bad is it?”

  “I’ll live.” I bandaged my feet. “Minor cuts.”

  “What makes you think I was referring to your feet?”

  “Weren’t you?”

  “You’ve known for a while that something was brewing. I see it whenever you’re around your father and Dominick.” She leaned against the door. “Did you know someone would come after your family?”

  “This is probably some idiot who got onto the property to prove something. If someone sent them, they will be dealt with.” I took her hands in mine. “All I need from you is to trust me. Can you do that?”

  “Under normal circumstances, my answer would be yes.” She let go of my hands. “I was shot at in your family room. This might be a normal occurrence for you but...”

  “It isn’t. We’ve never been attacked at home. This doesn’t happen.” I pinned her against the wall with my body. “Give me a chance to sort this out. Once we get to the main house, I can meet with my brothers and see what’s going on.”

  “I’ll give you tonight but I can’t promise anything for tomorrow.”

  “I’ll accept that for now.” I took her face between my hands. “I’ll protect you.”

  “Who’s going to protect you?”

  “Don’t worry.” I swiped my lips along her jaw. “Everything will be fine as long as you trust me.”

  I kissed her mouth, taking my time, reassuring her that she was safe with me. Being with her, holding her close, was the only thing containing my rage because there would be nowhere for the scum who shot at her tonight to hide. He’d made an enemy of the wrong man.


  When we arrived at the main house, I didn’t feel any safer. Despite Santino’s reassurances, he was as unsure as I was. As we entered the massive family room, I noted the four guards standing post outside of the patio windows. Santino had said they called in extra security. I didn’t know how many extra meant but I had a feeling it was a lot.

  “Luca.” Nadia, who had been cuddled under a blanket resting on Vincenzo, hopped off the couch and wrapped her arms around me. “How are you?”

  “You must have been terrified.” Angelique was right behind her holding one of the twins. I still couldn’t tell them apart. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

  “I’m okay,” I said. “A little startled.”

  “My girl is tough.” Santino put his arm around me. “She didn’t panic and stayed strong.”

  I didn’t have time to panic. I saw the shadowy figure, screamed, and hit the floor when he aimed his gun at the window.

  “I’m glad you’re all right.” Vincenzo took Nadia’s hand. “Come sit back down. You shouldn’t be on your feet.”

  “Vince, I’m fine.” She kissed his cheek. “I love you for worrying though.”

  As I thought about Nadia and Angelique, I wondered how they were holding up. They weren’t shot at but they did live on the property, a few houses down from Santino’s. Angelique had two babies and Nadia was going through fertility. This stress couldn’t be good for either of them but by looking at them, I couldn’t see any fear or anxiety. Am I the only sane one here?

  Dominick and Gianni came into the room, joining the rest of us. Their expressions were almost stoic but they never gave anything away. Why did they choose to live such a harsh life? A life that could threaten their families? Was any of this worth it?

  “What’s going on?” Vincenzo asked. “Is the threat neutralized?”

  “For now,” Gianni said. “No one who doesn’t belong on this property is here.”

  “How can you be sure?” Vincenzo pressed and I wanted to know the answer to that question too.

  “Trust me,” Gianni assured him. “It’s taken care of.”

  What did that mean? Had he caught the person? Killed him? Did I want to know after all?

  “We’re all staying here tonight,” Dominick said. “I’m going to call Dad in a few minutes. He’s aware of the situation and I’m convinced he, Mom, Gia, and Stella are fine where they are. Don Giancarlo has given me his word he will protect them at all costs while they’re in his company. I don’t believe the threat reaches as far as Italy.”

  “Where’s Sal?” Santino asked.

  “He and Hayden are on their way back from the winery. I have guys on them in addition to their own security,” Dominick said. “They had planned to stay at the loft but I asked them to come home.”

  “They should be here shortly.” Gianni glanced at his phone. “Should we call Dad?”

  “Yes.” Dominick nodded down the hall. “Let’s go to his study. Santino and Vincenzo, do you want to join us?”

  “You want me to sit in?” Vince asked.

  “If you’re not comfortable, you don’t have to.” Dominick shrugged. “I thought maybe Dad would want to know that we’re all okay. I’m sure he wants to hear your voice.”

  “I’ll be there.” Vince patted Nadia’s hand. “I won’t be long and then we’ll go to bed.”

  “Take your time and tell your Dad I said hello.” She kissed his cheek. “My father texted me three times in the past thirty minutes. Is it okay if I tell him what happened here?”

  “I’m sure he knows. These things have a way of traveling quickly,” Dominick said. “You should let him know you’re all right but, Nadia, if he asks questions, don’t answer them.”

  “I wouldn’t have any answers anyway.” She took out her phone. “But I understand.”

  “Come with me.” Santino led me to the foyer. “I shouldn’t be long. I know this is a lot to take in. We don’t know much but you’re safe here.”

  “I can’t process all of this,” I admitted. “I’m unsettled. I don’t feel safe.”

  “I need you to not panic.” When he stroked my cheek, a calmness came over me but his touch wasn’t enough. “When I’m done with this call, we’ll settle into my old bedroom. We can watch a movie, have a glass of wine, whatever you want.”

  “I want to be back in your bed. I want this night to be a horrible dream.”

  “I wish I could make that so.” He kissed my forehead. “But I’ll do everything in my power to reassure you. Give me a few minutes with my brothers and then I’ll take you upstairs and hold you.”

  “Santino, I don’t know if this...” I trailed off as his brothers came into the foyer and headed down the hall to the study.

  “You don’t know what?” He ran his fingers across my neck.

  “You better go.” I pressed my lips to his, lingering a moment longer because I needed to be close to him... one last time.

  “Don’t worry, gorgeous.” He kissed me softly. “It’s going to be fine.”

  I beli
eved that three hours ago but now I wasn’t so sure. I had fallen hard for Santino. Something I promised myself I wouldn’t do when I was dating those smalltime thugs from the neighborhood. I had goals. I wanted to go to law school and make something of myself. I convinced myself Santino was different. Maybe he had convinced me of that. He was, wasn’t he?

  As I gazed around the beautiful home, filled with family members who loved one another unconditionally and would go to any lengths to protect each other, a part of me envied this life. I’d grown to care for these people. They were kind, generous, and loyal. Wasn’t that what I always wanted? Yes, a big family, sisters and brothers, and a man who looked at me the only way Santino could. My heart was full when I was with him, my mind and body satisfied, and my soul not as reckless. I was made to be with him but I wasn’t made for his lifestyle. A harsh reality that I had no choice but to accept tonight.

  “There you are.” Angelique joined me in the foyer. “I’m going to put Sadie down. Erica and Sophia are already settled upstairs.”

  “Okay.” I took Sadie’s little hand in mine. “She’s beautiful.”

  “We can have a cup of tea when I come back.” She smiled at me. “Nadia is brewing a pot and Hayden will be here soon. We can have a sisters’ meeting.”

  “A sisters’ meeting?”

  “We know it isn’t easy being with a Marchelli. Sometimes Jenny joins us and tells us stories of when she and Dante first got together and after listening to how brutal the mob wars were back then, we all feel lucky to be married to the next generation.”

  “Even though there was a shooter on the property tonight?” I could have been shot or worse. “That’s not sitting well with me.”

  “I understand.”

  “Aren’t you afraid for your babies?” I gazed into Sadie’s innocent eyes. She had no idea of the future in front of her.

  “I trust my husband completely.” She kissed the baby’s head. “I’m not saying I’m not afraid but what happened here tonight was not the normal.”

  “What if it’s only the beginning?”

  “We can’t think that way.” She held my hand. “We’re going to get through this as a family. If you’re into Santino as much as I know he’s into you, please try to accept who he is and where he comes from. That’s the only way your relationship will survive.”


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