Santino (Mafia Heat Book 4)

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Santino (Mafia Heat Book 4) Page 12

by Ella Jade

  I nodded in agreement but what if I wasn’t ready for this relationship. What if the Marchelli family was too much for me?

  “I’ll see you in the kitchen in a few minutes. Trust me, you’ll feel better after you talk to the girls. You’ll see.”

  “Thanks for being so welcoming.”

  “I love Santino and he’s so taken with you. That’s all I need.”

  I needed more reassurance that this was a fluke. The more time I spent here, the more time I had to process how dangerous it was being close to this family. I’d come to adore them but I wasn’t ready to put my life on the line every time I left the bedroom for a glass of water.

  I took a deep breath and pushed the hair from my face. It had been a long night but the adrenaline from the shooting hadn’t worn off. I needed air. I needed a safe place to process what had happened. I couldn’t do it here. I couldn’t do it while Santino tried to comfort me.

  I had to get away.

  Chapter Eleven

  You have a kidnapping to get to...


  The phone conversation with my dad only made me more anxious. No one had any idea who targeted us and why. Was my house the mark on purpose or the first one they had come upon when they got onto the property? Were more attacks planned?

  None of this made any sense. We were at peace with all of the families and truces were in place with others. Why would anyone come after us? I was too keyed up to rationalize any of this. I needed to be with Luca. Once we were together and she was in my arms, I’d feel better.

  I followed the voices to the kitchen, hoping that Luca had calmed down enough to relax with my family. We were safe here and I wanted her to understand that. Together my family formed a strong unit. No one was going to bring us down, especially in our own home.

  “Santino.” Sal hugged me when I came into the room. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “Thanks, bro.”

  “When I heard what happened here tonight, I freaked out. You were all here and I wasn’t. If anything would have happened to any of you, I don’t know what I would’ve done.”

  “We’re good and I’m glad you weren’t here.”

  “How’s Luca holding up?” Hayden asked.

  “Isn’t she here with all of you?” I glanced around the kitchen, realizing she wasn’t there. “Is she upstairs?”

  “Maybe,” Angelique said. “I told her we’d be in here when she was ready to come down.”

  “I told her we’d be staying in my old room.” Maybe she went there to be alone. “I’m going to go and look for her.”

  I took out my phone and sent a quick text asking where she was. As I waited for her response, I checked all the rooms downstairs. There was no sign of her. The bag we had packed earlier was still in the family room.

  “Luca,” I called out. “Are you down here?”

  As I was about to head upstairs, Dominick, Gianni, and Chaz made their way down the steps.

  “Did you see Luca?” I asked.

  “No,” Gianni answered. “Erica and the twins are up there. I have Michael sitting by the large window outside the master suite because he has a vantage point of the backyard and that damn decorative trellis that leads to the attic windows. That should be taken down.”

  “Stella’s roses are on there,” Dominick said. “But I do agree, a resourceful person could use it as a way in.”

  “Or out.” Gianni grinned. “I think we’ve all used it to sneak out of here when we were teenagers.”

  “Probably not Sal.” I couldn’t see him shimming down the trellis. “He was far too good to sneak out of the house.”

  “I can’t see Vincenzo doing it either,” Gianni said.

  “You do realize we weren’t fooling anyone considering we had to take security with us.” Dominick smiled at Chaz. “Dad knew everything.”

  “Are you kidding?” Chaz shook his head. “We had to clear everything with your old man.”

  “At least Dad looked the other way.” I glanced at my phone, noting the lack of response from Luca. “Mom would have stood at the entrance of the property and blocked the car from leaving.”

  “What is it?” Gianni asked as I sent Luca another text.

  “It’s probably nothing. I can’t find Luca.” I held up my phone. “She’s not texting me back.”

  “Maybe she got turned around in here,” Dominick suggested. “Everyone is in the kitchen. Did you check there?”

  “Yeah, but maybe she came down the back staircase.” I headed back to the kitchen as my brothers followed. Chaz went to the family room, probably to check the doors again. Everyone was on edge, including myself. The longer Luca went without responding to me, the more anxious I became.

  My family was still in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating homemade pound cake that Mama Stella had left for us in the freezer. Being together during this uncertain night made things easier but that was what we did. We stuck together and got through shit. I wanted Luca to be part of it all. Not just tonight but always.

  “Did you find her?” Nadia asked.

  I shook my head as I dialed her number. “Voicemail.”

  “Maybe her battery is dead,” Vincenzo said. “She’s had a long night.”

  “I’ll sweep the house again,” Gianni offered. “Maybe she found Erica and the twins.”

  Dominick stepped outside as Hayden brought me a cup of coffee. “Here.” She placed it on the counter next to me. “Are you hungry? I can make you something.”

  “I’m good.” I kissed her cheek. “Thanks.”

  “You’re really into Luca.”

  I sipped the coffee, ignoring Hayden’s question.

  “Don’t do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “Be a Marchelli.” She playfully shoved my arm. “I know you like her.”

  “It doesn’t matter what I want.” I sighed. “After tonight, she might not want to be around here anymore.”

  “Nadia was shot at and kidnapped because of this family. Angelique walked away from her father to be with Gianni. I saw a man I admired get murdered in the kitchen where I work.”

  “Your point?”

  “We’re all still here. We even took your last name. Luca knew who this family was before she started seeing you.”

  “That made her reluctant but I persisted.”

  “Who could resist you?” She winked. “Who could resist any of you?”

  “I only hope that tonight didn’t ruin everything.”

  “If she feels for you the way I know you do for her, she’ll make the right choice.” She hugged me. “She’ll choose you.”

  I’ve already chosen her.

  “We have a problem.” Dominick came back into the kitchen.

  “Don’t we always?” Vincenzo asked. “What now?”

  “Luca left the property about fifteen minutes ago.” Dominick clenched his fists. “Went back to your house, got in her car, and drove right out of the gate.”

  “How did she manage that?” I called her phone but it went to voicemail again.

  “No answer?” Dominick asked as Gianni walked into the room. “She was driving out as Sal and Hayden were coming in. Apparently, security can’t handle two cars at a time and let Luca go.”

  “Is it any wonder how we were attacked on our own fucking property?” Gianni slammed his hand on the table, causing Nadia to jump. “Sorry, sweetheart.” He kissed the top of her head. “Now what?”

  “I’ll have to find her,” Santino said. “She’s probably on her way home.”

  “That’s not going to work!” Dominick shouted. “She can’t be out there unattended putting her mother and herself in danger. Whoever got to us here, they’ll get to us out there.”

  “I tried her cell,” Vince said. “She isn’t picking up for me either.”

  “I’ll get guys on her.” Gianni took out his cell. “She’s not going to get far.”

  “Then what?” Vince looked horrified. “Are you going to drag her back here?

  “You got a better idea, Harvard?” Dominick asked.

  “Stop fighting,” Sal interjected. “Don’t we have enough problems?”

  “When they find her,” I said. “Have them bring her to the safe house. I’ll meet them there.”

  “That could work,” Gianni agreed.

  “You want to kidnap my assistant?” Vince stood. “No!”

  “This is why we keep you out of this kind of stuff.” I shook my head because he didn’t have the stomach for what had to be done. “I’m not kidnapping her.”

  “You’re an attorney or at least, I thought you were,” Vince challenged me. “You know holding her against her will is illegal.”

  “She’s not leaving us any other choice,” I shouted because I was too frustrated to speak rationally. What the hell was Luca thinking? She was shot at tonight and she waltzes out the door like there was no threat or danger? “She needs our protection. I’d rather hold her against her will then fucking go to her funeral.”

  “Santino.” Sal put his hand on my shoulder. “There has to be another way. Maybe put more guards on her?”

  “I don’t want any of us out in the open right now,” Dominick said. “I’ll have her brought to the safe house. Santino, you make sure her mother thinks everything is fine and you surprised her with a trip. I’ll instruct the guys who pick her up to take her phone. I’ll have her car brought back here.”

  “For the record, I think this is a horrible idea,” Vince said. “I don’t want any part in it.”

  “Noted.” I nodded. “But Luca won’t be able to work for a few days. We’re going on a trip.”

  “Nadia.” Vince extended his hand for his wife. “I don’t want to hear any more of this plan. Sal, I suggest you and Hayden leave the room as well.” He stared at Angelique. “You too.”

  “Harvard is right,” Dominick agreed. “Gianni, Santino and I will take care of this while keeping the rest of you safe.”

  “I don’t envy you,” Vince said. “But I cannot agree with your tactics.”

  “I’m not asking you to.” Dominick waited as the others left the room before answering his phone.

  “What a night this turned out to be.” Gianni grabbed a beer from the fridge. “You want one?”

  “No thanks.” I needed to be sober when I dealt with Luca. “I don’t know what she was thinking.”

  “She’s scared. I don’t blame her.”

  “I told her to trust me.” I leaned against the counter. “Obviously, she doesn’t.”

  “Give her time. We’re a hard group to get used to.” He popped the cap off his bottle of beer. “If she’s the one, she’ll come around.”

  “The one?”

  “You know, like Mama Stella always says. She knew Angelique was my one. I have a feeling she’d say that about you and Luca too.”

  “They found her.” Dominick ended his call. “They were able to grab her before she made it home.”

  “I’ll meet them at the safe house.” I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Luca after the guys had picked her up against her will but I’d have to convince her staying at the safe house was her best option. Her only option.

  “Gianni and I will get to you when we can but right now, it’ll be safer for us to stay away,” Dominick said. “You’ll have to keep her there until I know it’s safe.”

  “Man.” Gianni’s eyes lit with excitement. “Think about all that hostage sex you’re going to have.”

  “I’m sure sex will be the first thing on Luca’s mind.” I rolled my eyes. “She’s going to hate me for this.”

  “Oh! Hate sex.” Gianni patted my back. “Even better.”

  “There’s something wrong with you.” I shook my head. “I’ll text you when I get there.”

  “Art will drive you. Security will be in place by the time you arrive.” Dominick extended his hand for mine. “Do you have your gun?”

  I nodded.

  “Good.” He shook my hand. “I’ll get us out of this mess. It might take a few days but I’m not risking anyone’s safety.”

  “I know.” I gave him a quick hug. “Take care of the rest of them.”

  “Always.” He held me a second longer before quickly releasing me. “Get out of here. You have a kidnapping to get to.”

  “That’s not where I saw this relationship going.” Luca was going to be furious with me but I had to make sure she was protected. “She’s going to hate me for this.”

  “Think of the story you’ll have for your kids.” Gianni snickered. “Besides, what woman doesn’t want a Marchelli to hold her against her will?”

  “You need therapy.”

  On the ride up to the safe house, I took the opportunity to get my anger in check. I realized Luca was afraid but she put herself and my family in jeopardy when she decided to flee. We should’ve been at the main house with the others. We were in this together. Dominick didn’t need the extra stress of making sure we were safe at another location while he tried to figure out what was going on. I needed to be by his side, helping him in our father’s absence but instead I had to deal with Luca.

  I shouldn’t be too harsh. I was the one who brought her into this world. How could I expect her to handle what had happened tonight when I didn’t fully understand it? Maybe after she calmed down, she would realize being here was the best thing we could do.

  Once I got to the house, I was greeted by our men whose sole job was to make sure Luca and I were safe. My main focus was to make sure Luca didn’t make their job any harder than it had to be. They gave me her phone and her computer. I hated to do it but I had to text her mother and let her know Luca would be unreachable for a few days. The best way to do that was a text from Luca’s phone pretending to be her.

  “Where is she?” I asked one of the guys at the door.

  “Upstairs in the master bedroom,” he said. “We had to carry her up kicking and screaming.”

  The rage roared in my chest when I heard that. “From now on, no one touches her,” I instructed. No one but me.

  The thought of anyone touching Luca enraged me. Part of me hoped she got in a few good kicks when they took her. Once I made my way up to the master bedroom, I could hear Luca banging and yelling. This wasn’t going to be easy.

  “Let me out of here!” She screamed. “Do you know what Santino Marchelli is going to do to you once he finds me?” Some heavy object hit the wall. “What his brothers will do to you?”

  Shit! No one told her I’m the one who had her abducted?

  Chapter Twelve

  You hesitated...


  I shook the door handle again. I didn’t know why I even tried. It had been locked since those thugs tossed me in here. My throat was hoarse from screaming and I’d run out of things to throw and shatter. Why hadn’t I listened to Santino? Why had I run away? He told me to trust him. Why didn’t I? I could be at the main house right now, getting to know the family better. They all seemed so calm and happy to be with one another.

  I thought back to that night at the charity function. The night I first realized there would be no going back.

  “I see a wild soul. A soul so wild, it matches mine. That’s why you need my protection.”

  He was right. I did need his protection. I shouldn’t have run away from him in the middle of the night. I should have trusted him like he asked me to.

  “Let me out of here!” I slammed my fist against the door, pounding as hard as I could. “Do you know what Santino Marchelli is going to do to you once he finds me?” That was even if he could find me. The Marchellis were a resourceful family. They would figure out who had me. I picked up the black iron candleholder that I had launched earlier and threw it at the wall. “What his brothers will do to you?”

  Did these animals who took me even care what Dominick and Gianni would do to them? How did they even know to come after me? Were they waiting for one of us to leave the main house? How did I get stuck in the middle of this? I pounded my fist agains
t the door as the desperation set in. What kind of people were these? How far would they take this? What would they do with me? To me?

  Panic took over when the lock jingled on the other side of the door. I backed away, tripping over the comforter that I’d ripped off the bed in a fit of rage. I quickly took inventory of the room, trying to find a place to hide. I crawled to the bathroom but I was too late. I froze when the door opened. Closing my eyes, I prayed whoever it was wouldn’t hurt me. They needed me as leverage, right?

  “Luca.” Santino came toward me.

  “It’s you!” I jumped up and rushed into his arms. “I knew you’d find me. I was so afraid. I never should have left the house. I should have trusted you but I freaked out and I ran. I’m so sorry. These guys ran me off the road and...” I looked over his shoulder. “Where are they? Did you see them? I think there are three of them.”

  “Baby, calm down. You’re safe.” He held me close. “When I couldn’t find you, I freaked too. I couldn’t stomach you being out there alone and vulnerable.”

  “I’m sorry.” I pressed my lips to his as I apologized again. “You were right. I should have listened to you. Are we really safe? Did you, I mean, are those guys...”

  “Why don’t we sit down?” He led me over to the bed. “I have to tell you something.”

  “Whatever it is, whatever you had to do, I don’t care. You found me. You saved me.”

  “I didn’t exactly find you.”

  “Well, Dominick or Gianni did but you’re here. It doesn’t matter. Do you know who took me?”

  “I do.”

  “Are they the same people who shot at me tonight?”


  “What? Are you sure? That’s a crazy coincidence. First, we get shot at and then I get abducted. What’s going on?”

  “When you ran away.” He took my hands in his. “You put yourself in a bad position. We have no idea who came at us tonight and if anyone knew that you were out there and unprotected.” He tightened his hold on my hands. “If these enemies took you, there’s no telling what they could have done to you. I wasn’t going to let that happen.”


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