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When We're Thirty

Page 28

by Casey Dembowski

  He nodded, and his lips crashed with hers for the first time in weeks. Their tears mixed, leaving a salty taste to the kiss.

  “It would be an honor to stay your husband, Hannah Grace Abbott-Thorne.” He held out his pinky.

  Hannah kissed him again before linking her pinky with his.


  Writing may be a solitary task, but the journey to publication is not traveled alone. Without the support and comradery of so many, this novel may never have found its home.

  First, a very big thank you to Lynn McNamee at Red Adept for taking a chance on Will and Hannah and their crazy marriage pact story. And to all the staff at Red Adept—When We’re Thirty would not be where it is without you. A special thanks to my amazing RAP editors Angie and Marirose for loving Will and Hannah as much as I do.

  To my RAP mentor and friend, Erica Lucke Dean—you have made my path to publication so amazing. Thank you for full-day conversations on grammar, for brainstorming whenever I needed you, for my amazing cover and graphics, and for so much laughter. I don’t think I’d have survived this journey without you.

  A big thank-you to my early readers, who saw this book in its infancy and helped shape it: Alison, Tracey, Katherine, Natalia, Bradeigh, Robin, Lainey, and Kimberley.

  For the last several years, I’ve had the absolute honor of being in a small, tight-knit online writing group. To all the ladies in the Ink Tank, my Fictionistas—I could not do any of this without you. Finding all of you has been a highlight of the last several years of my life. When this pandemic is over, I can’t wait to give each of you a giant hug.

  To all my fellow writers who have been with me on this journey through one organization or another—thank you for the love and support. Knowing you all (virtually or otherwise) has made this journey worthwhile.

  To the 2021 debuts—we did it!

  To all the authors, readers, and bookstagrammers—you have made my publication journey so much fun. Thank you for all the support and for making sure more than my family knows about my book.

  To Danielle Burby—thank you for encouraging me to write this book and for helping me get here.

  To the ladies of the On the Same Page Book Club—thank you for making me feel like a celebrity long before I ever signed my publishing contract.

  To all my friends and family who have watched me write and write and write some more—thank you for letting me get lost in my own little world for all these years.

  To my best friend, Katie—there’s a reason Hannah has such an amazing best friend and that she’s named Kate. I never imagined when we started writing our book in ninth grade that I’d be here one day.

  To my mom—thank you for believing in me and my dreams and for giving me the chance to try everything so I could find my one thing.

  To my husband, who has given up countless hours with me while I’ve written and edited and worked to make this dream a reality—your support has kept me going through the hardest of times. Thank you for embracing my dreams. I love you more.

  And finally, to my daughter—you’re the very best thing in my life. Your smile and laughter and love bring me so much joy and inspire me every day. Dream big, princess.

  Did you love When We're Thirty? Then you should read For the Love of Katie by Erica Lucke Dean!

  Newlywed Katie Maxwell is ready to settle down and leave her amateur detective days behind. But when the veil of secrecy surrounding her husband's latest project takes them to Europe, her penchant for sleuthing lands her in some serious hot foreign water.

  Katie will need to think quickly to talk her way out of handcuffs and a Parisian jail cell. Too bad she doesn't speak French.

  For the Love of Katie is the second madcap adventure in The Katie Chronicles. This book can be read as a standalone, but why would you want to skip the first?

  About the Author

  Casey Dembowski loves to write stories that focus on the intricacies of relationships–whether they be romantic, familial, or friendship. Her novels focus on the inner workings of women and how everything in their lives leads them to exactly where they are, whether they like it or not.

  The first story Casey remembers writing was in the second grade, though it wasn't until she turned twelve that she started carrying a battered composition notebook everywhere she went. Since then, there hasn’t been a time when she isn’t writing.

  Casey lives in New Jersey with her husband, daughter, and their two cats. She has an MFA in Fiction from Adelphi University, and currently works in corporate marketing communications. In her (limited) spare time, she enjoys reading, baking, and watching her favorite television shows on repeat.

  Read more at Casey Dembowski’s site.

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