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How to Steal Your Best Friend's Fiancé (How to Rom Com Series Book 2)

Page 14

by London Casey

  I looked at my wineglass again.

  Easy, Emily…

  “Anyway,” I said. “I thought by taking over the bakery it would get my family back together. Involved with each other. But it did nothing. Everyone still broke away. They were all secretly waiting for money. Thinking my grandmother was loaded. But she wasn’t. And when Miranda bought the building, she convinced me to sign this crazy lease. She said I was the staple of the building and she’d fill it and cut me in on everything. Of course that… what am I doing? I shouldn’t be telling you this.”

  “Yes, you should,” Liam said. “How bad is it?”

  “Sometimes I’m not sure I can keep Lucy and Ember,” I said. “If I lose one or both, it’s done. And if the place closes, I’ll be forced into bankruptcy for sure.”

  I saw the look on Liam’s face.

  He knew what that meant.

  He had to have known that Miranda would pursue me for everything to cover the lease.

  And that’s a best friend? Is that any type of friend?

  I had made the mortal error by mixing business with friendship with the hopes both would work out.

  “I’m sorry,” Liam said. “No matter what, I would never-”

  “Stop,” I said. “This is why I shouldn’t have said anything. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Liam.”

  “I wouldn’t,” he said.

  “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Tell me about your life. Your parents.”

  “They’re in Florida,” Liam said. “Dad had a little heart issue a few years ago and he decided it was time to live his dream. So he and Mom sold everything and moved to Florida. They live in a little house right on the water.”

  “Sounds nice,” I said.

  “I don’t see them as much as I should.”

  “They’ll be up for the wedding, right?” I asked.

  Liam looked like every muscle in his body tensed up.


  He reached across the table for my hands again.

  I watched and lifted my hands up.

  His fingers slowly interlocked with mine.

  It’s the wine. We’re drunk. We’re drunk and talking about the past. And feelings. It’s the setting too. This entire place is…

  I stared at our hands together.

  Slowly, I moved my eyes to Liam’s.

  He leaned against the table.

  My mind screamed for me to stop this moment.

  My heart suggested otherwise.

  My stomach was balled up in a tight knot.

  As Liam began to rise up, I felt someone standing next to me.


  I turned my head.

  And saw Jeff.

  I ripped my hands away from Liam.

  Liam stood up and I saw the look of anger on his face.

  “What are you doing here?” Jeff asked. “I thought I heard Glen…” He pointed to her hand. “A ring? Are you two engaged?”

  “That’s none of your damn business, man,” Liam said. “Walk away.”

  “Whoa, whoa,” Jeff said. “I’m just here to say hello. That’s all. It’s funny though…” Jeff pointed at Liam. “You’re already with someone, right?”

  “Jeff, go away,” I said.

  “I’m free to be here,” he said. “I paid. But I’m guessing you two didn’t. Jeez, Liam, how would your real fiancée feel about you being here with another woman? Holding hands…”

  Liam lunged at Jeff and had him by his shirt.

  “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about,” Liam growled.

  “You’re drunk, Liam,” Jeff said. “So’s Emily. Are you trying to take advantage of her? I won’t allow that.”

  “I’ll fucking drop you in front of everyone here,” Liam said.

  I stood up and grabbed Liam’s arm. “Stop it, Liam. Everyone is starting to look at us.”

  Jeff pushed away from Liam. He clapped his hands together. “How about another round of applause for the happy couple?”

  Jeff whistled and clapped, which made the rest of the people there start to clap again.

  All eyes were on us and I could feel Liam seething. Wanting to take a swing at Jeff.

  “We better leave,” I said to Liam.

  I grabbed Liam’s hand and squeezed it.

  I had to pull at him to get him to stop looking at Jeff.

  We moved quickly to get out from the light.

  The darkness welcomed us and I heard Liam growl under his breath.

  “He’s an asshole, Liam,” I said.

  “I want to break his fucking jaw.”

  “Calm down,” I said. “It’s done. We went for a reason, right?”

  “Yeah, right,” Liam said.

  “I think we’re both wine drunk,” I said. “We need to just call it a night.”

  We walked to the car that was still waiting for us.

  The car hadn’t made it off the property before I started to feel the night catch up to me. My eyes grew heavy and the next thing I knew, Liam was touching my cheek to wake me up.

  My head popped up and we were outside my building.

  “I fell asleep,” I said.

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “I’m sorry.”


  “You were angry back there.”

  “I’m good now,” he said. “Crazy night, huh?”

  “A little.”

  Our eyes met again. My head wasn’t on his shoulder anymore, but I was still really close to him. I could smell his shirt. His cologne. I could see all the features of his face.

  Liam touched my cheek again.

  His thumb gently sliding back and forth.


  I swore I saw Liam move closer to me.

  My conscience got the best of me and I moved away.

  I opened the door and climbed out of the car.

  Liam dove across the seat. “Hey, Em.”

  I looked back into the car. “Yeah?”

  “Remember the time I tried to fight someone who had a thing for you?”

  “Yeah, I remember,” I said.

  “Do you like that guy at all?”

  “No. Believe me. Not at all.”

  “Good,” he said. “Goodnight, Em.”

  “Goodnight, Liam.”

  Liam pulled the car door shut.

  As the car drove away, I took a deep breath.

  The butterflies were back in my stomach, but it wasn’t a good thing at all.

  It was a really, bad, terrible thing to feel.

  Once again… something I could never have in my life.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Hey Em. Listen - about last night…

  I deleted the text message and dropped my phone to my desk.

  I stood up and looked out the window to the city.

  My mind was divided in half.

  I had finished up a shit ton of paperwork for a trademark lawsuit that we were going to win. The bosses upstairs were salivating at the work I had done. They even offered to take me out to lunch and discuss my future.

  To that… I made a jerking off gesture when nobody was looking.

  I had no desire for a promotion. I didn’t want more work.

  More money?

  Yeah, that was always a good thing, but back in college I sniffed around the stock market for a little bit and taught myself a few tricks of the trade. I paid for all my college and law school with my investment earnings, and I had been keeping that going since.

  In reality, I probably didn’t need to work if I didn’t want to.

  As I stood there, I pictured myself on a beach.

  Board shorts. No shirt. My hair a little longer.

  Holding a surfboard.

  Facing the ocean…

  I spun around and grabbed my phone again.

  Em. I need you to know that last night…

  I erased the text again.

  There was a knock at my office door and David appe
ared before I could say come in.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “Did you look at the three projects?”

  “You knocked on my door for that?”

  “I’m eager, sir.”

  “Go be eager somewhere else,” I said.

  “I won’t back down. This is going to be my career.”

  I nodded. “You know, David, I have no doubt about it. But if I can tell you something that you won’t listen to… stepping on people to get ahead is one thing. Have you thought about what happens when you get where you want to be? When you turn around and see the path you left behind you?”

  “I don’t look back, sir,” he said. “Only forward.”

  I took a deep breath. “Yours was the best, David. As expected. Now get the fuck out of my office.”

  He smiled and shut the door.

  I looked down at my desk.

  My work was done.

  My phone just rested there, leaving me hanging on a text message I owed Emily.

  Better yet…

  Emily deserved an apology in person.

  The bakery was quiet.

  Lucy stood behind the counter, starting to clean things up.

  When she saw me, she smiled and waved.

  “Liam,” she said.

  “Lucy,” I said.

  “Tell me you’re here for me.”

  “Sadly, no.”

  She nodded and disappeared into the back.

  When Emily emerged, she looked flustered.

  She had strands of hair sticking out at the sides of her head.

  It made her look adorable. And all I wanted to do was tuck those loose strands behind her ear.

  “Hey,” she said to me.

  “I’ve been trying to text you all day.”

  “It’s been a hectic day here.”

  “No. I mean, I didn’t send the text. I wanted to apologize, Em. For the way I acted. I got caught up in the moment and… I don’t want you to think I’m some hot head that just starts throwing punches.”

  “I don’t think that at all,” she said. “Jeff’s an asshole.”

  I nodded. “That’s just not me. But if I’m backed into a corner…”

  “Liam, you have nothing to worry about. I didn’t lose sleep over it. I’m not avoiding you.”

  “So what time does this place close up?” I asked.

  “Right now,” Lucy called out. “Only if you’re taking Emily off our hands.”

  “Lucy, stop listening,” Emily yelled.

  “Sorry!” Lucy yelled back.

  Emily looked at me and shut her eyes and sighed. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Why are you asking about when I close up?”

  “I have a thing,” I said. “Was hoping you’d join me.”

  “A thing?”


  “For the wedding?” Emily asked.

  I hated the way her face dropped a little.

  I hated that I was asking her to join me.

  The truth was… I wanted to hang out with her and be normal for once.

  The first time we hung out, I tried a skateboard trick and ended up in the hospital.

  Then I tried to take her for something to eat and it was announced we were getting married and Jeff caused an issue.

  So this… this had to be normal.

  “Flowers,” Emily said. “I can do that.”

  “I have a list I made,” I said. “Just need you to make a list of your own. Just so things balance out.”

  “What do men know about flowers?” Emily asked.

  “That’s why I need you, Em,” I said.

  I touched her arm.

  She looked at my hand touching her.

  “Let me go freshen up,” she said. “We can go right afterward.”

  She stepped away and went into the back of the bakery.

  I took a deep breath.

  A nagging voice in the back of my head wanted to know what the hell I was really doing.

  I knew the answer.

  But I lied to myself and said I didn’t know.

  At first I didn’t see anyone behind the counter at the floral shop.

  But I heard a voice say Helllooo!

  It actually scared me for a second.

  Then I saw a short man with a horseshoe shaped bald head pop up from behind the counter with a big smile on his face. He was wearing a pair of thick, black glasses, but he took those off and swatted them away.

  “For the computer screen,” he said. “Damn technology will rot your brain and eyes. Now what can I do for you?”

  The man was so short, he looked as though he could rest his chin on the counter.

  He looked up to both Emily and me.

  “I’m Liam,” I said. “I believe I spoke with your wife on the phone?”

  “I hope not,” the man said. “My wife’s been dead for five years. Then again, if you did speak to her, can you call her again and ask her where she put my favorite watch?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” I said.

  The man put a hand up. “Don’t be. It happens. My Margie started this place against my will and now I’m the one running it in her honor.”

  He nodded to a picture on the wall of a beautiful woman in a peach dress, standing outside the floral shop when it had a very different look to it.

  “You must have spoken to my daughter,” he said. “Amy.”

  “That’s the one,” I said.

  “She’s out of town this week,” the man said. “I’m Hank. Don’t mind my size, my attitude, or the fact that I don’t look the part but I know and love everything about flowers. Okay?”

  I smiled. “Not a problem at all.”

  Hank pointed to Emily. “And this must be the soon-to-be Mrs. Liam.”

  “Well, actually, she’s-”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Emily said.

  Hank walked around from behind the counter and properly greeted us with a handshake.

  He held Emily’s hand tight. “The flowers are everything for a wedding. The food? Sure. Food is food though. Hell, I could call any fast food place and get something half decent, right? But you can’t mess up the flowers. They are the light that creates the marriage.”

  “In other words, no pressure?” Emily asked.

  Hank pointed to Emily. “You’re a good one. What’s your name? I refuse to call someone as pretty as you the soon-to-be Mrs. Liam.”

  “I’m Emily,” she said.

  Hank looked at me. “Boy, did you strike gold, huh? Even the name is pretty.”

  “I’m a lucky guy,” I said. “Now, I made a list of-”

  “You did?” Hank asked. “Perfect. Here’s what I want you to do. Walk around and grab some flowers. On your own. No peeking. No cheating. Meet me at the counter and we’ll see what we have, okay?”

  “I could write something down,” Emily said.

  “And not look, touch, and smell?” Hank asked. “We were given senses for a reason, Emily. Use them.”

  Emily looked at me.

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Fine,” Emily said.

  She casually walked away.

  I watched as she walked the first aisle of flowers, her fingertips delicately touching the petals of some of the flowers.

  I swallowed hard and reached into my pocket to get my list out.

  Hank grabbed my arm. “That’s one special woman there, Liam. I’ve seen a lot of people come and go from this shop. I’ve done weddings, funerals, births… hell, even divorces. And of course the I’m sorry I fucked up flowers from men like yourself.”

  I looked down at Hank. “Are you judging me?”

  “No,” he said. “But the way you’re looking at that woman right now, I hope you continue to do so for the rest of your life.”

  The phone started to ring and Hank winked and hurried back around the counter.

  I waited for a few minutes for Emily to finish walking around the aisles.

he floral shop was the biggest I’d ever seen.

  The place came recommended from someone at the office.

  Just like the catering.

  Just like… everything else…

  Everything I was doing on my own.

  I looked at my list.

  Was I the only one who wanted to get married?

  Even then… did I…

  “I’m finished,” Emily announced.

  I looked up and smiled.

  “Where are your flowers?” I asked.

  “You heard Hank. No peeking and cheating.”

  She stuck her tongue out at me.

  I let out a ha ha sound.

  I didn’t know what to say.

  It wasn’t the first time Emily left me speechless either.

  Hank had tissue paper over both of our flower choices.

  “Now I want to ask you something, Liam,” Hank said. “Have you ever picked out flowers before?”

  “Like this?” I asked. “No.”

  “I knew it. You’re doing this just for the wedding. Damn shame. Too big and buff for your own good I bet.”

  “He’s like a meathead,” Emily said. “I can’t wait to see a pile of roses.”

  “Roses?” I asked.

  “That’s the only flower guys know,” she said as she looked at me.

  “I know more than roses,” I said.

  “Meaning you searched online for flowers.”

  “Is that so wrong?” I asked.

  Hank clapped his hands. “Okay, you two. You can argue and have makeup sex later. Right now, let’s see what I’m working with. I’m going to pull the tissue paper off both at the same time. Ready?”

  I smiled. “I’m ready.”

  “I bet this isn’t the most manly moment of your life, Liam,” Hank said.

  “It’s a moment I’ll never forget,” I said.

  “Want to do some pushups first?” Hank offered. “Get that chest pump going?”

  Emily giggled.

  “You’re a prick, Hank, you know that?” I asked.

  Emily gasped.

  “Don’t worry, Emily,” Hank said. “He’s not the first guy to call me names. I’m short but I can probably take you on, Liam.”

  “I’m not fighting a florist.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Hank asked.

  “Nothing,” I said. “You’re something else, Hank.”


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