Rixon Raiders: The Collection
Page 90
* * *
Asher: I’m crazy. Crazy for you. Now hurry or you’ll miss your ride.
* * *
He’d lost his goddamn mind. But I couldn’t deny a thrill shot through me at his boldness. My cell vibrated again, and I smiled when I read his words.
* * *
Asher: Time’s ticking, Hernandez.
* * *
Hernandez. God, it felt like forever since he’d called me that. Since things had been easy between us.
Before I started second guessing myself. I shoved my books back into my locker, slammed it shut, and hurried down the hall. My eyes immediately found Jason’s sleek Dodge Charger across the parking lot. He stood propped against it with a smirk plastered on his ridiculously handsome face.
“Your chariot awaits,” he said with a hint of amusement as I reached him.
“Do I get to know where we’re going first?”
“Not a chance.” His smirk grew. “If you want this you have to trust me.”
“Just like that?” My brow rose, my gaze hardening despite the butterflies stroking my stomach.
“You either want him to make things right or you don’t.”
“I’m scared,” I admitted, unable to meet his eyes.
“That’s not a bad thing, Mya,” Jason replied, the softness in his voice making me look at him again. “If you weren’t scared it would mean you don’t care. And we both know that’s not true.”
“Okay,” My lip curved a fraction. “Let’s do this.”
“Thank fuck, I thought I was going to have to kidnap you.”
Rolling my eyes, I climbed into his car, clutching the note like it was my lifeline.
“Ready?” Jason said.
I nodded, too nervous to speak.
“Relax,” my chauffeur said. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”
But we both knew he was lying because this was it.
This was the moment me and Asher moved forward together or walked away for good.
“Okay, this was not what I was expecting.”
Jason’s car rolled to a stop outside my aunt’s house. “Are you sure he told you to bring me here?”
“I’m only the driver.” He flicked his head to the door. “But there might be someone waiting inside for you.”
Hope swelled in my chest as I hopped out of the car and hurried up to the house. But when the door swung open to reveal Aunt Ciara standing there, my heart sank.
“Don’t look so disappointed.” She chuckled, ushering me inside. “Your boy left you something.” Aunt Ciara pulled another white note out of her pocket and handed it to me. “I love you, Mya, and all I want is for you to be happy. Lord only knows you deserve it. And I can admit when I was wrong about someone. I’ll see you later, okay?”
With a wink, she disappeared down the hall and left me standing there in disbelief. My hands trembled as I opened the note and read Asher’s handwriting.
* * *
Here marks the spot I first called you beautiful… and it’s true, Mya. So fucking true. You’re beautiful inside and out and I’m so thankful I let it slip out that day. Because if I hadn’t, maybe we wouldn’t be here now.
* * *
But this is only the beginning…
* * *
Now you must go back to the start
To find out when you stole my heart
The clue is home to Milton and Shakespeare, Steinbeck too
Hurry though, Mya, because I’m waiting for you
* * *
Swiping a rogue tear from my eye, I folded the note back and stuffed it in my pocket. “I’ll see you later,” I called out to my aunt before slipping back outside, relieved to find Jason still waiting.
“So?” he asked when I climbed into the car. “What did it say?”
“He didn’t tell you?”
“It was a need to know basis,” he grumbled. “Apparently, I didn’t need to know everything.”
Stifling a snicker, I handed him the note. “What the fuck does it mean?”
“It means we’re going back to school.”
Because I knew exactly where the next clue was.
“The library?” Jason gawked at me. “What the hell does the library have to do with anything? Wait a minute…” His eyes lit up. “Did the two of you get freaky in the stacks?”
“Jason!” I groaned. “You can stay out here for that.”
“Oh, hell no. I have chauffeur rights. Let’s go.”
“Fine but stay quiet.” The last thing we needed was to upset Mrs. Hegarty.
The library was almost empty, and I had no problems locating the chairs me and Asher had sat at all those weeks ago. “Crap,” I whispered when I realized a couple of guys were studying there.
“What?” Jason asked.
“That’s where the clue will be.”
He puffed his chest dramatically. “Have you learned nothing from being with Asher? Come on.” Stalking up to the guys, Jason glared down at them.
“Hmm, can we help you?” One said quietly, glancing nervously to his friend.
“Yeah, I need you to mov—”
“Jason,” I interjected, offering the guys an apologetic smile. “Sorry about my friend, he has no manners. I’m looking for something. You didn’t happen to see a white note lying around, did you?”
“This white note?” The other one grinned, plucking the note from his piles of books. “A friend asked us to look after it.”
“He did, huh? Well tell your friend, thanks.” I snatched the note from him and headed for the door.
“You’re no fun,” Jason protested.
“I’m plenty fun. Now back up so I can read it.”
* * *
I wanted to kiss you so badly that day… I almost strangled Mrs. Hegarty when she interrupted us! Do you remember? The words were right there on your tongue. You wanted me to kiss you because you felt it, Mya. You felt the connection between us.
* * *
And when you forgive me and we make up, I’m thinking we should probably revisit the library and make up for that day.
* * *
But that can wait because it’s time for your next clue…
* * *
I drank too much because life got hard
But you were there like a shining star
You held my hand and comforted me
And soon you became all I could see
* * *
“Got it,” Jason said, snapping his fingers. “It’s his house, right? The night he got wasted.”
“Dude, back the hell up.” I looked over my shoulder, frowning at him.
“I’m right though, aren’t I?”
“You’re annoying.”
“But you need me, so come on, Hernandez, let’s get this show on the road.”
My stomach was churning by the time Jason pulled into Asher’s driveway. I’d only been here once since the incident; the night of the party when all people had been thinking about was celebrating Asher’s good news. But now, in the harsh light of day, it seemed wrong to be here.
“Hey, you okay?” Jason asked, his eyes burning into the side of my face.
“I’m not sure I can do this.” The memories of that night strangled my voice.
“Mya, look at me.” His commanding tone coaxed me to glance over at him. “You need to do this. If not for Asher, then for yourself. What went down here was not your fault, okay?”
“Okay.” I nodded unsure whether I believed him.
We climbed out together and I was relieved to have someone by my side, even if it was Jason. “Do you think he’s here?” I asked as we slowly advanced on the house.
“I’m not—”
“There you are.” Felicity burst from the front door. “I’ve been waiting all morning.”
“Hmm, hello,” I said, my brows pinched.
“Oh, don’t give me that look. Like you didn’t know I’d have a hand in making this happen.”
“The thought hadn’t really
crossed my mind.” I’d been so swept up in it all, I hadn’t stopped to think about what it took to pull off something like this.
“It’s amazing, right? He put so much thought into everything.” She clapped her hands, excitement dancing in her eyes. “And the notes. I almost died.”
“Hold up,” Jason growled. “You’ve seen the notes?”
“Well, yeah. Why, haven’t you?”
“No, I haven’t seen the fucking notes. Unbelievable.” He skulked past us, into the house.
Felicity laughed at her boyfriend’s tantrum. “He’ll get over it. How are you holding up?”
“I’m… okay, I guess. This is all…” I swallowed. “It’s a lot to take in. I still can’t believe he did all this.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet.” She winked. “Come on. I think he left a thing or two for you.” I took Flick’s hand and let her pull me inside. “You want some space?”
“Yeah, actually, I think I do. Is that okay?”
“We’ll be in the kitchen. Find us when you’re done.”
Inhaling a deep breath, I made my way to the back of the house, where the downstairs bathroom was located. Inside, I found a white note propped up against one of Mrs. Bennet’s marble soap dispensers.
* * *
I didn’t know if you’d get to this point. I know it’s a lot to ask of you to be here, so thank you. Thank you for trusting me.
* * *
I can’t remember much about that night. I’d drunk so much. But everything I can remember is you. Your voice. Your gentle touch and soft skin against mine. How good it felt. You were like a bright light in the darkness. My own North Star in dark skies. And even though everything’s a little hazy, I remember being hit with this overwhelming need to make you mine, in every single way possible.
* * *
I wanted to keep up with the little rhymes, but I’m not going to lie… I never was very good at poetry. Besides, I think you know this next one.
* * *
Your next clue is where we shared our first proper kiss…
* * *
I dashed out of the bathroom, running down the stairs to the basement. Part of me wanted to find Asher there waiting for me. But I knew our story wasn’t finished. Deep down, I knew there was more to come. So when I spotted the next note laid on a cushion on the couch where we’d first made out, I snatched it up and greedily drank up the words.
* * *
Do you remember?
Do you remember how good it had felt to have my body pressed against yours? The way we kissed like we were both running out of air?
Do you remember telling me to stop?
I would never ever take advantage of you or push you to do something you didn’t want to do, but in that moment, you really tested my resolve. I wanted to drown in you, Mya. To never come up for air.
You do that to me.
Only ever you.
* * *
…do you remember what happened next?
* * *
Tears streaking down my face, I took off back upstairs, taking the stairs to the second floor. The second I stepped into Asher’s bedroom I was assaulted with memories of him. Us. Nights tangled in his sheets. Mornings wrapped in his arms.
I dried my eyes with the backs of my hands, searching for the next note; hardly surprised when I found it in the middle of his bed alongside a tiny velvet pouch.
* * *
Now this is where we go off course a little… but if it leads you back to me quicker, then I can live with it.
Open the pouch, Mya.
Have you opened it yet? They should all make sense but in case they don’t, here’s a little reminder.
* * *
The heart represents the first time you said, ‘I’m yours’. We were at Flick’s house (and while she desperately wanted to be included in our little trip down memory lane, I needed to speed things along. I’m a patient guy… but where you’re concerned, I’m not THAT patient).
* * *
The boat represents the first time you gave yourself to me. Best. Night. Of. My. Life. Hands down. I predict the only days that’ll ever top that are the day you become my wife and the day you give birth to our child. Because, babe, I want it all with you. Every-fucking-single-thing.
* * *
The Empire State Building represents our night… and what an amazing night it was… in New York. We might have said the words for the first time that night, but I’d felt them long before that. In fact, I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you that night you tucked my drunk ass in bed.
* * *
Am I winning you over yet?
* * *
You’re probably getting a little hungry and thirsty by now… you should probably head out to get a drink
* * *
The tears wouldn’t stop. No matter how hard I tried to swallow them down, they kept falling.
“Mya?” Felicity came into the room, wrapping me in her arms. “Oh, sweetheart, you weren’t supposed to get upset.”
“I just… God, I’ve been such a bitch.”
“No, no!” She held me at arm’s length. “You needed to know he loved you the way you love him and that’s okay. You’ve both been through so much. But it’s okay to need someone, Mya. It’s okay to give them another chance.”
I dried my eyes, clutching the bracelet charms in my hand.
“Can I see them?” Flick asked, and I uncurled my fingers. “Shall we add them to your bracelet?”
“I’d like that.” I nodded and let her do it. When she was done, I admired them. “It’s beautiful.”
“He did good. But don’t you have somewhere else to be? What does your clue say?”
“Bell’s,” I said with conviction. “He wants me to head to Bell’s.” It was the only place that made sense.
“Well, then, what are we waiting for?”
Felicity drove me to Bell’s. I think Jason was happy to stay behind given that I couldn’t stop crying. Asher hadn’t only played with my emotions, he’d completely wrecked them.
“Hey, Jerry,” she said as we entered the bar. “I think you might have something for my girl.”
“Hey girls, why don’t you hop on up to the bar and I’ll be right with you.” He disappeared out back while we got comfortable on the stools.
Felicity reached over and took my hand in hers, squeezing. “It’s going to be okay, Mya.”
I was starting to get that.
It wasn’t just about Asher’s grand gesture, it was about the way Jason and Cameron stepped up to look out for me, and the way Felicity and Hailee were always there no questions asked. Maybe I would always be the odd girl out in Rixon, but they only ever made me feel like I belonged. I’d built a family for myself here, a life, and that was something I would always be grateful for.
“Here we go,” Jerry reappeared, carrying a black drawstring bag. He dumped it on the bar and handed me a note. “I’ll leave you two girls to it.” He gave me a knowing wink before busying himself at the other end of the bar.
“Is everyone in on this?” I asked incredulously.
“Only the important people,” Felicity replied. “Well, don’t just stare at it, open it.” She motioned to the note in my hand.
* * *
I know football isn’t your sport. I know it pained you to wear my jersey at the exhibition game, to stand in the bleachers supporting me. But you did it anyway. You constantly pushed yourself out of your boundaries… for me.
You chose me.
You fought for me.
* * *
I thought I was fighting too. I thought because I almost beat the shit out of Merrick, or because I barely spoke to Vaughn in New York, or because I went against my dad’s orders by being with you, that I was fighting too.
But I realize now it wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t enough.
And I’m so fucking sorry, Mya.
* * *
So let me show you I’m ready.
Meet me at
the place where young men who think they have it all figured out become Gods and Kings.
Because this King is ready to claim his Queen.
* * *
I sucked in a shaky breath, his words reverberating through me, leaving me breathless.
“Now that one, I did not see. Holy shit, I think I picked the wrong Raider.”
“Felicity!” I nudged her shoulder as we both read it again. “The place where men become Gods and Kings… what does he—”
“The football field, where else?” she said as if there was no question.
And she was right.
Of course she was right.
“Are you ready?”
“I think so,” I choked out over the huge fucking lump in my throat.
“Well before we go, you should probably look the part.” Her eyes dropped to the bag on the counter. “You’ve come all this way; you might as well go the whole nine yards.”
Chapter Thirty-Eight
“She’ll be here,” Cameron said as we stood centerfield waiting for any sign of Mya and Felicity.