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Fighting Lady Jayne (Divinity Warriors 2)

Page 10

by Pillow Michelle M.

  * * * * *

  “The map does not go too deeply into the forest. The beasts could not have been exploring long,” King Wilhelm said, scratching his short blond beard. The main hall was empty except for the occasional servant. Queen Patricia had left them to attend the duties of lady of the castle. She liked her world to be organized in a particular way, and Daggerpoint had no official mistress to see to its daily demands.

  “My brother has sent men to scout the forest to make sure none live to tell the Sorceress of their discoveries.” Ronen didn’t move in his seat, well aware of how dirty he must have appeared, covered in dirt and sweat. He needed a bath and a bed, desperately.

  “And you’re sure it is Sorceress Magda who sends the spies?”

  Ronen curled his nose in disgust. “Yea, when they died they shouted the praises of their queen. It is Sorin’s and my opinion that we should order troops to reinforce the borderland marshes at Spearhead. He says his men are ready to march at your command.”

  “We’ll increase the forest patrols,” Wilhelm said. “I will write to Lord Sorin and have him arrange it from Battlewar. And I will send a messenger to Spearhead for a report.”

  Ronen nodded, seconds away from pushing up from his chair to take his leave when the king’s words stopped him.

  “I am pleased to hear the brothers of Firewall have taken brides.”

  Ronen didn’t answer. He didn’t want to speak of his wife. Talking about her would make him think about her. Thinking about her would make him want her. Wanting her would only add fire to his already heavy cock, and the last thing he felt like wearing before the king was a giant erection.

  “I know there were many who were hesitant with the alliance, but your example will go far in encouraging other men to take these otherworlders as brides.” The king motioned a servant to refill their drinks. “How are the foreign women? Are they of good stock? Are they all Divinity promised?”

  “No,” he stated flatly. It served no purpose to lie to the king. Wilhelm’s eyes rounded in surprise.

  “Are they uncomely?”

  Ronen drew his eyes to the far side of the hall in the direction of Jayne. “They are most beautiful, but the agreement was for willing brides.”

  “Is the Lady Jayne not willing?” The king gave him a wry look. “It would explain your dark mood.”

  “I believe the foreign women might not have known about coming here. They were not awake when they arrived, and Divinity transport insisted we put them into a cell while they adjusted to the new dimension. Two of the five had to be sent back as unsuitable. They were crying hysterically and dishonoring themselves before they even made it to the ceremony. They were given the philter and unhappily returned.” Ronen wrinkled his nose in distaste. “It is said one offered to pleasure anyone we put in front of her without consideration in return.”

  “They sent a camp follower as a bride? That was not in the agreement. They were to be agreeable to monogamy.” The king paused while the maid filled his cup. He gave her an absent smile.

  When the maid finished with his goblet, Ronen reached to take a drink. He blinked, seeing a flash of soft, wet flesh reflected back at him. Shaking his head, he thought it to be his imagination. Riding with the tantalizing Jayne at his back all night was sure to invoke sexual thoughts. He tried to calculate how long it would be before he could finish with a bath and go to her. The king interrupted his thoughts.

  “And the other three?”

  “I don’t think they knew either. They seemed shocked by our ways. At the time we thought it nervousness from traveling to a new land, now I’m not so sure.” He took another drink, trying to ignore the strange tingling all over his body. A flash of a soft breast covered with trailing soap filtered through his vision. Heat instantly surged through him, centering over his cock. He cleared his throat, coughing as he forced the image from his mind. “Lady Jayne said she woke up here with no clue as to how or why.”

  “But, you have explained it to her. She understands she must stay as your wife.” The king’s frowned deepened. “I do not want marital chaos in my kingdom, especially amongst my noblemen. We need this trade agreement to work. More brides mean more children. Within a generation we’ll have more knights to defend this kingdom. Already the Caniba outnumber us by at least threefold. Then, who knows, maybe this war will end and we’ll wipe the beastly scourge from existence. I should like to be remembered as the king whose actions started the downfall of our enemy.”

  “The decision was made,” Ronen stated. This time it was a feminine hand pushing between narrow hips. Its direction unmistakable as a finger glided to the top arch of his wife’s pussy. “I will make it work.”

  Ronen, come to me in the bath. I want you. Ronen grunted softly, mentally trying to lessen the pressure between his thighs as Jayne’s voice filled his head. I know you can hear me, my lord. I can feel that you do. My body is all wet for you.

  “Good, good.” Wilhelm nodded.

  Ronen, please…

  “You are a man of great honor,” the king continued.

  Though hard to concentrate with images of his self-pleasuring wife in his head, he managed to focus enough on the conversation at hand to say, “But before there are more problems, methinks we should postpone trading with Divinity until the terms can be clarified. Sorin and I will find a way to convince our wives, and Sir Vidar is a good man, but if there are others who are not willing…”

  Ronen! Mm, I feel so hot. The words were accompanied by the vision of Jayne’s hand gliding between her thighs, long fingers disappearing between the soft folds of her sex only to come out wetter than before. Why won’t you come? I want to feel you inside me.

  “Chaos could ensue,” the king finished. “It would not do to have a country of discontented wives. I will give this matter more thought.”

  Ronen, I’m about to explode.

  “Oh, yea,” he whispered, seeing her hand moving faster. Ronen rubbed his thumb over his fingertips. It was almost as if he could feel her against his flesh.

  “My lord?” the king questioned, staring strangely at him.

  “Um,” Ronen coughed. By all the blood-covered battleaxes in Staria, his cock hurt and his balls ached. “Yea, a wise decision, Your Majesty. Very wise.”

  The king gave a small chuckle. “Well, my lord, it’s the only kind I make. Now, let’s have another drink.”

  Ah, Ronen, you’re missing it. You’d better hurry or I will finish without you.

  Ronen grunted in pain, before clearing his throat. “Yea, a drink.”

  * * * * *

  By all the gods of war!

  Ronen tugged at his belt as he raced through the passageway leading to the guest chambers he shared with Jayne. Holding the belt tightly in his fist, he pressed his hand to the wall of a narrow stairwell as he took the steps three at a time. Why did the queen have to put them so far away from the main hall?

  It had been nearly impossible to concentrate while the king talked. Images of Jayne’s wet, naked flesh haunted him. After he managed to breathe past the increasingly painful press of his erection to his breeches, he realized she teased him on purpose. He could practically hear her giggling in his head.

  Ronen pushed through the thick wood door without pause, grabbing the edge and slamming it shut behind him. Jayne stood in the bath, the light from the outside windows illuminating her from behind. She let him look, posing perfectly still.

  The belt slipped from his fingers and he jerked his tunic over his head, throwing it aside. It felt great to have the dirty material off his skin. He walked toward her, kicking his boots off with more speed than grace. Jayne’s arms lifted as she put her hand on her hip, turning slightly to the side. The light caressed her breast. Ronen nearly tripped over his own feet, unable to stare, walk and unlace the ties holding his breeches up at the same time.

  “How was your meeting with the king?” Jayne laughed and he saw her body shake ever so slightly.

  “That was a devilish game,
my lady.” Ronen finally freed his hips, pushing down the material. His cock only seemed to ache more now that it didn’t have the pressure of his clothes to keep it down. “And now you will relieve the pains you’ve caused.”

  Eagerly, he climbed into the bath, splashing as his feet broke surface. The warm water lapped his calves. Without thought, he reached for her, pulling her clean, naked body hard against his chest.

  Jayne threw back her head and chuckled. “Into the water, Ronen. You smell like your horse.”

  He growled in frustration. She was right, of course. Instead of letting her go, he forced her into the bathwater with him. A gentle current rushed by his knee as the tub filtered the mineral water. “And you smell like a wood nymph.”

  “I have no clue what that is.” Jayne wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him to her lips. “But I assume it’s a compliment.”

  Ronen couldn’t deny himself. He had to kiss her. His lips pressed hard against her mouth, staking fervent claim. She’d teased his libido to the point of breaking, made him feebleminded before the king, unable to concentrate. The driving need of his cock took over, telling his hands to spin her away from him, urging his hips to force her to the edge of the tub, making his hands reach under the water to spread her thighs from behind. He took his shaft in hand, guiding it like a sword into its sheath. The warmth of the blue mineral water heated his way, allowing him to glide into the sweet cavern of her sex.

  Desperately, he thrust, groaning loudly to feel the tight muscles of her pussy gripping him. Friction and mineral water added an element of pleasure. The force between them became hot, enflaming his already warm cock. He couldn’t stop, couldn’t let go, though he desperately wanted to reach around to cup her breasts. But if he released her, their bodies might slide apart and he needed to finish too badly.

  Ronen slammed into her, taking her rough and hard. The sound of flesh smacking flesh mixed with the splashing water. Jayne didn’t protest. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if she did.

  And then, finally, blessed release. His balls tightened as he jerked to a stop. A harsh cry escaped his lips as he pumped his seed into her. For a moment, he held still, his heart hammering and his breathing ragged. Ronen’s cock slid from inside her as he fell back into the tub, letting the warm water caress him like her pussy did his shaft.

  Jayne turned and he expected to see a sated smile on her mouth. Instead, she grinned impishly. That’s when he realized he hadn’t felt her finish. He’d been so driven by her self-pleasuring torment, he’d gone temporarily mad.

  “I will do right by you, my lady,” he managed. A small fear wrapped around him. What if she discarded him as an inept lover? “You will find your pleasure many times this night.”

  “Once or twice will do,” she laughed. “It’s been a long couple of days and I’m exhausted.”

  “If you would not have run—”

  “Don’t, Ronen.” She held up her hand. “Not today for there is no agreement to be made on the subject. It is in me to run and it is in you to capture.”

  Simple and matter of fact. Ronen sighed. “Very well, my lady. We will not discuss it now.”

  Jayne pushed up from the tub. She gestured to a door. “Why do all these castle bedchambers have two rooms in them like a his and hers suite at some fancy hotel?”

  “I do not know what a hotel is, but all noble quarters have two chambers—one for the lady and one for the lord.”

  “Let me guess.” She grabbed a drying linen from where it had been left on the bed and wrapped it around her body. “The ladies get stuck in the room with no outside door.”

  “Of course.” Ronen took soap and began lathering his skin and hair.

  “All wives are prisoners?”

  “All wives are protected,” he corrected. Why did she insist on seeing life with him as a prison? He would give her anything, all she had to do was ask. He’d slay an army for her, climb the northern mountains, give his own life to save hers. “Women need their own room so that husbands do not take too great advantage of the marriage bed. And I’ve been told there are rituals a lady performs that men are not allowed to see.”

  Jayne picked up a comb and began trailing it through her damp locks. He watched her from the corner of his eye, transfixed by the feminine scene. “What if I told you I wanted the room next to the main door?”

  “I would know you wished to slip out in the middle of the night again.” Ronen dipped under the water, rinsing the soap from his flesh.

  “So it is a prison.”

  Ronen brushed his hands over his hair, wringing the water from the length. He sighed in exasperation. “It is necessary for protection, especially since we are so close to the borderlands here. If there were to be an attack, ladies would be the very last thing the Caniba creatures would find. It is for your safety.”

  * * * * *

  Jayne shivered, holding her bathing linen tighter as she watched Ronen step from the tub. Rivulets of water glided down his skin, running onto the stone floor. Thick, bulging muscles sculpted into the perfect specimen. From the tight cords of his neck to the defined lines of his stomach, the tapering of his hips and the strength of his thighs, she couldn’t help but look. His penis lay nestled between his thighs, and she wanted to touch it and watch it grow.

  She automatically grabbed the other thin towel and tossed it at him. Seeing his naked body teased her senses and her pussy already begged for more. She knew she’d tortured him to the brink of sanity with her images, pushing him to take her hard and fast. Though she enjoyed it, she hadn’t met with the earth-shattering climax her body craved.

  “Are all the Caniba like those who took me?” Jayne didn’t want to think of the beastly men who’d had her tied to a pole.


  To her disappointment, he wrapped the linen about his waist, hiding his lower half from view. “I guess I owe you thanks for freeing me. I should have said something at the time, but I…” She gestured weakly. “I don’t do well with help.”

  “Then I guess I accept.” The corner of his mouth twitched up.

  “I’ve been to a lot of dimensions and dealt with a lot of dark characters, but there was something about those guys that froze my insides.” Jayne shivered, remembering their eyes. Paige hadn’t been lying. “They had dead gazes. I remember seeing that glassy look when I lived on the streets. All the residents of drug alley had that unaware sheen to them. The Caniba had the glassiness but with complete awareness. It’s hard to explain. It’s like a force drives them to act, but they’re mindless at the same time.”

  “That force would be Sorceress Magda,” Ronen said. Jayne lifted the comb, absently handing it to him to use. He turned his back to her as he walked to a trunk in the corner. She watched the muscles of his back swimming beneath the tight flesh. “She wields control over her followers like a goddess. Many believe her to be immortal.”

  “Do you?”

  “Logically, I want to say no, but there are times…” He tossed the comb into the trunk and let the lid fall shut. Waving his hand in dismissal, he said, “You do not wish to hear of war.”

  She stiffened. “Why? Because I’m a woman? I’ll have you know war doesn’t bother me. I’ve seen more violence than—”

  “I only meant that you wished for…” He grinned. “Was it to be finished two times?”

  Jayne’s breathing deepened. If her pussy could scream in approval, it would have. Moisture flooded her sex, wetting the folds in welcome. “I’m pretty sure you said three.”

  “Did I?” He grinned.

  “Perhaps four, five,” she paused, biting her lip as she pretended to think. “No, it was fifteen that you said.”

  Ronen smiled even as he groaned. “You will be the death of me, but what a way to die.”

  Jayne laughed, unable to help herself.

  “Remove the bathing linen and lie on the bed with your legs apart,” he ordered, plucking at his waist. His towel slithered to the floor. “I wish to taste you and fee
l you come against my lips.”

  Jayne didn’t try to resist as she dropped the towel and crawled onto the soft bed. Though she was in his possession once more, she assured herself nothing had changed. She’d find a way to leave him. Until then, she would enjoy her prison and manipulate her captor. Why should she deny herself something she wanted?

  His fingers started at her foot, massaging slowly. Ronen’s gaze focused on her, watching intently as he moved up her ankle to her calf. He explored her, taking in every inch of her legs, pausing to place random kisses to her flesh. Jayne closed her eyes to the pleasure, her mind focused on his touch.

  A warm tongue darted along her inner thigh and she jerked, liking the way his breath cooled the wet trail he’d just made. She parted her lips, trembling in an effort not to force his head between her legs and smother him with her sex. Ronen nipped at her flesh, biting the tender crease where leg met pussy.

  He groaned softly, the sound vibrating against her. She panted for breath, gripping the coverlet into tight fists. His mouth passed her center fire and moved over her hips, giving them the same attention he’d given her legs. He kissed her navel, swirling it with his tongue. He licked and bit over her stomach and ribs, massaged her sides, cupped her breasts but denied the hard nipples.

  Before Jayne realized she’d let go of the covers, her hands were in his hair, urging his mouth to a taut nipple. It ached for stimulation, for the biting kisses he so generously gave the rest of her. Ronen chuckled, obeying her needy directions. He sucked the nipple hard, rolling it with his tongue.

  Jayne parted her thighs wider, rubbing her legs along his hard flesh. She tried to grab his cock, but he turned his hip, denying her reach. So instead, she scratched at his waist, dragging her nails so they left red streaks in their wake.


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