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Ghost Town

Page 3

by Michael Collins

  Bart Flanagan and his sons were sat round a table in the saloon drinking beer and whisky. Bart saw the sheriff riding past the window.

  ‘When do me and Bo hit the bank pa?’ said Joe drinking another whiskey.

  ‘Ten minutes’ son and take it steady with that whiskey,’ said Bart, ‘I don’t want any accidental shooting or killing from you boys we just need to scare them for now.’

  ‘Let’s hope the sheriff sees it like that pa,’ said Joe.’ Once he starts firing them fancy guns of his all hell will break loose.’

  ‘Right you all know what to do, I am just going out there is someone I need to see,’ said Bart.

  The Dethrock bank was only a small building with the main customer area for potential investors, the back room was the manager’s office run by Jake Reynolds, his wife Amelia worked on the cash desk. The big metal safe in the office was screwed into the hard ground with giant three foot bolts from the inside, the safe had been delivered by the railroad three years before from San Francisco. The safe had a combination dial on the front of it with an opening lever. Only the bank manager had the combination. There were about six people in the bank when Bo and Joe entered.

  ‘Okay everyone down on the ground now!’ shouted Joe,’ You! Behind the counter get the manager now.’

  Bo had his guns out watching the people on the floor didn’t make any silly moves. Amelia went to get her husband from the office. Jake came back through with his hands in the air.

  ‘Okay mister take me into the back and open the safe!’ said Joe, ‘And no sudden moves I have got a very itchy trigger finger. Bo! Lock the outer door nobody comes in.’

  Jake opened the gate and let Joe in, Amelia was still in the office stood with her back to the window.

  ‘Open the fucking safe now,’ said Joe.

  Jake was fumbling with the combination.

  ‘Hurry it up man,’ said Joe losing his patience.

  The safe finally clicked and Jake opened the thick black metal door.

  ‘What the! Where’s the fucking raw gold nuggets?’ shouted Joe, he looked in the safe and there was a few thousand dollar bills and invoice property sheets on the bottom shelf were stake claims for all the townsfolk families of Dethrock, ‘Where’s the fucking gold?’

  ‘The gold is not kept in the here mister,’ said Jake, ‘I could have told you that before you started robbing the bank it would have saved you a lot of trouble.’

  ‘So where is the gold kept then?’ said Joe.

  ‘I don’t know the sheriff stashes it somewhere for safety,’ said Jake nervously.


  Two loud shots rang out and the window in the bank shattered as the two bullets

  hit Amelia in the back of the head, the front of her face exploded as the bullets exited splattering Jake and Joe with her blood and brains.

  ‘Amelia! Amelia! Jake ran to her lifeless body and held her in his arms her face a bloody mess, you bastard Flanagan you killed her!’

  ‘I, I never fired,’ said Joe, ‘I never fired honest the shots came from outside.’

  Bo came running in.

  ‘What the fuck, pa won’t be happy now Joe, he specifically said no shooting,’ said Bo.

  ‘I never fired Bo honest!’ he ran to the broken window to look outside but couldn’t see anyone, ‘The shots came from outside honest! go and get pa Bo now quick!’

  Bo ran out to the door followed by Joe once he was outside Joe locked the door and forced everyone into the safe room, Jake was still cradling his dead wife in his arms rocking her. The other six people were now crouched down on the floor huddled together and frightened.

  Bo ran back towards the saloon to get his father, he ran through the swing doors.

  ‘Pa! Pa!’ he screamed, he looked around his father and Isiah were gone.

  ‘Pa! Pa!’ he shouted again, there were a few people in the saloon but no sign of his father.

  Bo looked out of the main door and saw that the towns people were gathering in the street with all the commotion. Sheriff Crampton too must have heard the gunshots and was back pushing his way through the crowd.

  ‘Everyone stand back!’ he said, ‘Keep away from the buildings.’

  He walked over to the saloon at the same time putting his fingers into both holsters to flick the triggers forward ready.

  ‘Bo Flanagan!’ shouted Crampton, Eli Mindel was stood watching from outside the sheriff’s office on the veranda nervously clutching a rifle and saddle bags.

  Bo went to the window and peaked round the blind.

  ‘Can you hear me young Flanagan?’ said Crampton.

  ‘I hear you sheriff,’ said Bo, ‘Joe didn’t shoot no one sheriff the shots came from the outside, killed the manager’s wife they did, I swear sheriff and the manager will vouch for that.’

  I will be the judge of that Bo; your brother is still holed up in that their bank with a bunch of hostages if he is innocent like you say then why doesn’t he come out with his hands up?’

  Bo looked round at the few people that were still in the saloon they had all moved to the side wall near the side window in case the sheriff started blasting his way in. one of the hostages tried the to open the window but it was stuck. Bo was wondering if he could make a break for it out of the back of the saloon but decided against it, he had heard about the sheriffs shooting reputation.

  ‘I’m a reasonable man Bo I will give you 20 minutes to think about your situation,’ said Crampton, ‘Meanwhile I am going to talk to your brother over at the bank so don’t do anything stupid.’

  Mayor Dalton came running over the street.

  ‘What the hell’s going on Crampton?’ he said.

  ‘Well mayor it looks like the Flanagan’s have reverted to murder, robbery and hostage taking, seems like I have the perfect excuse now to arrest them or shoot them,’ said Crampton.

  ‘Can you try and solve this without too much bloodshed for once Crampton,’ said the mayor.

  ‘I will do my best mayor, why don’t you have a word with young Bo in there while I go and see Joe over at the bank,’ said Crampton.

  Crampton started to walk towards the bank he looked up towards the church and saw a figure stood in the doorway. He squinted his eyes to see who it was it looked like the mayor, he turned around and the mayor was walking towards the saloon, when he looked back at the church again the figure had gone, Crampton carried on to the bank shaking his head.

  ‘Can I come in and have a word with you Bo?’ said the mayor, I promise you I am not armed.’

  ‘Stand in front of the window mayor where I can see you and turn around very slowly,’ said Bo.

  The mayor did as he was told.

  ‘Okay,’ said Bo, ‘Just come to the door and don’t try anything silly mayor.’

  The mayor walked into the saloon, the doors swung shut and he stood there his hands were still in the air.

  ‘Okay Bo what happened in the bank?’ said the mayor.

  ‘I was in the customer area mayor, Joe went through to the back with the manager after a few minutes there were two loud shots, so I ran through and the cashier woman was dead on the floor with the manager holding her. There was blood everywhere but the shots had come from outside mayor, Joe didn’t fire them shots honest, all the sheriff has to do his check his guns,’ said Bo.’

  ‘So where is he now then?’ said the mayor.

  ‘He’s holed up in the safe room in the back of the bank, told me to come and get pa,’ said Bo.

  ‘You came here for you pa Bo but he ain’t here, where is he?’ said the mayor.

  ‘I don’t know mayor he was here 15 minutes ago, said he had something to do, we were all sat round that table drinking whisky,’ said Bo pointing to the spot,’ We were the only ones in the bar, think the locals thought we were going to cause trouble.’

  ‘Well your pa can be quite ruthless if he wants,’ said the mayor.

  ‘Pa didn’t want any shooting or killing he warned us all off about this before w
e came into town, he still believes that we have a right to the gold as much as you do and today all this was going to change, he had got a plan but it didn’t include killing innocent people. Joe and Isiah wanted to use a little more force to our pa’s distaste, we may be thug’s mayor but we don’t go killing women.’

  ‘Yes, your pa came to see me earlier Bo he was demanding the towns accumulative raw gold in within 4 hours,’ said the mayor.

  ‘This action won’t do you any good though the sheriff will come and get you.’ Said the mayor.

  ‘He was a good man mayor after our mother was murdered he changed, he thought she was attacked by incoming gold seeking immigrants and the only thing he wanted as a true American was justice for her and revenge on her killer’s so he decided we would make a “claim jump” in Dethrock valley,’ said Bo.

  ‘Look why don’t I get us a drink and we both sit down,’ said the mayor.

  ‘Bo sat down keeping is guns on the mayor as he went to the bar and got a bottle, the townsfolk were still nervously huddling against the window. The mayor got back with a bottle and poured them both a drink. The mayor tried to calm Bo and talking about Bart’s Ranch and how productive it used to be with cattle and farming, after about 15 minutes of this the mayor stood up.

  ‘Put your guns down and come outside with me Bo, I promise no harm will come to you,’ said the mayor.

  As he spoke the window at the side of the saloon exploded with a volley of loud shots the group of townsfolk stood in that area took the brunt of the shots.

  ‘Get down mayor! Get down now!’ shouted Bo, they both hit the deck,’ This is like what happened in the bank mayor.

  A few minutes later there was another loud shot, then a shout.

  ‘I have got him I have got him,’ came a shout from round the back of the saloon.

  Mayor Dalton ran outside the back door to see Eli Mindel stood over Isiah Flanagan pointing his rifle at him.

  ‘I got him mayor, I winged him,’ said Eli, ‘I caught him shooting em,’

  Isiah was laying on the floor clutching his shoulder he must have banged his head as he hit the hard floor, blood was running from a large gash behind his ear, at the side of him was the turret rifle, the mayor kicked it away and took his other guns from him.


  Earlier Bart Flanagan had left his son’s in the saloon and went across to the mayor’s house, he went around the back and knocked on the door, Anna Dalton answered.

  ‘What do you want Bart?’ she said, ‘Apart from causing trouble in our town.’

  ‘Only want what’s mine ma’am,’ said Bart.

  ‘And that is?’ she said.


  ‘Justice,’ she said, ’What do you know about justice?’

  ‘Well ma’am I couldn’t help but notice how upset you were when me and Crampton were talking earlier outside the bank,’ said Bart, ‘You wouldn’t happen to have seen anything on that fateful night would you?’

  ‘I don’t know what you are talking about, now if you don’t mind I have got things to do,’ she said.

  ‘Well if you do remember anything I would appreciate it if you would contact me,’ said Bart.

  ‘I am sorry I have to go now,’ she said.

  ‘Well thank you for your time ma’am I will leave you in peace,’ said Bart.

  She shut the door and put her back against it.

  Bart sat down on a large rock outside the house and lit one of his cigars up, he thought she might have known something but he was probably wrong, he pulled a bottle of whiskey out of his coat pocket and unscrewed the cap, he took a long drink.

  ‘Who was that darling?’ said the mayor, from his office.

  ‘Oh! It was just Janay from down the store asking if I wanted anything delivering,’ said Anna.

  ‘We have got a nice little town here Anna,’ he said, ‘I just wish people would be more friendly towards each other, especially our neighbours.’

  ‘Yes, I do too William,’ she said.

  Anna was thinking about what Bart had said to her, if she was going to say anything she decided she would tell William first, then again perhaps it was nothing.

  ‘William,’ she said.

  ‘Why can’t we all just live in harmony life would be so much better for us all,’ he said.

  ‘William there is something I want to tell you.’

  ‘Later darling later looking over to the window.’

  The first of two shots rang out from across the street followed by some screaming.

  ‘What the hell was that?’ said the mayor jumping out of his seat and making for the window.

  ‘Oh, my god something is going on in the bank,’ he said.

  After a few minutes, he saw young Bo Flanagan running out and making his way to the saloon.

  ‘I am off out there,’ said the mayor, ‘Looks like them Flanagan boys have started already.’

  ‘Now you be careful William Dalton I don’t want you getting mixed up with the Flanagan’s, leave it to the sheriff,’ said Anna.

  Bart Flanagan heard the shots and jumped up from his stone seat, he ran to the corner of the building and watched, he had seen his son Bo run out and go to the saloon. He decided to wait a few minutes hopefully it would cool down, he had warned the boys about shooting. He saw the sheriff coming down the street from the church and drew his guns ready, he crouched down behind a barrel and waited.


  Mayor Dalton woke up again in the dynamite store, he knew the routine now and made his way to ladders and trap door, he waited till Crampton and Eli had their chat and left the church, then he made his way up to the trap door he decided to wait and watch, the time was 8:20pm by his watch as he looked out of the church window, Ben Royse was just passing the church, Ben said it was 12:20 pm when he spoke to him, everything seemed to be 8 hours earlier, it was the same day of the tragedy he knew this because he had heard himself talking to Bart Flanagan, he decided the best course of action would be to alter his watch to 12:20 to save him confusion in the coming hours until he found some answers to this predicament and wait the day’s events out.

  At 2pm he saw the sheriff and Mindel riding out of town past the church, then about 2:15 after a series of gunshots coming from the bank he went out of the church door, he saw the sheriff walking through a crowd towards the saloon, after a few more minutes William Dalton ran over the street and was speaking to him.

  ‘I remember doing this,’ muttered the mayor under his breath, ’Now the sheriff should go to the bank if I remember rightly.’

  Crampton turned around and looked up the street and stared at the church, he was staring straight at him. Crampton then turned on his heel again and made his way to the bank. The mayor looked on, he was certain Crampton had seen him stood there outside the church. He was sure this wasn’t a dream and he pinched himself just in case, it was becoming clear to the mayor now that this was a replay of events that happened on the day. He looked out of the church window again and saw that the mayor was now walking towards the saloon.

  It was all coming back to the mayor and he remembered it all starting now, he was talking with Bo in the saloon, they had heard the shots and ran out the back of the saloon, Isiah had just been shot in the shoulder by Eli who he suspected of the shootings, he remembered kicking Isiah’s rifle away and taking his guns from him, Eli Mindel had his rifle trained on Isiah just in case. Then the gunshots came from the bank followed by the explosion. In a state of panic the mayor left Bo and ran around the saloon over to his house to make sure Anna was okay, he then made his way to the railway station to try and send another telegraph to San Francisco for help, he knew if anyone came it would take days and by then it would be too late, but he felt he had to do something under the circumstances, he had told his wife to remain indoors until he got back for her own safety.

  It was getting dark, Eli Mindel was busy getting all the women and children into the church for safety as the town started to burn the church lamps were lit
up inside the mayor saw them shining through the windows and he heard the children crying, Eli was stood outside the door looking for any more women and kids. The mayor walked back from the railway station the town was lighting up the sky, he stopped suddenly as he saw Crampton walking from the church towards the saloon. He also saw Bart Flanagan running from the back of his house towards the bank screaming out his son’s names. Bart had seen Crampton go in to the saloon and followed him in there after about five minutes the whole place exploded blowing the windows out, a few minutes later another explosion shook the

  saloon, one body was blown through the swing doors it was Bart Flanagan. The mayor ran toward him he was still moving and started to stand up, a splinter of wood had penetrated Flanagan’s eye he pulled it out and screamed as his eye was slithering down his cheek, blood gushing from the open socket.

  ‘What happened Flanagan?’ said the mayor, ‘It’s like a war zone.’

  ‘My boys! He screamed, My boys!’ Bart took out the gun from his breast pocket and pushed the harmonica like slide into it, he clicked the hammer and the slide moved into place loading the first bullet.

  ‘Where are you going Flanagan?’ said the mayor, the heat from flames were now evident to them both as they walked away from the saloon.

  ‘The church mayor! Isiah Joe and Bo are in the church, I have to stop him mayor, it’s part of his plan mayor I think we have both been duped, I’m sorry mayor your wife knew too, ’Bart Flanagan was now delirious, his eye hanging on by sinew swinging on his cheek as he ran towards the church. Eli Mindel saw him coming and ran into the church.

  ‘My wife knew what Flanagan? What have you done Flanagan?’ shouted the mayor.

  Bart Flanagan reached the church steps.


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