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Letters Across the Sea

Page 32

by Genevieve Graham

  And without the expertise and guidance of my esteemed literary agent, Jacques de Spoelberch, I most likely wouldn’t have met any of them, so thank you again for everything you do for me, Jacques!

  Thank you ALWAYS to all the amazing readers out there, so many of whom have (incredibly!) added my books to their “auto-buy” lists. What an honour for me! I will never stop being grateful for all your support, your messages, your letters, your book clubs—boy, oh boy, am I ever “zooming” to book clubs these days!—and for recommending my books to your friends and family. I love what I do. I love learning about our country and sharing my findings with you through characters I love as well. What a wonderful way to live!

  Last but never least, thank you to my wonderful husband of almost thirty years, Dwayne. He was incredibly understanding, considering this book tried my patience more than any other. He’s the hardest-working man I know, and yet when he comes home and sees the strain in my expression, he still somehow finds the energy to make dinner for us—after he brings me my end-of-day glass of wine. He has resigned himself to watching and rewatching World War II and 1940s movies whenever I feel the need. Actually, I think he rather likes that. We have a perfect partnership, and he is already helping me figure out my next book.

  Letters Across the Sea

  Genevieve Graham

  A Reading Group Guide

  Topics & Questions for Discussion

  The novel begins during the Great Depression. How has the economic downturn affected Molly, Hannah, and others in their neighbourhood?

  Max describes Kensington as a patchwork of different communities. Using the Ryan and Dreyfus families as examples, discuss how Canada is a country of immigrants. What did they leave behind? And what problems do they still face?

  Molly says that the Orangemen nicknamed the city “Toronto the Good,” but in the opening of the novel, we see a place teeming with unemployment, protests, and civil unrest. What people and behaviours are considered “good”? What happens to those who are thought of as second-class citizens or outsiders?

  Did you know about the rise of anti-Semitism in Toronto before reading this book? Were you surprised to learn about the Swastika Clubs and signs banning Jews from businesses and beaches? What does the novel suggest might be some of the causes of this racial prejudice? Consider the characters of Mr. Ryan, Richie, and Phil.

  Molly wants to become a journalist, but she drops out of school and puts her dream on hold to help her family make ends meet. Discuss the expectations of women during this time period. What opportunities are available to them? How do Molly’s and Hannah’s paths differ? How are they the same?

  During the scene at the beach, Molly, Max, and Arnie talk about the Star and the Telegram, and the difference between bias and censorship. In light of our current media landscape, what did you make of this discussion? Do you think we can ever know the truth?

  Even though Molly and Max grew up together as friends, there is still a line between them that they are forbidden from crossing. What does this suggest about the bonds of family? As second-generation Canadians, do Molly and Max view community and tradition in a different light? If so, how?

  Mr. Ryan tells Molly that “there will come a time when it’s us versus them” and that she’ll “not be able to walk away from that.” How is this borne out in the novel? When is it not?

  During the riot, Mr. Ryan goes after Max, thinking that he’s protecting his daughter. What does this say about the power of love, both parental and romantic? And given what we later learn about Richie, what does this scene say about the power of friendship?

  How does the riot at Christie Pits forever change the Ryan and Dreyfus families? How does this event shape your own understanding of race relations in Canada?

  When Molly goes to work at the Star, she is one of the few women in the newsroom. How is she treated by her colleagues? Despite trailblazers like Rhea Clyman, what stereotypes still exist?

  When Max enlists in the army, he tells his family that “as a Canadian, it’s my duty to volunteer… As a Jew, I have a personal score to settle.” Discuss Max’s obligation as a Jewish Canadian. How have the events of 1933 impacted his decision so many years later?

  In Hong Kong, Max expresses frustration about not yet seeing action. Why does Max feel so restless as opposed to someone like Richie? Does it have to do with who they are fighting for and what they left behind?

  What are the central friendships in the novel and how are they tested? What seems to unite friends again? And what new friendships are forged?

  Did you know about the fate of Canadian troops in the Pacific Theatre during World War II before reading about the Battle of Hong Kong? Do you agree that they shouldn’t have been sent there to begin with? How were they unprepared for the conflict they faced?

  When Max becomes a prisoner of war, his voice drops out of the narrative. Did you think he had died in Stanley Village along with David?

  For a long time, Molly puts her career before romance. Why does she decide to give Ian a chance? How did you feel about their blossoming relationship?

  After the Battle of Hong Kong, Molly throws herself into researching German and Japanese POW camps and she even visits the camp in Bowmanville. What are some of the differences between the prisons? Molly says, “I don’t think anyone, in war or not, has the right to become monsters.” What do you make of her statement?

  Discuss the theme of storytelling in the novel. Consider Molly’s and Max’s grandparents, Mr. Rabinowitz, and the many veterans from both world wars. What is accomplished when the characters share their stories with one another? What happens when they don’t?

  Consider the portrayal of PTSD in the characters of Max, Jimmy, Liam, and Mark. In what ways do they struggle to adapt to life after witnessing the horrors of war? What scars do they have? And what helps them heal?

  When Molly interviews Max about his experience as a prisoner of war, he describes the moment they saw the American planes flying overhead and says, “after four years of surviving, we were finally getting the chance to live again.” What’s the difference between surviving and living?

  Max returns from war guilty that he survived when so many others did not. What makes him tell his story to Molly and Ian? What did you make of his decision to remain anonymous?

  What role do letters play in the novel?

  Discuss the importance of forgiveness. What other characters redeem themselves by the end of the novel? How do the losses of war soften their hearts?

  Were you surprised by Richie’s revelation? What reasons does he give for his actions the day of the riot, and after?

  In many ways, the novel is an epic love story. What do you think drew Molly and Max together in the first place? And what continues to bind them to one another after so many years?

  Consider the title of the novel. What does Letters Across the Sea symbolize?

  Enhance Your Book Club

  Walk the streets of Toronto with Giles Hodge as he takes viewers through the night of the Christie Pits Riot in “History Happens Here: The Riot at Christie Pits.”

  Hear from firsthand survivors of the Battle of Hong Kong by watching The Fence, a documentary written and directed by Viveka Melki. In this film, she interviews two POW survivors as well as a young girl who was trapped in Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation. Or check out Brian McKenna’s 1991 film, Savage Christmas: Hong Kong 1941, on the National Film Board website for a critique of Canada’s involvement in the Pacific Theatre.

  In chapter 18, Molly mentions the internment camps where more than 90 per cent of Japanese Canadians living in British Columbia were detained and dispossessed under the War Measures Act. Joy Kogawa was one such girl. Read her award-winning novel, Obasan, to find out more about this dark chapter in Canadian history.

  More from the Author
/>   The Forgotten Home Child

  At the Mountain's Edge

  Come from Away

  Promises to Keep

  Tides of Honour

  About the Author


  GENEVIEVE GRAHAM is the #1 bestselling author of The Forgotten Home Child, Tides of Honour, Promises to Keep, Come from Away, and At the Mountain’s Edge. She is passionate about breathing life back into Canadian history through tales of love and adventure. She lives near Halifax, Nova Scotia.





  The Forgotten Home Child

  At the Mountain’s Edge

  Come from Away

  Promises to Keep

  Tides of Honour

  Somewhere to Dream

  Sound of the Heart

  Under the Same Sky

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  Simon & Schuster Canada

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  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The newspaper article on page 191 is reprinted with the permission of The Globe and Mail. The map of Hong Kong was drawn by Captain C.C.J. Bond and appears in C.P. Stacey’s Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War, Volume I.

  Copyright © 2021 by Genevieve Graham

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Simon & Schuster Canada Subsidiary Rights Department, 166 King Street East, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 1J3.

  This Simon & Schuster Canada edition April 2021

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  Cover design: Elizabeth Whitehead

  Cover image © Marie Carr / Trevillion Images

  Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

  Title: Letters across the sea / Genevieve Graham. Names: Graham, Genevieve, author. Description: Simon & Schuster Canada edition. Identifiers: Canadiana (print) 20200293052 | Canadiana (ebook) 20200293079 | ISBN 9781982156633 (softcover) | ISBN 9781982156640 (ebook) Classification: LCC PS8613. R3434 L48 2021 | DDC C813/.6—dc23

  ISBN 978-1-9821-5663-3

  ISBN 978-1-9821-5664-0 (ebook)




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