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Girl On Fire

Page 3

by Kim Thomas

  I stifle a yawn and attempt to think happy thoughts of when I got home and the coursework I had to do tonight.

  This job was simply a means to the end and my finance until I completed my distance learning university course then my career in counselling can officially begin.

  But until then I have had to endure 1 year of working as an Invoice Administrator at this company that think an inspiration is making the whole team a coffee as opposed to just yourself in the morning, they are THAT bland and boring.

  We were all waiting for Tom to start speaking but he was attempting to load his presentation on the electronic whiteboard with no success, it was really like watching a caveman start a fire.

  Basically slow, inconvenient and uncomfortable.

  “You might want to turn your laptop on” I sarcastically commented pointing at his laptop.

  Tom pressed the power button on his laptop which switched the laptop on and the presentation suddenly appeared on the screen, how delightful!

  “See everyone I do know what I am doing! Right everyone as you can see I have sectioned different tasks to every single one of you and I expect every single one of you to participate” Tom mumbled practically spluttering spit at each of us.

  Looking at the table I realised that my name was not recorded on the table that was on the presentation screen and neither were two of my other colleagues.

  “Where are our names?” Neo my fellow colleague gestured to me, him and Kelly who were all those that were not recorded on the tasks table.

  “We will be discussing that through this meeting” Tom replied shortly which for him was unusual as usually he spoke in speeches full with shit.

  “Why can we not discuss that now and then we can leave the meeting?” Neo asked quite forcefully, to be honest I didn’t really care I was exhausted it had been a long two weeks.

  “Neo we will be discussing that particular topic in 20 minutes, I am sure you can wait for 20 minutes Neo” Tom growled frustrated at Neo who instantly shut up but had a pout on his lips like a school child.

  Considering the information that Tom was about to say was not relevant to myself, I basically had a whole meeting with myself in my brain.

  I began to think about what happened to that bitch, well what I did to that bitch.

  Una had it coming, she was incredibly cruel to everyone when she was at school.

  Once a younger student tried to stand up to her and Una had waited until after school and attacked her, stripped her to her underwear, taped her to a pole and took photographs which were distributed around the school.

  Una was a bitch.

  And she was a slut, opening her legs for everyone.

  “Anna I asked you a question” Tom bellowed at me across the meeting table.

  “I think it is a great idea” I sarcastically generically answered.

  “Thank you for volunteering Anna, me and you will prepare the presentation after work together” Tom gave me a boyish grin and licked his lips disgustingly.

  Great! More reasons for him to stare at my tits and at my ass.

  Tom is such a creepy asshole.

  I catched Neo’s eye who rolled his eyes to show his dismay at my situation.

  “Thank you everyone that concludes our meeting, you can all be excused except from you Anna” Tom pointed at me as I attempted to run out of the meeting room.

  Slumping back into my chair, I was pissed off and frankly irritated at the way that Tom was staring at me like I was a piece of meat he wanted to devour.

  I mean didn’t he have any dignity or professionalism, the prick.

  “I think tonight will be beneficial for our relationship Anna, working together on such an important presentation” Tom leaned his disgusting body towards me and licked his lips again as if he was thinking about licking parts of my body.

  “That’s great Tom but I need to get back to my desk” I stood up quickly from the table and attempted to escape the room.

  Tom suddenly ran towards the meeting door which he blocked with his fat; sweaty: and ugly frame.

  “Anna I think we can be good, good friends” Tom gruffly said with a suggestive tone and raised his eyebrows at me.

  Stretching his hand out he stroked my bare shoulder which made me step backwards and shiver with pure horror.

  “Don’t touch me” I snarled at Tom who narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Or what Anna? Remember I am the LAW, you can do nothing to me. I bet you like being controlled don’t you? You little slut in your little black heels and exposing your cleavage in your tight dressed. I OWN YOU. I know you cannot afford to leave your job, this is all you got! You WILL come tonight and you WILL do EVERYTHING I TELL you too and EVERYTHING I ASK of you. Is that understood?” Tom growled menacingly at me.

  I nodded with a mixture of anger and shock.

  “Brilliant you may go back to your desk” Tom sincerely said opening the door and gesturing me to leave.

  Walking quickly down the corridor I sought refuge in the toilet.

  Leaning on the sink I stared in the mirror and I was trembling.

  “You know what you need to do” I heard a familiar voice whisper to me.

  “It’s you” I breathed with a mixture of apprehension and relief.

  “Hello my friend” the voice whispered in response.

  “You’re here with me?” I whispered back in the mirror.

  “I am always with you. You know what we must do my friend and you know how to do it” my friend whispered encouragingly to me.

  “Yes my friend I know what to do” I replied confidently and took my dove crested lighter from my dress pocket.

  Chapter Eight

  “Good Luck this evening if you need me…don’t call” Neo smirked and planted a kiss on my cheek.

  “Bitch” I joked and poked my tongue out at Neo.

  “Love you too bitch tits” Neo said blowing me a kiss and winking as he departed the room.

  Walking down the corridor to the meeting room I had the plan set in my head and I was confident that it would work.

  The concepts were simple; lure; trap: and finally burn.

  “Anna there you are” Tom raised his eyebrows at me and gestured for me to sit down next to hm.

  “Do you know Anna I have always found you fascinating” Tom huskily said moving his chair closer to me.

  Sipping the glass of water in front of me I tried not to let his comments distract me from my plan.

  Tom reached out and slipped one hand up my legs and another under my shirt.

  I have no idea how I managed to stay calm and to plan but I did.

  “Do you want to play a game Tom?” I teased by placing my pinkie finger in between my teeth.

  “Yes please” Tom eagerly said standing up quickly.

  “Come with me” I stood up and ushered Tom to follow me.

  Tom followed me like a wet dog towards the stationery cupboard.

  Opening the stationery cupboard door, I gestured Tom to sit in the chair.

  “Bondage? This is fate, you dirty little whore” Tom huskily whispered licking his lips.

  Pushing Tom into the chair I undid the buttons on my shirt distracting him as I tied his hands behind the chair.

  “Anna, you are perfect” Tom groaned as I felt his erection start to grow between my legs.

  Removing myself from his lap I tied his legs together tightly and then tied the tops of his legs to the chair.

  “Not too tight now gorgeous” Tom started to sound a little nervous.

  Picking up a roll of parcel tape, I saw Tom’s eyes widen.

  “What is that for?” Tom asked apprehensively.

  “We wouldn’t want anyone to hear your screams of pleasure, would we?” I asked biting my lip suggestively.

  “Definitely not” Tom huskily said.

  Wrapping the parcel tape tightly around his mouth, I made sure I left a little air gap, I mean I wanted him to suffer!

  Walking behind Tom,
I bent down and picked up a long piece of cloth that stank of bleach and then quietly opened a new bottle of bleach and poured some liquid until the cloth was drenched in bleach.

  “This may sting a little” I whispered in Tom’s ear as I covered his eyes with the bleach drenched cloth.

  Tom made a screeching noise which was barely audible through the parcel tape gag and his body began convulsing in what I could assume was the agony from the impact of the bleach on his eyes.

  With the remaining bleach and some other bottles of liquid which I cannot pronounce and never knew we had in the stationary cupboard I doused Tom’s trousers; shirt: and hair which made him convulse again as the liquid started to burn his skin.

  “Please…please” Tom begged through the whole in the parcel tape.

  “I am sorry what was that?” I teased as I ripped off the parcel tape from his mouth, pulling off some of his disgusting stubble on his face.

  “Please I’ll do anything….a promotion….pay rise….company car…..your own office….anything…but please stop….please” Tom blubbered like a baby.

  “You look at little thirsty Tom, are you thirsty?” I smirked as I picked up the remaining bottle of bleach.

  “Please remove the cloth…please….please” Tom sobbed as he sat helpless in the chair.

  “Here this will help” I taunted as I opened Tom’s mouth and poured liquid down his throat.

  Holding his mouth shut with my hand, I could hear and visibly see him spluttering and convulsing with the pain of the bleach cascading down his throat and into his disgusting, vile body.

  Sealing the tape back over his mouth I stood back and looked at my fine work.

  Taking out my dove crested lighter from my pocket I lit the corner of a few tea towels and paper that lined the walls of the stationary cupboard.

  Closing the door of the stationery cupboard I walked calmly back into the meeting room, collected my belongings and left work like any other day.

  At least the fucker got what he deserved, my friend was right.

  Chapter Nine

  “Hi honey I am home” I shouted to Gregg as I entered our home.

  “I am in the kitchen” Gregg shouted back to me.

  Walking into the kitchen I took out cod loin and new potatoes we had the night before, I didn’t fancy cooking anything too big tonight.

  “Is this ok for dinner?” I asked Gregg, leaning up to give him a kiss on his cheek.

  “Looks delicious, I will put the television on in the background” Gregg said leaning over to switch the television on.

  And oh shit when the news came on.

  “This evening there was a fire discovered in the Park Avenue office buildings, police are treating the fire as suspected arson there is no news whether there have been any fatalities yet as the firemen are still attempting to tackle the blaze” the news reporter explained before pictures of the blaze were placed on the screens.

  “Isn’t that where you work babes?” Gregg asked in shock.

  “On the third floor” I replied quietly.

  Gregg came towards me and held me in his arms, stroking my hair.

  Looking up at Gregg there was something different in his expression, I am not sure what it was.

  Gregg leant down and kissed me softly on my lips.

  “I am going to go to bed, I am quite tired” I said to Gregg before rubbing my neck and walking upstairs.

  Lying down on the bed I had planned to relax and not move unfortunately my phone began to ring.

  “Did you hear about Tom?” Neo frantically asked me over the phone.

  “I heard on the news about a fire, why what did you hear?” I tiredly responded.

  “He’s dead, they think it is arson! I know he is or was a prick but fuck me what insane person would do this?” Neo said with a high pitch voice.

  “Arson?” I whispered horrifically while picking up my nail file.

  “Did Tom have any family?” Neo asked with a mixture of concern and nosiness.

  “Who knows, he never talked about family, only himself” I sarcastically responded as I put Neo on loudspeaker.

  “Should we organise something?” Neo gruffly asked.

  “Like?” I asked choosing the colour blue for my toe nails.

  “A ceremony of remembrance” Neo quietly said, with a small sniff.

  I stopped opening the lid of the nail varnish and looked at the phone with horror.

  Why the hell would I want to arrange a bloody ceremony for that jackass? Is Neo crazy?

  “Neo I think that is a bad idea, we didn’t know Tom, we only worked with him” I carefully responded as I began to paint my toe nail.

  “But we spent hours with him” Neo begged as he begun to pull at my few remaining heartstrings.

  “Fine what do you need from me?” I asked Neo running a hand through my hair.

  “Why don’t you do flowers and guest list?” Neo said delighted to me.

  “Fine why don’t you come and see me at my house tomorrow and we can arrange the ceremony to commemorate his life” I sighed to myself as I thought how ironic this situation was.

  “You are a generous and amazing person, see you tomorrow around 4pm” Neo joyfully said.

  “I know I am” I whispered as Neo hung up.

  Picking up my lighter I used to burn the pig headed arrogant bastard I ran my finger over the crest of the doves.

  I am sure I can pretend to be respectful to the bastard after all my friend, I am an amazing actress.

  Chapter Ten

  Tying my hair up in a bun, I checked my reflection in the mirror as the doorbell rang.

  “Neo my darling” I said quietly giving Neo a big hug.

  “At least we have each other Anna” Neo whispered holding me close.

  Neo took a folder of flowers and also the personnel contact list and opened them on my dining table.

  “I think we should have lilies for the flowers, he seemed to write the word lily all over the place. I have rented the fountain area in the park for an hour tomorrow at 10am. We just need to contact the family and also buy the lilies” Neo answered in his organised manner.

  “I will call the floristry now if you could show me the ones you have picked” I said picking up my telephone and dialling the floristries telephone number.

  “I’d like to have three wreaths of lilies for a memorial at the edge fountain in the Hill Park, I can collect tomorrow at 9am” I explained to the lady on the phone and gave my card details.

  “According to the file he had an ex-wife and two daughters, should we contact them?” Neo asked reading Tom’s file.

  “No I do not think we should contact them as they will be dealing with their grief This can be a work memorial to show respect for our manager Tom” I replied, acting like I was sad about his death.

  “Good idea” Neo nodded in agreement.

  “We can send them one of the wreaths of the lilies” I suggested sincerely.

  “Definitely, I will get that arranged” Neo said writing down the entry in his diary.

  “I will meet you at the fountain tomorrow at 10am” I said to Neo as he stood up to leave.

  “Thank you again Anna for supporting me with this, the rest of the work force refused” Neo said as he hugged me closely.

  “See you tomorrow” I shouted as Neo got into his car.

  Shutting the door I leant my head against the door.

  I am going to have to act my ass off tomorrow morning and probably cry.

  Driving to the flower shop, I pulled up the cleavage of my black dress to make myself more dignified not that pig headed Tom would have minded, he would have loved my dress.

  I received a letter this morning which said we would be off of work for at least a month with pay while they determine what to do with the business.

  Everything worked out quite well didn’t it my friend?

  “I am here to collect three wreaths of lilies under the name of Anna” I said to the very attractive lad
y at the floristry desk.

  “Here you go, I apologise for your loss” The lady kindly said.

  “Thank you” I replied as I exited the shop with the lilies.

  Pulling up at the park I saw Neo and a few of my work colleagues although I must admit I expected all of them to turn up but clearly everyone hated him.

  Walking with the others to the fountain we had a very brief ceremony which involved laying flowers and standing quietly together.

  “Do you want to meet up for a coffee next Thursday at our usual spot?” Neo asked as we walked back to the cars together.

  “That would be lovely I will call you next Tuesday” I said getting into my car.

  Getting home I noticed there were two messages on my answer machine.

  “Hello this is Detective Blake I would like to interview you regarding your relationship with your manager Tom, please come to the station tomorrow at 10am”

  “Hello this is Lillian, Tom’s ex-wife we have found a temporary location for the offices and would like you and some of your work colleague opinion, please be at the Trinity Buildings tomorrow at 2pm. Thank you”

  I was hoping to have at least two weeks’ vacation!

  I chose to dress professionally to my two engagements today after all the performance was in presentation and I needed to make a positive impression.

  “Gregg I am off now” I shouted up to Gregg before quickly exiting our house.

  Parking up outside the temporary work building I was awestruck it was architecturally beautiful, clearly his ex-wife must have taste.

  “Hello you must be Anna, my word you are beautiful” Tom ex-wife Lillian distracted me from my gazing at the building and embraced me.

  Looking at her appearance she was nothing like I had imagined, she had short red spiky hair; she was dressed in a tight blue dress; she had leopard print shoes: and her face was stunning.

  “You are not what I was expecting either which is a good thing” I said to Lillian.

  “Neo has already arrived I think he is currently eating food in the café in the basement however no one else has. My ex-husband was quite the arse as a manager wasn’t he?” Lillian cackled.

  “He was certainly hot headed but he was always the professional” I agreed as we walked into the temporary office facility.

  “This would be the office area, there are three offices; one kitchen area; a locker room: and unisex bathrooms. It is very comfortable and cosy” Lillian instructed as she showed me around.


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