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The King's Ancestors

Page 17

by Robin Simmons

  Uriah, hearing Raven’s answer saw in that moment the wisdom this young man possessed. Maybe, this may have a chance to work somehow, thought Uriah, but how he did not know how.

  Daniel Brickens spoke once more. “There is much to think about and the day is getting late, we should retire and convene tomorrow to do as much as we can to assist these brave souls in our own defense.”

  Turning to Raven’s group he said, “Please be our guests and stay with us. We will dine in an hour.”

  With that the assembly broke up and people began to wander off in small groups to talk. Raven watched as the people wandered off to socialize until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and it was Daniel Brickens.

  He held out his hand for Raven to shake and said, “No matter what happens I want you to know how much it means to me to have a stranger come to our defense.”

  Raven smiled and said with equal emotion, “You are not really strangers to us, for we too are grateful for your bold beginning of our kingdom.”

  Daniel then left to talk with some others and Raven observed Amnon making his way over to Uriah. Uriah caught his eye and motioned for Amnon to come aside away from the others. As Raven watched he noticed the greeting they gave each other in an odd handshake. They locked each others fingers in a curved vise type grip and raised each of their thumbs up and touched them together three times, the third time stopping with their thumbs touching and lingering before the strange handshake ended. Raven knew he had seen some formation like that before but could not remember where until it hit him. It was not a handshake, but the formation of two sheaths of grain meeting in the same way and angle Uriah and Amnon’s thumbs did. All the other sheafs were standing strait up in the mosaic in the secret room of the Prescott castle. Above those leaning sheafs two heads of grain touched, and now Raven felt sure he knew how to open the mosaic vault where the weapons were kept for the emergency that Amnon thought may require them. Good, thought Raven. When we get back I can retrieve the weapons after the ancients teach me how to use them.

  Supper was uneventful save for the fact that the small group with Raven felt like outsiders. Everyone was laughing and having a good time but rarely spoke to them. Raven could not blame them, they sounded different than the ancients, and they all shared one common experience, escape from a tyrant. If the tables had been turned he knew that they in turn would not share the same fellowship with him as those who had fought in the Wickshield war. So they ate talking among themselves and discussing the events that had unfolded.

  Andrew spoke after they had finished eating. “I can see no benefit so far in our coming here. It is frustrating not to have any concrete answers by now. We are no closer to a solution than when we arrived.”

  Lorriel joined the conversation then, “Our travel here cannot be in vain, I will not accept that. I have to believe we will find what we need to help us here among our ancestors.” Lorriel’s faith and optimism was infectious, and put them in a better mood.

  “Yes,” Andrew finally admitted, “there has to be something more we can glean from our ancestors than a bruise on the chin.” He said this while rubbing his chin in such a knowing way that the rest had to laugh.

  Joanna also spoke, “The ancients are nothing like I had pictured them. They seem to lack direction and wisdom at times.”

  “You mean they seem too human for our tastes,” Raven added sarcastically.

  Joanna nodded, waiting for Raven to say more.

  “You are right, they are not what any of us expected, especially me. Since finding the armor, the Hall of Wisdom, and meeting Andronicus, I had made the ancients out to be something they evidently are not. That is not their fault, but our own for elevating them above mere mortals. They are humans like we are and we should not forget they also have weaknesses.”

  They all nodded at the words of Raven, every one of them having their expectations dashed by meeting the real ancestors.

  Joanna again spoke, “We should not be too hard on them, for the kingdom we know has had a thousand years to grow and mature. Right now it is in its infancy and will have many growing pains before our time.”

  There was not much more to say so the group retired for the evening.

  When Andrew and Lorriel prepared for bed, Andrew was looking at Lorriel, watching her as husbands do their wives. He realized how lucky he was to have the woman he loved beside him in this crisis. As he watched he noticed something about Lorriel’s hair.

  “Come here Lorriel and sit beside me on the bed,” Andrew asked.

  She smiled at him and did as he asked and just sat down beside him not saying a word.

  Andrew ran his fingers through her hair and she closed her eyes. She always liked his gentle touch on her hair, it was always done in love and tenderness, usually followed by a passionate kiss.

  But this time Andrew gently spoke to her, “Have you noticed dear, that you have a few strands of silver in your hair?

  Lorriel opened her eyes unalarmed and looked at Andrew saying, “Time has a way of sneaking up on us all, does it not?” She lay down beside him and wrapped her arms around him as she did so often when they went to sleep and thought in resignation as the tiredness overtook her; It has begun.

  The next day began with new optimism at breakfast, for many of the ancients stopped to say hello to them and converse shortly. Samuel sought them out and joined them for breakfast as did Daniel Brickens.

  “I think everyone is in better spirits today,” Daniel remarked. “And I hope we will get some things accomplished before the others have to head back to their homes.” Raven hoped as well that there would be some solution to the problem they faced in his own time.

  After breakfast they all assembled once again to discuss the problem of Layton Teal. No one had any new ideas except Chester Zandel. He proposed that the group travel back in time again to retrieve the weapons they possessed before they were destroyed.

  Raven started to object when Andrew intervened.

  “You all know how you welcomed us when we showed up the first time, how do you think you will act in the past if you have weapons?”

  Uriah stood immediately and spoke for all to hear, “Andrew Crestlaw is right, If I would have possessed a weapon other than a knife, the four of you would be dead. I hate to admit it, but we were so afraid of Layton finding us that I would have shot first and then sorted things out later. And if you all remember we were extra jumpy that first year, expecting him to show up any moment. Come to think of it, a lot of us did not even trust each other back then. You cannot go back and get the weapons, it would be dangerous and would most likely get you killed, sorry.”

  After Uriah said this he sat back down and crossed his arms. Others began to talk all at once but one voice came above them all.

  Chester Zandel could be heard to say, “Uriah, you still don’t trust us.” For a moment there was silence and then the people began to talk all at once again. This was truly perplexing to Raven and those who were with him, for they had never seen such a disorderly group in all their days.

  Finally Daniel Brickens stood and pounded something heavy he had in his hand yelling, “Order, order!” But it seemed that no one was paying attention and Raven felt they would keep going on like this forever until they finally quieted down to Daniel's shouts.

  “That is enough,” he finally was heard to shout. The people quieted down to listen to Daniel and finally he was able to speak, “We need to put this mistrust behind us if we are to accomplish anything.”

  “Finally,” Raven thought, “a voice of reason among them all.”

  But a woman answered back, “I don’t know why this issue won’t die, do you think any of us here would truly want to go back to being under Layton Teal? And don’t give me that bit about trust, you don’t trust some of us or else you wouldn’t send your little snoops Uriah and Amnon to spy on all of us and to check to see if we are leaving any clues for Layton to find out where we have gone.”
r />   Daniel was getting red faced and he shouted in anger, “I have never sent Uriah or Amnon to spy on anyone.” And then he looked at Uriah and Amnon and said, “If I catch you spying on people I will”...

  “You will what,” said Uriah, “try to kill me?” Uriah said this with a little amusement to his voice, not really angry but with a little humor.

  Chester Zandel spoke once again, “Who gave you the right to tell any of us what to do?”

  “Because I am king,” replied Daniel Brickens.

  “You are a king only in figurehead,” added Felton Rollins. “Remember it was by the luck of the draw that you were chosen king, only for appearances to the lands about us.”

  Raven had heard enough, what was being said tore at his heart. Such bickering, mistrust, and chaos broke the last strings of his restraint. With that he stood and in a voice that comes from authority and respect earned and not granted he spoke:

  “Everyone be quiet and listen to me,” he said loudly.

  It so shocked the ancients that Raven would address them in this tone, the room became completely silent.

  “I am ashamed to even call you my ancestors. How the kingdom became what it is in my day from these beginnings I will never know, but let me tell you what it is like in my time. The kingdom is a place of peace and prosperity, of love and trust. Duke Rollins, Duke Zandel, Duke Prescott, and Duke Crestlaw would all give their lives for the good of the kingdom. They would give their life for another duke if he was in trouble, or needed help. None of us worries about the security of each duke’s pass because we know they love Glenfair more than life and would give their lives to keep it safe. Let me tell you what is at the heart of the kingdom, what makes Glenfair strong and unconquerable in all these years, it is this; that there is trust between the king and the dukes and the people of the land. We trust each other with our lives, for that is how it must be for our kingdom to survive. No other kingdom on earth functions as does Glenfair, our strength is in our combined trust and unity. If any duke called to us for help we all come, we all help, we all serve each other. And the first and foremost example of this should be her king. I know what mistrust can do, I have seen it.”

  Andrew spoke then, “Raven, Sire, do not go on, please.”

  “No,” Raven said, “I must tell all if they are to understand.”

  Turning back to the ancients he continued, “I know mistrust can destroy the kingdom because it almost did in our day. The mistrust came from my father, who was king before me. His mistrust was not founded on facts, just something he thought was true. He suspected Andrew Crestlaw was trying to take the throne by plotting. Yes, the same Crestlaws I tried to give the throne to after my father’s death, but they would not accept it. The war you heard about with the Wickshield kingdom was allowed by my father to destroy my best friend Andrew and his family. We almost lost the kingdom because of mistrust, because of assumed guilt with no facts to back it up. The other dukes fought with all their hearts in that war because they loved the kingdom. And the Crestlaws threw themselves into battle as I have never seen before, or ever will, I believe. People died in that battle because of mistrust. My brother, Edward died because of that mistrust.

  Somewhere in our history a code of honor was founded, handed down from generation to generation that we should trust each other and give to the kingdom what would make it better and what it needs. People have sacrificed to make the kingdom great, and have even given their lives for it. And what have I heard from you? Petty bickering and mistrust, a kingdom cannot be built upon such things. You have chosen a king and dukes, how that was accomplished matters not now. What does matter is you must set aside your mistrust and all give equally to build a great kingdom. I am king in my day because the people have chosen me to be so. They chose me and pledge to my throne because they believe in their hearts that I would lay down my life for the good of the kingdom. Will you Daniel Brickens be such a king?”

  Raven’s eyes and words pierced Daniel’s heart like he had never thought possible and he heard himself say; “Yes, I would be that kind of king, I will die for you all if necessary and give myself wholly for your prosperity.”

  There was shock and silence from all the people until Uriah stood: “I was created to mistrust, to doubt motives, but I want no longer to live that way. I pledge to you, Daniel my king and to the kingdom of Glenfair this day my loyalty and devotion for its good. I will give my life for you and the kingdom if it shall so require.”

  Daniel was shocked and tears came to his eyes, never did he ever expect to hear this from Uriah. Others, one by one pledged their loyalty to the king and the kingdom to Daniel's utter amazement.

  “How did this happen?” Daniel wondered. This young man in one speech had done something he thought impossible. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they all had been changed from this day forward, forever. As Daniel looked at Raven he thought, No wonder he is king in his day, I want to be a king like unto him.

  Andrew watched this whole proceeding with admiration for his beloved friend.

  It is just like you Raven, Andrew thought. You are a king even to the ancients, our ancestors without even trying to be.

  Little did Raven know how much that day would change Glenfair forever. The whole attitude of everyone was different and Amnon and Uriah pledged to quit their surveillance of others from that time on. Raven never knew that was the reason Amnon Prescott’s journal changed and ended different than it began. For his suspicions died that day along with the paper scroll that disintegrated into dust when Raven opened the chest centuries later. Raven noticed the hush and the calm that had come over everyone, and was glad that they had listened to him. In the background he saw the older woman with a small child. She was watching this all with tears streaking down her face.

  He was brought back to reality by Daniel Brickens speaking once again. “We should no longer live in fear of Layton Teal finding us. We have taken precautions to prevent that from happening to the best of our ability. If he finds us we can do nothing for it, but if he does not we should endeavor to make this the great kingdom King Raven has said it can be. We must now turn back to the problem at hand and give what help we can to King Raven and Duke Andrew Crestlaw.”

  Andrew had an idea and so spoke up, “If we need the weapons of your past, there may be a way to get them. Have your time shifter go and get them for us, surely you would listen to her.”

  Daniel looked at the four standing there and said sadly, “That cannot be done for two reasons.”

  The older woman came forward holding the young child and said, “I will go if it is the only way to help us all.”

  Raven saw Uriah stiffen, but he held his peace.

  Daniel looked at Merry compassionately and said, “Merry, as king I cannot let you go, it most certainly will do you further harm. And it is well known a time traveler should never meet themselves in another time, we can’t take that risk. We love you to much to let you go, you have been the salvation for us all and it has cost you dearly.”

  Raven was dumbfounded and he noticed a visible relief from Uriah. This older woman was Merry Sheldon Kallestor? He had always pictured her much younger, someone Uriah had fallen in love with. He now saw the love that Uriah had for her and it all made sense, well some of it did.

  “You are Merry Sheldon Kallestor?” Raven asked unbelieving. Andrew too, was shocked along with Joanna as well.

  “Yes,” she replied, “and this is my son Nathan.”

  “Impossible,” Raven thought. She was too old to have a child that young. Raven looked at the others in his group and saw the shock on Andrew and Joanna’s faces, but Lorriel was not shocked at all. She seemed to knowingly take this all in stride without any hesitation.

  Daniel saw the confusion in the traveler’s faces and spoke, “I believe we should take a recess and reconvene in an hour.”

  With that said, Merry came over to the group along with Uriah, Amnon, Daniel and Samuel Crestlaw.
  Raven spoke first to Amnon, “There is something I have not told any of you yet, but Amnon should know. My wife, the queen was a Prescott before we were married.”

  Amnon was startled, “A descendant of mine will be queen one day?”

  “Yes,” Raven said, “and she has your telepathic abilities as well. That is why the enemy took her, he caught her trying to read his thoughts when we confronted him.”

  Amnon nodded his head now understanding why Layton had taken the queen hostage.

  Now Raven turned his attention back to Merry Sheldon Kallestor. “I am sorry I was so shocked, I just pictured you much younger than you are.”

  Merry looked at Raven sympathetically and said, “A few years ago I was much younger. I have aged more than 30 years in only five. I am just grateful to have had a child before I grew to old to have one, and I see he will carry on a great line of descendants.”

  “How has this happened to you?”

  Merry smiled at Raven and said, “I will let Samuel explain it to you since he is our expert scientist on the effects of time travel.”

  Everyone looked at Samuel as he cleared his throat to begin. “I have studied time travel almost exclusively in my years as a scientist, but only the short durations that time shifters can travel naturally. My whole goal was to find a way to enhance or duplicate the time shift they produce. Finally, with the development of isolinear resonating stone we were able to do what I had dreamed of all my life. Merry Sheldon was the time shifter that helped me in my experiments. In Merry’s first trip with the stones, Uriah, Amnon, and I went back eighty years in time. But something happened in that first experimental trip I did not expect. Once we were free of the enemies influence Uriah told Merry that he had fallen in love with her, and she returned his affections with equal enthusiasm. Amnon was horrified for his friend Uriah, fearing what Layton would do if he found out. It was then I casually said, why don’t we flee so far back in time that Layton could never find us. Uriah and Merry were willing to do that right then, but Amnon and I had wives we did not want to leave behind. So we decided to go back to get them and then disappear. We returned to our own time and the idea secretly spread among others that could be trusted who wanted to leave as well, and then Daniel Brickens came to me. I was terrified because Daniel was Layton’s chief of staff. He told me though that he wished to go with us and wondered how many things we could take with us. I told him I did not know, but would manufacture some more isolinear resonating stone. Daniel arranged for equipment, supplies, and things we would need to be in one place that we could all go to without being suspect. When I arrived with my wife I was appalled to see over 40 people gathered for the great time jump. I had the stones held in a perimeter and told Merry we were ready to go to the time and place we had searched out, where history basically ended. I had purged the computers and had all the backup disks with me so we would leave no trace of how we did this. The only thing that we did not know was if it would really work. Well, it did and we are here. I did not have time to run more tests on Merry after the initial eighty year jump. All we could think about was the escape from Layton Teal. But once we arrived here, Uriah came to me a few weeks later concerned about Merry. Her hair was turning gray.”


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