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The King's Ancestors

Page 27

by Robin Simmons

  “Actually,” Rebekka stated, “it was Elise’s idea.”

  John Martin looked at Elise admiringly and said, “I see we have underestimated you Elise.” Rebekka looked over at Blastion and he was pale and looked very faint.

  “Are you all right she asked?”

  “No,” he replied. “You pull this off and you go telling him what you have done? You have a death wish for the three of us don’t you?”

  Rebekka ignored Blastion and said, “Well minister Martin, what are you going to do now that you know the truth?”

  “Answer me one question,” he said. “Why do you want to rule?”

  “I do not,” Rebekka answered truthfully.

  “Then why go to this great risk to do so?” he asked a little confused.

  “What would happen,” asked Rebekka, “if you knew Layton was gone for good?”

  “I would declare martial law and act as the ruling head of the government,” John Martin stated quickly.

  “And do you think the rest of the cabinet would let you do so, especially Max Bane without a fight?”

  “No,” John Martin agreed. “There would be anarchy and perhaps a war or revolution if that happened. No cabinet person would ever accept another ruling in Layton’s place without a struggle,” John Martin added, seeing the point Rebekka was trying to make.

  Now Rebekka took charge, “Elise has told me that you are a good and decent man, John Martin, but it is better someone else rule for the time being instead of a cabinet member, especially Evil Max.”

  John Martin rubbed his chin in thought and then asked. “What are you planning to do with Layton’s empire and what qualifications do you have for running it?”

  Rebekka said in a saddened tone, “I want the empire to be a place free from oppression and tyranny where people can live in peace without fear. I was also queen of a kingdom back in the time where I lived. I have Blastion and Elise to help me and the cabinet can advise me in matters of state.”

  Elise came forward, facing John Martin and said. “Minister Martin, don’t you want to help make this empire a better place for people to live, for once in your life to make a difference for good now that you can?”

  John Martin’s face calmed and a small smile formed, “Yes I do Elise, and you have my support Queen Rebekka.” Blastion let out an audible sigh of relief as John Martin headed for the door.

  He stopped and looked back over his shoulder and said, “I guess you like it here more than where you used to live if you are so set on staying.” Rebekka and Elise looked at each other and minister Martin said, “What, did I say something wrong?”

  You could feel more than hear the sadness in Rebekka’s voice as she said. “It is for the love of my kingdom I dare not return even though I love my husband more than life itself and even now I carry my husbands child. I cannot return because Layton must remain there. Someday John Martin I will tell you the whole story.”

  He looked at Rebekka and was sure for the first time since he had met her that she was not lusting after power or position, but had instead lived a life of sacrifice. Now more than ever He was convinced she would be good for the empire.

  When the cabinet convened after the half hour recess and everyone was seated, the voice of Layton Teal came once again into their minds.

  “So, now that you have thought it over, let us take a vote. Not that I care mind you, but we will vote just the same. How do you vote minister of defense?”

  “In favor,” John Martin answered. The vote came one by one in favor until at last it came to the minister of economics, Max Bane.

  Layton Teal’s voice asked once again, “Max Bane, how do you vote?”

  “In favor, imperial ruler,” Max said.

  “Good,” the voice of Layton said, “I like unanimous votes on my motions. I will be watching and listening to all of you, so don’t make me come back personally and set things right. You will follow Queen Rebekka as you followed me with one exception; she isn’t me, so don’t expect her to see or do things the brilliant way I did. Remember, I will be watching.”

  With that the voice ended and in the ensuing silence no one moved or said a thing hoping that Layton was really through.

  Rebekka took control by saying, “My first order of business as head of this empire is to order an execution.” Everyone looked shocked as they followed her gaze to Max Bane who had once again turned very white.

  “You have caused the most trouble, and have voiced the most opposition to my rule.” Max tried to find words but no audible sounds came out of his mouth as Rebekka continued, “How do I know that you will not give me trouble or hardship as minister of economics?” There still was no sound from Max as he squirmed and choked trying to say something.

  “As I thought,” Rebekka said mockingly, “you will be of no use to me alive.”

  At last Max found his voice and cried out in panic, “I will be of use to you, I will serve you, please give me a chance.”

  Rebekka sighed as if she was bored, and said, “Ok, but cross me once and you are as good as dead.” John Martin watched this exchange with amusement thinking how brilliant Rebekka was by having Max Bane already in her debt for sparing his life. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Rebekka speaking again.

  “I want to make something very clear about how my cabinet is to function. When I ask for input and your opinions I want just that, even if you think it is not what I want to hear. No one will be punished for sharing their opinions during our cabinet meetings. But when I have all the information I need and I make a decision, that is not the time to question me. If everyone understands these rules we will get along just fine.

  We will convene a cabinet press conference tomorrow at eight in the morning to announce to the people of this empire my new position. Following the press conference we will have our first working cabinet meeting to take care of business. Thank you all for your support, you are dismissed.” Rebekka said this with a curt flat tone and a wave of her hand that showed her indifference to their opinion of her.

  As everyone rose to leave she caught the fleeting thoughts of her cabinet which told her at this moment she was successful in her plan to guide the empire. How long that would last she did not know. She especially feared that Max would regain his boldness and challenge her tomorrow before the press conference.

  The press conference was Blastion Astmos’ idea. After all as Layton’s personal aid he handled all of Layton’s press. He had explained to Rebekka how powerful the media was and what it could do for a person if they controlled its presentation to the public. Rebekka had doubts right away that Blastion knew what he was talking about until Elise also said it was true. Rebekka had a hard time accepting this because of the way things ran in the small kingdom of Glenfair. In Glenfair the public formed its own opinion of people and what was good or bad from what they did. She felt it was backwards to try and influence people to accept or reject a person or policies before they could prove themselves. Their insistence however outlined for Rebekka how little she knew about the politics of Layton’s empire. She agreed to the press conference but still believed that people knew what was right or wrong for the empire.

  “You can hold on to that little fairy tale if you want,” declared Blastion, “but it is not reality. People cannot make the right decision if they are not told the truth or all the facts. People have been told only what their leaders wanted them to know or only what their leaders wanted them to believe. It has been that way long before even Layton came to power.”

  Rebekka was appalled and disgusted with this truth and stated plainly. “From now on it will not be so, we will tell the people what really goes on in the empire and we will keep our promises or we will not make them at all!”

  Blastion only blinked when Rebekka said this and only after a long pause did he say; “You are serious about this aren’t you?

  “Very serious,” was all Rebekka said.

  “Our political life will b
e very interesting,” Blastion said, “even though it may be short lived.” Rebekka smiled at that statement realizing how much things were going to change. She knew the changes would be too fast for most of her cabinet, but too slow for her own liking. She tempered this with the truth she needed patience and slow planning for anything to be accomplished. The first major change came right away by Blastion insisting Rebekka move into Layton’s palace immediately. If she was to act like the empire was hers she had to play the part. Rebekka agreed only on the condition that Elise could come with her and any thing else Elise wanted from her home. Blastion saw no problem with that request and immediately had Queen Rebekka and Chancellor Elise transported to the palace.

  John Martin was also a great help in this matter for as minister of defense he commanded some control over the palace guard. He informed them of Queen Rebekka’s appointment as head of state in place of Layton Teal and commanded them to guard her as they had their former emperor. The palace guard had no problem with this new assignment for they could not conceive such an order as this coming from the minister of defense if it were not the wish of Layton himself. Once he had established Rebekka firmly in the palace he gave orders to the head of the palace guard not to allow anyone into the palace without Queen Rebekka’s or Chancellor Elise’s permission, including himself. The head of the palace guard took this admonition very seriously as if his life depended on its fulfillment, which indeed it had under the past rule of Layton Teal.

  So thanks to Blastion Astmos and John Martin, Queen Rebekka was established in the palace and protected by the palace guard before the sun descended that evening.

  It was a good thing such quick action took place for as soon as Max Bane had left the cabinet meeting he began to realize that this was the best opportunity he would ever have to make a bid for power. Gathering his power base around him, he quickly plotted Rebekka’s assassination and how he would use that moment to make a grab for it all. But before his plans were finalized word came to him through his spies that the new emperor, Queen Rebekka was already entrenched in the palace with the palace guard faithfully protecting her. Max Bane’s plans were dashed with that news and he was shocked that this had taken place so quickly. How had this happened? This all smelled of Layton Teal, he had to be behind so quick a move knowing it would be the weak link in executing this change of leadership. He had to give Layton credit, he seemed to always be one step ahead of him all the time. Nevertheless he would keep plotting and somehow kill this woman and take her place as ruler of this empire. He felt it would be so, it was his destiny.

  Rebekka Kallestor could not believe how quickly events had unfolded. One moment she was the prisoner of Layton Teal, the next, ruler of his empire and living in his palace. She had to laugh at the absurdity of the whole situation. If Layton Teal had known what was going to happen to his empire in his absence he surely never would have left. This was the only consolation Rebekka had for being trapped the rest of her life in the future away from the people she loved most. She would try her best to undo all Layton had worked for. His evil hold and repression of the people would be broken somehow, she determined. She was tired from the stress of the day’s events and knew she must rest for the next day would be just as taxing.

  The next day came early for Rebekka as she had to prepare for the press conference Blastion Astmos insisted take place with all the cabinet members present. Blastion informed her that the press was quite eager for a conference since there had not been one in quite awhile. Elise was very nervous about the press conference and Rebekka had a hard time understanding why. Elise had been at press conferences before standing beside Layton Teal, but she was never required to speak. She had stood up so well under the pressure of Layton’s cabinet and the criticism of Max Bane that for her to be nervous about this little press conference puzzled Rebekka.

  Pi, Elise’s android was amused by both Rebekka’s and Elise’s response to the press conference and tried to encourage Elise to eat some breakfast. Pi had no trouble getting Rebekka to eat since she had an increased appetite because of her pregnancy. But Pi was concerned for Elise because the girl had developed an enormous appetite since the long time shift and her accelerated aging.

  While Pi argued with Elise about breakfast a voice came from somewhere over their heads that said:

  “Queen Rebekka, Blastion Astmos is here to see you, shall I allow him to enter the palace.” Rebekka looked around to see where the voice was coming from and Elise got up and depressed a button on the wall and responded.

  “This is Chancellor Elise, send him up right away.”

  There was a hesitation and the voice spoke again, “I am sorry Chancellor, my orders were to allow no one on the palace grounds without Queen Rebekka’s permission.” Rebekka thought she now understood the source of the voice having been exposed to much of the technology of Layton’s time.

  She spoke loud as she responded, “This is Queen Rebekka, do send Blastion Astmos in right away.” Then Rebekka added, “Who are you and what is your name and position?” She could hear the man’s voice being cleared as she waited for his response.

  “I am Sargent of the palace guard and my name is Sherman Templas.”

  “Sherman,” the queen replied, “after the press conference and cabinet meeting today, I would like to meet with all of the palace guards, can that be arranged?”

  “It shall be done,” was all Sherman answered.

  Rebekka then turned to Pi and said, “Would you be so kind as to receive Blastion and bring him into our presence?” Pi smiled and left to meet Blastion. She liked Queen Rebekka because she treated her as she would any other person. She was also grateful for the change Rebekka had brought about in Elise’s attitude toward her. She was still Elise’s property, but now she was viewed as more than a simple machine to produce things for Elise’s comfort on command. She even hoped that with time she would be accepted as a trusted servant and friend.

  When Blastion appeared with Pi, Rebekka warmly greeted him.

  “Are you ready for the press conference,” asked Blastion. And then he added, “My spies have informed me that Max Bane is already plotting to get rid of you.”

  Rebekka nodded knowingly, “It is to be expected. An evil man like Layton Teal spawns others of similar ambition and morals.” Rebekka then looked at Blastion and said, “How do you know so much of what is going on?”

  Blastion blushed, “Intelligence was my main job for Layton, not just being his aid. Being his aid was just a front for the real job of spying for him.”

  “I appreciate what you have done for me Blastion, but you do not need to spy for me. Max Bane’s actions will be known soon enough.”

  Blastion was appalled, “You mean you don’t want to know what others are saying about you behind your back?”

  Rebekka smiled, “That is the last thing I want to know. If I wanted I could read people’s minds, but that would be unethical without a compelling reason to do so.” Blastion looked at Rebekka with awe, it had been a long time since he had met someone with such character.

  You will do the empire good if you survive, he thought.

  “We had better get to work for there are some necessary preparations we must make before the press conference,” Blastion said.

  John Martin was waiting at the front of the palace to escort Queen Rebekka and Elise to the press conference. It seemed he too was worried about Rebekka’s safety. They arrived at the government complex where they had the cabinet meeting the day before and entered, escorted by John Martin’s soldiers. The other cabinet members were there waiting except Max Bane who was no where to be seen.

  Chan Quon was the first to speak to Queen Rebekka, “What kind of press conference are we going to have today?”

  Blastion took this as his cue and spoke up; “The press conference will be seen by everyone, and its purpose is for this cabinet to tell the empire of Queen Rebekka’s appointment as head of state.”

  No one countered
this after the previous day’s meeting and the dramatic conclusion so Rebekka said, “We will have a short cabinet meeting before the press conference.” When everyone was seated Rebekka began the meeting with the news that there would be some difficult changes under her rule.

  “But first, I want everyone to know that you will be asked to make some sacrifices for the good of the empire.” Rebekka eyed everyone to see how this would be received and seeing no response continued. “I myself have made sacrifices in coming here by Layton’s choice. I have left a husband, son, and another kingdom to be here. And even now I am carrying...” at that moment Max Bane entered the room to join the cabinet meeting.

  Rebekka stopped in mid sentence and looked at him scornfully, “It is nice of you to join us Max,” was all she said as she began again. Everyone looked at each other to see what Rebekka would do, for Layton would never have tolerated such insubordination and indifference that Max was showing Queen Rebekka.

  “As I was saying,” Rebekka continued, “we will have to make sacrifices for the empire. I am carrying my husband’s child, and it will be born in another time and place than he would like, but that cannot be helped. Now, I require certain information before the press conference is to take place today, mainly concerning economics,” and with that she glanced again scornfully at Max Bane.

  John Martin was getting worried, for if this is as tough as she was going to get with Max’s insubordination, they all were in trouble. The first question I have is about the state held funds of the empire.

  Max smiled and said, “That is my category, due to the thrifty fleecing of the people we are now several trillion dollars in the black and that can probably be increased more this coming year since we have no immediate war campaign to pay for,” he said this last bit glancing at John Martin.

  Rebekka nodded and asked the rest of the cabinet, “Do you agree, we have an ample surplus in revenue at present?” They all nodded in agreement to her question.


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