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The King's Ancestors

Page 33

by Robin Simmons

  A great joy filled the kingdom as the news spread of Queen Rebekka’s return. Adriell adjusted faster to living in Glenfair than Rebekka expected her too, and became close friends with Jason and Lucinda, her cousins. All of us came to love the woman who took our Queen from us. Chancellor Elise died a year later and Pi greatly mourned her passing. I feel never in history has there been a greater kingdom, nor a greater King and Queen than Raven and Rebekka. It is to my joy that they shall outlive me being united once again. When I think of all the events of the past, I cannot help but believe that God gifted four young people to change the world greatly in the past, present and future. Our kingdom, though small must have drawn the favor of the Almighty, for he was not willing to let it vanish from history. When I think of God’s designs and plans, my senses grow dull. His ways are far above any mortal’s understanding for our good.

  I, Master Fields thought it fitting to tell you this story that you may know what makes a king great. Andronicus summed up the matter quite well:

  “A great king sacrifices himself for others, and great sacrifice is always accompanied by great suffering.”

  Why these two seem to be inseparable is a question I will ask the Almighty when we meet face to face. Until then, may you enjoy peace in your own kingdom. Farewell my friends,

  Master Fields


  It was a warm spring day with a light breeze blowing as two women and two men gathered around the grave of the King. They were all silent until Edward spoke:

  “Today the kingdom loses the greatest King it has ever had. He saved our land in the Wickshield war and he fought for our very existence against a powerful and evil enemy. Because of his sacrifice for the kingdom he was greatly loved by all. Father, believe me when I say that you have taught me the how to be a great king. I promise I will sacrifice myself for our people, and I pray that I will be half the King you were.”

  After Edward finished, the four came forward and each placed a single white rose on the grave of the King. Adriell was last, and as she placed the rose on the grave she knelt down and said quietly, “I love you father. When my time comes, will anyone place a single white rose on my grave? I hope it will be so...”

  The King’s Descendants

  From Book 3 of the Kingdom of Glenfair

  Coming Soon…..

  Lucinda stood appalled at the burned castle. Its doors were charred and shattered, hanging at odd angles. she stepped through the ruined doors and called out. There was no answer, only the silence of the empty courtyard. Tentatively she took a few steps into the courtyard of the king’s castle and listened. She could tell the destruction of the castle had been very recent, for she could still smell the smoke from its burning. She had no idea what had happened, or where everyone had gone. An eerie coldness swept over her as she realized she was alone. Lucinda had never felt this way in her whole life and she started to turn and flee when movement at the burned gates caught her eye. A figure clothed in rags, hiding its features approached her.

  “So, you are searching for the inhabitants of this castle. They are gone, dead, destroyed. The whole kingdom is destroyed.” Then he began to laugh wickedly. He came closer and paused. Lucinda could tell whomever he might be was observing her with interest. Then he spoke again: “I thought I had killed you. No matter, this time I shall make sure you are thoroughly dead!”

  Lucinda almost panicked at that moment, but was able to concentrate on the past she knew so well. She could see the stranger reaching out for her as the surroundings began to shimmer and change, and heard him scream with rage as she vanished from his grasp. At that moment the courtyard of the king’s castle began to take shape, only this courtyard was full of life and noise. She saw the astonished face of Master Rollins, and she tried to take a step toward him, but every thing went black.

  Lucinda faintly heard someone calling her name. As her head began to clear she could make out the face of Master Rollins staring down at her. Then she saw Edward and Adriell were there too. She sat up quickly and saw the great hall of the king’s castle and she began to cry. Master Rollins knelt down beside her and hugged her close.

  “You will be fine. You have become a time shifter like your mother, has the time shift frightened you?” Somehow Master Rollins' words settled and comforted Lucinda.

  “How do you know that?” Lucinda asked.

  Edward smiled, “Master Rollins watched you appear out of thin air in the courtyard. I think it has frightened him much more than it has you. You could only do that if you had shifted time.” Actually, Master Rollins was not as shaken as Edward expected him to be at such an unexpected event. He had explained the time shift in such a calm and rational matter it surprised Edward. The way he had comforted Lucinda was unusual as well. There seemed to be more than Edward could see under the surface. He would have to ask Master Rollins about this sometime.

  Lucinda exclaimed, “The time shift did not frighten me at all, it was what I saw there that did. When I felt the change come upon me I could not resist traveling in time. Father warned me this would happen, and I should have consulted Jason and the rest of you. Instead I decided to travel alone, two years into the future. The Prescott castle and this castle were empty and burned. There was no sign of any one in the king’s castle except the stranger I met.” Lucinda shuddered as she remembered that evil laugh. “He said that the whole kingdom was destroyed and that you were all dead. He said he would make sure I was really dead this time. As he started toward me I concentrated on the courtyard in this time, it was all I could think of.”

  “What did this stranger look like?” Edward asked.

  “I did not see his face, for it was covered. But the voice sounded like that of Andronicus. I know beyond any doubt it was not Andronicus, because, whomever it was, he was completely evil.”

  Edward now felt the pressures of being King and having to decide what was best for the whole kingdom. He had learned this from his father, Raven, the greatest King Glenfair had ever had. Why did he feel so helpless, inadequate for the task that lay before him. Had his father ever felt this way when faced with a terrible crisis? It seemed the whole world was upon his shoulders, a dark cloud of evil on the horizon that he could feel, yet neither see nor touch. If what Lucinda said was true, the whole kingdom was in danger of being destroyed, pillaged and burned. Adriell, Lucinda, and Master Rollins waited anxiously for Edward to decide on a course of action. Finally he turned to them and said; “We must go to Andronicus and ask his advice on what we should do to stop Glenfair from being destroyed. Adriell, contact Andronicus and inform him we will be coming.”

  Adriell, concentrated her mental powers and spoke out for Andronicus to hear but there was no answer. She tried again and still there was no answer. With her face turning pale she said to the rest: “Andronicus does not answer, neither can I feel his presence at all, it is as if he has vanished.”




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