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Song of Awakening

Page 6

by D. R. Rosier

  She stopped after I came down a bit, and licked my wound closed slowly, sensuously. She guided my head back and claimed my lips for a long hot kiss. Her lips felt so good against mine, as I drowned in the pleasure she’d already given me, and I gasped as I felt her questing hand reach between my legs. With a quick twist of her fingers, my now soaked panties were pushed aside, and I couldn’t help but arch my back and gasp into her mouth as her fingers slid into my slick core.

  “Oh fuck,” I said softly, as they turned out to be magical fingers, she’d already found my g-spot and her thumb flicked my sensitive little nub.

  I hadn’t been idle, my hand was similarly engaged, as I slid it down and cupped her beautiful mound, before I slipped my finger between her soft silken moist folds. She gasped in my mouth and nipped my lip, making me ground down, pinning her hand against her own leg. She arched her back and ground against my hand and we both whimpered into one another’s mouths, as we played each other’s bodies like an instrument.

  I finally gave up on the kiss, the gasping, the breathlessness, and the shocking pleasure that zinged throughout my body made it impossible to coordinate. Instead I rose up slightly and looked into her sweet doe eyes. That moment made it ten times more intense, as I stared deeply into her eyes, while her fingers pleasured me expertly, and while I did the same. I was mewling with pleasure, and so lost in her eyes as I exploded in blissful mind numbing pleasure.

  It was the most intense and emotionally charged orgasm I’d ever had in my life.

  She came moments later, my own ecstasy throwing her into her own. I could feel her core grasp and lock down on my questing fingers as my trembling body collapsed against, and conformed to hers. Our faces were so close, our eyes still locked. Then the most surprising thing happened. The energy we’d built together slammed into my body like a wrecking ball, more energy than I’d ever absorbed at once before. At least tenfold more than I’d harvested last night, or any other night before.

  I wasn’t in any shape right then to figure out why that would be, and honestly, as I looked into Lisa’s eyes, I didn’t really give a shit just then. I kissed her softly, then decided to introduce the rest of her body to my lips, one inch at a time…

  I stared at the ceiling, holding Lisa’s soft, supple, and sexy body against mine. We’d both explored each other, rather thoroughly, and she fell asleep a few minutes ago. I was completely wired, there was no way I could sleep tonight. Sometimes when I took a man and absorbed his energy, it would prevent me from sleeping that same night, as the power of it buzzed through my body.

  Lisa and I had generated so much energy tonight, I wasn’t sure if I’d be sleeping for a week, I also thought my strength and speed were so enhanced right now, I might even be able to take Chad down without silver.

  I also felt… guilty. Guilt is a strange thing sometimes. I loved Lisa like a sister, and like a friend, but did I really love her love her? Earlier in the night I’d been afraid I wanted the relationship with her less because I did care about her very much, and more that she was on a very select and small menu of beings seemingly immune to my power.

  Now I find out with an intense emotional connection, the energy and power I absorb from sex is ten times stronger than just the meaningless physical act, which means being with Lisa is the equivalent of me having a ten-man harem? It was also highly ironic, that sirens for the most part, couldn’t have what I just did. At least, the chances were small, I knew three people that seemed immune to my power. One of them wasn’t interested, one I’d just met, and of course, Lisa.

  Of course, if I didn’t love her, then would that intense connection exist?

  Like I said, guilt is weird sometimes, and not always honest. I knew I was happy where I was though, and I couldn’t take it back anyway, she’d said she’d kill me after all. I tried not to giggle at that thought, she needed the sleep after her wound healed and our marathon sex.

  I wasn’t sure where it was going, but I did know I’d try not to take her for granted, and that cheap meaningless hookups were a thing of the past for me, at least for now. I supposed time would tell me how I felt. Of course, even without needing to sleep, I felt no need to leave her bed. She felt really good in my arms, her soft smooth skin felt so good against mine. Come to think of it, this seemed like a good time to try and listen to my own song.

  I turned my magic inward and closed my eyes. My song was, intense right now. My healing, strength, and speed were at a staccato beat, but I didn’t notice anything that matched up with the species I knew. There was however a nebulous shadow song, running below my own. But it was smoke, like the difference between just hearing the song in my head, or actually hearing it on the radio. It was too indistinct and vague, and I couldn’t really get a lock on it.

  I wasn’t sure what that meant, did that mean the second race was… filtered out? Or could my father have been some kind of shifter, but it wasn’t strong enough in me to come out? I wasn’t sure, the shadowy song was just too weak. I knew shifters had a similar thing, but their underlying songs were stronger, like background music, that would be brought to the foreground and increase in volume when the shifter changed their shape, to a wolf, cat or other form.

  Mine wasn’t like that; it was like an echo or a memory. Either way, maybe it didn’t matter what I truly was. I was curious, and would try to find out, but I wasn’t sure how it would matter in the long run, if my other race was… suppressed by my siren side. I was giving serious thought to asking Brent about it, surely he knew if Harold had picked up on it moments after meeting me, Brent was a strong mage as well.

  The real question that had me worried was, why hadn’t he told me?

  Chapter 8

  The next morning was a little awkward.

  Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t regret it at all, and I was disgustingly cheery as I showered off our blissful morning reprisal of last night’s activities after she woke up. Our relationship had always been one of pushing each other, like partners are accustomed to do. I wasn’t sure how to talk to her now that all I wanted to do was smile and kiss her warm lips.

  Throwing words like bitch and slut back and forth just didn’t seem right anymore.

  Of course, I was in my late twenties and in what was for me my first genuine relationship. Ugh, I hate that word. Regardless, I would figure it out, follow her lead, whatever. But it would take some time getting used to. Most woman were ten years younger when they got their first boyfriend or girlfriend. I dried off and pulled on my armor, followed by some tight black jeans, my boots, a tight white shirt, and a loose blue blouse. I had more professional clothes at work if I got on a job quick, but I knew I needed to write up what happened last night.

  I also wanted to talk to Brent for a couple of reasons.

  I walked out into the kitchen. Lisa had made me coffee again, and was cooking breakfast. I was all ready to throw out a teasing quip about sleeping with her sooner if I’d known she’d cook for me, but I stilled my lips as I stopped at the entrance, and stared at her profile for a moment.

  She looked… relaxed, and happy. She’d always had a subtle guarded stiffness that I’d never noticed before, until now that was gone. She also looked sexy as hell in the black silk camisole and yoga pants she had on. Goddess, I was a slut, I’d just got done… and I definitely didn’t need the energy, I was already buzzing with power and wondered if I’d ever sleep again.

  “You going to stand there staring at me all day?” Lisa teased.

  I smirked and said teasingly, “Nothing better has come up yet, I’ll stop staring as soon as it does.”

  She snorted as she poured an omelet onto a plate, “Eat, I need to change or we’ll be late.”

  I finally moved and grabbed a coffee, and sat down, now it was her staring at me. I guess I’d moved a little too fast, and had to explain the whole energy thing. I’d have to watch that, I was also looking forward to the next time I took on an elf, I’d shock the crap out of them, probably around the same time their guts
were pouring out. I supposed the coffee was overkill, but I liked a cup at breakfast so why not?

  Lisa was hardly slow herself, and was back before I’d polished off the omelet, similarly dressed in tight black jeans, but her boots were red, and her top was a much lighter blue, and clingy. I finished up, put my dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and we headed into work. The ride was a little quieter than usual, but comfortable.

  When we got close, Lisa’s normal I am a crazy deadly vampire face showed up, and I decided to take her lead on things. I like to think I’m normally confident, but I didn’t know shit about relationships, so following her lead on how to deal with it at work just made sense to me.

  I typed up a report on the computer first thing. I hated doing them, but it was important, not only the boss read them, but they were available for the government to go through as well since we were contractors, or at least, Brent’s company was. I was just finishing up when Pricilla called me to Brent’s office. I made him wait a couple of minutes, just so I could finish.

  I jumped up and headed toward the area, keeping myself at a normal walking speed with some effort. It was becoming pretty clear to me I’d been starving myself for years, getting by on very little. With Lisa… my whole life would change. I also didn’t have that itch. The best I could explain it to someone that isn’t a siren, was I didn’t feel hungry anymore, but that wasn’t really it, just the closest I could come. I wondered if I would change very much because of it, I was sure some of my bitchiness had come from that empty feeling.

  I got off the elevator, and ignored Pricilla’s sour look as I walked right past her, knocked once, and then went inside. I froze for a second when I saw Lisa sitting at the conference table with Brent, but only for a microsecond, it was more of a hitch in my walk than truly stopping. I took a seat and waited.

  Brent cleared his throat, “You did a good job yesterday, but I want to make this clear. You’re still on probation, and if you screw up I’ll have you driving a desk for six months, or you can walk. That said, I’m teaming you back up with Lisa, mostly because she won’t work with Tad again. Don’t test me on this, the company is at risk in losing its contracts, the last thing we need is another red flag. I’ll have no choice but to flatten you.”

  I sighed, “Sure boss. I got it.”

  That came out a little more flippant than I’d intended, but Brent merely narrowed his eyes at me a moment, before he turned the screen on that was behind him. A picture of a tall man, six foot two, with darkly tanned skin, long golden blond hair, blue eyes, and handsome if disturbed looking face showed up on the big screen.

  Brent said in a briefing voice, “Gary Newell, lion shifter. He was found guilty a few days ago of several counts of first degree murder. He liked to capture humans, most often from gyms, strip them down, give them a knife, and have them run so he could hunt them down. He liked them to be in shape enough to give him somewhat of a challenge. He almost got off on a technicality, and after trial while he was being moved to a max prison his pride attacked the prison transfer vehicle.

  “The marshals tracked him to his house of all places, and he tore them apart. Apparently he got his hands on a hidden weapon and cash stash he had in a hidden room off of his basement. All we know outside of that is he left on foot, his pride may or may not be with him at this point, so both of you be on your guard. This one is dead or alive, so don’t take any chances if he won’t surrender, just end him.”

  Brent asked, “Any questions?”

  “I have a personal question.”

  Brent frowned, “Can’t it wait?”

  I shrugged, “It’s easy enough to answer. Did you know I was only half siren? And do you know what my other half is?”

  I studied him closely and saw the flinches that told me he did, but he replied, “Now isn’t the time, you have a job to do, and I’m too busy.”

  I raised an eyebrow, “You could have answered me in less words than that Brent, what the fuck is going on?”

  Brent’s eyes narrowed angrily, but then he sighed in frustration, “You are a pain in the ass, do you know that? I can’t tell you, I’ve sworn an oath on my magic not too.”

  Swearing on one’s own magic is insane. If he ever broke his word, even a slip of the tongue, he’d lose his power, and very possibly die.

  I shook my head and wondered if I knew him at all. I’d also never questioned the fact that he took a smart mouthed delinquent in, it had just never occurred to me, but now I was thinking about it, and my mind didn’t want to. Really, he should have thrown up his hands and given up on me a long time ago.

  “Who… and when?”

  He frowned, “What?”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes, “You can tell me that much, who did you give the oath to, and when?”

  Lisa looked as angry as I felt, and I wondered what she thought about all this.

  He sighed, “Theo, and over ten years ago, before we met.”

  I goggled at him a moment, “How about the resistance, how are you immune to me?”

  He blew out a breath, “I can’t tell you that either.”

  I stared at him for a moment, how did he make an oath about me before we’d met? Obviously us meeting hadn’t been chance at all. Was it possible the reason he put up with all my crap over the years was because he had to? Was the oath why I still had a job? What had he gotten out of it? All questions I couldn’t ask, and he couldn’t answer. I’d have to go to Theo for answers, which… really annoyed the hell out of me.

  All I could think of when that ran through my head, was thank god I failed to seduce him. Maybe that’s why I failed. Shit. I didn’t know what to think, and had half a mind to quit, but I wasn’t quite that impulsive. I’d wait until I had all the facts, then I could gauge my response. Just how much of my life has been an arranged lie?

  I stood up and walked toward the door, Lisa was at my side, she’d responded so fast it looked like we’d moved as one.

  “Where are you going,” Brent asked.

  I turned back and said, “To catch that lion shifter, I’ll talk to Theo tomorrow, on my day off.”

  I noticed his face blanch as I turned my back on him and walked out…

  Chapter 9

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Lisa asked softly as we drove to Gary Newell’s place.

  I frowned, “Maybe once I talk to Theo and figure out what it is. Right now all we have are questions.”

  She nodded, “It might explain why Theo let you get away with that punch two days ago, whatever it is, and thank you.”

  I shook my head, “For what?”

  She grinned, “For saying we.”

  My mind was still going in circles with all the possible what ifs I’d come up with, and I was trying to think of more, but I suppressed it all and got my mind in the hunt. We were after insane lion shifters, the last thing I needed to do was be unfocused.

  We pulled up in front of the house and got out. It was an old one story ranch style house that looked like it needed a paint job ten years ago. The porch railing was broken off on one side, and the wood looked rotten. I took a quick listen.

  “No shifters, but there’s a human inside.”

  Lisa nodded, “I can hear him, sniffling.”

  We exchanged a confused look at that, and she circled around to the back of the property as I walked up to the front door, which was a few inches open, the crime scene tape hanging from one side. I took a deep breath, and walked in carefully, the human was farther back in the house.

  I didn’t have any special sense of smell, or hearing outside of perfect pitch, and of that I was glad, I could still smell the death but for Lisa it would be even worse. I pulled my weapon.

  “Walker security services, identify yourself.”

  There was a moment of silence, and then a loud sneeze. What the hell?

  “Agent Dan Grimes,” followed by coughing.

  I frowned and walked around the corner into the kitchen, Lisa came in from the other side. Dan Grimes w
as about six foot one, black hair and gray eyes, he was wearing a dark gray slacks, a white collared shirt open at the top, and had on a pair of black loafers. He also had bloodshot eyes, a puffy nose, and a grim look on his face.

  “What are you doing here? We were told you’d be all cleared out,” I asked in annoyance.

  He glared at me for a second, until he took me in and his eyes widened. And then he raised a handkerchief to his nose and sneezed.

  He cleared his throat, “My partner was taken, I was out sick today, but I had to come check the place out when I heard.”

  Lisa tilted her head, “Taken? We were told all the marshals were killed.”

  Grimes replied with a shake of his head, “It… appeared that way at first, your boss probably only got the initial report. The bodies were rather… unidentifiable. It was only when the coroner was able to sort things out that we realized my partner was missing. I should have been there.”

  Well hell, we’d come here looking for clues on where they might have gone next, looks like we found one.

  Lisa and I looked at each other, “You don’t think?” she asked.

  I frowned, “A smart man would be running for Mexico, and continue on to somewhere in Central America, but…”

  Lisa nodded, “Gary isn’t exactly the sharpest claw in the litter, and crazy on top of it.”

  I snorted, “Do we know where he did his hunting thing?”

  Lisa tilted her head, “Southeast on one seventy-five, I think he has some land by Crandall.”

  Grimes said, “Yes, that’s where. But do you really think he would be that stupid?”

  Lisa and I shared a look again, and I nodded.

  “He came here didn’t he? No doubt he’ll eventually want to run south, but I think he’ll want to have his fun first. Get his revenge on the humans that tried to put him away. One last hunt before he leaves this life behind, pick a reason.”


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