Book Read Free

Teased by Fire

Page 13

by Molly O'Hare

  Hank planned on telling her every day. Even if she didn’t realize it, he was going to stop at nothing from reminding her of it daily. He took Olive’s hand in his giving it a small squeeze. “I miss you, baby, and I need you to wake up. I miss your sassiness, your quirks, your angry huffs that cause the small wrinkles on your forehead.” A sad smile formed on his lips. “I miss your little snore you swear you don’t make. I miss your smile and all your crazy conspiracy theory ideas. I miss lying next to you and feeling your heartbeat. Most of all baby, I miss you. I need you to wake up for me, Olive Oil. If not for me, then for Miranda. She’s been a mess. Or better yet, screw Miranda, wake up for Dog.”

  Hank brought Olive’s hand to his mouth before he lightly kissed it. “Dog really misses you. I don’t know if she misses pushing you around or just misses you, but when I went home this morning she refused to get off of your bed.” He chuckled. “Get this, she somehow brought her cat bowl up there and demands that’s where she’ll be fed. I’m still trying to figure out how she managed to get it on the bed, but this is Dog we are talking about.” Hank started rubbing his thumb along Olive’s hand. “I need you to wake up so Dog can go back to being herself. She’s freaking me out.”

  Hank placed his forehead on the side of the bed, as he did his best to control the rampant emotions that were running through him. “If I could switch places with you, Olive Oil. I would.”

  Hank pushed himself away from the bed before bringing her hand to his lips once more. After kissing it, he placed it gently on the bed and reached for the book. Hank settled into his seat before starting once more. “Chapter Twelve…”

  “Hey, honey.”

  He looked from the book to see his mother, Robin walked through the door. A sense of calm washed over him, as it did every time she’d come to visit Olive. “Hey, Mom.”

  Robin made her way over to the other side of Olive’s bed. “How’s she doing? Have you heard anything?”

  Hank shook his head, before closing the book and placing it back on the table. “The doctor keeps saying she’s improving, but I don’t know if she really is. To me, improvement means waking up, so I don’t know. They said she isn’t breathing on her own yet.”

  “If the doctors say they see signs of improvement then there are,” she assured him. “You have to have faith in that, son. Her body has been through a lot. It needs all the rest it can get to heal.”

  Hank fell back into his chair, before placing his hand over his eyes in desperation. “I know, Mom. I just wish there was more tangible proof she was getting better.” He’d take anything at this point.

  Robin leaned over the bed placing a small kiss on Olive’s cheek. “Hey Olive, it’s Momma Parker. You take all the time you need to get better. Don’t let Hank pressure you. We’ll be right here waiting when you’re ready.”

  Hank shot his eyes to his mother, his lips going into a thin line. “I’m not pressuring her.”

  Robin stared at her son with both of her brows towards the roof causing Hank to hold his hands up in surrender. “Okay, I might be mentioning it every ten or so minutes, but I can’t help it.” He sat back in his chair, defeated.

  “I know, sweetie,” Robin’s voice was soft. “Your heart’s in a good place. But no woman wants to be constantly told what to do.”

  Leave it to his mother to be the voice of reason.

  Ignoring the gaze, he felt from his mother, he focused his attention back on Olive. It had only been a few days. No one could recover that fast. He needed to keep reminding himself of that.

  Robin placed her hand on his. “She’s gonna wake up, Hank.”

  God, he hoped so.

  “And when she does, we can talk about wedding plans and grandbabies. I’m not getting any younger, you know?”

  That got his attention.

  Hank’s body stiffened as he turned to his mother. His features must have shown his shock because she shook her head with a tsk. “Do you really think your mother’s that dumb?” Robin nonchalantly walked to the chair in the room and sat, before making eye contact with Hank.

  He didn’t know what to say, so he said nothing.

  Robin crossed her left leg over her right before leaning into one side of the chair. “Mother’s always know, Hank.”


  Robin cocked her brow at him. “You’ve never been good at hiding your feelings, honey. Your father and I’ve known you’ve had a thing for Olive Quinn since you were kids.”

  Hank’s mouth nearly hit the floor.

  “Wipe that look off your face young man.”

  At his mother’s playful tone, he chuckled. “I can’t. This is just how my face is.”

  “Truly a face only a mother could love, no doubt,” Robin joked.


  With a quick shrug, Robin ignored Hank’s appalled face and looked back to Olive. “I’m glad you have her, Hank. I’ve always loved her as if she were my own.”

  “I know you have, Mom.”

  “It’s nice to see two people so in love,” she said.

  “She doesn’t think I’m really in love with her, Mom,” he spoke truthfully. “But, I can guarantee you as soon as she wakes up I’ll stop at nothing to prove to her how much I do love her. She’ll eventually see she loves me too.”

  “I have no doubt, Hank.” Robin pulled out a wedding magazine from her bag and started thumbing through it. “You’ve always been one not to stop once you’ve set your sights on something.”

  After seeing what his mother was looking at, Hank couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Either she’d talked to Miranda, or she planned this all along.

  Knowing his family, he was sure it was a combination of both.

  He shrugged it off as he turned his focus back on Olive. His mother was right about one thing, once he had his sights set, nothing was going to stop him.

  Olive’s “love doesn’t exist” be damned.

  Hank was going to prove to her and anyone else that doubted him what love was really about. As soon as she opened her eyes, he was going to show her the adventure of a lifetime. Dog included.

  He sat back in his chair with a smile on his face. It was funny how speaking with his mom for only a few minutes could change his whole outlook.

  He knew Olive was going to wake up and when she did it was game time.

  He reached for the book ready to continue reading her the story.

  That’s when Mr. and Mrs. Quinn walked in.

  Chapter Eighteen

  What the hell is that annoying beeping?

  Olive felt a pounding in her head, but her hand wouldn’t move to reach for it. What in the hell is going on?

  The beeping started to get louder which in turn made her head throb.

  Holy crap that’s annoying!

  Olive tried to lift her hand again, but had no such luck. I hope someone got the license plate of the truck that ran over me, because they decided they forgot something and backed over me again. Then for good measure, ran over me one more time.

  Olive tried to piece together what was going on. Her throat was dry and scratchy, and no matter how hard she tried to move she wasn’t going anywhere. She decided to give up moving her limbs, and focused on her eyes. When she realized she was still surrounded by darkness, she panicked.

  Why can’t I open my eyes?

  She heard the beep again which snapped her brain into gear. Oh, dear god. This is it. This is the alien mothership and I’ve finally been abducted. Olive started overreacting. I bet, I’m one of their experiments. If I could just open my eyes I could finally catch a glimpse of what they look like…

  “I see you finally decided to show up?”

  What do you mean ‘decided to show up?’ You all are the ones that abducted me. I wonder if they can hear my thoughts? Hello! I come in peace. Unless peace on your planet means something different than it does where I’m from. Then I come in whatever you consider not be hostile.

  Olive tried to open her eyes once more but they refus
ed to budge. Give me a break!

  “I called you when she was rushed into surgery. If you weren’t going to show up then, why even bother now? Days later.”

  Alien man sounds pissed.

  As Olive tried to make her brain function, she realized there was something familiar about the voice. The sound weirdly comforted her, but she couldn’t figure out why. Strange.

  “She’s our daughter, of course, we are going to show up,” another familiar voice said. However, this one didn’t give her a comforting feeling. No, this one made her want to hide.

  “Mrs. Quinn, I hate to interject here, but as a mother, if someone called and informed me my child had been in an accident nothing would have stopped me from getting to them.”

  “It’s nice to see you again, Robin,” the voice spoke with a hint of disgust. “For your information, when we received the news we were in the middle of an event. You couldn’t expect us to leave, now could you?”

  “Yes, we could have. She’s you’re fuckin’ daughter,” this came from alien man.

  What in the world is going on?

  “From what you described, it didn’t sound like she would have made it out of surgery.”


  “Sorry to disappoint you, but she did,” alien man snarled. “It’s nice of you to finally make your presence known.”

  Presents? Who’s getting gifts? Olive’s head had never hurt this bad in her life.

  She heard rustling around her until a new voice spoke up, a deeper voice. “How long do they plan on keeping her on there? I guess it’s not uncommon for people to live off of a ventilator, although if you ask me it’s a waste of resources.”

  “How could you say such a thing, Mr. Quinn?”

  “Do you expect anything less from them, Mom? When it comes to Olive, they have never been parents. They’re nothing but a sad sack of humans if you ask me.”

  Hank? Why does that sound so much like Hank?

  She tried once again to open her eyes, but it was like there was a disconnect between her brain and body.

  “Do not speak to me like that.”

  “Like what? The piece of garbage you both are?”

  “Let’s take a deep breath. Everyone needs to calm down?” Mamma Parker?

  “Calm down my ass! Their daughter is fighting for her life right there and they can’t seem to be bothered.”

  Fighting for my life…

  Just like that, everything came rushing back to Olive. She remembered spending the morning in bed with Hank, they had talked about a lot of things. Her parents and her obsession with the holidays. Then there was Hank declaring he was in love with her.

  The fight!

  Hank had told her he didn’t want to be with her anymore.

  Olive started to feel her body and mind connect, but it wasn’t quite there.

  I’m in love with Hank Parker!

  Images of Olive realizing she was in love with Hank started to flood through her mind. She recalled declaring her love for him and having to tell him right away. She took the chance and got into her car…

  The accident.

  No, Olive wasn’t on an alien spacecraft. She was in the hospital.

  Hank was there.

  Her Hank.

  Olive thought she’d finally gained enough sense to control her body. A wash of terror ran through her when she tried to speak but she couldn’t.

  She started frantically moving her fingers begging for anyone to notice.

  Please, Hank, look at me. I’m stuck, but I’m here.

  Olive’s body rushed into a panic.

  “What’s going on?” Olive recognized Robin’s voice.

  She felt someone grab onto the hand she’d been moving. It was an instant calm that washed over her. “That’s it, baby, stay calm for me,” Hank spoke gently.


  “She’s waking up,” Hank hollered. “Call the doctor!”

  Olive felt Hank kiss her forehead. “You’re okay, Olive Oil. Someone’s coming.”

  At the sound of his voice, the panic she’d felt about not being able to speak started to subside.

  “I know it’s hard, but can you try and open your pretty blue eyes for me, baby?”

  She thought she had been trying. Wasn’t she?

  “Please, Olive, I need to see your eyes again.”

  The plea in his voice had Olive mustering all her strength. She could do this. As long as Hank was there, she could do anything. Even though her eyelids felt like lead weights were attached, she pushed as hard as she could. Olive managed to flutter them open briefly before closing them right away.

  Too bright!

  “That’s it, Olive. Open those eyes for me.” Olive heard Hank’s voice change direction and addressed someone else. “Turn the lights down.”

  Why can’t I breathe? Olive bit down against the tube in her mouth.

  “Don’t struggle. As soon as the doctor comes in we’ll get the tube out. Try to stay calm, sweet girl.”

  Stay calm? As soon as she was able to gain full strength of her body she was going to punch him. You don’t tell someone to stay calm when they have a tube down their throat, and they are struggling to open their eyes.

  Stay calm my ass…

  Olive tried to blink a few times before she was finally able to fully open her eyes. Once the haze started to fade, Hank’s face finally came into view.

  Hank had tears in his eyes as he looked down at her. His skin was a bit blotchy and he could use a good shave. He looked like he’d been through hell, but nonetheless, he looked perfect to her.

  I love you, she tried saying, but the tube hindered her. She felt her panic start to rise as she tried fighting through the plastic.

  “Shh, baby, as soon as the doctor is here, we’ll take out the tube.” Hank made her focus all her attention on him.

  “It seems to me we came at just the right moment.” Olive snapped her eyes to the voice. When her mother came into view, she almost recoiled.

  “Better late than never,” her father chimed in.

  Better late than never? Are you kidding me? I’m their child.

  “Get out!” Hank snapped. “Get the fuck out.”

  “We’re not going anywhere, she’s our daughter.”

  “You didn’t seem to care about that fact when she died on the way here or the multiple times she died on the operating table. Now, get the fuck out, before I take you out myself.”

  “Hank, calm down, no matter how angry you are at how they reacted to the situation, they are still Olive’s parents. Let’s wait until the doctor comes in. We don't need to stress Olive out any more than she already is,” Robin said defusing the situation.

  “It’s nice to finally see those eyes, young lady.” A doctor Olive had never seen before stormed into the room. “I’m Dr. Wyatt, it’s nice to see you back in the land of the living. You had us worried there for a little while.”

  Olive watched Doctor Wyatt move to the opposite bedside of Hank. “I don’t think I saw this man leave your side.” The doctor nodded his head toward Hank.

  Olive moved her gaze from the doctor, who was now poking and prodding her, to Hank. He hadn’t left my side?

  “I’m sure you want to get that breathing tube out, now don’t cha?” the doctor asked, causing her to focus her attention back on him. “I’m going to ask everyone to leave the room, while we get this tube out and then do a quick evaluation.”

  “I’m not leaving her,” Hank stated. There was absolutely no question in his voice.

  Olive watched as Doctor Wyatt regarded Hank for a few moments, before giving a quick nod. “I’ll only allow it because every time you move your hand away from hers, her heart rate increases.”

  To test his theory the doctor reached over the bed, and pushed Hank’s hand off of Olive’s. Instantly, her heart rate increased. Hank grabbed onto her hand, before shooting daggers at the doctor. “Do it again and I’ll murder you.”

  Forever a charmer.

  Olive ro
lled her eyes. However, she wanted to get this show on the road. She could only control her panic for so long with a tube down her throat.

  Doctor Wyatt held his hands in surrender. “No need for hostility, Mr. Parker. I noticed it when I did my rounds yesterday and this morning. When you’re holding her, she seems calmer. Why do you think I kept telling you she was improving?”

  Umm hello! I’m still here. Can you have this conversation after you’ve taken this giant ass tube out of my throat?

  Hank growled.

  Oh, for the love of all things!

  The doctor winked at Hank purposely riling him up. “I would have let you stay in the room regardless. Your medical training is sufficient enough.”

  I think this doctor has a death wish.

  “If he can stay in the room, I’m staying in the room. I’m her mother,” Mrs. Quinn voiced her opinion.

  Olive wanted to pump her fist in the air when she watched Doctor Wyatt cock his head slightly to the side. “Oh, my apologies. I mistakenly thought this lovely woman was her mother.” He pointed toward Robin. “I haven’t seen you here at all.”

  “My husband and I were detained.”

  Doctor Wyatt’s brows rose before he shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Out you go.” He opened his arms and nearly shoved everyone out of the room.

  As Robin left, she addressed Hank. “I’m going to call Miranda and tell her Olive’s awake.”

  After another small protest from Olive’s mother about leaving, and a grumble about how they should have waited another hour, the doctor was able to clear the room except for Hank and the nurses.

  “You ready, Olive?”

  Olive did her best to nod.

  “I’m going to have Mr. Parker step back for a few seconds while I take the tube out.” Doctor Wyatt reached for a new pair of gloves before donning them. “Have you ever gotten the wind knocked out of you?” he asked.


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