Book Read Free

Teased by Fire

Page 16

by Molly O'Hare

  Other than some sore spots and her leg still being in a cast, she was fine for some extracurricular activities.

  And it was about damn time.

  Tonight was going to be the night she proved that to him.

  Too bad stupid Dog had other plans.

  Ever since Olive arrived home, Dog, had taken it upon herself to be her “guard dog” in every sense of the word.

  Dog refused to leave her side. When Hank started helping Olive learn how to use the crutches, Dog was there underfoot. At first, Olive was sure the creature was trying to trip her, but Olive soon realized Dog was actually escorting her.

  Dog would walk a few feet ahead of Olive, then circle back and make sure there was nothing in the way that Olive would trip over.

  Then there were times Olive wanted to hobble into the kitchen. If Hank weren’t around Dog would yell at the top of her lungs, until she got his attention or she’d plop herself into Olive’s lap refusing to move.

  When Dog wanted you to stay put, you stayed put. No amount of pushing or shoving would get her to move.

  Dog would somehow will her body to weigh an extra fifty pounds. And, that was exactly what Dog had decided on doing right now.

  Apparently, Dog deemed sexy times as too risky and she was going to stop at nothing to cock block Olive.

  “Between you and Hank, I’m never gonna get any,” Olive groaned in frustration. With her good leg, she kicked one of her crutches causing it to fall to the floor making a loud crash.

  One, two, three...

  Hank burst through the bedroom door. “What happened, are you okay?” He ran to her side before picking up the crutch that fell.

  “Nothing happened.” Olive opened her eyes to see Hank staring down at her, one of the crutches in his right hand.

  “Why did I hear a crash?”

  “I don't know, maybe because that stupid thing fell over. It isn’t rocket science.”

  Hank placed the crutch on the side of the bed before turning his attention back on her. “Are you hungry?”

  Am I hungry? Olive stared at him wide-eyed.

  Hank motioned to her body. “Why are you only wearing panties? Do you need me to help you get dressed?”

  Was he serious right now? Wonderful. This is what her life had come to. “Just go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Hank took a step closer to the bed. “What’s going on? Is Dog bothering you?” Hank focused his gaze on the cat, glaring at her. “Do I need to put her in timeout?”

  She’d like to see him try.

  “Between you and Dog I give up. Just go back to converting your room to an office,” she mumbled before she threw her arm over her eyes once more.

  “Are you in pain?”

  That was it. She’d had enough. Olive threw her arm off of her face before she pushed herself into the seated position. “Yes, I’m in pain,” she growled.

  “What’s hurting you? You said you were feeling good this morning. Did something happen?”

  “Not that kind of pain.”

  Olive noticed her eyes were level with Hank’s groin, and that seemed only to piss her off more. She gathered all her strength and pushed at his stomach as hard as she could causing Hank to trip backward.

  “What the hell was that for?”

  What the fuck?

  Hank watched as Olive fell back onto the bed in a huff. He couldn’t help that his eyes honed in on her naked breasts bouncing. His mouth watered at the sight. It took everything inside of him not to groan.

  He selfishly let his eyes scan her body. All she wore, were a pair of tiny dark green lace panties, that failed to cover anything.

  Give me strength. Please, fuckin’ hell, give me strength.

  Hank dug his fingernails into the palms of his hands. Seeing her body right now had him seconds from losing all control. The only thing keeping himself in check was the way Olive was acting.

  Doing what he’d been doing since Olive came home from the hospital, he pushed away his desire for her and focused on getting her whatever she needed to feel better. “What do you need?”

  “I’m tired,” Olive sighed. “I’m gonna take a nap.”

  Hank’s brows shot up. Did she think he was dumb?

  Hank walked to the bed before he pushed Dog down. That’s when he saw the dark green lace the cat had been sitting on top of. The same lace that matched Olive’s panties.

  “Olive?” He held up the material getting his first good look at it.

  Lord have mercy!

  Was she trying to kill him? Or, was she finally going to get him back for all the years he teased her with this?

  When Olive saw him holding up the garment she snatched it from his grasp. “Not for you!”

  Hank’s eyes darkened. “It looks like it’s for me.”

  He felt his dick twitch. He’d promised himself he’d wait until Olive was fully healed before he let himself lose control, but just the image of Olive dressed in this had every muscle in his body tensing.

  “Then if it looks like it’s for you, why don't you put it on? I’m sure the color would complement your eyes.”

  Oh, now this was the Olive he missed. The feisty Olive that made his whole world come alive.

  And, if that Olive wanted to come out and play, he was damn well going to give it to her.


  Olive shot up. “What?”

  Hank ignored her as he climbed over to her. He threw his right leg over her hip pinning her down. “Two.”

  Olive’s breath hitched as her eyes filled with lust.

  Oh, she definitely wanted to play. Thank god. He didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to handle cold showers.

  “Hank Parker, I swear to everything I will murder you,” she growled.

  Her words said one thing, but the grinding of her hips against his groin said another.

  In one fast move, Hank pinned her hands above her head which caused her breasts to bounce once again. “I know what you’re doing,” he remarked before he bent taking one of her nipples into his mouth.

  Her taste exploded over his senses.

  It was like coming home.

  “I’m not doing anything!” Olive arched into his mouth, but he wasn’t going to let her win. At least not yet.

  He pulled his mouth away from her. At her growl of frustration, he smirked. “Oh, my poor Olive Oil, why such the long face?”

  Olive narrowed her eyes at him as her lips thinned. “Are you making fun of me?”

  “Now, would I ever do that?” he asked before bending once more to swipe his tongue across her peak.

  “Yes, you would,” she gasped.

  When he pulled away again he felt her whole body start to shake. “I wonder what’s got you so tense?” Hank readjusted himself so he had both of her arms pinned with only one of his hands.

  Hank then proceeded to lightly trace her skin with his fingertips.

  Then out of nowhere, he leaped off the bed. “I’ll be right back with some food for you. You seem ‘hangry’.”

  Hank only made it one step before Olive jumped off the bed balancing on her good leg and tackled him.

  Thank god he saw it coming or he wouldn’t have been able to use his body as a cushion as they fell to the floor.

  “You bastard!”

  “That’s not a nice thing to say,” he growled before letting his hands skim up her body to cup her breasts.

  “Neither is teasing me. And that’s all you’ve been doing for weeks.” She glared at him. “I have needs and you refuse to see to them. You can’t give me access to all this…” She swept her hand down his body. “And then just take it away.”

  Thank fuck!

  “I didn’t take it away.”

  “Yes, you did. You gave me all the goods then you took them away and hid them in a box. Give me back my box!”

  Hank threw Olive up into his arms as he pulled both of them off the floor. He then tossed her onto the bed. “Olive Quinn, or should I say Quinn Spar
ks, I never took myself away from you. In fact, it’s nearly killed me being so close to you every second and not being able to touch you ‘cause you were healing.” He climbed up the bed to be directly over her. “Tell me, what would one of your characters have done in your books? Would they have pouted and tried to pick fights or would they have come to their man and tell them what they needed? If you wanted me, all you had to do was ask.”

  “I tried!” she pleaded. “I ordered that stupid nightie and your beast cat refused to let me seduce you.”

  Hank’s brow rose while Olive continued. “I’ve been dropping hints like crazy. When we’re in the shower, sitting together, or when we’re in bed and I rub against you. But you ignored me. You ignored every attempt I have tried. Then I got the bright idea I could seduce you with some lace. I know how you love lace. I was going to put it on, and call you into the room, but your stupid cat cock blocked me. I want sex and I want it now!”

  Hank burst out laughing.

  Why is she so perfect?

  When he saw her gaze drop away from him and the tears form in her eyes he realized his mistake.

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  He quickly leaned over her body kissing her cheeks. “No baby, I’m not laughing at you.”

  She looked at him skeptically.

  “I’m laughing at all the effort you put into this. You didn’t have to. Olive, I’ve been dying to sink myself into your body again. Once you’ve had perfection, your hand just won’t do. All you had to do was tell me, baby. I’d gladly let you take a ride on me. I was only being cautious. I didn’t want to accidentally cause you any more pain.”

  “The only pain I have right now is not being with you,” she cried.

  “You sure your leg doesn’t hurt?” he joked which caused her to growl. “Kidding.” Hank righted himself before pulling his shirt over his head. “I’ve rubbed myself raw over the past few weeks not being able to touch you.”

  “Rub me. Not you.”

  “Oh, baby, I plan on it.” You didn’t have to tell him twice, Hank expertly lowered himself between her legs. He carefully moved her leg that was still in the cast so he wouldn’t bump into it, before he positioned his face more freely at her core.

  Shit, it had been too long.

  Olive started rocking her hips as Hank pushed her panties to the side.

  “You look good enough to eat,” he growled. “And I am one starving man.” He took one long lick of her pussy relishing in her taste.

  “Yes, please,” she begged.

  Hank moved his gaze from her core to her face. Fuck she was so beautiful.

  And all his.

  He didn’t know what he would have done if she hadn't have made it.

  “I love you,” he said looking into her eyes.

  “I love you, too. Now less talking more fucking.”

  He shook his head. If his girl wanted to be fucked, then he was going to fuck her.

  He jumped off the bed, before discarding his pants.

  “No come back!” she cried.

  “Oh, I’m coming, and so are you.” After disrobing he crawled back onto the bed before he wrapped his hand around Olive’s panties. With the snap of his wrist, they ripped from her body.

  “Hey! Those were expensive!”

  “Don’t care.” He shrugged before opening her legs with his knees. He moved his hips forward and positioned himself at her entrance. “You want this?”

  “You know I do.” She glared. “Right now, it’s been too long since I’ve had you inside of me and if you make me wait a second more, I am going to poison your coffee and pretend the cat did it. Remind me of what I’ve been missing and give me a reason to never look anywhere else.”

  “Oh, you are gonna get it.” Hank grabbed onto her hips before thrusting.

  Her walls instantly clamping around him sent a wave of pleasure through his body.

  Fuck, how was it possible she feels this good? He slowly pulled out before pushing back inside with more force.

  “Yes! More! Give it to me Hank. Give me something to write about.”

  She wanted something to write about? Well, he was going to give it to her.

  He fought himself to hold back some. He knew he needed to be gentle with her body, but there was something that made him snap when it came to Olive.

  He wasn’t ashamed of that.

  Not wanting to chance hurting her, Hank grabbed her waist flipping them, so she could ride him. “You won’t get hurt this way,” he explained as Olive flailed around trying to reposition herself.

  “You could have warned me.”

  “I did, just now.” Hank placed his hands on her hips helping guide her movements. “Ride me, Olive. Fucking ride me like I’m your man.”

  “You are my man,” she moaned as she started to moved her hips along with his.

  “Don’t you ever fucking forget it.”

  Hank thrust his hips upwards pushing himself deeper inside of Olive. He then moved his right hand down to her clit, pinching it. “I can’t last baby, not after not having you,” he panted as he felt his body tense. “I need you to come for me, Olive. I’ll make it better next time, but right now I need you to come with me.”

  Hank felt Olive’s body start to shake as her movements became more erratic.

  “More,” she cried.

  He reached his hand to her breasts pinching her nipple. That’s when she exploded.

  He only needed to push in her one more time before his whole body stilled as he emptied himself deep inside of her.


  He was home.

  They both fell back onto the bed, Olive resting her body on his as they both tried to catch their breath.

  “That’s all I asked for, was that so hard?” Olive mumbled into his chest.

  Hank couldn’t help his smirk before he spanked her ass. “One.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Six Months Later

  Hank paced inside the living room as his nerves started to get the better of him. He’d sent Olive a text about twenty minutes ago letting her know he had a surprise for her, and if she wanted it she needed to meet him at the address he’d given her.

  Now, as the time ticked by he wondered if he’d done the right thing. Sure, he wanted to take the next step. Hell, he wanted to take the next step months ago, but when it came to Olive, he wanted to make sure everything was perfect.

  Hank glanced around the room one more time before he assessed that everything seemed to be in order, or as much in order as they were going to get.

  Around four months ago, he’d been on shift when he drove past a Victorian style house that had gone up for sale.

  Normally, such things wouldn’t have caught his attention, but there was something about this house that called to him.

  Maybe it was the wrap around porch, or maybe it was its sea blue color that reminded him of Olive’s eyes. Maybe, it was all the uniqueness in the house with its genuine quirks and homey feel? He wasn’t quite sure, but regardless, he knew he was staring at the home he wanted to raise his family in.

  A family he wanted with no one other than Olive.

  Hank’s face lit into a gorgeous smile.

  Olive and his relationship had only gotten better since declaring their love for one another, in his opinion. Well, they still had their arguments, and he still swore she picked fights on purpose for make-up sex, but they were going strong. And it was about time they took the next step.

  After Olive’s cast was removed, she looked as good as new. You wouldn’t have been able to tell she was ever in a car crash that threatened to take her from him other than some scars. Scars that he now deemed her survival wounds. And they were fucking beautiful, and if anyone thought differently, he would gladly rearrange their face.

  Olive was the reason Hank woke up in the mornings, and he didn’t care who knew it.

  That’s why when he saw their perfect house for sale, he had to have it.

  He knew beyond a reasonabl
e doubt, this was the house him and Olive would raise their family in.

  Hank’s chest puffed as he took another glance around the room.

  He’d spent the last four months completely renovating the house to the exact way he knew Olive would love it. He was damn thankful that his family and buddies at the station agreed to help him in the process. Without them, he was sure it would have been another four or five months to accomplish what he wanted.

  Everything had worked out perfectly. Since Olive was back to writing full time, it gave Hank the opportunity to “leave her to her writing” and work on the house. In actuality, he was almost positive Olive hadn’t registered he was gone longer than his shifts entailed.

  Plus, his genius self came up with the best incentive for Olive to keep her head in her writing and not question why he wasn’t around as much.

  He’d be lying if he said it didn’t benefit both of them.

  Each day, Olive would set a word count. If she met that word count by the time he’d gotten home from his shift, he’d go down on her for five minutes straight. Then for every thousand she went over her word count, he’d add on another minute.

  Her daily word count goals were around three thousand, but she’d always end up with ten to twelve thousand, it was a win-win if you asked him.

  Especially, for the days she didn’t complete her word count. For those rare occurrences she didn’t make her count, she’d go down on him for the same time he would have gone down on her.

  Either way, it always ended in the exact place they both wanted to be, with him deep inside of her.

  Plus, this helped her crank out another book.

  Who knew the incentive of eating out her pussy would make Olive write like her ass was on fire?

  You wouldn’t hear any complaints from him though. Every night on his way home, he’d have a hard dick in his pants and a smile on his face.

  Fuck yeah, his life was awesome.

  As Hank revealed in how perfect his relationship with Olive was, he heard Dog make her way into the room.

  He had to fight back his grin as she plopped in front of him, glaring at him.

  “Be a good sport, Dog. It’s only until mom gets here.” Hank watched as Dog scratched at her sweater trying to rip it off her body. On one hand he didn’t blame her, who would want to wear that ridiculous getup? But on the other, she just needed to suck it up for twenty minutes.


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