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Power Lawyer 3

Page 29

by Dave Daren

  “Yesss,” she hissed as she wrapped her legs around me. “You know what I like.”

  “Me inside you,” I replied as I took a very erect nipple into my mouth.

  “Inside me,” she begged.

  I slid inside her, and she ground against me, helping me find her favorite spot. When she was quivering in anticipation, I started slowly plowing into her, driving her more wild with every stroke. When she started to bite my neck and shoulders, I picked up the pace, driving harder and faster until her hold body vibrated with the same rhythm. I could feel her climax coming, and she dug her nails into my back.

  “Now,” she demanded as she clenched hard. “Just take me, Vince. For the love of God, just take me.”

  I finally released us both, filling her with my semen just as she cried out in ecstasy. I kept pumping while her body shook, and I timed it perfectly, the last of my seed pouring out when she took one great gulping breath and then sank against me.

  I held her tight against my body until she slowly unwrapped her legs from my waist. I helped her find her balance and then she pulled me in for another smoldering kiss.

  “I’ll be here all day,” she whispered. “So Ari won’t need to know if we get his sheets wet.”

  I grinned at the idea of Ari coming home to find his sheets in a sopping mess on the floor.

  “Are you offering to do his laundry?” I laughed.

  “Just the sheets,” she assured me.

  I picked her up and carried her back to the bedroom. Ari had made a haphazard attempt to make his bed, and I tossed the coverlet on the floor before depositing a very wet Sofia in the middle of his sheets. Sofia grinned at me and gave me the come here command with her finger. I obliged, sliding in next to her for another exploratory session with her breasts.

  While I enjoyed the firm feel of her tits in my mouth, Sofia’s hands were at work on my shaft and balls. She giggled as I came to life again and then she slowly rolled me onto my back. She straddled my chest and smiled at me as she rubbed against my groin.

  “No fair,” I groaned. “I can’t reach them up there.”

  “You can have them back when I’m done,” she promised.

  She plunged onto my penis and started to rock back and forth. I grabbed her thighs and helped her slide around as she rode me. Her heat was drawing me in, and I was soon arched towards her while she ground down, driving me harder and deeper with each stroke. We had our rhythm again, and it felt like we were melded together.

  Her body was tightening with each wave, and she started to pant from the effort. I kept going, urging her to greater heights. She finally let out one long, low moan and I could feel her body start to quake. I gave one last, deep plunge and then released again. Sofia screamed as her body exploded at climax, and then she slowly sank on top of me, still panting from the effort.

  “I may have to take another shower,” I murmured as I stroked her hair.

  She laughed and turned her gaze towards mine.

  “I needed that,” she said. “After everything, I needed that.”

  “We still have time,” I replied. “I don’t think Agent Smart or anyone else I need to talk to will be at the office yet, except maybe Ari.”

  “Poor Ari,” Sofia laughed. “I wonder what reason he’ll give them for coming in so early.”

  “He probably didn’t go to the office,” I mused. “He probably stopped somewhere for a couple of bagels, and then he’ll go sit in that park near the office until it’s a more acceptable hour.”

  “Poor Ari,” Sofia reiterated.

  “I think you have something I wanted to play with,” I chided as I rolled her onto the mattress.

  “Such a naughty boy,” she replied with a grin.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” I replied as I started up again.

  Chapter 17

  We stayed in bed until the morning rush was coming to an end. Sofia finally kicked me out, reminding me that she was stuck at Ari’s until I’d resolved the Burke issue. I followed the trail of water back to the bathroom, and found that my clothes were dirty, damp and not fit for wearing. I picked through Ari’s clothes until I found a decent pair of jeans and a polo shirt that Ari probably hadn’t been able to fit in since high school. The jeans were loose and the shirt tight around the shoulders, so I basically looked like most of the guys strolling through Brentwood.

  Sex with Sofia had revived me in a way that no nap would have. I charged out of the building, ready to take on my client once and for all. I made one phone call as I was heading towards Studio City, to Special Agent Smart.

  “Creed,” Smart said when she finally answered.

  “I’m heading to my client’s place in Studio City,” I announced. “And I think you’ll want to head there as well.”

  “Does this have something to do with last night’s battle between Perez, Jabba and Aranda?” she demanded.

  “You heard about that,” I noted.

  “The whole fucking city heard about it,” she said angrily. “And now that prick in white collar wants me to bring you in and find out what you know.”

  “I know where Burke is,” I said. “Or, where he’s going to be. They’ll be getting ready to leave, though, once they hear what happened last night so I would suggest you move quickly.”

  “What are you talking about?” she said, her anger giving way to interest.

  “You guys have all sorts of fancy facial recognition programs,” I replied. “I’m sure you could find one to compare faces from photographs and look for similarities that can’t be erased by cosmetic surgery.”

  There was a long moment of silence.

  “Who?” she asked quietly.

  “Burke and Dalton,” I replied.

  “Vince, if you’re right, you shouldn’t confront them,” she hissed.

  “We have some unfinished business,” I stated and hung up.

  As I’d expected, Geoffrey’s car was at Gloria’s house, parked to the side of the driveway. My heart skipped a beat when I also recognized Perrin’s Volvo parked at the curb. I should have insisted that she go to the house in Malibu after I left. Now, I would have to find a way to keep her safe, because I had no doubt that Gloria and Geoffrey-slash-Matthew were more than capable of resorting to violence to protect their scheme.

  I spotted Gloria as she stepped out of the house with one of those wheeled bags that are supposed to fit in the overhead bin but never do. She didn’t pay any attention to the Fusion as she opened the trunk of Geoffrey’s car and plunked the bag inside. She started back to the front door and I hopped out of the car and ran after her.

  “Good morning, Gloria,” I said as I stepped up right behind her.

  “Oh,” Gloria said in surprise as she stepped inside the door and tried to close it. I grabbed the door and yanked it open. Gloria blinked in surprise, then put on her warrior face.

  “Going somewhere?” I asked.

  “Perrin and I are going to spend the weekend together,” she replied sharply. “We have some things to discuss, as you know.”

  “And Geoffrey’s letting you use his car?” I noted.

  “Mine’s in the shop,” she said quickly. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have some packing to finish.”

  “I do mind, Mrs. Burke,” I snapped as I stepped inside the house.

  “I don’t know what you think you’re doing,” Gloria barked, “but I will call the police if you don’t leave this instant.”

  “Mom, what’s going on?” Perrin’s voice called out. She appeared a moment later, her eyes still red from crying. “Vince, what are you doing here? Where’s Sofia?”

  “Sofia’s safe, no thanks to your mother or father,” I replied.

  “What are you talking about?” Gloria demanded. “Perrin, get out of here. Go call the police. Tell them we have a trespasser.”

  “Mom, what are you talking about?” Perrin demanded.

  “I think it’s time for a family meeting,” I declared as I stepped forward, forcing Gloria into the
house. I closed the front door behind me and looked at Perrin. “Where’s Geoffrey?”

  “In the backyard,” Perrin replied.

  I grabbed Gloria’s arm and led her back to the kitchen. She was yelling by then, threatening to sue me for every imaginable sin under the sun. Perrin followed behind, looking lost and uncertain. Geoffrey must have heard Gloria because he stepped inside just as we arrived in the kitchen.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Geoffrey demanded.

  “We need to talk, Mr. Dalton,” I snapped. “Or should I say, Mr. Burke?”

  Gloria turned a bright shade of red while Perrin gasped and went deathly pale. I didn’t want to release Gloria, but Perrin wobbled, and Geoffrey stood by the sliding glass door looking like a fish gasping for water. I let go of Gloria’s arm and helped Perrin to a chair. She grabbed my hand, then looked at Geoffrey.

  “Dad?” she finally murmured.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Gloria exploded. “Of all the stupid, stupid things. I can’t believe you would come in here….”

  “Shut up, mom,” Perrin barked as she peered at Geoffrey.

  “Perrin!” Gloria protested.

  “Tell me,” she ordered as she grabbed my hand.

  “The FBI was right,” I said. “Matthew Burke paid the trawler to collect him while he was out in the boat and take him back to Mexico. My guess is that his buddy Varona helped arrange it. Varona also supplied the car, no doubt expecting that Matthew would then share some of the money with him, all nice and quiet like so Varona wouldn’t be accused by any of the gangs of stealing their money.”

  “Nonsense,” Gloria huffed and Perrin punched her in the arm.

  “Matthew managed to evade the handlers Varona no doubt assigned to him, and struck out on his own,” I continued. “That’s when he got lucky and met a man named Peter McCaffery. He and Peter looked a bit alike, and Peter was also trying to hide in Mexico. He’d even taken on a new identity. I don’t know how Matthew figured that out. Maybe Peter got drunk one night and spilled his story, but Matthew suddenly had a brilliant idea. He could take on Peter’s new identity, and if anybody looked too closely, then he could become Peter. The only problem was Peter.”

  Geoffrey started shaking his head and even attempted to laugh. It came out strained and harsh, and not at all convincing.

  “Dad,” Perrin said with more certainty as she stood up.

  Geoffrey took a step towards her, a pleading look on his face.

  “At least tell her the truth,” I snapped.

  “It’s me,” Geoffrey heaved. “It’s true, I took the Geoffrey Dalton identity when I was ready to come back here. I just wanted to be back with you and your mother again and we’d waited long enough to collect the money, or so we thought. No one was supposed to still be looking for it.”

  I could feel Perrin shaking with the effort of standing upright but she moved slowly towards Geoffrey. She stopped just outside his reach and studied his face. When he took a step closer, she stepped back.

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” she exploded.

  “You were a child,” Geoffrey wailed.

  “I was a teenager,” she corrected. “I wouldn’t have told anyone.”

  “We couldn’t take that chance,” Geoffrey replied. “We had to minimize the number of people who knew in order to make this work.”

  “Too bad the FBI’s been watching the trawler that brought you in,” I mused. “And then there were Varona and his henchmen.”

  “Unavoidable,” Geoffrey noted.

  “And Peter McCaffrey?” I insisted. “What happened to him?”

  Geoffrey shook his head again and held out his arms to Perrin.

  “It really is me,” he stated.

  I’d forgotten to keep an eye on Gloria, who’d been quiet through most of this exchange. She suddenly pivoted towards me, a Sig Sauer P320 in her hands.

  “Get out!” she yelled. “This is all your fault!”

  “My fault?” I scoffed. “You two set this whole crazy thing in motion six years ago and you’re the reason everything is falling apart now.”

  “Mom!” Perrin cried in surprise. “This is crazy!”

  “All you had to do was file one simple motion,” Gloria continued, her eyes locked on mine.

  “I did that,” I replied. “Everything else that happened is on you.”

  “You shouldn’t have been so nosy,” she insisted. “All you had to say was that Matthew was dead and stick to that. Why did you start asking questions?”

  “What was the plan?” I retorted. “Pack up and move to some town no one’s ever heard of? When were you going to tell Perrin?”

  “You leave her out of this!” Gloria yelled as she waved the gun at me.

  “It won’t do you any good to shoot me,” I replied. “I called the FBI on my way here. They know what to look for and they’ll probably be here soon to arrest Geoffrey. That’s assuming that one of the gangs doesn’t get here first. They all know that I found Matthew and I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them saw me drive here this morning.”

  “We should leave,” Geoffrey suddenly declared as he glanced anxiously towards the backyard.

  “I hate you!” Gloria shouted.

  It hit me then that Gloria really wanted me dead. It was there in her eyes as she steadied her arm and took aim straight for my heart. I had just enough time to take a step back before she pulled the trigger.

  I gasped, but there was no burning and tearing of flesh. Gloria howled and I realized Perrin had crashed into her, sending the bullet into the cabinet behind me. Gloria was screaming at Perrin, and then the two women were punching at each other like professional boxers. I was about to wade in, but I saw a flash of purple fabric and realized that Geoffrey was making a run for it.

  He was out the back door and moving towards the gate. I ran to the front door and vaulted onto the pathway. Geoffrey was patting his pockets, trying to find the keys to the car, but when he saw me, he took off down the road, trying to run in his flip-flops.

  It would have been funny if a mint-green Subaru hadn’t screeched to a halt halfway down the street. Two men stepped out of the car and Geoffrey froze in his tracks.

  “Mr. Burke,” one of the men called out.

  Geoffrey turned and started running back towards me. The men plodded after him, guns drawn and ready.

  “Help me,” he wheezed as he got close to me.

  “Step back, hombre,” one of the men warned. “We got someone who wants to speak to Mr. Burke here. Just let us go and no one gets hurt.”

  Geoffrey had ducked behind me and was using me as a shield.

  “There’s no money,” Burke yelled out. “Varona took it all.”

  “We’re not the ones you need to be talking to,” the other man replied. “Come quietly, and we leave everybody else alone.”

  There was the sound of another gunshot from inside the house. Both men glanced towards the open front door, and I started forward. Both men instantly focused on me again, and one fired off a shot that smashed into the giant rock in the front yard.

  “Shit,” Burke murmured as he ducked down.

  “What the hell did you expect when you started doing business with them?” I demanded.

  “I don’t know,” Burke replied honestly. “I just... I figured I was the smartest guy in the room. They’d never figure it out.”

  “Jeez, are you sure you didn’t work for Enron?” I sniped.

  The sound of sirens filled the air, and the two men looked at each other.

  “It’s the FBI,” I yelled out. “I called them before I came here.”

  The men scowled but quickly retreated to their car. They tore off down the road, narrowly missing a Mercedes that was backing out of a driveway. The first FBI vehicle appeared and the Subaru jumped the curb and raced past it. A second SUV tore off in pursuit while the rest of the FBI convoy approached the Burke house.

  Agent Smart stepped out of the lead vehicle and marched u
p to Burke. He finally stepped out from behind me and stood in front of Agent Smart.

  “Mr. Burke, I presume,” she said.

  “Yes,” he replied. “And I’ll tell you everything in exchange for immunity for me and my wife.”

  “We’ll see,” she snapped as she signalled to one of the other agents who stepped forward with a pair of handcuffs.

  “Hold up,” I called out as I saw two agents moving towards the open front door. “Gloria’s got a gun.”

  “Figures,” Agent Smart sniped as she waved the agents back.

  “We’re coming out,” Perrin yelled. “I’m leaving the gun in the house.”

  Perrin and Gloria stepped outside. Both had bruises on their faces and bloodied knuckles. Perrin had her mother’s arm wrapped in a tight grip and she dragged her into the front yard. Agents surged forward and checked both women for weapons before hustling them to the backseat of separate SUV’s. Another round of agents converged on the house even as the Burkes were being driven away. Perrin spotted me and waved as the vehicle she was in made a u-turn and drove off in a cloud of exhaust.

  “I suppose you think I should thank you,” Agent Smart harrumphed.

  “I did put it together,” I replied.

  “And that battle last night?” she asked. “Did you have a hand in that?”

  I shrugged.

  “I might have said something to someone about Burke,” I replied. “I don’t really remember.”

  Smart rolled her eyes, and I could tell she was about to give me a nasty tongue-lashing when another SUV screeched to a halt near us and a very smug-looking man clambered out of the passenger seat.

  “Fuck,” Smart murmured.

  “Agent Smart,” the smug man declared as he leered at her and stared at me. “Is this your source?”

  Smart rolled her eyes.

  “This is Vincent Creed,” she said. “He’s been assisting us.”


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