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The Brazen: Calamity Montana - Book 3

Page 24

by Nash, Willa

  Two could play that game.

  I raised my free hand, about to touch the veins in his sinewed forearm, but the moment I brushed his skin, he captured my wrist and raised my arm above my head, trapping it against the pillows.

  “No touching.” He ran his lips along my cheekbone.

  “That’s not fair.”

  “You should know by now that I’m not all that interested in fair.” He dropped his mouth and sucked on my earlobe. After a nip, he shifted faster than I could blink.

  One of my arms was trapped beneath his ribs, the other in the pillows held in his grip. And since he had a hand free, he continued his touch torture.


  “What do you want, babe?”



  “Inside,” I breathed.

  Did he listen to me? No. He gave me a devilish grin, and this time as he traced my skin, he did it with his tongue instead of his fingers.

  Minutes passed. Hours. I was drenched and on the verge of an orgasm when he finally shifted into the cradle of my hips.

  I was sure he’d make me suffer through more, but when I felt the tip of his cock drag through my folds, I opened my eyes to his.

  He hovered above me, his arms bracketing my face. Then with one smooth, long stroke, he buried himself to the root.

  “Oh, God,” I cried out, savoring the stretch as I adjusted to him.

  “Christ.” He clenched his jaw. “Fuck, you feel good.”


  He shook his head.

  “Pierce, move.” My arms and legs were trembling. I ached for release. My orgasm was right there, so damn close, but I needed him to move.

  “Kerr,” he whispered, the playfulness gone from his voice. “I’m in love with you.”

  I locked my eyes with his and whatever fears I’d had earlier were . . . gone.

  There hadn’t been a time in my life when I’d wanted to say it. Not like this.

  “I’m in love with you too.”

  He dropped his lips to mine and then we were just us. Moving together. Bringing each other to the peak and holding on as we both tumbled over the edge.

  I cried out his name as I broke, as he thrust in and out, holding me close as he poured inside me. Our legs were tangled. My arm was trapped in his and the other banded around him so tightly I never wanted to let go.

  The stars in my eyes turned to tears, startling me so much my breath hitched.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked.

  “I’m . . . happy. I didn’t even know that this happy existed.”

  “Neither did I,” he whispered.

  I fell asleep in his arms, the two of us tangled together in the sheets. I jerked awake at Elias’s cry through the monitor. The clock on the nightstand read a bleary two.

  I sat up, but Pierce touched my shoulder, urging me into the bed.

  “I’ll get him.”

  I dozed off, and when Pierce settled in behind me, I startled awake once more. “Is he okay?”

  “Back to sleep.”

  I snuggled into his arms, but this time when I relaxed into the pillow, my brain decided I’d slept enough. I did my best to lie still, to let Pierce rest. I squeezed my eyes shut. I counted sheep. I sang a mental lullaby. Nothing would get me back to sleep.

  “What’s going on in your head?” His arms tightened.

  “I can’t sleep.” I sighed. “Sorry to wake you.”

  “I can’t sleep either.” He rolled me, spinning me to face him. “Guess we’d better have the conversation we didn’t earlier.”

  Everything that had needed to be said was said. The important parts, anyway. “Do we really need it?”

  “Yes.” Pierce nodded. “Because I have a proposal for you.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Even in the dark, I saw the fear on Kerrigan’s face.

  I laughed. “Not that kind of proposal.”

  Not yet anyway. We needed more time, and if she agreed to my idea, we’d have it.

  Kerrigan relaxed and sat up, bringing the sheet with her to cover her chest. “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “Thirty days.”

  “Thirty days for what?” She narrowed her gaze. The last time I’d told her thirty days, she’d torn up a letter and thrown it in my face.

  “Thirty days together.”

  “And then what?”

  “Then another thirty more.” I grinned. “But let’s take this one month at a time. Thirty days here.”

  “In this house?”

  “Yeah. You. Me. Elias. We’ll make this home base. If you need to go to town to be at The Refinery, it’s only two hours away. We can spend however many days there that we need for business, but the majority of our time, we’ll be here.”

  We’d be home.

  “I know it’s a big ask to put your projects on hold,” I said.

  “They’re done.” She shrugged. “I haven’t decided what to start on next. Trips back and forth might mean a lot of driving.”

  “We’ll make it work.”

  “What about your job?”

  I shifted, turning to flip on the lamp and then sat up beside her, putting an arm around her shoulders and pulling her to me. “I’ve already arranged to work from here for the next month.” Or longer.

  “You set this all up before you came here?”

  “I told you, babe. I’m here. For as long as it takes.”

  Elias wasn’t due to check in with his pediatrician for another two months. That was the only reason I’d need to go back to Denver, and even then, there were doctors in Montana. I’d need to find one if this area became our permanent home.

  But that was another decision we’d make in a month.

  Kerrigan blew out an audible breath, staring across the room to the dark windows.

  I knew it was a big ask. Her family would probably think I’d abducted her. But a month together would do us all some good. A month to come together and just be us.

  There was time to make up for.

  “Why?” she whispered. “Why here?”

  “Because it’s our place. At least, it could be. Maybe after some time, it won’t feel like Grandpa’s.”

  “Will you think about them here?”

  “It’s getting easier. Especially with you and Elias here.”

  And not just because the beds had been replaced.

  The rooms were beginning to have new memories. When I saw the couch, I thought of Kerrigan, naked with her legs draped open wide. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw her at the stove and Elias in his bouncer with the demon cat as his personal bodyguard.

  If we filled up the house with baby toys and the sound of his laughter mixed with Kerrigan’s, real memories would chase away the imaginary ones of Grandpa and Heidi together.

  Real, lasting memories.

  “You can pick some rooms and redecorate. Paint, lighting and whatever else you can think of. If you want to do a larger remodel, then we’ll tackle it too. We’ll take one of the guest rooms downstairs and turn it into your own office. Or you can have the main office and I’ll take a guest room. Whatever you want. But we’ll spend thirty days and see if we can make this place ours.”

  And at the end of that month, I’d have a different proposal for her too.

  This morning, I’d snuck away for ten minutes to call my mother’s favorite jeweler. One sizeable deposit later and I’d commissioned him to design a custom ring.

  A crease formed between Kerrigan’s eyebrows. I’d seen that expression a few times, whenever she was working through something in her head. Then the line disappeared, and I held my breath, waiting for her answer.

  “The nursery,” she said. “We should make it an actual nursery. Maybe paint a mural or find a unique, little boy wallpaper. Or we could—”

  I slammed my mouth on hers, my tongue sweeping inside her open lips.

  She giggled and put her hands to my face, holding me to her as we kissed.<
br />
  I pulled her into the bed, yanking the hem of the sheet up and over our heads. Her laughter died on a gasp when I parted her legs and slid inside her tight, wet heat.

  Neither of us slept the rest of the night. I kept her awake until the early morning hours when my son’s babbling roused us both from bed.

  Kerrigan pulled on her sweats and beat me to the crib.

  When I came in wearing sweats of my own, she was in the rocking chair with my son.

  “Thirty days,” she said, smiling at me and Elias.

  I nodded. “Thirty days.”

  Those beautiful brown eyes sparkled. “You’ve got a deal, Mr. Sullivan.”

  “Will you add heavy cream to the list?” Kerrigan asked, pointing to the notepad I was writing on. “I want to try making some homemade ice cream in that machine I found in the cupboard.”

  I scribbled it down below Pampers Swaddlers, Size 2. “What else?”

  “That’s plenty for now. Are you sure they don’t mind getting all of this for us?”

  “I pay the club a hefty monthly fee to run our errands.” There were quite a few celebrity members and when they came here, the last place they wanted to go was out in public. “They expect to go to the grocery store for us. They have staff exactly for that purpose. I promise.”

  “Okay. It still feels weird.”

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  In time, she’d realize that what was mine—billions included—was hers. If that money could make her life easier and earn me more smiles, I’d spend every cent.

  She sighed, stroking Clementine’s head. The two of them were curled up on one side of the couch while I was on the other. “I guess if we forgot anything, I can swing by the store when we go to town on Wednesday.”

  “Or we could send the club on another errand run.”

  “That’s silly. I’ll just go myself.”

  This morning, after we’d had breakfast and played with Elias for a while, we’d decided to head back to Calamity later in the week.

  Kerrigan wanted to spend some time at the gym with her employees and hammer out this month’s schedule now that she wouldn’t be there as often. She wanted to check on her own house and pick up more clothes to bring here. And though she hadn’t said it, I suspected she also wanted to see her family.

  None of them had contacted her since we’d arrived. It infuriated me, but so far I’d managed to keep my mouth shut. I’d caught Kerrigan checking her phone a few times yesterday and each time it had turned up with no notifications, there’d been a flash of hurt on her face.

  I was giving Colton Hale one more day to get his family in line. And then I’d be stepping in. The brother could go fuck himself for all I cared, but her parents needed to support her.

  “What do you want to do today?” I asked, setting the notepad aside.

  She shrugged. “Maybe poke around and see if I can find a tape measure. I was looking at wallpaper and found the cutest green and gray mountain pattern.”

  “There’s a toolbox in the garage. I suspect you’ll be handier with its contents than I will.”

  Kerrigan smiled. “When I first started remodeling places, I’d get some supplies from Bozeman on my trips there. The variety was better than Calamity’s hardware store. The checkout clerks would always ask if I was buying tools for my husband or boyfriend.”

  “It’s hot, babe. You know that picture you posted on Instagram where you’re wearing that toolbelt?”


  I winked at her. “I like that picture. It came in . . . handy during my months without you.”

  “Oh my God.” She laughed and poked her foot into my ribs, nodding to Elias as he played on the floor.

  We’d turned on a cartoon for some background noise and with the way his eyelids drooped as he watched, I suspected he’d be out for a morning nap in minutes.

  “When we go to your place, let’s remember to grab that toolbelt.”

  She rolled her eyes but the sexy flush in her cheeks said she’d remember. “Are you sure you don’t mind if I decorate the nursery?”

  “Not at all.” Sooner or later, she’d realize this place wasn’t mine, but ours. Probably not in the next thirty days, but eventually.

  She reached to the end table, taking the remote and turning down the volume on the TV. Then she stood, setting Clementine down on the floor. The cat instantly went to Elias, settling at his side. The cat shot me a glare.

  “She didn’t hiss at you this morning,” Kerrigan said. “I think she likes you.”

  I scoffed. “She’s just plotting how to break out of the laundry room at night and smother me in my sleep.”

  Kerrigan moved across the couch to settle into my side. “She’ll warm up to you. Just wait.”

  “I was thinking about something.” I twisted a lock of her hair around my finger.


  “What your mom said about Elias needing a mother. About what you said over the monitor last night about Heidi. She would have liked you. She would have been jealous of you. Completely.” Even after the divorce, if Heidi had seen the way I looked at Kerrigan, she would have envied Kerrigan’s beauty and smile. “But if she put that aside, she would have liked you.”

  Kerrigan leaned away, staring up at me.

  “I want Elias to know who she was. The good things, at least. But she’s gone. And he can’t say it, but he loves you too.”

  One look at my son and anyone could tell he adored Kerrigan.

  “What are you saying?” she asked.

  “We’re lucky to have you. Both of us.” And he’d be lucky to have her as a mother.

  “I’m lucky too.” She planted a kiss on the underside of my jaw, then stood. “I’m going to put him in his crib.”


  She had my son in her arms and was halfway out of the living room when the doorbell rang.

  “Must be someone from the club.” I swiped up the list to pass it along and walked through the entryway for the door.

  But it was not a club employee on the porch.

  It was the Hale family.

  Colton and Madeline stood side by side. Zach was behind his mother. And Larke hung back with a smirk on her face, like she was simply here to enjoy the show.

  How had they gotten through the gate? Or known where the cabin was?

  “Hi.” Colton cleared his throat. “Sorry to intrude but we were hoping to talk to Kerrigan.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “If by talk you mean apologize, then you’re welcome to come in. But if this talk doesn’t include a variation of I’m sorry, then have a safe drive home.”

  Madeline’s eyes widened.

  Larke’s smile did too.

  “Mom? Dad?” Kerrigan came up to my side with Elias in her arms. “What are you doing here?”

  I didn’t budge, forcing her to look past my arm. I stood there, statue still, until Colton gave me a nod. Then I moved aside, waving them in.

  “What’s going on?” Kerrigan asked Larke.

  Larke kept her smile in place and nodded to Elias. “May I?”

  “Uh, sure.” Kerrigan handed him over to her sister.

  “Hey, sweet pea. I’m your auntie Larke. How about you show me around your fancy house?”

  “Wait. Where are you going?” Kerrigan asked as Larke strode down the hallway, past her parents and brother.

  “Exploring,” Larke answered, still walking away.

  “The nursery is on the second floor,” I said.

  “Excellent. Thanks, Pierce.” Larke waved at me, then disappeared around the corner to the living room.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Kerrigan asked her parents.

  Colton gave his daughter a sad smile, but it was Madeline who stepped up, wrapping her arms around Kerrigan, and whispered, “We’re sorry.”

  My shoulders sagged. Thank God. We would have been fine without their support, but I wanted more for Kerrigan than fine.

  “We thought a lot abo
ut what you said on Saturday.” Colton stepped up, putting his arm around Kerrigan’s shoulders. “We didn’t realize that you felt unsupported. That’s not what we want. Those job offers for a spot at the dealership were because you’re so smart. I’d love to work with you. And we’re just trying to take care of you. You’re our girl.”

  “We promise to do better,” Madeline said.

  “Thank you.” Kerrigan leaned into their huddle, sending me a smile over her shoulder. It fell when she glanced at her brother.

  Zach cleared his throat. “I’m sorry too.”

  “You’re an asshole,” Kerrigan said.

  He nodded.

  “Why?” She stepped away from her parents and stood in front of her brother, her arms crossed over her chest.

  “I don’t know,” he muttered.

  “You’re jealous,” I said.

  His eyes flew to mine. There was surprise on his face that I’d blurted it out, but there was some truth there too. We all knew it.

  “Jealous?” Kerrigan huffed. “Of what? Me?”

  “People talk about you all the time. How great you are. How smart you are. How driven you are. How you’re going to run the town one day. All I’ve ever done was go to work for Dad.”

  “You’re going to take over the dealership,” Colton said.

  “Your dealership. Granddad’s dealership. He started it. You grew it. It’s yours, Dad. Not mine. I didn’t even go to college.”

  “Then make it yours.” Kerrigan held up her chin. “If you want to prove yourself as more than Dad’s fill-in, do it. But don’t criticize me in the process. And you can always get your degree. If it means so much to you, go to school.”

  He dropped his gaze, his shoulders slumped. “You’re right.”

  “I know I’m right.” She stared at him, shaking her head. Then, because my woman had a heart of gold, she threw her arms around him and hugged her brother. “I’m so sorry about your house.”

  “So am I.” He relaxed, pulling her close. “If the offer still stands, I’d love to live in the loft for a while. I’ll pay rent.”


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