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Peter Lee's Notes from the Field

Page 19

by Angela Ahn

  Packing up the cupboards to prepare for the renovation, I found the package from the museum. I was curious about long-forgotten Backup Bracha, and as I was about to open the package, my kids saw what I was doing. I explained the whole story. We pulled a fresh, bright, clean dinosaur out of the bubble wrapping and marvelled at how different this stuffed dinosaur looked from old Bracha, who had done a lot of living and had endured many cycles in the washing machine. Then we looked at the tag.

  We all burst out laughing. Turns out Bracha was actually an Apatosaurus. To this day, I don’t know why we always assumed Bracha was supposed to be a Brachiosaurus. We named Backup Bracha “Appa.” Obviously.

  Bracha and Appa now sit together on a bench in my daughter’s room. Little do they know that they were the inspiration for this story about the Lee family.

  This story started off as a short little road trip story, less than half the book you are currently holding in your hands. I had a lot of help getting it to this stage.

  To Mike, Alice and Hilary. Thank you for all the early feedback. Brainstorming with you helped shape the story, and while I got to keep a lot of the fun bits, you helped me add the more substantive ideas. I always had the quirk, but you helped me find the heart. I am grateful.

  To my young beta readers, Emerson and Augustine. Your feedback was amazing and so helpful. I remain impressed with your ability to critique and commend at the same time. (I know you’re Lees too, but that’s just a coincidence.)

  To my agent, Laurel Symonds, who picked up this story from her slush pile. Thank you for constant support and your thoughtful and incredible editing ideas. She must also be applauded for putting up with my terrible proofreading and archaic keyboarding habits.

  To my editor, Lynne Missen, who scooped up this little story quicker than I could have ever hoped for because she got it. I am still not sure how she can read a story with such insight and attention to detail, but it is truly a gift to have an editor who asks all the right questions. Seriously, how do you do it? Thank you to the team at Tundra/Penguin Random House Canada for loving my story as much as I do.

  To my copy editor, Kelly Jones. Nothing gets by you. I mean nothing. I am in awe of your talent (and quite frankly, a little bit afraid).

  To my fellow Electric Eighteen, Sophie Gonzalez, who so kindly offered to read the story on very, very short notice. She gave me important insights on living with asthma. Also Diane Magras for taking the time to read and provide comments. The community of writers I have found in my very brief life as an author has been amazing, supportive and generous.

  To my family. Thanks for trying to leave me alone when I’m sitting at my computer. But I get it, that dinner isn’t going to miraculously cook itself, is it?

  For all the beautiful and charming art, please join me in celebrating the artist, Julie Kwon. You put my story and characters to illustration in a way that still blows my mind. You are so talented. Thank you.

  While I have been to the Royal Tyrrell Museum (twice!), the contents of this story are fiction and a product of my imagination. I thank the museum for kindly sending me Backup Bracha all those years ago and providing me with inspiration for the site of Peter’s personal failures and potential future triumphs. I hope you don’t get too many kids asking you when the next Junior Scientist Dig will be scheduled.

  Also, if you’ve never seen the Kukkiwon Demonstration Team give a taekwondo performance, what are you waiting for? You will cheer louder than L.B., I promise.




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