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Delphi Complete Works of Sheridan Le Fanu

Page 348

by J. Sheridan le Fanu

  “I have the honour to be, dear Sir,

  “Very truly yours,

  “Jos. Larkin.

  “The Lodge, Gylingden.

  “P.S. I may mention that the Jewish firm to which I have referred, have addressed to me a letter, apprising me of the decease of the Hon. Arthur Verney, a step which, as terminating the annuities on which they received an annual percentage, they would not, I presume, have adopted, had they not been absolutely certain of the event, and confident also that we must, if they were silent, be otherwise apprised of it.”

  I think our old friend, Jos. Larkin, wrote this letter with several views, one of which was that, in the event of his thinking proper, some years hence, notwithstanding his little flourishes of gratuitous service, to unmuzzle the ox who had trod out the corn, and to send in his little bill, it might help to show that he had been duly instructed to act in this matter at least by Mr. Cleve Verney. The other object, that of becoming the channel of negotiating terms with Mr. Dingwell, offered obvious advantages to a gentleman of acquisitive diplomacy and ingenious morals.

  Cleve, however, had not yet learned to suspect this Christian attorney, and the letter on the whole was highly satisfactory.

  “Capital man of business, this Mr. Larkin! Who could have expected an answer, and so full an answer, so immediately to his letter? That is the kind of attorney the world sighed for. Eager, prompt, clear, making his clients’ interests his own” — more literally sometimes than Cleve was yet aware— “disinterested, spirited, for was he not risking his time, skill, and even money, without having been retained in this matter, and with even a warning that he might possibly never be so? Did he not also come in the livery of religion, and discuss business, as it were, in a white robe and with a palm in his hand? And was it not more unlikely that a man who committed himself every hour to the highest principles should practise the lowest, than a person who shirked the subject of virtue, and thought religion incongruous with his doings?” Perhaps, Cleve thought, there is a little too much of that solemn flam. But who can object if it helps to keep him straight?

  This was a day of surprises. Cleve had gone up to his room to replenish his cigar-case, when a chaise drove up to the hall door of Ware, and looking out he beheld with a sense of dismay his uncle’s man, Mr. Ridley, descending from his seat on the box, and opening the door of the vehicle, from which the thin stiff figure of the Hon. Kiffyn Fulke Verney descended, and entered the house.

  Could the devil have hit upon a more ill-natured plan for defeating the delightful hopes of that day? Why could not that teasing old man stay where he was? Heaven only knows for how many days he might linger at Ware, lecturing Cleve upon themes on which his opinion was not worth a pin, directing him to write foolish letters, and now and then asking him to obleege him by copying papers of which he required duplicates, benumbing him with his chilly presence, and teasing him by his exactions.

  Cleve groaned when he saw this spectacle from his window, and muttered something, I don’t care what.

  “Let him send for me if he wants me. I shan’t pretend to have seen him,” was Cleve’s petulant resolve. But a knock at his room door, with an invitation from his uncle to visit him in the library, settled the question.

  “How d’ye do, Cleve?” and his uncle, who was sitting in a great chair at the table, with some letters, noted, and folded into long slim parallelograms, already before him, put forth a thin hand for him to shake, throwing back his head, and fixing his somewhat dull grey eyes with an imperious sort of curiosity upon him, he said, “Yes — yes — recruiting. I was always in favour of making the most of the recess, about it. You make the most of it. I saw Winkledon and your friend Colonel Tellerton at Dyce’s yesterday, and talked with ‘em about it, and they both agreed with me, we are pretty sure of a stormy session, late sittings, and no end of divisions, and I am glad you are taking your holiday so sensibly. The Wave’s here, isn’t she? And you sail in her a good deal, I dare say, about it, and you’ve got yourself a good deal sunburnt. Yes, the sun does that; and you’re looking very well, about it, I think, very well indeed.”

  To save the reader trouble, I mention here, that the Hon. Kiffyn Fulke Verney has a habit of introducing the words “about it,” as everybody is aware who has the honour of knowing him, without relation to their meaning, but simply to caulk, as it were, the seams of his sentences, to stop them where they open, and save his speech from foundering for want of this trifling half-pennyworth of oakum.

  “Very lonely, sir, Ware is. You’ve come to stay for a little time perhaps.”

  “Oh! no. Oh, dear no. My view upon that subject is very decided indeed, as you know. I ask myself this question, — What good can I possibly do, about it, by residing for any time at Ware, until my income shall have been secured, and my proper position ascertained and recognised? I find myself, by the anomalous absurdity of our existing law, placed in a position, about it, of so much difficulty and hardship, that although the people must feel it very much, and the county regret it, I feel it only due to myself, to wash my hands about it, of the entire thing for the present, and to accept the position of a mere private person, which the existing law, in its wisdom, imposes upon me — don’t you see?”

  “It certainly is,” acquiesced Cleve, “a gross absurdity that there should be no provision for such a state of things.”

  “Absurdity! my dear sir, I don’t call it absurdity at all, I call it rank injustice, and a positive cruelty,” said the feeble voice of this old gentleman with an eager quaver in it, while, as always occurred when he was suddenly called on for what he called his “sentiments” upon this intolerable topic, a pink flush suffused his thin temples and narrow forehead. “Here I am, about it, invested by opinion, don’t you see, and a moral constraint, with the liabilities of a certain position, and yet excluded from its privileges and opportunities. And what, I ask myself, can come of such a thing, except the sort of thing, about it, which we see going on? Don’t you see?”

  “Any news of any kind from the East, sir?” asked Cleve.

  “Well, now, wait — a — a — I’ll come to it — I’m coming to that. I wrote to you to say that you were to meet me in town, d’ye see, on the fifteenth, and I mean to have a Mr. Larkin, an attorney, a very proper person in his rank of life — a very proper person — about it, to meet us and produce his papers, and make his statement again. And I may tell you that he’s of opinion, and under the impression, that poor Arthur is dead, about it; and now you’ll read this letter — very good, and now this — very good, and now this.”

  As he handed these papers over to Cleve in succession, the young gentleman thought his uncle’s air a little grander than usual, and fancied there was a faint simper of triumph discernible under the imposing solemnity of his looks.

  “A — well, that’s all, at present; and immediately on receiving the first of these I wrote to the consul there — a very proper man, very well connected; I was, I may say, instrumental in getting his appointment for him — saying he’d obleege me by instituting inquiry and communicating the result, and possibly I may hear before the fifteenth; and I should be very glad, about it, to learn or know something definite, in which case, you see, there would be a natural solution of the complication, and poor Arthur’s death, about it, would clear up the whole thing, as in fact it does in all such cases, don’t you see?”

  “Of course, sir, perfectly.”

  “And as to mourning and all that, about it, I don’t quite see my way; no, I don’t; because, d’ye see, I rather think there should be nothing of the kind: but it’s time enough to decide what the house of Verney are to do when I shall have all the circumstances, don’t you see, and everything.”

  Cleve acquiesced.

  “And if the dissolution comes next autumn — as they apprehend it may — you’ll have no annoyance from the old quarter — Sir Booth Fanshawe — he’s quite ruined — about it; and he’s been obliged to leave the country; he’s in France, I understand, and I’ve di
rected our people in town to follow up the proceedings as sharply as possible. He has never spared me, egad, and has often distressed me very seriously by his malevolent and utterly wanton opposition where he had absolutely no chance whatever, and knew it, nor any object, I give you my honour, except to waste my money, when, owing to the absurd and cruel position I was placed in, he knew very well I could not have a great deal to throw away. I look upon a person of that kind as a mere nuisance; and I look upon it as a matter of dooty and of principle, about it, which one owes to society, don’t you see, to exterminate them like vermin. And if you want to stop it, you mustn’t let him off when you’ve got the advantage at last, don’t you see? You must follow it up, and show evil-disposed people that if they choose to play that game they may, but that you won’t let ‘em off, about it, and that.”

  These were not very pleasant words in Cleve’s ears.

  “And, egad, sir, I’ll make an example of that person — I owe it to the principle of fair political warfare, about it. What business had he to run me into six thousand pounds expense for nothing, when he had not really a hundred pounds at the time he could call his own? And I ask myself, where’s the good of laws if there’s no way of reaching a person who commits, from the worst possible motives, an outrage like that, and goes on doing that sort of thing, about it?”

  Here the Hon. Kiffyn Fulke Verney paused for a minute, and then looked at his watch.

  “Just ten minutes still left me. I’ll ask you to touch the bell, Cleve. I’m going to the railway — to Llwynan, about it, and to see the people at Heathcote Hall; and I’ve been thinking you ought to turn over in your mind what I said last Easter, when we were at Dawling Hill. If this affair of poor Arthur’s should turn out to be quite true, I think the connection would recommend itself to most people,” he said, grandly, “and in fact you might strengthen yourself very materially, about it. You could not do better than marry Ethel; depend upon it, the connection will serve you. Her uncle, you know — always some of that family — in the Cabinet; and Dorminster, they say — every one says it — Winkledon, for instance, and Colonel Tellers, about it — they both said the other day he’ll very probably be Minister. Every one says that sort of thing, about it; and it has been my opinion a long time before people generally began to say so, and things of that sort, don’t you see?”

  As a general rule, Cleve knew that there was no use in fighting any favourite point with his uncle. He acquiesced and relied upon dilatory opportunities and passive resistance; so now he expressed himself most gratefully for the interest he had always taken in him, and seemed to lend an attentive ear, while the Hon. Kiffyn Fulke Verney rambled on upon this theme in his wise and quietly dictatorial way. It was one of his pleasantest occupations, and secretly pleased his self-love, this management of Cleve Verney — really a promising young man — and whom he magnified, as he did everything else that belonged to him, and whose successes in the House, and growth in general estimation, he quietly took to himself as the direct consequence of his own hints and manipulations, and his “keeping the young man straight about it.”

  “He has an idea — the young man has — that I know something about it — that I have seen some public life, and known people — and things of that sort. He is a young man who can take a hint, and, egad, I think I’ve kept him pretty straight about it up to this, and put him on a right track, and things; and if I’m spared, I’ll put him on, sir. I know pretty well about things, and you see the people talk to me, and they listen to me, about it, and I make him understand what he’s about, and things.”

  And then came the parting. He gave Cleve ten pounds, which Mrs. Jones, the draper’s wife, used to distribute for him among certain poor people of Cardyllian. So his small soul was not destitute of kindliness, after its fashion; and he drove away from Ware, and Cleve stood upon the steps, smiling, and waving his hand, and repeating, “On the fifteenth,” and then suddenly was grave.

  * * *



  Very grave was Cleve Verney as the vehicle disappeared. His uncle’s conversation had been very dismal. “Ethel, indeed! What an old bore he is, to be sure! Well, no matter; we shall see who’ll win the game. He is so obstinate and selfish.” There was, indeed, an enemy in front — an up-hill battle before him. He prayed heaven, at all events, that the vindictive old gentleman might not discover the refuge of Sir Booth Fanshawe. Were he to do so, what a situation for Cleve! He would talk the matter over with his uncle’s attorneys, who knew him, with whom he had often been deputed to confer on other things; who, knowing that he stood near the throne, would listen to him, and they would not be over zealous in hunting the old Baronet down. With those shrewd suspicious fellows, Cleve would put it all on election grounds. Sir Booth was in a kind of way popular. There would be a strong feeling against any extreme or vindictive courses being taken by his uncle, and this would endanger, or at all events embarrass Cleve very seriously.

  Away shadows of the future — smoke and vapours of the pit! Let us have the sun and air of heaven while we may. What a charming day! how light and pleasant the breeze! The sails rattle, quiver and fill, and stooping to the breeze, away goes the Wave — and, with a great sigh, away go Cleve’s troubles, for the present; and his eye travels along the seaboard, from Cardyllian on to Malory, and so to the dimmer outline of Penruthyn Priory.

  As usual, they ran for Pendillion — the wind favouring — and at two o’clock Cleve stood on the sea-rocked stones of the rude pier of Penruthyn, and ordered his men to bring the yacht, seaward, round the point of Cardrwydd, and there to await him. There was some generalship in this. His interview of the morning had whetted his instincts of caution. Round Cardrwydd the men could not see, and beside he wanted no one — especially not that young lady, whom the sight might move to he knew not what capricious resolve, to see the Wave in the waters of Penruthyn.

  Away went the yacht, and Cleve strolled up to the ancient Priory, from the little hillock beyond which is a view of the sea half way to Malory.

  Three o’clock came, and no sail in sight.

  “They’re not coming. I shan’t see her. They must have seen our sail. Hang it, I knew we tacked too soon. And she’s such an odd girl, I think, if she fancied I were here she’d rather stay at home, or go anywhere else. Three o’clock!” He held his watch to his ear for a moment. “By Jove! I thought it had stopped. That hour seems so long. I won’t give it up yet, though. That” — he was going to call him brute, but even under the irritation of the hypothesis he could not— “that oddity. Sir Booth, may have upset their plans or delayed them.”

  So, with another long look over the lonely sea toward Malory, he descended from his post of observation, and sauntered, rather despondingly, by the old Priory, and down the steep and pretty old road, that sinuously leads to the shore and the ruinous little quay, for which boats of tourists still make. He listened and lingered on the way. His mind misgave him. He would have deferred the moment when his last hope was to go out, and the chance of the meeting, which had been his last thought at night, and his first in the morning, should lose itself in the coming shades of night. Yes, he would allow them a little time — it could not be much — and if a sail were not in sight by the time he reached the strand he would give all up, and set out upon his dejected walk to Cardrwydd.

  He halted and lingered for awhile in that embowered part of the little by-road which opens on the shore, half afraid to terminate a suspense in which was still a hope. With an effort, then, he walked on, over the little ridge of sand and stones, and, lo! there was the boat with furled sails by the broken pier, and within scarce fifty steps the Malory ladies were approaching.

  He raised his hat — he advanced quickly — not knowing quite how he felt, and hardly recollecting the minute after it was spoken, what he had said. He only saw that the young lady seemed surprised and grave. He thought she was even vexed.

  “I’m so glad we’ve met you he
re, Mr. Verney,” said artful Miss Sheckleton. “I was just thinking, compared with our last visit, how little profit we should derive from our present. I’m such a dunce in ancient art and architecture, and in all the subjects, in fact, that help one to understand such a building as this, that I despaired of enjoying our excursion at all as I did our last; but, perhaps you are leaving, and once more is too much to impose such a task as you undertook on our former visit.”

  “Going away! You could not really think such a thing possible, while I had a chance of your permitting me to do the honours of our poor Priory.”

  He glanced at Miss Fanshawe, who was at the other side of the chatty old lady, as they walked up the dim monastic road; but the Guido was looking over the low wall into the Warren, and his glance passed by unheeded.

  “I’m so fond of this old place,” said Cleve, to fill in a pause. “I should be ashamed to say — you’d think me a fool almost — how often I take a run over here in my boat, and wander about its grounds and walls, quite alone. If there’s a transmigration of souls, I dare say mine once inhabited a friar of Penruthyn — I feel, especially since I last came to Ware, such an affection for the old place.”

  “It’s a very nice taste, Mr. Verney. You have no reason to be ashamed of it,” said the old lady, decisively. “Young men, now-a-days, are so given up to horses and field games, and so little addicted to anything refined, that I’m quite glad when I discover any nice taste or accomplishment among them. You must have read a great deal, Mr. Verney, to be able to tell us all the curious things you did about this old place and others.”


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