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Page 2

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  I collect the keys to my new home and the sun comes out, although there is a cool breeze, the sunshine matches my happy mood. I am feeling really positive as I push the key in the blue front door and walk upstairs to the flat that is now my home.

  The removal van arrives, leaving my little flat full of boxes. I slowly clean and began unpacking everything, taking a break for dinner. I walk to the little Italian bistro I had liked so much on my last visit. As the flat was newly decorated throughout, it didn’t need anything doing to it; it’s neutral, so all of my belongs fit in really well. Over the weekend I managed to work my way through all the boxes finding a place for all my things and photos of my family, the place was definitely beginning to feel a lot more like home. All of Nana’s things I left boxed up and place them in the small spare room. I even manage to find time for a shopping trip, treating myself to some new lingerie, feeling good underneath should hopefully give me some confidence. I also invest in two new suits, one black, one navy blue, plus blouses and shoes for work. The new heels are more daring than I normally wear, but they are so comfy, and this is a new start for me, so why not be more daring.

  After a shower, I set my alarm and went to bed early. I knew that 6.00 am would soon be here.

  Dressed in my new fitted black pencil skirt and jacket teamed with a cream silk blouse and black heels, my dark brown hair is straightened falling just past my shoulders. I walk up to the Mathias Enterprise building and jump as a voice behind me startles me.

  “Morning Anne, you are eager today. I aimed to be here before you.” Smiling, I open the large glass door and step back letting Will walk though.

  “There you go, you arrived before me.” Laughing softly as he steps through the open door. I hesitate in the reception as he laughs, but he stops and turns to me.

  “You do know my Mum wouldn’t be amused letting a young lady open a door for me.” He says and a smile spreads across his face lighting up his eyes.

  “She sounds like a very smart lady, but this can be our little secret.” Placing a finger to my lips to emphasise the point. He winks back at me.

  “Perfect. You can come up with me. I can show you the kitchen and we can have a coffee and check your paperwork is all in order. Oh, and I have your security passes.” Smiling, I walk with him to the lift, we step out and after a detour to the kitchen, we arrive at his office. “Take a seat Anne.” I sit opposite him and sip my coffee.

  “Mmm good coffee.”

  “Yeah, Brad won’t drink the cheap, nasty crap it has to be real coffee, but he pays the bill, so we don’t argue. That Kitchen is for our offices. Top tip, don’t make coffee in the main kitchen they all pool and buy whatever coffee is on offer.” I laugh as he screws up his face and shudders in mock disgust.

  “Duly noted, thanks.”

  “Right here is all your paperwork and your bank details can you just check those. Your official start date was Monday the 1st April.” He pauses looking up from the paperwork to me grinning. “Aren’t you glad it was a bank holiday?”

  “Yes, I could have had a hard time starting on April Fool's Day.” Checking the paperwork, he pushes across the desk to me. “This all looks correct.” I say pushing the paperwork back to him, he hands me a pass and a piece of paper.

  “This is your security pass, and it is also for your system access, don’t leave it lying around. Your email and temporary password are written on here, you will need to change the password the first time you log in, all your other log in details for our internal systems will be emailed to you. Do you have any questions?” I tuck the pass and the folded paper in my jacket pocket.

  “Not at the minute.”

  “Well, I’m only at the end of a phone and Tracy, my secretary will help anyway she can, she is on annual leave today, so it’s just you, me and Brad. Speaking of which, we had best go and find him, we can’t put this off forever.” I follow Will down the corridor, feeling even more puzzled and very apprehensive. I literally feel like I am going into the lion’s den, Will must notice and winks at me. “Don’t worry you will be fine. I hired you as I sense you can handle Brad.” I follow him to Brad’s office, wondering what that means.

  He knocks on the door to Brad’s office. The door is slightly ajar, and I stand back as he pokes his head around the door. He has a triumphant grin on his face.

  “Brad, I found the perfect secretary for you.” I hear a loud sigh and it sounds like he is mumbling under his breath, he doesn’t seem happy about having his secretary picked for him and the thought makes my stomach flip I really hope he likes me I need this job now.

  Will laughs as he pushes the door open and I step aside? I raise my eyes up from my feet, chewing on my lip nervously as I look up at my new boss for the first time. He is much taller than Will, Brad is definitely over 6ft, he is leaner too, but still muscular. His shirt stretches across his well defined chest and arms; it must be a Mathias man thing. His hair is short and dark and a grin spreads across his face making his hazel eyes twinkle mischievously. I feel his eyes travel down to my toes and back up my body taking in every inch of me, but his eyes never reach my eyes. It feels like he’s mentally undressing me, and I feel the heat rise up my neck. I know my previous pink cheeks are now cherry red.

  He strides around the desk, a grin still firmly plastered on his face and he stretches out his hand to me,

  “Bradley Mathias, you can call me Brad.” He winks flirtatiously. “And you are?” I hold my hand out and he takes it in his and with all the confidence I can muster I stand tall hoping my voice works.

  “Anne Ryder, your new secretary.” I try not to gasp in shock as he lifts my hand to his lips and kisses it. He really is full of himself. I pull my hand back and gather myself together, he seems to take pleasure in the fact he has me flustered.

  “Anne Ryder, it really is a pleasure to meet you. Maybe later it will be both our pleasures.” He winks again, and the heat radiates from my cheeks. I turn to look at Will as he bursts into laughter and holds up his hands defensively.

  “See I told you I was the nice one.” He replies.

  Will makes his escape still laughing and I follow the other Mathias Brother into his huge office, again this is black, white and chrome. Brad leans back in his black leather chair and I feel his eyes fix on me. There is a huge pile of papers and folders on his desk which he pushes to me. “Your desk is the one just outside my door. If you can make a start going through these. Oh, and coffee would be good.”

  “Of course.” I take the pile, of files and papers into my arms, and I walk out of his office feeling his eyes on my bum. I roll my eyes, honestly subtly isn’t his strong point.

  Setting the papers on my desk I realise I don’t know how he takes his coffee. I knock on his door and enter.

  “How do you like it?” Standing there, a huge mischievous grin spreads across his face. I realise just how it sounded and heat instantly rises back up my cheeks. I bite my lip stuttering I add. “Y...your coffee.” I hear the smirk in his voice as he clearly states.

  “Hot, wet and not too sweet.” I feel my cheeks burn.

  “I won’t be long.”

  “No hurry, oh and you can leave the door open. I cleared my diary for the next few days, so we can get to know one another anytime you want me, I’m yours.” He emphasises it with a wink. I roll my eyes and he smirks.

  “Thank you, Mr Mathias, I will bear that in mind.”

  After making him a coffee I sit down at my desk, my desk is black as is my chair, just not as big or comfy as Brad’s looks. Switching on my Mac desktop I open the three drawers in my desk as it loads. The first is full of pens, pencils, a stapler and a notebook with The Bible written on the front in big letters, the second is full of company stationery and the third the largest drawer is empty, so I drop my bag inside. Taking out the book marked The Bible, I log into the system with my card and access my email, making a note of my passwords I start working my way through the systems, logging in and following the instructions left in t
he notebook. I soon get the hang of it. In between that and fending off calls from a girl called Mindy the day flies by. Several secretaries popped in to check out Brad’s latest secretary, they all had a knowing look which makes me smile, I don’t know what they expected, but they obviously don’t know me. I didn’t see Will during the day, but he popped in to check on how I was settling in on his way home. He sat on the corner of my desk and chatted away. By 5.30 pm I was feeling pretty pleased myself, I had survived my first day without a catastrophe and I was feeling much more confident and looking forward to my future.

  Chapter 3

  I have almost completed a month in my new job, and the girls from around the building are beginning to warm to me. From what I can gather Brad is a bit of a 'ladies man’, and has a reputation for having sex with his secretaries. I have to confess he is very flirtatious and I do feel his eyes on my bum every time I walk out of his office, but so far I have managed to survive with my virtue intact. Word is also spreading that I’m not ‘easy’ and I may be staying around a little longer than my predecessors, so the invites to lunch have started to arrive and I am also now included in the office grapevine. I think most of them just like to have a buffer between them and Brad to be fair. I don’t mind, under his cheekiness and charm, he is a nice guy, although I’m sure he makes me blush on purpose and gets immense pleasure from it.

  I keep seeing the same faces as I move around the building. I’m not sure what a lot of their names are or what department they work in, but they all seem to know who I am and what I do. We say good morning and exchange pleasantries each day, but I really need to work on putting names to faces.

  There is one face I know I won’t forget, I even see it when I’m trying to fall asleep at night. He is a really cute guy I don’t know his name yet, but I am sure I can find it out somehow. He is roughly the same height as Brad, but with Will’s broadness, a perfect combination of the two men. He has short brown hair that my hands long to run over. I think he’s from HR or marketing as he always gets out on that floor. He has the most amazing blue eyes; they are deep blue like a tropical sea. His eyes seem to sparkle and the cute smile he always gives me when he catches me looking at him gives me butterflies every single time.

  I’m not that great with the opposite sex, being shy and having the tendency to blush at the drop of a hat makes me feel awkward. Yet I still find myself travelling to work wondering if I will see him, but as I’m heading to work early today to sort my wages out as they are wrong, I will probably miss him.

  Dropping my bag in the bottom drawer of my desk before I head to the kitchen. I have my morning routine down to a tee. Knocking on Brad’s partly open door, I have noticed he rarely shuts it. I wait for him to acknowledge me before walking in.

  “Morning Anne, you’re early?” Setting his coffee down on his desk.

  “I need to go to HR before the phones start, my wages are wrong, they have only paid me for two weeks.”

  “I’m sorry about that, you go and speak to them now I can get the phones if they ring. If you don’t get anywhere with HR come back to me and I will chase it down.”

  “Thank you, Mr Mathias. I’m sure it won’t come to that.” He goes to look back at the papers on his desk as I turn to leave.

  “Anne, do you need some cash until it’s fixed?” Blushing and feeling a little embarrassed, I reply.

  “No, thank you. I’m fine and I’m sure it will be sorted quickly.”

  “Okay well, the offer stands and thanks for the coffee.”

  “Your welcome.”

  Pulling the door almost too, I walk down the two flights of stairs to HR, at this time of day it’s much quicker than the lift. I reach up pushing the glass door open, stopping in the doorway as my eyes fall on him. It looks like he’s just arrived, as he sets his jacket on the back of his chair before taking a seat at a desk, he drops his keys in the drawer as he starts up his Mac.

  Walking into the reception the door swings closed behind me and I clear my throat. He turns in his seat looking across at me a huge smile spreading across his lips and I think my heart just skipped a beat, for god’s sake Anne speak.

  “Good morning,” I say cheerily. He looks around I think to check I’m talking to him and I bite my lip, so I don’t giggle.

  “Morning, can I help you?” He says as he turns back to me.

  “I hope so. My wages appear to be wrong.” He stands and walks over, and my eyes take him in, his navy trousers, pale blue shirt and navy tie just seem to make his eyes look bluer.

  “I’m sorry that’s not good at all. Payroll should be able to fix it though.” He checks his watch. “But they aren’t in until nine thirty.”

  “Oh okay, thanks for your time, I will come back down later.”

  “Hold on, not so fast.” He pushes a pad to me, “Why don’t you write your details down on here name, department, position, and a contact number. I don’t expect you have your wage slip do you?” I write my details down pushing the paper back to him.

  “Thank you, I really appreciate this.” He looks down at the paper and his eyes widen a little. “I have my wage slip too.” Pulling it from my pocket I set it next to the piece of paper containing my details.

  “Well Anne Ryder it’s nice to meet you, I’m Matt.” He holds out his hand to me and I shake it feeling heat rush up my arm.

  “And you Matt. Thanks again I appreciate your time.”

  “No problem, I will call you as soon as I know anything.”

  “Talk to you soon than Matt.” I hope, grinning to myself as I turn to leave.

  I walk back to my desk smiling away to myself as I start working my way through today’s emails. Each time the phone rings I wonder if it will be Matt, but no it’s either Mindy or Tiffany, she must be this weekend’s conquest. I may not have been here that long, but I have figured out on Monday a new girl starts to call and although I don’t know the girl I bet she is blonde. I laugh quietly to myself as I type up the reports Brad has left for me. Leaving them on his desk before I head home for the day.

  After a pretty relaxing weekend I step out of the lift to my phone ringing, sprinting across the floor I reach my desk as it stops. I drop my bag in the drawer and take my seat as I start up my Mac. The voicemail light flashes on my phone and I reach across for it, I smile to myself as Matt’s voice comes down the line. He has sorted my wages and they should be in my bank this morning. I really should call and thank him, it is only polite, after all it wasn’t his job to get them sorted. I search for his number on the internal directory so lost in thoughts of his blue eyes I don’t hear Brad step out of the lift.

  “Morning Anne.” I jump, hanging up the phone and blush it makes me look like I’m guilty when I have done nothing.

  “Morning Mr Mathias, I will just get your coffee.” Keeping my head down I stand, but he’s stock still staring at me.

  “Is everything okay?” He asks looking at me questioningly.

  “Yes, everything is just perfect. Oh, my wages are sorted by the way. They should be in my bank this morning.” His eyes are still fixed on me as he walks to his office and I scuttle past to make his coffee. I will call Matt back, but when Brad’s in his meeting.


  I place the phone back on its hook, even though I would have loved to of heard her voice I’m glad her voicemail picked up, I would have probably turned in to a stuttering mess. I try so hard to keep my cool around her I have to since she works for him. I have wondered many times whether she is with him like all the others were, but I haven’t heard any gossip yet. She’s so pretty, I hope she isn’t carrying on with the playboy that is our boss. Bradley Mathias took over control of the company from his father, and the guy sleeps with everything that moves. He’s had so many secretaries it’s been the talk of the office since he started. When Anne Ryder started there was speculation, but no one knows for sure if anything is going on with them. She doesn’t seem to be the usual type he goes for he’s more into the bimbo type and Anne is far fr
om a bimbo.

  “Did you tell her?” Mollie says coming in and sitting on the edge of my desk.

  “I just left a message on her voicemail.” I tell her. “I owe you one for sorting it out so quickly for me.” Mollie smiles down at me as I lean back in my chair.

  “Anything for that smile.” She says winking at me.

  “Haha, you’re so funny.” I chuckle.

  “So, what is it with the new girl?” She asks.

  “I’m just trying to be helpful.” I tell her.

  “Hmmm, I’m sure you are, sure does pay to have friends in payroll.” She laughs before standing.

  “Drinks are on me next time we all go out.”

  “I’ll let Susie know, she will be happy with that.” She smiles at me and the smile that comes across her face every time she talks about her girlfriend lights up her face.

  “I’m sure she will.” I tell her just as my phone starts to ring, it’s an internal ring and my heart skips a beat.

  “I’ll let you get that, see you for lunch?” She asks.

  “Brought mine with me today.” I tell her, she nods at me as I reach for my phone. “Good morning, this is Matthew, how can I help?” I ask, Mollie wiggles her fingers at me in a wave as she goes back to her side of the large office.

  Chapter 4


  Work so far this week has been manic, I have started early and finished late every day so far, and much to my disappointment I have not seen even a glimpse of Matt. Call it nerves or lack of confidence, but I keep hearing a voice in my head whisper. ‘You aren’t good enough! Why would he want you?’ I try and push it away, but the more time that passes, the harder it is to ignore it. I was going to try and see him this morning, but I have been rushed off my feet since the moment I arrived at the office. I have paperwork for three meetings to double check and when I went to get Brad, his coffee I discovered the coffee machine wasn’t working, I haven’t even had the time to go out and get him any. Brad with a morning full of back to back meetings and no coffee is not the most patient and unfortunately, I had to sit in all the meetings and take notes.


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