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Page 9

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  I glance up at Matt as we step outside into the sunshine and see an amused grin on his lips his first genuine smile of the day.

  “What’s so funny?” I ask happily.

  “Just the thought of you waiting, let’s face it patience isn’t your strong point is it.” I shake my head in mock horror.

  “Are you making fun of me Matthew Richardson.” I ask trying to frown.

  “Me, never. Now can I take my girlfriend to lunch…my treat.” He adds, and I know that’s his way of making it clear he’s paying.

  “I would like that a lot.” I say smiling as he pulls me against him as we make our way back to the car.

  Chapter 15


  After I drop Anne back off at her place I head over to Mum’s for a couple of hours. I park up and head on into the house.

  “Hi Mum.” I say as I walk in and see her sitting on the sofa.

  “Matthew.” She says a huge smile pulling at her lips, I toss my keys into the bowl on the table and cringe when I hear the metal keys clink on the glass, I’m grateful it didn’t break.

  “Sorry Mum.” I say as I sit next to her and rest back into the sofa. “How’s your day been?” I ask her.

  “I missed you this morning.” She says.

  “I know sorry I had to do a shift at the centre and then I took Anne to view some apartments.” I tell her apologetically.

  “Oh, and how did it go, did she find anything she liked?” She asks.

  “Yeah, she’s had an offer put in on one.” I tell her nonchalantly when in fact the money issue still bothers me

  “Don’t let it bother you Matthew, money really isn’t that important in your relationship right now.” She tells me. “And when are you going to bring her here to meet me? You have been seeing her a while now haven’t you? I think it’s time to meet the Mum.” She chuckles.

  “I promise you will meet her soon.” I tell her. “I was wondering if I could miss out tomorrow, so I can take Anne out for the day.” I ask.

  “Well if we miss tomorrow can you run me up to Tesco to get some bits?” She asks.

  “Of cause I can, you finish what you’re watching, and I’ll go get your bags.” I tell her giving her a grin.

  “You’re a good boy Matthew.” She says before she turns her attention back to the TV show that she paused when I walked in.

  As my alarm goes off I hit the snooze button and cuddle into the pillow on the other side of the bed. Spending my birthday weekend with Anne and sleeping in the same bed as her was awesome, but every morning since I have woke up missing her next to me.

  I jump in the shower and then get myself ready in a pair of dark blue shorts and a white t-shirt I slip my feet into a pair of trainers and grab my keys, so I can go and pick up Anne.

  Last night when I got back from Mum’s I sent her a text and asked her if she wanted to spend the day with me. When she agreed I was over the moon to get to apologise to her. I’ve been a bit of a dick to her this last week over this house business I suppose it’s because I grew up with almost nothing and now I work hard for the little I have it makes me feel inadequate that I can’t support my women, not that we are at that stage in our relationship, but if we were it is my responsibility to be the breadwinner. I know it’s a bit of an old school mind set, but I watched Mum struggle so much. All I heard as a child from other people was that my Mum needed a man to look after her, I never told my Mum what I heard because I didn’t want her to feel like she wasn’t doing a good job because I think she did an amazing job with me considering the trouble I caused her before we found the centre.

  I pull up outside Anne’s, park the car and climb out, I’m excited about the plans I have made for today. I walk up the path and use my key to get me in the main door and then climb the stairs to her flat. I rap my knuckles on her door before I use my key so that she knows I’m coming in.

  “Morning.” I say as I see her walk in the living room from the hall that leads to her bedroom.

  “Good morning to you.” She says with a sweet smile. I take her in for a few minutes in her pale yellow and white dress it flows softly just above her knees.

  “You’re so beautiful Angel.” I tell her, striding towards her. I take her in my arms and kiss her lips.” When I pull away her cheeks are flushed pink.

  “You’re not too bad yourself.” She says laying her hands on my chest, she lifts herself up on to her tiptoes and lays another kiss on me. I deepen the kiss pulling her flat against my body. When we pull away we are both slightly out of breath.

  “Maybe we should just stay here today.” I tell her I can feel my need for her racing through every inch of me. Anne clears her throat and pulls out of my arms.

  “I’m looking forward to the plans you have made for us.” She tells me. “Even though I don’t know what they are, you seemed excited about them last night.” I close my eyes and give myself a minute to snap out of my lust filled haze.

  “I thought we could go for a day to Hyde Park, it’s so beautiful out and I have packed a bag with picnic stuff, it’s in the boot.” I tell her.

  “That sounds lovely.” She says.

  “Great I thought we could get the train since parking will be impossible.”

  “Sounds good to me, just give me a second to put my sandals on.” She tells me rushing off in the direction of her bedroom. It’s only a couple of minutes before she comes rushing back.

  “I’m ready.” She says coming back to me.

  “Great let’s get going.” I put my hand on the small of her back and lead her in the direction of the door, she grabs her bag and cardigan off the hook by the door as we pass it. I lock her door as we leave, we stop to grab the picnic from the boot, I put the backpack on my back and we take a nice slow walk up to the train station.

  I decided that since it’s a little early we can do the tourist thing for a bit, so I suggest we get off the train at Knightsbridge and walk to Hyde Park that way we can pop into Harrods and have a look around, I don’t remember Anne ever saying she had done that.

  We board the tube, when we arrive at our stop we get off. Stepping out of the station, the breeze cooling us down a bit after the stuffy tube. July is so nice in London, but it does get busy, I take Anne’s hand in mine and pull her towards the entrance of Harrods.

  “Everyone who lives in London has to come to Harrods at some point.” I tell her smiling. We walk around Harrods for about an hour looking at everything. After we leave Harrods we take a nice slow stroll hand in hand towards Hyde Park.

  “It’s such a lovely day.” Anne says as we cross a road.

  “It is.” I reply slightly distracted as I check the GPS on my phone making sure we’re going the right way.

  “We’re not lost, are we?” Anne says as I frown down at my phone turning it around to try and see if it helps.

  “I don’t think so I’m just trying to figure it out.” I tell her.

  “Here give it to me.” She says snatching it out of my hand. “We stay walking this way and it should be about ten minutes before we see the gate, see.” She says showing me the phone.

  “I believe you.” I tell her chuckling. “Sorry, I’m a bit geographically challenged.”

  “Good job I’m here with you then.” She says nudging me playfully. We continue to walk until we come to the Royal Albert Hall and the Prince Albert memorial statue.

  “Wow, that’s stunning.” Anne says shielding her eyes as she looks up at the large monument.

  “Do you think someone has to come and polish all those gold bits regularly?” I ask only slightly joking.

  “Haha, you're funny.” She says as she snaps a couple of pictures of both the Royal Albert Hall and the memorial statue with her phone. We continue walking deeper into the park, stopping occasionally to look at a squirrel or some flowers. We come to the Serpertine, which is a recreational lake covering about a quarter of an acre of the park there are ducks and swans everywhere and people with peddle boats.

  “Do yo
u have any bread in that bag of yours?” Anne asks.

  “Only on our sandwiches.” I tell her.

  “Do you mind if I use some for the ducks?” She asks.

  “You want to feed our lunch to the ducks?” I ask her.

  “Not all of it just the bread.” She says I stop walking and pull the rucksack off my back. I hand the sandwich bags to Anne.

  “Here you hold this one then I can put all the fillings in there she says as she starts to pull the fillings out of each sandwich. “Thank you for letting me do this.” She says if only she knew I’d let her do anything she wanted. Within fifteen minutes the bread is all gone, and we are surrounded by ducks, swans and even a couple of geese.

  “I enjoyed that.” Anne says smiling over at me.

  “Good I’m glad, shall we find somewhere to sit and have lunch. I suggest to her.

  “Sure.” She looks around, people are everywhere. “How about over there?” She points out a space where no one is.

  “Looks good to me.” I pull the blanket out of the bag and lay it on the grass before I start pulling what is left of our lunch out of the backpack. Anne takes a seat next to where I’m kneeling.

  “Thank you for this.” Anne says.

  “I had to make up for being a complete dick this week I’m sorry.” I tell her.

  “It’s okay.” She says.

  “No, it’s not you deserve better than that I was in the wrong.”

  “Can I ask why you went like that?” She asks, she picks up a sausage roll and starts to eat it.

  “I’m feeling a little useless I guess.” I shrug.

  “Why do you feel useless?” She asks.

  “You don’t need me to help.” I tell her rather than telling her it’s all about the money.

  “I always need you that’s why I asked you to come and view them with me.” She tells me her voice full of sincerity.

  “I know I’m sorry that’s why I wanted to treat you today.” I pick up a couple of sausages and toss them into my mouth.

  “You’re forgiven, but please Matt if something is bothering you please talk to me about it.” She says sweetly. We continue to eat and chat. After we have finished eating we lay next to each other her in my arms and her head resting on my chest.

  “Shall we make our way up to the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain in a minute?” I ask.

  “Sure.” She says.

  When we arrive at the fountain the water is flowing and kids are running around in swimming costumes and trunks there are even a few adults dipping their feet into the water for a cool down.

  “Do you want to have a cool off?” I ask nodding in the direction of the water as I slip my trainers and socks off my feet.

  “Are you going in then?” She asks nodding her head at my shoes now in my hand.

  “Yep, definitely I need a cool down.” I tell her, she slips her feet out of her sandal flip flop things and takes my offered hand as we walk towards the fountain. I step my right foot in first and the cold water is a shock to my system I try not to show it though as my left foot follows Anne puts her foot in and cries out as the cold water hits her.

  “Oh my god, you didn’t say it was freezing.” She says slapping me across the chest.

  “Now the other foot,” I tell her laughing softly.

  “Your wicked Matthew.” She says her other foot hitting the freezing water.

  “You will adjust to the temperature.” I tell her as I pull her hand in mine and lead her around the outside.

  “Oh, I can feel myself cooling down.” She says.

  “Yep, it’s bliss isn’t it?”

  Five minutes of cooling down is all we need before we are climbing out and slipping our footwear back on our wet feet.

  We both go to the toilet before we get an ice cream, which we eat as we continue to walk through the park. We exit the park at Marble Arch and walk on to Oxford Street where we walk along the street popping in and out of some of the shops. We walk up to China Town and through to Leicester Square where we stop at Pizza Hut for some dinner.

  “Do you mind if we order a half n half pizza?” Anne asks.

  “No not at all what do you fancy?” I ask in reply.

  “Hmmm.” She says as she browses the menu. “I think the Philly cheesesteak sounds nice, what are you having?” She asks in return.

  “Meat Feast I think, what would you like to drink?”

  “Kopparberg please the mixed fruit one.”

  “She says just as the waitress that seated us comes over to take our order. I place our drinks and food order adding some garlic bread with cheese and some chips.

  While waiting for our order we go up to the salad station and help ourselves to a bowl of salad, I pile mine high. We talk about things that we saw during the day as we sit and eat.

  After we have finished our meal we leave and go to visit M&M World I need a new mug for work since someone broke my last one, I pick the blue one seeing there is an offer on the second mug being half price, so I pick a red one for Anne and pay for them both. We walk up to Piccadilly Circus and then jump on the tube and train back to Anne’s.

  “Do you want to stay tonight?” Anne asks.

  “If I do I would need to get up early or we could pack you a bag now and drive back to my place.” I suggest.

  “I like that idea give me a few minutes to pack and we can leave.” A smile crosses my lips she wants to stay with me tonight I can’t wait to hold her again tonight.

  Chapter 16

  Anne finally heard back from the estate agent and had her offer on the apartment we went to see accepted, all the papers were sent to her solicitor ready for her to sign and she went and signed them today.

  After closing my computer down and locking my desk up I get the lift to Anne’s floor, walking towards her desk I can see that Brad’s office door is open, I really don’t like that man. I know he wants in her knickers, but she’s mine. He brings out the raw male in me I want him to know she’s mine and he can’t have her. I reach her desk and she looks up at me smiling.

  “Hi Matt, are you finished already?” She asks, I falter slightly at the already part of that sentence does that mean she’s not ready to go?

  “I am, are you not ready?” I ask.

  “I’ve just got to run a few things over with Brad and then I’ll be done.” She tells me. “I’ll be back in a minute you can sit here while you wait.” She says standing and offering me her chair. She walks to his office not even a kiss for me first.

  I sit there and watch them as she is clearly running him through things, he either nods or shakes his head. I watch her shake her head and then I see a slimy smile cover his face. A few minutes later Anne comes walking back laughing to herself.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah everything’s good, you ready to go?” She asks in return. I stand my eyes flicking over to his office, he is sat at his desk watching us. I pull her into my arms and decide to give him a show, I place my lips on hers and start to kiss her, once her lips start moving against mine I deepen the kiss and move my hands down to her arse to cup her pert cheeks in my palms. She pulls away as soon as she feels my hands on her arse. I flick my eyes over to Brad’s office and see him chuckling to himself while watching us. Anne taps me on the chest to get my attention.

  “Was that for his benefit?” She asks as she rolls her eyes.

  “No that was because you are you, him seeing it is just an added bonus.” I tell her.

  “Come on you let’s go.” She says grabbing her bag and putting the notepad she had on her desk into the drawer and locking it all up.

  “Night Anne.” He calls out as we walk towards the lift, I turn to meet his gaze as does Anne and the Dickhead winks at her.

  “What the hell is that about?” I ask getting pissed off.

  “Just ignore him, he’s just trying to wind you up.” She tells me. “See you on Monday.” She calls back to him. I push the call button on the lift with a bit more force than needed, but
he really makes my blood boil. “Matthew ignore him.” Anne says as the doors open, she pulls me in and as we turn to face the doors I see he is still watching us, well her.

  “I want you to get a new job.” I tell her, she laughs at me.

  “That’s not going to happen! I love my job and it pays well, it doesn’t make sense to give that up.” She says matter of factly.

  “Is it the job that you love or him?” She gives me a dirty look and as soon as the doors open in the parking garage level she storms off.

  “Anne!” I call after her. She reaches my car and stops I click the button to unlock the doors and she gets in and belts up. When I climb in I ask. “Are you still coming to mine?”

  “Yes, you owe me dinner.” She says before turning to face the window, I guess she needs some time to cool off, but it didn’t escape my notice that she didn’t answer my question. I drive to mine picking up some Indian on the way. After we have eaten in silence I might add, I’ve had enough.

  “Shall I take you home then?” I ask her, she turns to me looking hurt.

  “You want me to go?” She asks.

  “Well, you haven’t spoken to me since we left work and don’t think I didn’t notice that you didn’t answer my question.” I snap.

  “What question, about my job? I already told you I’m not leaving my job.” She says harshly.

  “Not that one the one about you loving him.”

  “Oh, for god sake Matthew your just being silly.” She yells.

  “Silly? I’m not being bloody silly I don’t want my heart to be broken.” I yell back.

  “Why would I break your heart?” She asks sounding confused, I’m so angry I hate feeling like this.

  “Because I bloody love you and you don’t love me, you love him!”


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