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Anne Page 11

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “You obviously love the place and the kids there. It is written all over your face.” I say sincerely.

  “I do you should come down one day and have a look around if you want to of course.”

  “I would love to visit it with you and meet the kids.” I watch his face light up even more and I’m pulled from my thoughts as my phone lights up and vibrates on the table in-between us.

  “Well answer it then, it’s not going to answer itself.” He says pushing the phone to me. I reach out nervously for the phone which is still ringing and has Harry’s name on it, I slide the screen to answer.

  “Hi Harry.” I say feeling my mouth go dry.

  “Good morning Anne, I am just calling to let you know the sale went straight though there were no issues at all.” Harry says sounding very business-like.

  “Thank you, Harry.” I reply a huge grin breaking out on my lips. “I can’t believe it was that easy.”

  “Your welcome, I am glad I can help even if it is in a small way. Now you go and get settled into your new home and remember I’m always here if you need anything.” His voice softening as he speaks.

  “I know, thank you Harry, bye.” I say before ending the call. Looking up my eyes meet Matt’s he has a huge grin.

  “It all went through?” He asks questioningly. I nod unable to answer as it sinks in I have bought my first home. Matt’s arms reach for me and he pulls me onto his lap, pressing his lips to mine.

  “Congratulations Angel.” He says.

  “I can’t believe I have just bought an apartment.”

  “I bet it will sink in soon, but I guess we had better head back to work, do you need to get anything for him.” He asks.

  “No, he is out at meetings all day today.” I say as I stand up from Matt’s lap and weave my way through the crowded coffee shop making my way outside, Matt’s reassuring hand settles on the small of my back. “It’s a good job really my head has been all over the place. When I get back I will call the decorator and let them know they can go over and make a start.”

  “I can take you over later to have a look if you want to and you can collect your keys from the security desk.”

  “Thank you I would like that, we can grab pizza after…if you want to and you have time.” I add.

  “Of course, I do I know I have been a bit of a dick about it at times, but I am so happy for you and I need you to know that.” He says as he presses the call button for the lift and the doors immediately open allowing us to step in.

  “I know you are.” I say as I turn to him and he pulls me into his arms and kisses me slowly. My fingers slip around his neck and into his hair, I pull back as the doors open, my cheeks flushed. “I will see you later then!”

  “You will I will come up once I am done.” He steps out of the lift placing his hand on the door to stop it shutting and leans inside kissing me quickly. “Now go and do some work and stop distracting me.” He says teasingly moving his hand from the door. I meet his eyes. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I say as the door closes and the fluttering I get whenever he says it starts as I step out of the lift on my floor and make my way back to my desk.


  This week has been the longest ever, I thought Friday would never come around. After I got back to my desk last week I called the decorator, he informed me he had all the paint I had chosen and reconfirmed which colour was for which room he said he would collect a key from security and make a start that afternoon. After work last Friday Matt and I went over and collected the rest of the keys, I gave one set to Matt and added the two new keys to my keyring.

  I have been over most days after work to check on the progress of the decorating, each day I have been amazed at how much was done. Once the rooms had been painted I cleaned each room, so it was ready for the move. Now finally after a night of very little sleep, it is finally Friday morning and I’m feeling excited and a little stressed that it’s finally moving day. Matt is due to come around early and he promised to bring breakfast with him. The movers are due at 9.00 am although I don’t have any furniture to take that’s all being delivered afternoon today I have been buying all the little things for the kitchen plus bedding and towels and it’s surprising how many boxes of stuff there is stacked inside my small lounge. Climbing out of bed I go through my morning ritual of cleansing my face, packing all my products as I go. It still feels like there is so much to do and I want to tidy this place as much as I can before I leave.

  I dress casually in an old pair of jeans and a top and I’m in the middle of stripping the bed when Matt arrives.

  “Morning Angel.” He shouts sounding happy, I walk through to the lounge to greet him carrying the bedding which I stuff into a black bin liner.

  “Morning, you’re my hero you brought food and coffee.” I say kissing him taking one of the cups for the cardboard holder.

  “You’re so easy to please.” He chuckles. “I have a double sausage and egg McMuffin, hash brown and a bottle of juice for you. I hope that’s okay.”

  “That sounds perfect.” I look around for somewhere to sit as I take a sip of coffee. “Sorry you can move the boxes and sit on the sofa it’s a little crazy in here.” I say apologetically as I sit on the floor cross legged. He drops down beside me, opening the bag he hands me my breakfast, my stomach rumbles at the aroma.

  “I’m fine here with you, it sounds like you are hungry.”

  “I didn’t realise how much.” I reply taking a large bite of my hash brown. Matt bites into his McMuffin as his eyes look around my flat.

  “What time did you go to bed last night I thought you were stopping when I left, but you appear to have done more, you even labelled all the boxes up with the rooms they are to go in. You are way to organised, no wonder Brad likes you so much, you must make his life run like a dream.” He says taking in all the boxes.

  “Behave, you know he doesn’t and I can't help being organised hopefully it will make things easier at the other end.” His eyebrows raise like he doesn’t believe me, but I ignore it as I really don’t want to get into a Brad argument today I have too much on my mind.

  “Anyway the…” I’m cut off by the intercom. “Movers must be here.” I say suddenly feeling a little apprehensive. Matt stands kissing my forehead as he takes my hand giving it a squeeze as he helps me to my feet.

  “It will all be fine don’t worry, I will get the door you take a breath and have a check that everything you want is packed.” I smile my thanks as he releases my hand and heads to the intercom letting the movers in. I head to the bedroom and bring out the suitcase containing the last of my clothes. That’s that room empty now.

  I hear voices and walk back to the lounge and greet the movers who are shaking Matt’s hand as he tells them all the boxes in the lounge area to go and they are all labelled with the room they want putting in at the other end. The movers pick up boxers and head downstairs.

  “See it’s easy. Now is that the bedroom all empty?

  “Yes, and I think the bathroom is all done too, I just need to hoover.”

  “I can do that if you want me to.” He offers helpfully.

  “It’s fine thank you I need to keep busy.”

  “Okay, I will check the kitchen.” He states as he heads off in that direction. I grab the hoover and push it into the bedroom, unwind the cable, plugging it in I press my foot to turn it on and work my way around the room and along the hall.

  “ANNE.” Matt shouts. I turn the hoover off as he walks into the hall. “The movers are all done they wanted to double check they have everything before they set off.” His hand wraps around mine as he leads me into the lounge.

  “Did you check the kitchen?” I ask unable to hide my excitement now I really want to get going.

  “Yes, it is all good and you seem to have got all the bits that were yours.”

  “Then that’s it all.” I say to the movers. “We will be right behind you, but security is expecting you this morning and they wi
ll let you in.” I advise, they nod in acknowledgment and head back downstairs.

  “Now I will hoover the rest of the hall and lounge you take a last look before we head off.” Matt states. “Then we can get going too.”

  “Thanks, I look around the lounge which is now much more spacious now all the boxes have gone it has been a little cramped this week.

  After Matt finishes hoovering he turns off the hoover and I watch him wind the cord up before returning it to the cupboard.

  “Are you all set?” He asks questioningly.”

  “Yes, let’s get going.” I grab my bag and keys and follow Matt out, locking the door for the last time.”

  “No feeling sad you have a new place now that’s all yours.” Matt says as we make our way downstairs.

  “I know, just this place is special it was the first place I lived in alone.” Matt opens the front door and holds out his keys to me.

  “I get it, I completely understand, you will need these.” He says dropping the keys into my hand.

  “Thanks, I just need to leave them in the letterbox the agent is collecting them later.” We walk to his car and I climb in quickly, Matt climbs in chuckling. “What?” I ask.

  “Just your excitement is infectious.” He says laughing as he pulls out into the traffic. “I am excited for you and it’s not my apartment.” He adds glancing at me.

  “Well, it’s as good as, I hope you will spending a lot of time there.”

  “I will happily be where you are.” He adds, and we drive through the London traffic until we arrive at the apartment block. He presses the fob to open the barrier to the underground car park, he finds the parking space allocated to my apartment and parks. “Now come on we have to try and get as much as possible done today, I don’t want you moving things tomorrow when I am at the centre.” We climb out and Matt pulls a toolbox from his boot, closing it he reaches for my hand and we make our way to the lift taking it to the seventh floor, my door is propped open and security are just letting in the movers, I thank them and add apologetically that there are several deliveries expected this afternoon, he assures me it isn’t a problem at all.

  The lounge, kitchen, and bathroom are obvious, but I have made signs for bedroom one and two, I walk down the hall to blue tac them to the correct doors to help the movers. Most of my things can be placed in the second bedroom to be unpacked at a later date or stored there.

  The buzzer goes and Matt answers it.

  “The bed and the kitchen appliances are here, and the security says there is a Next van just pulled up outside.” He says hanging up the intercom phone chuckling.

  “Great, they all turn up at once Next have a lot of packages, there is the bed, headboard, sofa, furniture, and all the plates, cutlery and glassware.” I say feeling overwhelmed.

  “Don’t worry, the delivery men are connecting the fridge freezer, dishwasher, washer, and dryer so that’s easy. The furniture is all assembled you just point to where you want it to go, and it will look like a home in no time. All the small stuff can be put on the island and we can work our way through it I can wash, you can dry and put it where you want it.” He says calmly.

  “You are amazing I would be lost without you.” I say seriously.

  “Nonsense.” He states as he heads to the door to help organise the deliveries.

  It was crazy for just over an hour, but Matt was right, once the furniture was all in place it was soon transformed. We had the kitchen set up and everything put away. Matt had connected the large TV in the lounge I’m sure he was secretly looking forward to watching movies on it, I had made the bed with the new sheets and set up the bathroom and am now shattered after a busy day and a night of no sleep.

  “Why don’t we call it a day, there is only really your clothes to unpack and you can work through them this weekend. Go and run yourself a bath in your new tub, I will nip downstairs grab some food then we can eat, and you can relax.” He says standing behind me his hands massaging my aching shoulders.

  “Aren’t you staying?” I ask feeling a little disappointment.

  “I would love to, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted to spend your first night on your own.” He replies dropping a kiss onto the side of my neck making me shiver.

  “No, I would like you to stay especially tonight.” I say on a sigh.

  “Then I will, now go and get your bath.” He says turning me around and pushing me gently forward towards the bathroom before smacking my bum. “I won’t be long.” He says as I look over my shoulder to see him grab his keys, he pauses to look at me. “I mean it, don’t make me come and bath you.” He says winking a playful smile on his face before he turns to the door and leaves.

  I add bubbles to the bath as it fills with hot water before stepping into the tub I sink down feeling the hot water ease my aching limbs. I lay there feeling like the luckiest woman alive I have a lovely home, a gorgeous man who has helped me all day and now gone to get me food. When I hear him return I step out drying myself, I pull on pyjamas before walking into the lounge, the lights are dimmed and the breakfast bar set with plates and champagne glasses for two and a vase of peony’s in the centre.

  “It looks beautiful.” I say as Matt pops the champagne.

  “I just wanted your first night to be special, I have Chinese I hope that’s okay?” He replies as he fills the glasses handing one to me. “To you and your new home.” He adds clinking his glass with mine.

  “To the future.” I say sipping my champagne. We open the cartons and sit side by side eating until we are full. Taking our drinks to the sofa we half watch a movie Matt ideally rubbing my aching feet as I yawn.

  “Come on you time for bed you’re exhausted. I will jump in the shower quickly and join you in a minute.” Matt says pushing my feet off his lap, he stands holding his hands out to me helping me up, I didn’t realise how tired I was, but as soon as my head hits the soft pillow I struggle to keep my eyes open. I fight sleep wanting to wait for Matt to come back. As I feel the bed dip I turn over in search of his body and sigh contently as he pulls me to him.

  “Goodnight Angel.” He says pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

  “Goodnight.” I think I mumble as is I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 19


  “Mum wants you to come for dinner.” I tell her as I wash up the dishes from dinner.

  “But we’ve just eaten.” She says, and I have to say she looks a little terrified.

  “Not tonight she suggested Sunday.” I inform her nonchalantly, I wipe the sweat building on my brow on my t-shirt sleeve, if only she could see how nervous I am.

  “Ummm I’m…really?” She says stumbling on her words.

  “It’s fine Anne, it’s no big deal.” I say picking up a plate I’ve been scrubbing, I place it on the drainer.

  “No, it is a big deal.” She says as she comes up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist. “I’m just nervous and it caught me off guard.” She says.

  “So, you’re okay to go Sunday?” I ask turning around in her arms to face her, keeping my wet hands stretched out over her shoulders.

  “I’ll have to stop at the apartment first, but yes I will meet your Mum on Sunday.” She smiles nervously up at me.

  “Thank you, Angel.” I say as I lean down and kiss her softly on the lips, just as I try to pull back she deepens the kiss. I pull away from her.

  “God, you can kiss woman.” I say with a huge grin.

  “Do you want to go to bed?” She asks.

  “It’s a little early.” I tell her. “But if you’re tired you go on.” I add kissing her again. I pull away again just as the kiss starts getting me a little worked up.

  “I better get this done before the water gets cold.” I say letting her go.

  “Oh, okay yeah I’ll just go to bed then.” She says.

  “I’ll be in a bit later.” I tell her. “Goodnight.” I add.

  “Goodnight.” She says quietly before I hear her feet pad out of the
room. Resisting her is getting harder and harder to do.

  By the time I’m finished the washing up and have finished picking up around the flat Anne is already asleep. I climb in next to her and snuggle into her before I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

  I wake, and Anne is fast asleep next to me, I creep out of bed and into the bathroom to brush my teeth before I head into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. It’s been bothering me how Anne is so frivolous with her money, so I decided to try and find a way of telling her this without offending her and my answer to that is by taking her down to the centre and showing her what it’s all about and letting her meet some of the kids. The centre is a big part of me and I think it’s fair for Anne to see that side of me too.

  When she wakes up I make her a coffee and bring up the idea of visiting the centre.

  “Hey, do you fancy coming to help me at the centre today?” She looks at me over the brim of the coffee mug she has clutched between both hands.

  “You want me there?” She asks.

  “I would love for you to see it and meet some of the kids.” I tell her pulling the grill pan out to turn over the bacon I’m cooking for sandwiches.

  “I would love to come.” She says with a bit more enthusiasm than I expected. “I’ve always wanted to see what it was like there, but I just thought you didn’t want me there.”

  “I’ve never thought it was somewhere that you would want to go.” I tell her pushing the grill pan back under the flame.

  “It’s somewhere that means so much to you. If it matters to you then it matters to me.” She says taking a drink from her mug.

  “You’re going to love the kids they are the best.” I tell her. “I’ll just text Neil and let him know that you will be coming with me.” I pull my phone off the side and unlock it.

  “I’ll jump in the shower quick.” She says as I press send on the message I just typed out.

  “What about your sandwich?” I ask.

  “Don’t worry I’ll be back before it’s cold.” She kisses my cheek and then saunters off in the direction of the bathroom.


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