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Anne Page 12

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  I’m just cutting into the sandwiches as Anne comes out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of cropped jeans and a tight vest top.

  “Just in time.” I tell her pointing to her sandwich which is sat on the side.

  “No butter, right?” She asks, northerners are so odd, who doesn’t put butter on a bacon sandwich?

  “No butter just HP sauce.” I tell her.

  “Thank you, is this okay for the centre, I thought this would be fine.” She says looking down at her outfit a bit nervously.

  “Trust me you look smoking.” I wink at her, which makes her laugh. I love the sound of her laugh.

  Pulling up in the car park, I park in the staff section and climb out, walking around to Anne’s side to get her out. I swing the door open and she climbs out taking my hand.

  “I’m so happy you are here.” I tell her as I lock the car and guide her in the direction of the centre.

  “It looks really run down.” Anne says, I’ve got to say my heart sinks when the first thing she notices is a negative.

  “The building has been here for many years, it runs on donations which we don’t get a lot of we have a couple of major companies that keep us up and running with the money they donate, but mostly we do as much of the work ourselves.” I tell her defensively.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it.” She says as I pull open the doors that will lead us inside.

  “Hey Matt.” A couple of the girls call out to me as we walk in. I wave at them as we pass heading in the direction of the office.

  “Who were they?” Anne asks.

  “I’ll introduce you in a sec let’s go put our stuff in the office first.” I say as I press the code into the office door to unlock it. I pull the bottom drawer open in the filing cabinet and take Anne’s bag from her, I toss my keys, phone and wallet in the drawer as well before I push it closed and guide Anne back out of the office, checking the door has locked before we go looking for Neil.

  “Matt, I didn’t know you were here today.” Jen, one of the volunteers asks as we walk through the main room.

  “Oh, hey Jen, yeah I’m here. I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Anne, Anne this is Jenifer.” I introduce.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Anne says politely shaking Jen's hand.

  “It’s lovely to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Jen says. Jen has always been a friend when I needed one. Neil thinks she has a thing for me, but I never got that vibe from her. She joined the centre about a year ago.

  “Have you seen Neil?” I ask her.

  “Yeah he is in the kitchen, Speedy is with him.” She says.

  “Thanks, see you in a bit.” I tell her as I guide Anne in the direction of the kitchen. I push the door open and see Neil and Speedy sat at a table huddled together in deep conversation.

  “Knock, knock.” I say alerting them that we are here.

  “Matthew.” Speedy says standing slowly revealing her hugely pregnant belly.

  “Speedy you look stunning today.” I say giving her a hug and a peck on the cheek.

  “You always know what to say to make me smile.” She gushes. Speedy is Neil’s wife, she is fifteen years older than him, but they are made for each other. I shake Neil’s hand and tell him hi.

  “This is Anne, my girlfriend.” I say to them both. “Anne this is Neil and Speedy.”

  “It’s so lovely to finally meet your beautiful lady.” Speedy says. “I’m so glad Matthew finally brought you to meet us.” She adds.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, congratulations.” Anne says nodding at her belly. “How far along are you?” She asks.

  “I’m due in two weeks and I can’t wait to get her out of me.” Speedy laughs as she rubs over her belly. “You can’t wait to come out and meet me, can you?” She says to her belly.

  “She’s just going home.” Neil says.

  “But I don’t want to, Mum’s driving me crazy.”

  “Speedy’s Mum is over from Australia since the baby is due soon and…”

  “…and I’m ready to murder her.” Speedy says interrupting Neil.

  “Are you Australian?” Anne asks, probably because she has no accent.

  “Oh no I’m not, but Mum moved over there about eight years ago, but because of this little lady.” She says rubbing her belly again. “She’s come home for a couple of months.” She says.

  “See look, Anne is here to help so we don’t need you to stay, go find Jen and she will drive you home.” Neil says rubbing her back.

  “Fine I’ll go home, but you best bring me a big milkshake when you come home.” She says looking pointy at Neil.

  “I love you.” He says as she makes her way out of the kitchen.

  “Yeah, yeah.” She says as she waddles off in the direction we just came in.

  “She’s had enough then?” I chuckle.

  “Of her mother yes.” Neil laughs. “So are you ready to experience a day in the life of this wonderful place?” Neil asks Anne,

  “I am and I’m quite excited.” Anne replies.

  “Good, let’s get you out there and you can meet the kids.”

  “So, what did you think?” I ask Anne on the way back to my place.

  “Some of those kids have had it tough, it surprised me how young some of them were.” She says.

  “Yeah, I started there when I was ten.” I tell her.

  “I didn’t know that.” I shrug it off.

  “It was after I got arrested.” I tell her.

  “You were arrested at ten?” She asks shocked.

  “Yeah, but it got me to the centre so some good came out of it.” I tell her. We sit in silence until I pull up outside my flat.

  “Are you okay?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, it just shocked me the lives some of those kids have led.” She says.

  “It’s been a tough life for a lot of them.” I tell her. “But they have the centre and us and it helps.” I add.

  “It really is amazing what all of you do there.” She smiles over at me.

  “And it took your mind off tomorrow.” I say.

  “Yeah it did, but I’m still nervous.” She bites her bottom lip.

  “Well let’s go in and order some dinner then we can relax before tomorrow.” I tell her.

  “Dinner sounds good, but I’m not sure about relaxing, I want your Mum to like me.” She says nervously as we make our way up to my flat.

  “Are you kidding my Mum is going to love you, I think she already does.” I tell her as I unlock my door and lead her into my flat.

  Chapter 20

  “I’m so scared.” Anne says as we sit and have breakfast the next morning.

  “You need to eat more than that.” I tell her nodding at her plate.

  “What if I’m sick?”

  “Why would you be sick?” I ask her.

  “Because I’m nervous.” She says pushing the scrambled egg around her plate.

  “I told you she is going to love you.”

  “But I’m taking you away.” She says.

  “You’re not taking me anywhere, stop worrying.” I don’t know why she’s so nervous my Mum is so sweet she’s the best Mum ever. “Do you want to use the bathroom first?” I ask her.

  “Why do I smell? I knew it I smell, don’t I?”

  “Anne.” I yell.

  “I’m sorry, I’m so nervous.” She says again.

  “Listen to me you have no reason to be nervous now go get ready and I’ll clean up in here.” The only good thing about nervous Anne is that she keeps biting her bottom lip and that is sexy as hell. Maybe I should have a cold shower.

  After four outfit changes for Anne, we finally made it out of the house. I pull up outside Mum’s house just before eleven.

  “You got this Angel okay.” I tell her as we just sit in the car.

  “I hope so.” She says looking like she’s about to meet Freddy Krueger. I meet Anne at her door.

  “Come on she’s watching from the window.” I tell her seeing
the blind twitch in the front bay window.

  “Don’t say that I might trip up.” I chuckle and kiss her cheek.

  “She’s going to love you.” I tell her again. I open the front door and just as I do Mum’s living room door swings open, I shake my head she knew I wanted to get Anne in the front room before she pounced.

  “Come in, come in you two.” Mum says.

  “We’re trying to Mum, but you’re in the way.” I roll my eyes at her.

  “Matthew stop being so silly.” Mum says. Me being silly, is she freaking kidding me? As we step into the living room Mum stands there staring between Anne and myself.

  “Mum this is Anne, Anne this is my Mum.” I introduce.

  “Mrs Richardson it’s such a pleasure to finally meet you.” Anne says holding out her hand, but Mum just pulls Anne to her wrapping her arms around her.

  “Call me Julie dear, and I’m so glad this one here finally got around to bringing you here, I’ve been dying to meet the wonderful girl who captured my Matthew’s heart.” She releases Anne and holds her at arm’s length. “You are just beautiful.” She says.

  “Thank you.” Anne says looking lost for words.

  “Mum, will you let her sit down?” I ask, sending an apologetic look towards Anne.

  “Oh, yes, of course, sorry I’m just so excited to meet you.” Mum says still acting so odd.

  “It’s fine Mrs... I mean Julie.” Anne smiles at her as she stumbles over her words.

  “Come and sit down, would you like a drink?” Mum offers.

  “A water would be nice thank you.” She looks like a deer in headlights I sit there when I see Mum giving me a look.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Go get drinks.” Mum says through her teeth like Anne can’t hear her, she’s sitting between us for god’s sake.

  “Have you been snorting coffee?” I ask only half joking because I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this hyped up.

  “Matthew how could you ask me that, go get your lovely Anne a water and I’ll have a coke, there are some cans in the fridge.” She says still grinning at Anne, she looks like the friggin Joker from Batman.

  “Mum a word.” I say standing and taking the four steps it takes into the kitchen.

  “One moment.” She says to Anne with that silly smile on her face.

  “You’re going to scare her.” I tell her on a huff.

  “No, I won’t.” She replies defensively.

  “Mum really bring it down a couple of notches she wants to meet you not this.” I say gesturing to herself.

  “I just want her to like me.” Mum gives me the same line Anne has all morning.

  “Then be Mum and not this crazy version of the Joker on crack.” I tell her. I hear Anne laugh from the other side of the wall. I grab a bottle of water and a can of coke out of the fridge and grab two glasses from the cupboard.

  “I’m sorry about the crazy.” I hear Mum say as I walk back into the living room.

  After that things seem to go smoothly Mum asks Anne a zillion questions about her growing up in Manchester and her parents. Mum dishes up a lovely chicken Sunday roast which I pretty much inhale.

  “Dinner was so lovely Julie thank you for inviting me.” Anne says more at ease now than she was when we arrived.

  “Your welcome here anytime my dear.” Mum replies.

  “I’m going to take Anne on a little walk around the block to show her around.” I tell Mum, I’m quite excited for Anne to see another piece of me.

  “Of course, I’ll load the dishwasher and then we can have dessert when you get back.” Mum answers.

  “How about I load the dishwasher now for you.” I say not wanting Mum to do too much.

  “I can load the dishwasher Matthew.” She says scowling at me. “I’m old, not useless.” She adds.

  “I know I just like to make things easier for you.” I tell her defending my reasoning.

  “I know you do, but you go for a walk I’ll load the dishwasher.” Mum says again.

  “Fine, come on Angel.” I say standing from the sofa and waiting for Anne. She smiles at my Mum.

  “See you soon Julie.” She says slipping her feet into her converse and tying the laces.

  “I’m sorry my Mum was a bit crazy.” I say as we walk hand in hand down the street. She lets out a laugh.

  “The Joker on crack line was so funny.” She says making me chuckle.

  “Well, the baby pictures stayed away so that’s good.” I say.

  “Yeah, not so much,” She continues to laugh. “Every time you went to the toilet she showed me some from the stash she had.” Anne says. “But you were such a cute kid.” Anne adds.

  “I’m going to be having words.” I say as we pass the road where I walked into a pole, I take her down the road and show her the pole and the scar hidden in my eyebrow.

  “How did you not see the pole and how have I missed this scar?” Anne giggles running her finger over the raised skin. I shrug it off.

  “Well there was this girl and we were all trying to look cool, no one told me the pole was there until I was right on top of it.” She just laughs at me.

  “That’s so funny.” She says.

  “Yeah, well I was cool for getting stitches.” I grin. “Nicole held my hand while Alex went to get my Mum.” I say grinning.

  “I would have held your hand too.” She says leaning over and kissing me softly.

  We walk around, and I show Anne where I first kissed a girl. Where I fell off my bike all the usual haunts for a kid, before we walk back up to Mum’s.

  “Have you had a nice day meeting my crazy Mum.” I say quietly to her while Mum is in the kitchen sorting out dessert.

  “I have your Mum is so lovely.” She says holding my hand from the next seat at the round dining table sat in the bay window.

  “Here you go.” Mum says placing a selection of cheesecakes in front of us, they are only bite size, so I should be able to try a few.

  “Thank you so much for having me.” Anne says as we get ready to leave.

  “I mean it you are welcome here anytime.” Mum says in return.

  “Thank you.” Anne leans down to give Mum a hug. After I have Anne in the car Mum comes to the gate with a bag.

  “Leftovers for you.” She says holding the bag up. “Just put them in the freezer when you get home and you can eat them whenever.”

  “Thanks Mum, you really are the best.” I say hugging her, the gate between us.

  “I really love her Matthew you have chosen well.” She says quietly into my ear.

  “Love you Mum.” I say pulling away and taking the bag from her.

  “I love you too, now go don’t keep your girl waiting.” She says motioning to the car.

  “I’ll see you some time next week.” I say kissing her cheek. Mum stands at the gate while I get in the car putting the bag behind my seat.

  “She really is so lovely.” Anne says as she waves to Mum.

  “She thinks the same about you.” I tell her as we make our way back to my flat.

  Chapter 21


  Today has been manic, every day at Mathias is busy, but today it’s been non-stop. I have sat at my desk all day not even leaving for lunch, but as time passes and the end of the day nears my mind can’t seem to focus. I sit staring at my Mac, I have been trying to type this letter for the last hour and I’m getting nowhere, I check my watch again, it’s now 4.55 pm, so I decide to call it a day and start over in the morning. Logging out of all the open windows before switching off my Mac, I pull open the bottom drawer of my desk and grab my bag looking up as I hear the lift doors open, Matt steps out smiling as he loosens his tie.

  “Hi Angel, are you ready?” He strides over smiling, stopping beside me he kisses my lips twice.

  “Yes, I was just on my way down for you.” I say giving him a smile. I step around him and walk to Brad’s office door even though it’s slightly open I reach out and knock before stepping inside. “I’m off
for the day Mr Mathias see you tomorrow.” He looks up.

  “Bye Anne have a good...” His voice trails off and his smile fades when he sees my face. I see him frown and quickly turn away before he can question me I walk out of his office pulling the door to and I make my way to Matt who is waiting at the lift. He leans in to kiss me as he takes my hand in his, our fingers lace together as we step into the lift.

  “How was your day?” He smiles cheerily.

  “The usual. How was yours?” He goes into detail about his day and tells me how Mollie got engaged at the weekend. I make a mental note to congratulate her as we step out into the underground car park.

  Sitting in the passenger seat I stare out of the window as we drive home. Matt talks about dinner, he fancies a stir fry, I nod in acknowledgment not really hungry and we sit in silence for the rest of the journey.

  Walking into the apartment I drop my bag on the console table and kick off my shoes, Matt heads straight to the kitchen and starts getting dinner ready, I really need to try and relax and shake this feeling that is growing inside of me.

  “I think I will have a bath before dinner.” I shout from the hall as I make my way to the bedroom.

  “That’s fine Angel, go and relax I will fetch you a glass of wine in.” See, what am I thinking he is so thoughtful, considerate and sweet. Most women would love his attentiveness and be in the kitchen helping not in the bedroom avoiding him.

  I walk into the bathroom and head straight for the sunken bathtub, turning on the taps I add some of my favourite bath oil under the running water then undress letting all my clothes fall into a pile at my feet. I step into the bath waiting a few minutes, so my feet adjust to the hot water before I slowly sink down into the water. Laying back I close my eyes and try to clear my mind, footsteps approach and I open my eyes as Matt walks in the room holding a large glass of wine.

  “Are you okay Angel, you are quiet tonight? Has Brad upset you?” He asks as he holds out the wine glass, I take it from his outstretched hand.

  “No, he hasn’t he’s been out most of the day. Thanks for the wine.” I reply as he leans down and plants a soft kiss on the top of my head, he has already changed into a t-shirt and joggers and they are slung low on his hips.


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