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Anne Page 14

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “Sure, that’s fine.” He says pulling out his wallet. “I wouldn’t know what to get so can you get something from me.” He hands me £250. “Is that enough?” He says as I take the notes.

  “Thank you Mr Ma…I mean Brad. This is very generous I will buy some gifts next week and wrap them for you, they will be really appreciated.” I say feeling pleased as I stand with the boxes and contract.

  “It’s fine anything I can do to help just let me know, why don’t you ask if they need a couple of games consoles and some games to keep at the centre too you have the credit card get what you need.”

  “Thank you again Brad.” I say happily as I return to my desk unable to believe my luck.

  Chapter 23

  Waking up on a rare Saturday morning with Matt, I lay watching Matt sleep beside me. Usually, he doesn’t stay over on a Friday night as he always has to get up early to open up the centre and sort the kids out and he doesn’t like to wake me, but this weekend we have the whole weekend together and I am going to make the most of every minute of it.

  I beam happily as his eyes blink until they focus and meet mine.

  “Morning Angel.” His deep gravelly sleepy voice says as he pulls me closer to him.

  “Morning, sleepyhead did you enjoy your lay in, it’s almost 9.30 am?” I ask as he tucks my hand under his chin.

  “Hmmm, I could stay here all day.” He replies on a yawn.

  “Oh, that’s a shame I thought we could go out and get a Christmas tree and decorations.”

  “Really, it’s still November?” He says questioningly as he lifts his head to look down at me. I nod firmly.

  “Yes, it’s the first of December tomorrow and I have always put the Christmas tree up on the 30th November, so the house is all decorated for the arrival of December.” I say trying to encourage him to get into the spirit.

  “Ugh, I guess shopping it is then.” He adds glumly.

  “Come on where is your Christmas spirit.” I say cheerily as I jump out of bed.

  “It’s waiting for Christmas.” Matt mumbles as he lunges forward to try and catch me but fails and falls onto the mattress.

  “Come on it will be fun and just think how romantic it will be with the twinkling lights on the tree as well as on the balcony, it’s going to look lovely. Plus, while we are out we can head to Starbucks and have a pumpkin spices latte.”

  “I will give that a miss thanks.” He mumbles into the mattress.

  “You don’t know what you’re missing.” I say as I grab my iPhone, connect it to my Bluetooth speaker, open the music app and select my Christmas play list. Maria Carey blasts out All I want for Christmas is you as I look up at Matt, who rolls on to his back pulling a pillow over his head groaning. “I never had you down for a grouch.” I shout over my shoulder as I head to the bathroom my Christmas spirit not dampened in the slightest.

  After breakfast we head out to Hyde Park, walking through the Christmas market before we go and choose a tree and decorations. Hyde Park is buzzing with a hype of activity and Christmas aromas. We walk around the stalls Matt’s hand wrapped around mine, we buy gingerbread and chocolate shaped liked Santa I even think Matt found a little of his Christmas spirit.

  We make our way along Oxford Street until we get to Next.

  “I know you love this shop shall we head in and look for a tree and some decoration?.” Matt asks questioningly.

  “Yes, I have been looking online and they have some lovely things.” I answer as we step into the store and the warm air hits us.

  “Now there is a surprise.” He says laughing. I nudge him as we step onto the escalator to the home furnishing floor.

  “You are getting cheekier.” I say turning to face him, as I’m on the step above him I find myself looking directly into his eyes, unable to resist the urge I lean and kiss him before turning back quickly as the escalator levels out a sign I need to get off any second. Matt’s hands settle firmly on my waist and steady me as I stumble slightly. He moves us away from the top of the escalator his front pressed to me as he leans in to whisper.

  “I know you can’t keep your hands off me, but the escalator isn’t the safest place to...” I turn and swat his chest.

  “Oh, behave it was just a kiss.” I say rolling my eyes as I make my way to the Christmas display. Matt is soon behind me.

  “I’m expecting great things for coming and doing this.” He says gesturing to the tree.

  “Great things?” I ask questioningly as I raise my eyebrow. “You are aware that this anti Christmas thing you have going on gets you nothing you need to embrace the season and all its magic and wonder.” I add enthusiastically.

  “I am now let’s pick a tree that one is five foot tall, it looks nice.” He says pointing out a tree and trying to add some excitement as I frown at the tree. “What’s the matter with it? It looks nice.” He adds sounding puzzled.

  “It’s five feet tall, Matthew you have a lot to learn about Christmas trees, size really does matter.” I say shaking my head at his expression as I make my way over to the trees on display. “I think the six foot one is big enough it will look nice near the window that looks onto the balcony that way we can see it when we are outside.” Nodding just imagining how pretty it will look.

  “That one it is then let me go and find a boxed one and a basket you can look at baubles and tinsel and decide what you want to get okay!” His smile drops as he watches my reaction to what he just said. “What? What did I say now?” He asks confused.

  “Tinsel! There will be no tinsel.” I say giving a mock shudder as he shakes his head chuckling.

  “I think I have got it now, a large tree, but no tinsel. Anything else I should know?” He asks.

  “Not right now, but don’t worry I will you keep on track.” I say as he turns in search of a basket, I turn my attention to the baubles.

  There are so many shapes and colours, but I want to stick to red, white and silver. I start looking through the baubles seeing a large clear star on a silver string.

  “Anne… Anne.” Matt says concern lacing his voice as he shakes my arm.

  “Sorry, I didn’t hear you, did you find a basket?” I ask shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

  “Yes, but I want to know what’s the matter you’re stood here crying. Why?” He asks softly as his hand reaches up cupping my cheek his thumb brushing away a tear. I reach up and swipe my hand over my other cheek brushing away the tear unaware I was crying.

  “That star made me think of something that’s all.” I tilt my head into his palm. “I’m fine honest.”

  “Tell me what you were thinking.” He asks softly as he continues to brush his thumb along my jaw.

  “I was just thinking about the old tree in the spare room.” Matt nods. “It’s almost as old as me, my Mum and Dad bought it when I was little for my first Christmas with a Swarovski crystal ornament, every year Dad bought me a new ornament to add to the tree, it was always my tree and I loved how it sparkled. When they both died my Nana started buying ornaments there was even one for last Christmas, she had bought it before she died, and I found it when I was going through her things.” I smile at Matt as he presses his lips to my forehead.

  “I’m sorry Angel, we can still put the tree up it can sit in the bedroom or on the small table near the sofa. I would really like to see it if you want to put it up that is.” He asks pulling away to look at me a concerned expression on his face.

  “Yes, I would like that, I really am okay it just took me by surprise, that's all.” I say reassuringly. “Now let’s choose some ornaments and we can head home I’m getting hungry.”

  Matt’s expression softens, and he starts adding the baubles I choose into the basket. We also buy some decorations for the shelves and two lots of twinkling lights one for the tree and one for outside on the balcony. Once we have paid we head back to the entrance.

  “Why don’t I take these to the car and you can head to Starbucks and get yourself a Christmas coffee and a coupl
e of sandwiches for us I will meet you at the car.” Matt offers.

  “Okay see you there.” I say beaming and head to the coffee shop thinking about my coffee. The queue is long, and I pick out two sandwiches and a bottle of water for Matt while I wait, when it’s my turn I order my coffee and some cake too. Carrying all my goodies I make my way back to the car where Matt is sat with the engine running warming it up.

  We drive home and I sing a long as a Christmas song comes on the radio and laugh as Matt protests it’s still November. Once we are home and have unpacked the car we eat our lunch before we start decorating the tree. I put on the Christmas playlist and make hot chocolate with Baileys and cream as Matt weaves the lights in between the branches turning them to check they all work before we start adding the baubles to the tree. I keep taking a step back and re arranging them, so they are evenly spread out around the tree. I place the last bauble on the tree and Matt holds out the star to me.

  “Here the finishing touch.” He says smiling.

  “You had better put that on I can’t reach.” I say as I push the star towards him.

  “Rubbish.” He says as he places the star into my hand before turning me around. I look over my shoulder and shriek as Matt crouches down holding my waist, he stands taking me with him I hold on to the top of his head yelling to be put down as his arms wrap around my thighs and I sit on his shoulders.

  “Will you stop laughing and put me down.” I say still clutching to his head as he walks towards the tree.

  “Yes, after you add the star.” He says reassuringly adding. “I’m not going to drop you, just finish the tree.” I reach tentatively forward sliding the star onto the tree. Matt takes a step back and leans forward pulling me around him as I slide down him until my toes reach the floor. “It does look nice.” He adds glancing from the tree to me.

  “It looks perfect.” I say smiling. “Now there is just the lights outside and the few decorations for the bookshelves.”

  “And your tree.” Matt adds. “You do the inside and I will fix the lights then we can order Chinese and watch a Christmas movie.” He volunteers.

  “Who are you and what have you done with my Grinch of a boyfriend.” I laugh.

  “Tiger to Grinch! I prefer Tiger to be fair and what happened is my girlfriend is like the Angel of Christmas and your excitement is contagious.” He says laughing. “Now come on the quicker we get done the quicker we can curl up and relax.” With that he heads off to grab his coat and the lights and heads out onto the balcony. I decorate the shelves and carry the boxes with the tree and ornaments from the spare room and set the tree up near the sofa and carefully hang each of the twenty-five crystal Christmas ornaments on a branch. I stand back watching how they twinkle with the soft light from the tree and the fire, it is magical.

  Matt steps behind me I hadn’t heard him come in, he leans down, placing his cold cheek against mine making me jump.

  “It looks beautiful, there is just one thing missing.” He says as he brings his hand in front of me and holds out a Swarovski box.

  “When?…how?” I stammer.

  “When you went for coffee, I hope you don’t mind if I carry on the tradition?” He asks a little hesitant.

  “Not at all, thank you.” I say my heart full of love for this man. I open the box and take out the crystal angel and hang it on the tree. “Now it is perfect.”

  “Well, there is still something missing.” Matt says as I turn to look at him wondering what we have forgotten. My eyes follow Matt’s up to his hand which is holding Mistletoe above our heads. I lean up and kiss him as his arms wrap around me pulling me to him, my arms snake around his neck as he lifts me off my feet carrying me to the sofa. He sits with me straddling his lap as his hands wander under my jumper all thoughts of Chinese food and Christmas movies forgotten.

  Chapter 24


  As I wake I realise Anne isn’t in bed with me, with it being Christmas morning I was hoping to wake up with her in my arms. I hear music coming from somewhere, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth as well. The music sounds like it’s coming from the kitchen so I make my way there to investigate.

  I stand in the doorway watching as Anne cooks breakfast. I feel like a woman by Shania Twain is playing on the Bluetooth speaker that Anne has in her kitchen and she is dancing around the kitchen in just the black shirt I was wearing yesterday. I lean on the door frame just watching her. The song ends, and I love the way you love me by Boyzone starts up as they start singing the words sound like they are coming from me. I slowly move over to an unsuspecting Anne. I tap her on the shoulder making her jump.

  “Dance with me.” I say holding my hand out to her she grins then places her hand in mine, I pull her close to me and slowly move to the song singing the few words I know into her ear. As the song ends I dip her kissing her hard.

  “Will breakfast get spoilt if we leave it for a bit?” I ask kissing along her neck.

  “No.” She says breathlessly, I lean around her and turn off the hob and grill.

  “I think we need to start Christmas morning the way it’s meant to start.” I say picking her up. She wraps her legs around my waist.

  “I like the way you think.” She says as I take her back to her bedroom.

  Pulling up at Mum’s we park, as soon as we step out of the car Mum’s front door swings open and she hollers.

  “Merry Christmas.” Anne laughs, and I know that she’s going to love spending today with Mum, she is full of Christmas spirit. I like to believe it skipped a generation since I’m not into it as much, but I put on a good show of loving it for her and now for Anne. I’m not sure what Anne’s reaction to Mum’s house is going to be since she hasn’t seen the Christmas decorations yet. When I took Anne shopping for decorations and a tree she said she didn’t do tinsel, well Mum does, she hangs it all over the tree, on pictures, on units the lot. I let Anne go up the path first and watch as she engulfs Mum in a hug.

  “Merry Christmas to you too Julie.” She says. I grab all the bags from the boot and then follow Anne up the path, I hold the bag’s up to show Mum I can’t hug her right now and she moves to one side to let me past, so I can dump the bags and she can give her Christmas hug. As soon as I release the bags Mum is there ready.

  “Merry Christmas Ma.” I say kissing the top of her head, my arms wrap around her as she wraps her arms around me tightly.

  “I’m so glad you two decided to come to spend Christmas with me.” She says.

  “Of course, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” I tell her.

  “Your house looks lovely.” Anne says, I know she’s only being polite.

  “Thank you I’ve got to make it perfect for Matthew.” She says patting my cheek as she pulls out of our hug. I roll my eyes as soon as she turns and looks at Anne.

  “What have you got for us to eat? I’m hungry.” I ask, we never did get breakfast since we were otherwise busy this morning then we had to shower and rush here, so we weren’t late.

  “Have you not eaten?” Mum asks.

  “Well I have had something this morning, but I could eat more.” I raise my eyebrows at Anne making her blush.

  “It’s a good job I got extra bits in then isn’t it.” Mum looks between a blushing Anne and me before she whacks me in the stomach. I let out a huff as the hit comes unexpectedly.

  “What was that for?” I ask.

  “Not making sure Anne had a proper breakfast this morning.” She says knowingly which only makes Anne’s blush deepen. “I have some croissants in the bread bin and grab Anne a glass of Bucks Fizz while you’re at it.” She tells me. I walk into the kitchen and see the hob full of saucepans.

  “Do you want cheese and ham on yours?” I call through to Anne. “The oven is on, so I can stick them in there to warm them up.”

  “Please if that’s not too much trouble.” She replies.

  After we have eaten I feel so much better. Next year we will have to get up earlier, so I have time to feed
Anne at home.

  We’re all sat around the room as I hand out presents from the bags I brought which were from under Anne’s tree and from the presents Mum has under the tree here. Anne has a nice little pile in front of her.

  I watch as the two most important people in my life start to unwrap their presents.

  “I can’t believe he got me a new phone.” Anne says as she stares down at the present she just unwrapped from Brad, why does he have to show off?

  “Awesome.” I say with a flat, bored tone.

  “Matthew!” Mum warns, I start to unwrap mine getting the usual stuff. Aftershave, deodorant, jumpers. “Are you doing Christmas dinner at the centre tomorrow?” Mum asks.

  “We are.” Anne beams, she’s not been there much, but the time she has spent there she has enjoyed, she loves spending time with the kids.

  “That’s great, I bought a few extra presents for you to take with you.” She says.

  “Did I tell you about the donation we got this year?” I tell Mum as she starts unwrapping a bottle of wine which I know is from the little old lady across the street.

  “No, you didn’t.” She answers.

  “Someone donated game consoles and TVs for the kids to play on and so many games. The kids are going to love them.” I say getting excited for the kids.

  “That’s amazing, do you know who?” Mum asks.

  “No, it was all anonymous.” I shrug. “People at work also donated bits too, so the kids will have an amazing Christmas this year.” I add. I watch as Anne picks up the red box and know she’s about to open the present I got her, so I don’t take my eyes off her as she slowly pulls on the bow. She lifts the lid off and reads the note inside sending a smile my way. It only said how I hope she loves our first Christmas together and that I love her, I think she likes me telling her how I feel that’s why I do it so much. Anne is a very insecure person I’ve learned that since we have been together, so she needs the reassurance and I’m glad to give it to her. She pulls out the white box and looks at me as she runs her finger over the brand's name. Her eyes meet mine and I smile at her. Mum watches the both of us, eyes flicking between the two of us. Anne slowly opens the white lid as she does I see her eyes go wide at the bracelet nestled on the white suede cushion.


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