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Anne Page 15

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “Matthew, it’s just what I wanted.” She says as I see her catch sight of the charms I had already got for it. There are two already attached to the bracelet, a set of angel wings and our initials on a heart with the date we got together. “Matt this is so amazing, thank you.” She puts the box down on the table in front of her and stands coming over to me and sitting on my lap before she kisses me softly. “You really are the best boyfriend ever.”

  “I wouldn’t say that.” I chuckle.

  “Your present is at home, so I’ll give it to you when we go back to mine tonight.” I raise my eyebrows asking in silent question if the present is something bedroom related, she shakes her head in the negative with a shy smile. I want to feel disappointed but nothing involving Anne can disappoint me.

  “I’ve had such a lovely day.” Mum says from where she is sat.

  “Good, you having a good Christmas makes mine so much better.” I tell her.

  “It’s been so lovely to spend this Christmas with you.” Anne says from next to me. Mum hands me a couple of bags containing presents.

  “These are for the centre tomorrow.” She informs me.

  “No problem and thanks Mum this will mean so much to the kids.” I know I’m not a paid worker at the centre and I’m technically only a volunteer, but I always arrange things like this and things like days out. To me it’s important that the kids have things like that and to know that someone cares. Anne pulls Mum into a hug.

  “Thank you for having us today.” She says doing that cheek to cheek fake kiss thing. I never get why people do that, if you’re going to kiss someone on the cheek just do it why press cheeks and kiss the air? After I’ve put the bags and all our presents in the boot and back seat I make the trip up the path to get the leftovers from lunch off of Mum.

  “Thanks for this Mum.” I say as I take the bag from her.

  “I’m your Mum it’s my job to make sure you're fed.” She says with a grin on her face.

  “And fed I am.” I chuckle as I tap my toned stomach.

  “Not an ounce of fat on you.” She laughs back at me.

  “I love ya Mum.” I tell her as I tug her to me, tucking her head under my chin and wrapping my arms around her as the bag of food hangs from my hand.

  “I love you too Matthew and I’m so happy to see you happy, it really does mean the world to me.” I kiss the top of her head.

  “Have a lovely day with the ladies at bingo tomorrow.” I tell her as I let her go.

  “Oh, I intend to.” She says. I wave as I walk back down the path to the car where Anne is sat waiting for me. I climb in the driver’s seat, leaning over and tucking the leftovers bag behind Anne’s seat so it doesn’t spill out on our way back to hers.

  “Thank you for coming to Mum’s with me, you’re amazing.” I tell her as I insert the key into the ignition and turn it to start the engine.

  “I love your Mum.” She says in return. We chat happily all the way back to Anne’s.

  “So, your present.” She says teasingly from where she is cuddled next to me. We have been back at hers for a couple of hours now and I’ve been dying to know what she got me, but I didn’t want to be pushy, so I haven’t said anything since we got here.

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” I fib.

  “You liar!” She giggles. “Here.” She says handing me a box about the size of my phone, it’s a plain dark grey box with no markings on it so I have no clue as to where it’s from, it has a black ribbon tied around it. I take it from her and slowly pull at the ribbon, so I can remove the lid, as I do remove it, laying on some white tissue paper is a set of keys. My eyebrows draw down in confusion.

  “Keys?” I ask her.

  “Come with me.” She says as she stands. Still holding the box in my hands, I stand. “Put something on your feet.” She instructs me.

  “Are we going out somewhere?” I ask still confused as hell.

  “Just downstairs.” She smiles. I slip my feet into my work shoes that are sat by the door from when I left them here. I hope no one sees me because joggers and shoes don’t look the best, but my trainers would take time to put on.

  I follow Anne down to where my car is parked and then it hits me that this key is a car key. I pull it out of the box and stare at it seeing a Vauxhall emblem on the key.

  “Anne?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Press the button.” She says nodding to the key in my hand as she bounces next to me, clearly, she is excited. Me, I’m a little scared. I press my finger on the unlock button on the key and a steel grey Zafira sat next to my car flashes its lights.

  “I don’t get it.” I say chuckling nervously.

  “The car silly, it’s yours.” She says hugging me.

  “Oh wow!” I say totally lost for words.

  “Do you love it?” She asks pulling back.

  “Oh wow!” I say not having a clue as to what to say.

  “You’re always complaining about your car, you do like it don’t you?” Anne asks, her face suddenly nervous.

  “I love it, thank you.” I tell her. She bought me a friggin car this is far too much, but she looks so happy how can I tell her that?

  “Come on.” She says pulling me in the direction of the car.

  Chapter 25

  “I know it’s sad, but I’m so excited.” Anne says from where she is sat next to me in my new car. I played along with happy last night, but once she fell asleep I laid there staring at the ceiling for most of the night, trying to figure out a nice way of telling her I couldn’t accept her gift, but here we are all loaded up and on our way to the centre for a Christmas with the kids. I’m such a coward.

  “Yep it’s going to be fun.” I tell her as I park up outside.

  “Do you do this every year?” She asks as she pushes her door open and steps out.

  “Yeah, when I first started coming here I used to save as much as I could, which was never that much. We used to have a cheap shop that sold cards and naff little toys, so I would go down there and see what I could get. I used to get something a little special for Mum, if I couldn’t afford anything for her then I made it.” I smile at the thought of the stash of crap my Mum has because of me. “Then I used to wrap up the bits in newspaper and take them with me to the centre so that I could do my bit.”

  “That was so sweet of you.” Anne says as she meets me at the boot and grabs as many bags as she can carry.

  “You take those in and see if anyone in there can help with the rest.” I ask knowing there’s no way I will manage the rest of these bags on my own and I’m not stupid enough to leave all this in the car for a minute while I take some inside, I would come back out to an empty car.

  “Okay, I’ll be back in a minute.” Anne says as she makes her way in through the doors.

  “Wow, what did you do to get all these?” Neil asks as he comes out and catches sight of the presents in the car.

  “Don’t look at me it’s all Anne’s doing she sent an email out around work asking for donations, I don’t know why I never thought of doing that before.” I shrug but really, I had thought of it I had sent an email to our boss Brad last year, but didn’t get a reply, clearly working for the boss has Anne in a good place, but I would never tell her that since I can’t stand her working for the sleazy arsehole.

  “Your girl did good.” He says. “I haven’t told anyone else about the consoles and TV’s yet I thought we could set them up in the empty room next to the office while everyone is busy before dinner then we could surprise them once they have all eaten.” Neil suggests.

  “Sounds good to me, so who did donate them?” I ask.

  “Matt you know I can’t say not even to you, if they want to remain anonymous then that’s how it stays.” Even though I totally get everything he is saying I still roll my eyes at him.

  After taking it in turns to watch the car, and a couple more trips with gifts the car is unloaded, and Anne is sat under the huge tree unpacking all the bags. The presents are all wrappe
d in pink, blue, yellow and green. We’ve always asked for the colours because then it makes it easier to give the presents out pink for girls, blue for boys. The green and yellow are presents that are for either boys or girls and we defiantly have enough for everyone.

  “She seems like a keeper.” Neil says nodding in Anne’s direction.

  “Yeah, she does.” I reply smiling.

  The kids all seem eager and excited as they loiter around trying to get a glimpse of anything.

  “I best go and check on how dinner is getting on, do you want to get everyone together for the film then we can get the other room set up.” Neil suggests.

  “Yeah, no problem.” I tell him as he walks off in the direction of the kitchen to check on dinner and probably to check on Speedy and their baby girl Chloe.

  Every year we have a voting system for the Christmas film and this year one of my favourites won. The Muppet Christmas Carol is one of my all time favourite Christmas films, so I’m so glad it finally won.

  “Everyone, I will be setting up the film in the main common room.” I shout over the noise in the room. This room we’re in is normally the main games room, but we had to move things around to set everything up for today.

  I have the projector set up to the laptop and it’s all ready to go. I look over the miss match of chairs and see Anne sat at the end of the front row, she taps the empty chair next to her. After I’ve checked the sound is all set up I push play and make my way over to her and sit in the seat.

  “I can’t stay, I’ve got to help Neil set things up.” I tell her, whispering so no one else can hear our conversation.

  “You’re going to miss this?” She asks disbelievingly. She knows I love this film.

  “Kids come first.” I say shrugging.

  “Do you need help?” She asks whispering a little louder as the film's intro plays.

  “Thanks, but we should be fine this is like heaven to us big kids.” I wink at her and kiss her cheek. “Enjoy the film for me.” I tell her.

  “Of course, I will.” She says as I sneak away.

  After we have set up all the consoles, which I still can’t believe someone donated. It’s not cheap for six consoles and six televisions. Don’t even get me started on the huge amount of games and because there’s two of each console there’s even two of each game. The centre is defiantly lucky to have found someone as generous as this person.

  After everyone has taken their chairs from the movie room into the dining room and found a space around the beautifully decorated tables, I look around taking in the happiness and excitement. This here makes my Christmas worthwhile, seeing everyone together and listening to the happy chatter is worth every penny of my Christmas bonus from work.

  “It all looks amazing.” Says Anne next to me.

  “It does, doesn’t it. This is what makes Christmas for me.”

  “I love the passion you have for this place.”

  “It’s more the people then the place without everyone here this is just a building.” I tell her. Neil clears his throat then lets out a loud whistle getting everyone’s attention. As the room goes quiet Neil speaks.

  “Christmas is a time for family, this here is the best family we have. I want to thank everyone who has helped out and donated anything to today. Let’s eat.” He says as everyone claps and starts dishing up the mounds of food on the table.

  “This is amazing.” Anne comments to Neil.

  “Matt always organises the food, you have a good one here.” Neil says across me talking to Anne.

  “You got all this food?” Anne asks disbelievingly.

  “My bonus covers it so…” I shrug.

  “You use your Christmas bonus every year?” She sounds stunned.

  “Yeah, eat up before it all gets cold.” I say trying to change the subject I don’t want to talk about this right now.

  After everyone has eaten and we have all the plates stacked in the kitchen ready to be loaded in the dishwasher once the pots have finished.

  We gather all the kids together.

  “Well guys before we go and open presents we have a little surprise for you. Thanks to an extremely generous donation I would like to introduce you all to our new console room.” Neil announces as he opens the door and the kids rush in and stare in awe at the array of consoles around the room a chorus of wows and so cool ring out in the room.

  “These will be available on a number basis, so everyone will get a chance to play.” I tell everyone. We decided that this would be the easiest way to split the time evenly, so everyone gets a go.

  “First we will open presents.” Neil calls out above the buzz in the room. We hear a few huffs and not fairs, but we still have all the presents to unwrap.

  Sitting around the tree the presents are handed out. This year there’s enough for three each and the ones left we will keep hold of for birthdays throughout the year. I sit back and watch, I love seeing all the happy faces as they unwrap the presents they have been given.

  “This really is amazing.” Anne says sitting down next to me.

  “Yep, this is what makes everything worth it.” I can’t keep the smile off my face.

  “Here.” She says handing me an envelope.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  “Just something.” She smiles proudly. I open the envelope to find a cheque made payable to me in the amount of half my Christmas bonus and it’s signed by Anne. I frown at her.

  “Why are you giving me this?” I ask a little pissed off.

  “It’s not fair that you spend your bonus on here we are a team, so I’ll go halves with you.” She nudges my side with her elbow in a playful gesture.

  “It’s not about fair! I do it because I want to.” I tell her a bit angry.

  “I’m sorry did I do something wrong?” She asks. I take her hand and lead her to the office. I know I’m about to sound like the biggest dick ever and I would rather not do it in front of everyone. Closing the door behind us I hand her the cheque back.

  “I’m sorry I can’t accept this.”

  “But why not I thought I was doing a nice thing.” The envelope containing the cheque is clutched in her right hand as her arms fall to her sides and her face looks down at her feet in a defeated gesture.

  “Anne look, I don’t need you to throw money at me.” Her head rises, and her eyes narrow on me.

  “I’m not throwing money at you.” Great she’s gone into defensive mode

  “You might not see it, but you are.” I tell her. “The car, that.” I motion to the cheque in her hand.

  “I didn’t like to think you were spending your bonus, so I thought I’d go half with you, so at least then you have some money for yourself and the car, you’re always complaining that you have to hire one for trips to take the kids away, so I thought if you needed a new car then I’d kill two birds with one stone and get you one that you could use for the kids. I’m sorry if you see this as a bad thing I’ll take the stupid car back if it’s such an issue for you.” Her hands are resting on her hips and she’s scowling at me, wow she looks really pissed off.

  “I just think since you have gotten your money you have been very frivolous with it.” I tell her, and I swear if steam could come out of her ears it would be right now.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me I’m not frivolous.”

  “I didn’t say you are, I said you were being, spending all that money on such expensive things.” Her head shakes from side to side.

  “So, I spent a few extra quid on a sofa and furnishings I choose quality and I want things to last. I chose them as an investment in our future, my parents…” I hear a little catch in her throat at the mention of her parents. “They wanted the best for me and left me the means to give myself the best. I have a good job…”

  “With an Arsehat.” I mutter.

  “…do you know what fuck you!” She snaps at me. “Brad would never make me feel like this for caring, he gets me which clearly you don’t, like I thought y
ou did. I think it’s time I leave.” She says as she heads to the door. “Move Matthew.” She says as I move quickly and stand between her and the door.

  “No, I’m not letting you go.”

  “I’m not in the mood, now let me go.” She says through gritted teeth.

  “I didn’t grow up with much, Mum had to work so hard for so little and I’ve had to do the same.”

  “What has that got to do with me spending my money?” She asks.

  “I’m not used to people buying me such extravagant gifts.”

  “I told you I’ll take the car back I thought I was being nice I had the money and I got a good deal I thought it was something that would benefit both you and here, but clearly I was wrong.” She snaps folding her arms across her chest.

  “I’m an Arsehole, I know that and I’m sorry, but I don’t do well with people giving me things of value.”

  “I said it’s fine, now can I go please I’d like to go home.”

  “Anne please stay with me, you don’t have to take the car back, I’ll try and adjust, moneys a very touchy subject for me.” I take a step closer to her. “Angel I’m really sorry I never meant to upset you.” I tell her as I reach my hand up to touch her folded arms.

  “I’m hurt Matthew I was trying to do something nice.”

  “They are such lovely things to do, but maybe you could talk to me about doing them beforehand next time.” She lets out a huff of air.

  “There won’t be a next time I can tell you that now.”

  “Angel I’m so sorry, I hate seeing that look on your face.”

  “Then don’t put it there.” She says still scowling at me. I pull her into my arms she doesn’t resist, so that’s a start.

  “I’m sorry I won’t do it again we just need to communicate more.” I tell her and kiss the tip of her nose.


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