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Anne Page 23

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “I swear you are the biggest Dick ever!”

  “I have got the biggest dick ever, but how do you know have you been looking?” He asks now laughing down the phone to me again.

  “I’m hanging up now.” I tell him.

  “Okay, I’ll stop for now.” He says.

  “So, what is this plan of yours?” I ask him ready to end this conversation.

  “I was thinking of lunch.”

  “She isn’t going to want to have lunch with me.” I tell him.

  “Not for you, for me.”

  “Okay, I’m starting to think you’re crazy.” This conversation is starting to mentally drain me. How does he get any business done? It’s like talking to a child.

  “Well your late to that party.” He laughs. Only Brad Mathias can make being called crazy a joke. “Hang on.” He says he must have covered the mouthpiece because all I can hear is muffled voices and I know one of them is hers.

  “I’m back, tomorrow are you working?” He asks.

  “Yes, but I have Wednesday off.” I tell him.

  “Anne, what does my schedule look like for Wednesday?” He asks. I wait to see if I can hear her voice.

  “Meeting at eight then we are in the office from about eleven.” She answers him.

  “Can you get her to talk again?” I ask him. I love hearing her voice.

  “Where is the meeting?” He asks her.

  “Croydon, who are you talking to I know it’s not business. Is it Claire? Hi Claire, we need coffee soon.” Anne presumes.

  “Is that enough?” Brad asks into the phone.

  “Yeah.” I answer on a sigh. even though I could listen to her all day long.

  “You’re not jerking off, are you?” Brad asks disgust in his voice.

  “For fuck sake don’t be a dick!” I say. “I have to go back to work in a minute are you going to tell me this plan or not?” I listen as he tells me his plan I don’t know if it will work, but I think it is a good starting point. I just have to get through today and tomorrow first.

  I hardly slept a wink last night. It’s now Wednesday and it’s get Anne back day. Mum has noticed that I’m a wreck this morning.

  “So, this is his plan?” Mum asks. She doesn’t think much of Brad since she says it’s his fault we are in this situation.

  “Yeah, he thinks this will break the ice and finally get us talking.” I tell her.

  “Have you tried to call her?” She asks.

  “And what would I say? Hi, I’m sorry I’m a complete prat forgive me?” I ask her.

  “That might work.” Mum answers, I roll my eyes at her which earns me a slap round the head.

  “Mum.” I say rubbing at the place she slapped.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me.” She says matter of a factly.

  “I can’t say that to her.”

  “Well, you need to figure out what you're going to say since your meeting her in what…” She looks up at the clock. “Two hours.”

  “Yep, but I’m not meeting her, she doesn’t know I’m going to be there. I’m kind of ambushing her.” I say pushing the food around on my plate. Saying the words out loud makes me stress about it more.

  “You need to eat your breakfast.” She tells me. The last month living here with Mum has been so odd. Living with your mum as a kid and an adult are two totally different experiences.

  Mum ends up throwing my breakfast away I feel so bad, but I can’t eat anything I’m too scared I’m going to bring it all back up again.

  I say goodbye to Mum, and she wishes me luck. I leave to pick something up before I get the train and the underground to the coffee shop near Mathias Enterprises, I’m in no state to drive.

  I sit in my booth watching the door. Brad said he was going to send her out at half twelve and since it’s just gone that she should be here any minute now. The cup of tea in front of me has gone cold, I will order another when she arrives just to give me something to drink. I sit eyes on the door as I tear my napkin into tiny little bits.

  My breath catches as the door opens and she walks into the coffee shop. She looks stunning in her red winter coat, her hair down around her shoulders. Her nose is a bit red from the cold. She heads for the counter and waits in line. I stand from my booth leaving my backpack on the bench seat next to where I was sitting and line up behind her. I am standing directly behind her. I haven’t been this close to her in just over a month. I have to stop myself from reaching out and touching her. Her phone starts to ring.

  “Hello?” She answers. “Yes, I’m here, why are you being so weird?” She pauses while I can only guess the other person speaks. Just then my phone vibrates in my pocket I pull it out and open the text I just got.

  Brad: Where are you? She’s there.

  Matt: I’m standing right behind her in line.

  I write back.

  “What do you mean turn around? If you’re standing behind me…” Her voice stops as she turns, and her eyes meet mine. She just stands there her mouth open and the phone still held against her ear.

  “Hi.” I say just then the lady behind the counter calls next. Breaking eye contact I order Anne a coffee and myself a fresh cup of tea. I hand her a note from my wallet to pay for them.

  “Can you join me for a minute?” I ask her, she is still holding the phone to her ear. I reach up and take it from her motioning towards the table where I have been sitting for the last hour.

  “I urm, I have to pick up lunch.” She says her eyes drop to the floor.

  “Brad can wait.” I tell her.

  “He’s my boss.” She says defensively.

  “And he knows I’m here.” I interrupt her before she can add anything else.

  “He does? Well I, I still need to go.” She says.

  “Anne please, I need to talk to you. Please just give me five minutes?” I beg. I need to talk to her; she can’t just walk away. “Please.”

  “You’re the one that walked away.” Before I can answer her my name is called for the drinks I ordered. I take them from the lady behind the counter and walk back towards the booth I was sat at before Anne arrived. I look back at Anne in a silent question. She huffs and then comes towards me, I slide into the booth and she slides in on the bench seat opposite me, the table between us. My knees touch hers under the table it’s only quick as soon as she feels it, she changes position so we’re not touching, but I feel it all over my body.

  “Thank you.” I say before sliding her coffee over to her.

  “I have to take lunch back to the office with me, so you have just a couple of minutes.” She tells me, she won’t look at me.

  “I’m sorry.” I tell her. I had a whole speech, but the second I saw her the words just left my head.

  “Okay.” She shrugs, “Your sorry, that’s good to know, but please tell me what you’re sorry for? Sorry for leaving, sorry for not giving me an explanation, sorry for ignoring me for the last thirty-three days or sorry for thinking so little of me that you thought I would cheat on you with my boss.” She goes to get out of the booth, but I reach out and touch her arm.

  “For those and so much more.” I tell her.

  “I need to get back to work.” She says.

  “Can I walk you?” I ask her.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She says, being stubborn.

  “Anne please, I love you.”

  “I love you too, but right now I’m broken and you’re the one that broke me.”

  “How about I follow you back to work.”

  “That’s a bit stalkerish, don’t you think?” She questions me. I shrug my shoulders.

  “Look Anne, I can’t go another day without you.”

  “Well I have coped the last thirty-three days, so you can cope.” She gets up and leaves. I grab all my stuff and follow after her.

  “I’m not going to leave again.” I tell her in hopes that they are the words she needs to hear.

  “Didn’t you once say you would never leave me? Guess what you
did.” We approach Mathias Enterprises. “You don’t work here anymore.” She says entering the building. I follow behind her; I’m not letting her get away from me. She presses the button for the lift and the doors open instantly and she steps inside, I quicken my pace and get in the lift with her just before the doors close.

  “For god’s sake Matthew, would you leave me alone.” She yells.

  “No.” I say pushing her up against the lift wall and crashing my lips to hers. I just can’t go another moment without kissing her. A small moan escapes her as I run my tongue along her bottom lip hoping she opens her mouth, when she does, I deepen the kiss. I feel her arms come around my neck just as the lift pings to alert us we have arrived on the floor. She quickly pushes me away before wiping around her mouth, we don’t say anything she just walks off the lift and strides over to her desk.

  “I wasn’t expecting you back so early.” Brad says from where he stands in his office doorway.

  “Fuck it.” Anne says.

  “Did you just swear Miss Ryder?” Brad asks. I know why. Anne swearing is a rare thing, she doesn’t do it often.

  “I forgot your lunch, I’m so sorry.” She says to him, his eyes flick between the two of us and his face scrunches up in confusion.

  “You two don’t look like your back together?” He says.

  “So, you set me up?” She asks.

  “Yep, why are you two not all lovey dovey again?”

  “You men really think it’s that easy? A little sorry and everything is fine?” Anne shakes her head.

  “Anne let’s finish talking.” I suggest.

  “You can use my office.” Brad adds. “After all, I need to get some lunch” He adds.

  “I’m sorry, but it’s your own fault.” She tells him. He goes back in his office before grabbing something, he then makes his way out of the office.

  “It’s all yours. Just text me when you’ve made up and I’ll come back.” Brad tells us both.

  “I have work to do.” Anne says.

  “Well, that’s the good thing about having the best boss ever.” He winks at her. She storms off in the direction of his office.

  “If you have sex on my desk don’t break anything and clean up.” He says to me as he passes me. I shake my head at his comment before I follow her into his office closing the door behind me.

  “You’re going to get me fired and when did you two become best friends?” She asks, sat in Brad’s chair.

  “He would never fire you; he can’t cope without you and we are not best friends he came to the centre and after I hit him, we talked.” I tell her.

  “You hit him?” Her voice is raised.

  “Yes, I thought he had taken you from me I wanted him to feel some pain.”

  “You are an idiot.” She tells me.

  “I can agree with that.” I tell her.

  “Good.” I see the corner of her lips twitch up.

  “Can I kiss you again?” I ask, she hesitates for a second before she says.


  “How can I win you back?” I ask.

  “I don’t know if you can.” She tells me.

  “Okay, answer me this. Do you still love me?” I ask.

  “You know I do.” She says finally making eye contact with me.

  “Okay, so you love me, and I love you. I messed up royally, I know I did, but we can work this out. I can spend however long I need to making it up to you.” I suggest, I walk around Brad’s desk and kneel in front of her.

  “I love you Anne Ryder. Please take me back, without you my life has no meaning. I’m nothing without you by my side. I don’t just need you I want you; I promise I will never walk away from you again. I’ve made us both suffer for the last month and I don’t want us to suffer for another day. Angel you are my everything, please take me back.” I watch her hard-exterior melt away with every word I say. She cups my face.

  “You broke me.” She says.

  “I know, but now let me put us both back together.” I pull out a box from my pocket and watch her eyes go wide.

  “Matt.” She says, sounding alarmed.

  “Oh no, it’s not that.” I tell her realising she thought this box had a ring in it. “So not the right time for that.” I say opening the box and showing her the charms I had designed. It is two halves of a heart one with an A on it and one with an M on it.

  “They fit together, where they belong. Half your heart and half mine.” I tell her not that they need an explanation.

  “You’re so soppy Matthew.” She says, a tear leaking from her eye.

  “Only for you Angel.” I tell her as she falls into my arms and crashes her lips to mine. I finally have the love of my life back where she belongs in my arms.

  Chapter 38


  The last three weeks have been so good, ever since Brad worked his magic and got Matt and me talking again.

  We sat and talked in Brad’s office for an hour. I didn’t want him to leave, but Brad was sat in a coffee shop somewhere and I knew we had a lot of work to get through.

  Matt reluctantly left and I called Brad to come back. He stepped off the lift with two coffees and my lunch which I took from him and then placing them on the edge of my desk. I wrapped my arms around his waist hugging him in a silent thank you and then we worked for the rest of the day.

  I hadn’t made plans to see Matt, but I was hoping to see him.

  I open the door and step foot into our apartment, the smell of food cooking hits me and my mouth waters it smells delicious, he seemed a little coy asking if I minded him letting himself in. I didn’t this is his home too.

  We sit and eat and talk into the early hours of the morning. We don’t dwell on the past. We talk about us, how we don’t want to be apart and for the future.

  He informed me of what Brad had said to him and I reiterated that I wasn’t interested in him romantically at all, but we had a connection and he really was like the big brother I never had. Matt relaxed a lot more and seemed to understand the situation now which was a huge relief. I know he still wasn’t ready to be best buds with Brad, but he was more understanding towards our relationship, and he felt less threatened. This would also make work less stressful for me. He didn’t go back to his Mum’s that night, he stayed with me the following day as well. When he came home from work at the centre and I got in from work, we sat down and planned a holiday we both needed and deserved.


  I finish typing the last report up and send it to the printer. I gather up my coffee mug and plate from lunchtime and take them to the kitchen, stacking them in the dishwasher. I had worked through lunch, determined to get everything finished today as I’m away next week. Closing the door on the dishwasher I walk to the printer room opposite. Punching in my code on the printer my reports come flowing out of the machine. Reaching up to the shelf above the printer I take each report in turn and place it in a separate envelope. Smiling to myself, I feel happy that I have finished everything. I start walking back to my desk, my smile breaks into a huge grin when I see Matt in my chair.

  “You’re early, are you after my job?” I ask as he stands up from my chair, walking around the desk he comes to me.

  “He can’t have it; his arse isn’t as good to look at as yours.” Brad’s voice comes from his office and my eyes dart to Matt, worried about his reaction I watch him checking for his reaction. I see the muscle in his jaw tighten, but he smiles.

  “He’s right you have an amazing arse.” He says smiling as his hands find my waist and he pulls me to him, pressing his lips to mine as his hands slide around me and down to my bum. “And no, I don’t want your job your boss is a tyrant.” He raises his voice as he says the last bit. I laugh, relieved that they may have finally found some common ground.

  “Oh, I know, I don’t know how I manage every day!” I say in a loud whisper.

  “I heard all that.” Brad retorts stepping from his office. “Matt.” He simply states nodding in his direction.
/>   “Brad.” He replies taking a seat at the other side of my desk. Baby steps, I guess.

  “Your reports are all done.” I tell him as I hand him the envelopes.

  “Really!” His voice is full of surprise as he takes them from my outstretched hand. “Thanks Anne you really are the best PA, you can get off now.” He says.

  “You sure?” I ask questioning as I sit down, but I start to close the files I have open and shut down my Mac.

  “Yeah if you stay, he stays so it’s the lesser of two evils.” He says smirking at Matt. “Have a good holiday both of you.” He adds tapping the envelopes against his palm.

  “Thanks, Brad everything is in place and your calendar is light next week there should be nothing urgent if you need me call.” I tell him as I grab my bag from my drawer.

  “I will manage, you deserve this time off.” Brad says. Matt stands and walks to me smiling, he bends down and wraps his arm around my thighs lifting me over his shoulder.

  “Matthew!” I squeal. “Put me down.” Matt and Brad both laugh, and I feel Matt’s hand smack my bum.

  “Come one it’s time to get this gorgeous arse of yours in a bikini.” He strides to the lift pressing the call button before setting my feet down on the ground, my face is flushed from being upside down. The doors instantly open and we step in hand in hand. I wave to Brad who’s still stood at my desk, he nods his head and waves his hand as the lift doors close.

  We go straight home and I start to feel excited. Now I have finished work it finally feels like we are on holiday. After a shower, I dress in pyjamas and lay the cases on the bed in the spare room.

  With my list in hand I call out items and Matt packs them as I tick them off the list. I know he mocks my lists, but they bring me calm and the fact he is humouring me makes me so happy. I really do love this man.

  After we have got the cases packed Matt phones for a pizza so we won’t need to do any washing up. We curl up on the sofa before having an early night since the alarm is set for

  “Anne, it’s time to get up.” Matt says softly as he kisses my lips softly.


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