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Anne Page 24

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “Ugh, five more minutes.” I mumble as I turn my face into my pillow.

  “That’s fine if you want to travel in those pyjamas.” He laughs, pulling the duvet off me. I roll over onto my back as I open my eyes slowly.

  “You’re already dressed.” I say sitting up.

  “Yes, I am ready for our holiday.” He says kissing me softly. “Come on, I have the cases next to the door, the taxi will be here in twenty minutes.” I climb out of bed and gather up the clothes I had laid out last night and take them to the bathroom. I wash and dress in the white linen trousers and a red vest top. Returning to the bedroom Matt hands me an espresso coffee in a disposable cup, I notice the bed has been made already. “We can eat at the airport. Are you looking forward to this?” I sip my coffee and can’t help the grin on my lips.

  “I am, it’s years since I have been abroad this is our first proper holiday.” The buzzer goes off.

  “Finish that, I will get the door.” He looks up at me. “Everything is packed and by the door, I didn’t open the cases after you sealed them.” He gives me a cheeky smile, he knows me well. “The passports and euros are in your bag. The boarding passes are on both our phones and we have everything we need. Your shoes are there.” He points over to where my red ballet flats are sat on the floor lined up against the wall. The buzzer goes again, Matt gives me a smile before leaving the room. I slip my feet into my shoes and slip my cardigan on that Matt left on the end of the bed. I follow him out of the bedroom. Matt reaches the intercom and presses the button and talks into it. I finish my coffee and throw my cup in the bin grabbing the bag out ready to drop it down the shoot as we leave. I walk around the apartment finishing up next to Matt. “Okay?” He asks.

  “Yes.” I reply looking over my shoulder one last time. “Let’s go.” Matt holds out my bag and carry on I take them from his hand as he takes the rubbish from me and steps out to the shoot, when he comes back to me he slides his arms into his backpack, grabbing the handles on the cases he pulls both cases to the lift. I lock the door behind us and walk into the lift. Unzipping my bag, I check we have the passports and euros before zipping it back up.

  The taxi ride passes quickly and check in is open when we arrive. We check in our cases straight away and take a walk through duty free before stopping at one of the restaurants and having breakfast. We buy some snacks from another shop in case we get hungry on the plane. Once the fight is called, we take our seats and I set the iPad up and play a movie we had downloaded. I must have nodded off as I wake with a start as the plane touches down at Alicante airport.

  The apartment we have booked is only fifteen minutes from the airport which we took a taxi to, the taxi line was empty when we exited the airport and there were lines of taxis, so we gave one the address of our apartment. Pulling up outside it, It’s a beautiful Spain style apartment in yellow, with white grills at each window. We pay the driver and Matt carries our cases up the few steps to the apartment door. The lady we rented it from said she had left the key in a lockbox. I take my phone out and check the code she had sent me. I input the code and retrieve the key when it unlocks. Unlocking the gate and the front door I let Matt in first. It has an open plan living area, lounge and dining room to the right, the bathroom and the small bedroom are also to the right behind the dining area, the kitchen is behind the lounge through an archway and there are two double bedrooms to the left. We take the cases and the backpacks to the double bedroom at the back of the apartment, unpack and change before we head out to explore the place that is going to be home for the next week.

  We walk hand in hand along the tiled paths passing shops until we come to a bar area, we pop inside for lunch and a drink getting directions to a local supermarket. The bar has an English menu and we decide to come back for breakfast in the morning, we like to have a cooked breakfast when we are away it sets us up for the day. We follow the directions that we were given and walk the short distance to the supermarket, the sun streaming down on us feels so nice.

  After walking around for a good thirty minutes we buy our items and then make our way back to the apartment.

  “That’s the shopping all put away.” I tell Matt as he comes out of the bedroom in his swim shorts. Each block of apartments has its own pool,

  “Great, now you go get your sexy arse in a bikini.” He says.

  Arriving at the pool which is opposite our apartment we use our fob to unlock the gate and walk down the slope which leads us to the pool. The pool and grass area with trees for shade, it is all enclosed with white walls. It’s like having our own private pool, as there is no one there but us it is so peaceful and tranquil the only sound is the trees blowing in the breeze.

  We spread out our towels on the area of grass which is to one side of the pool and lay under the blue sky, the sun warming our skin, taking dips in the pool to cool off when we get too hot.

  After our first full day, we settle into a routine of walking to breakfast and popping into the shop for fresh food for lunches. We then head to the pool to sunbathe and swim. Our days are lazy, and it is good to be away and have time to relax, talk and laugh. After a day of sunbathing, we would head back to the apartment to shower and change. Some evenings we would head out for dinner at an amazing little steak house we found near the bar we have breakfast in. Other nights we would just go for a walk and stop at one of the bars to have a drink and eat back at the apartment.

  I lay on my towel at the pool. We have the pool to ourselves again today is so nice, I feel so relaxed.

  Matt jumps into the pool and I look up seeing him swimming towards me.

  “Come on in, the water is lovely.” I laugh shaking my head.

  “I know it’s not; it’s freezing, it has been freezing every day so I’m not falling for that.” I say as I set my kindle down knowing full well I can’t refuse him, and I will go and have a cool down.

  “It’s not that bad once you get used to it.” He says resting his arms on the side of the pool.

  I stand up and walk to him sitting down on the edge of the pool my legs dangle into the water.

  “See it’s freezing.” I state as I kick my leg’s in the water. Matt stands up and moves in between my thighs, he wraps his arms around me pulling me to him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask leaning away from his cold wet body.

  “Keeping you warm.” He says grinning as his hands hold my bum and he stands taking me with him as he steps away from the side my arms and legs wrap around him holding on tight.

  “Matt put me down.” I say laughing. He stops walking in the shallow water and looks at me questioningly.

  “Do you really want me to put you down?” His eyebrow raises as he looks at me.

  “No, just take me back to the side.” He starts walking again to the deep end.

  “Okay Angel I will.”

  “Not the deep end back there.” I tell him. The water gets deeper and it starts to cover my thighs and waist, but the playful look on Matt’s face makes it impossible to complain.

  He sinks down under the water, his warm body pressed to mine, our lips meet just before we vanish under the water.

  Chapter 39


  We’ve been here in Spain for just over a week.

  “I think we should go and see this lighthouse I was told about.” I tell Anne as we lay in the bed in our apartment with the ceiling fan spinning around above us to cool us down.

  “Can’t we just stay here.” Anne says nuzzling her face into my chest, I rub her arm slowly up and down in soft strokes.

  “It will be fun, and it’s meant to have a beautiful view.” I add kissing her temple.

  “But it’s evening.” Anne grumbles softly. We had a lovely day sitting by the pool and taking a dip when we got too hot. We came back to the apartment to shower and relax, but we ended up here.

  “I’m going to shower then were going for a walk.” I tell her as I untangle our bodies planting a kiss on her lips.

  “Fine I’ll
get up then.” I chuckle to myself as I get out of the bed and pad my way to the bathroom.

  “Whose idea was this?” Anne sighs, she stumbles as we navigate our way to the lighthouse that I was told about. The path is full of rocks and large stones, it isn’t really a path but it’s the way we are meant to be going.

  “I was told it was this way.” I laugh as I watch Anne in her flip flops trying to avoid most of the rocks. I stop in her path but keep my back to her, when she realises, I’ve stopped she stops too.

  “What are you doing?” She asks as I crouch down in front of her setting my rucksack on the ground.

  “Climb on.” I tell her offering her a piggyback.

  “Don’t be silly.” I back up to her and grab her legs behind her knees lifting her on to my back, grabbing the handle of the rucksack as I stand.

  “Matthew put me down now.” She demands laughing as she slaps at my shoulder with one hand while the other is hooked around my neck.

  “I don’t want you to hurt your feet, if I knew the path was this rough, I would have told you to wear thicker shoes. Bikes whizz past us as I carry her to what looks like a road up ahead. I don’t remember being told there was a road. We reach the road I set Anne down looking up and down it looking for a clue of where to go.

  “We’re lost, aren’t we?” Anne asks as I slip the backpack back on my back.

  I’m not too sure right now.” I tell her looking for a clue where to go. “This way.” I take her hand in mine as I guide her to the left and we start walking up the road I see a large wall with cars parked by it and I feel a small bit of joy knowing that I’ve walked the right way.

  “Oh my god, what is that?” Anne asks just as the bridge comes into view. The bridge goes off the side of the cliff in a semi-circle. Anne’s eyes go wide.

  “It’s a bridge come on.” I say pulling her onto it.

  “Matt, I don’t like this, I don’t like heights.” She says gripping my arm and holding on tight.

  “Come on.” I say turning to face her while she still has a death grip on my arm, I take each of her hands in mine. “Look at me Angel, look into my eyes.” I tell her continuing to walk backwards out across the bridge, as we reach the middle, I stop Anne still looking directly at me.

  “Why have you stopped?” I hide a chuckle as I see her knuckles turn white as her grips tightens on my hands and I tell her to look. I watch her eyes dart from me to the view until I know she sees it and her mouth drops open slightly.

  “Wow, it looks beautiful.” She says. I want to tell her it’s nowhere near as beautiful as she is, but I don’t I keep walking and she follows till we are back again over land.

  “There is one more bit we need to go on,” I tell her showing her the extra bit of the bridge that juts out over the cliff edge. “Last bit I promise Angel.” I tell her leading her out to the end of the bridge and she looks at the padlocks that some people had locked onto the sides of the bridge. I stand behind her as she looks out at the sea and the view laid out before us, the small island and the sea is all we can see with the sun setting it looks stunning. The sun is behind us, but the colours in the sky are amazing. The orange and blue beginning to mix. The bright orange behind me is what I want her to see so I know it’s time. I pull the box out of my shorts pocket and get down on one knee so when she turns, she sees the sky then me.

  “It’s so beautiful.” She says softly. “I’m so glad we came to see this.”

  “Anne.” I call and she turns around.

  “Oh my god, Matt what are you doing?” She asks, I never understand why girls ask that when they can clearly see just what is happening.

  “Anne, Angel the moment you walked into my office I knew my life was never going to be the same again. You made everything so much brighter. I know we have had ups and downs, but you complete me, and I don’t want to spend another minute without you.”

  “Matthew.” She says her hand covering her mouth and tears starting to fall down her cheeks.

  “Anne Ryder will you do me the greatest honour of becoming my wife?” I ask.

  “Really, you want to marry me?”

  “More than I want to take my next breath.” I say holding out the black box holding the ring which I had picked out just after we had got back together, I knew after living without her I never wanted to do that again. The white gold band holds a single diamond in its centre, it’s not large and flashy but I think it says Anne.

  “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.” She says I start to stand as she jumps at me wrapping her arms around my neck.


  I hug Matt tight the smile on my face so wide it makes my cheeks ache his arms hold me, and I pull back to look at him and see his smile, before his lips press to mine. I hear clapping and cheering and our lips part as I look over his shoulder back to the land and I see a dozen or so people who have come to see the lighthouse and view clapping. Heat instantly fills my cheeks and I rest my cheek against Matt’s shoulder to try and hide.

  “Let’s make this official shall we.” He asks as his arms release me. He takes the ring from the small black box and I hold out my hand watching as Matt slides the ring onto my finger, it fits perfectly.

  “It’s just perfect. I can’t believe you had this ring with you when we came here.” I say turning my hand from side to side watching it sparkle.

  “I have had it a while.” He chuckles taking my hand and leading me back to the land thankfully the sea of people has dispersed.

  We sit on a near by bench looking out over the sea I have to say I’m happy we are back on solid ground. Matt shrugs off his backpack setting it down on the ground he pulls out a bottle of champagne and two plastic champagne flutes.

  “It may not be that cool now.” He says passing me the two glasses.

  “I don’t mind you have made this absolutely perfect.” I say as he fills the two glasses.

  “To you the future Mrs Richardson.” Matt toasts clicking his glass to mine.

  “To us.” I say and we sip our champagne I can’t stop smiling. “Have you told your Mum?” I ask turning to look at him.

  “Yes, she knows I was going to ask you this holiday.” He says. “Do you want to call her?” I nod enthusiastically. Since we met, we have become close even when me and Matt separated, she still texted me and it’s nice to have a mother figure in my life again. Matt pulls his phone from his pocket and calls her number placing the phone on speaker he holds it between our ears.

  “Maybe it’s to late and she has gone to bed.” I whisper as the phone is answered.

  “Matthew, it’s late are you and Anne okay?” She asks concern lacing her voice.

  “Yes, Mum we are both fine.” Matt replies rolling his eyes. “I… well we wanted to call you to…” Her excited voice cuts him off.

  “Matthew you asked her didn’t you, don’t keep me in suspense Son tell me what she said.” She is practically bursting with excitement.

  “I said yes.” I answer smiling at Matt, “There was never a doubt in my mind.” Matt leans in and kisses me softly.

  “Anne, I’m so happy for you both. To me you’re already family.” Her voice cracks and I wish I was there to give her a hug. “I can’t wait to see the ring he wouldn’t let me see it he was insistent you were the first to see it.” She adds.

  “I will send you a photo, but we will come and see you at the weekend when we are home.”

  “That will be lovely I will make you lunch. Matthew you have a good girl there now get off the phone and go and celebrate.”

  “She is Mum I know that, talk to you soon.” After a round of goodnight’s, he ends the call. “I think she is happy.” He laughs.

  “I’m pleased she is.” Draining my champagne glass. “Shall we head back it’s starting to get dark?” I ask noticing the sun has set now and there are no lights out here or on the rock path we came on.

  “Yes, that sounds like a good idea.” He replies as he packs the glasses and empty bottle back in his bag. I stand looking out ov
er the sea and the bridges.

  “We should have fetched a padlock to add to the bridge.” I say turning back to Matt who stands holding a padlock out on the palm of his hand.

  “What was that?” I take the Padlock and read the engraving.”

  “Anne and Matt, awww you put todays date on.” Looking up at Matt a little stunned. “You knew you were going to do this all day?” He nods and takes the lock from me.

  “Want to come with me?” He asks questioningly.

  “No not really, but I will.” I take the bag and tentatively walkout onto the bridge watching Matt kneel again only this time to attach the padlock. He stands and takes the backpack from me, he pushes his arms through the handles and sets it onto his back before taking my hand in his. We make our way back to the apartment and I head for the shower after the two hours walking, I’m hot and sticky and dusty from the path. I turn to see Matt undressing.

  “I thought I would join you.” He says before we step into the refreshing lukewarm stream of water.


  I wake up stretching, it takes a few seconds for it to register and I quickly pull my arm out from under the sheet. It’s there on my finger it wasn’t a dream. I hold my hand up, the sun comes streaming in through the window. We must have forgotten to close the shutters last night when we got home, it was so dark. I turn over and rest my hand on Matt’s chest looking at the light from the sun making my ring sparkle.

  “Good morning, how is my fiancé this morning?” He says as he turns to face me.

  “She is very happy probably the happiest girl in the world this morning. How are you my fiancé?” I ask as my fingers run through his hair.

  “Feeling like the luckiest man alive.” I laugh, as he rolls over till he’s above me. His hands slide up my arms till his fingers lace with mine as our lips meet in a heated kiss.

  “Come on I am starving.” Matt says pulling the sheet off me and nudging me gently. “I worked up an appetite.” I laugh and sit up swinging my legs off the side of the bed.


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