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The Forbidden Plan

Page 26

by Erika Starits

  My eyes fluttered open and I registered my surroundings. My stomach was hollow. My mouth was drier than after a day and night of serving Remembrance Duty.

  I was in a softly lit chamber and tucked in delicate, smooth blankets. My head was encased in the comforts of a cloudlike pillow. I laid on top of a sizable and heavenly bed. I smelt of soap and clean clothing.

  Feeling more alert and awake, I moved to a sitting position. I glanced around the pristine room. There was a crudely constructed table and chairs made of metal properties. A large plate of food beckoned from the table’s top. It was bright, colorful and looked delectable. My stomach rumbled with hunger. I swiftly moved from the bed to the table. I was wearing some kind of gown and was barefoot. I was so clean. I could not recollect a time I was more spotless and moisturized in my entire existence.

  I sat down to the display of deliciousness. There was a note. Thanks to Jude, I knew how to read it! It simply said:

  Analysse, please eat.

  I smiled genuinely. Would I ever stop feeling so pleased every time I read words? It brought such unspeakable joy to my heart. I truly could never thank Jude enough for the gift, never in a million lifetimes.

  I ate the yummy spread. It filled my wanting stomach with needed nourishment. I kept eating until my stomach was bursting. It was unusual and never experienced. It was surprisingly an uncomfortable feeling.

  There was water and an orange colored liquid filled to the top of generously sized cups. I drank heartily from both. The orange liquid was both sweet and tart. It was extremely tasty. I leaned back against the chair. I inhaled an enormous breath before contentedly sighing. My location was unfamiliar, but without logical reason I experienced ease. I acknowledged a sense of safety and protection.

  The door to my room opened and Karen walked through. She truly was a radiating woman. Her green eyes were so exquisite, they could take your breath away.

  She smiled sincerely and sat at another chair across from me. She handed me a napkin and kindly suggested I might want to use it.

  Embarrassed, I wiped at the corners of my mouth and chin. Being allowed to eat so freely, left any manners I may have possessed off the table and out of the room.

  She delicately stated, “I am sure you have many questions. So, do I. Firstly, I have to apologize. When you fell asleep in the helicopter, we injected you with a sleeping serum. This allowed us to run some tests and treat your dehydration without struggle. We also needed to get you into headquarters without you seeing. In case…you are a spy for Vargar. You do have a tiny letter v, branded into your shoulder.”

  I motioned fervid disagreement. No, I was not a spy for anybody. I was getting weary of being accused. I hastily pushed the sleeve of the gown away from my shoulder. I investigated the mark of a drudge. It was burnt into my body when I was in my eighth year of life.

  I countered her accusation, “A letter v? I always thought it was an open triangle. But no, I told you...I am not a spy for this Vargar.”

  Karen slightly nodded her head in agreement and responded, “I know. I believe you. I truly do.”

  She stared at me for a few moments, taking in my features. It made me feel squirmy and antsy. I was not comfortable or used to such focused eye contact and scrutiny.

  She seemed to realize her intense examination and announced, “I’m sorry. Can I ask you some questions?”

  I conceded, “Sure. I hope I can answer them.”

  She pulled a folded paper out of her pocket. She seemed unsure of her words.

  Karen questioned, “Did you know a Jacob Parker? Or a Thomas Parker?”

  My heart sank. I could not answer her inquiries. I maintained a strong desire to please her and I was not sure why.

  Dispirited I answered, “I did not know many people’s first and last names. I could only talk to the same people I lived with…and I cannot recall anybody by those names.”

  She could not mask the disappointment on her face. She hesitantly opened the paper pulled from her pocket earlier. She put it in front of me and I discovered it was a picture. It was a picture of a middle-aged man and a young boy by his side. They were both grinning. At first, I did not see it, but instantly did a double take. The man looked like Old Jake! A much younger version, but I unmistakably recognized his kind smile and the crinkle around his eyes. He was so young and handsome! I could not mask my excitement.

  I asserted, “I…I think I know this man. It’s Old Jake!”

  My eyes immediately glistened with tears.

  I added with enthusiasm, “He’s so young and handsome in this picture!”

  Karen’s interest was piqued and she leaned forward in her chair.

  She beamed encouragingly and announced, “Yes, yes, Jake. Jacob Parker went by Jake. Can you tell me how you know him? Is he alive? What about the boy in the picture with him? It’s his son, Thomas? Thomas would be in his fifties?”

  Sorrow erased the excitement from the atmosphere. When I responded, my voice cracked with emotion.

  “As for Old Jake, no he…he is not alive. He died protecting and saving me.”

  Karen appeared crushed and defeated.

  She confirmed, “Oh. He’s dead?”

  “Yes, I’m so sorry. Also, I am sorry to say I do not recognize Thomas. I am not sure…”

  I suddenly recalled a conversation with Old Jake, when he told me he had a son. A son who died because of the forbidden love that created me. My foot was tapping the floor with anxiousness. Was his son creator?

  I could not mask the quake in my voice. I was overwhelmed with astonishment, but it was laced with pain.

  I stated, “Old Jake, he very recently told me…I was his family. He was my grandpa. I knew he lived in the Previous Sphere before it was destroyed and he was a survivor in Starosa. I guess I didn’t entertain the idea of his son being a survivor. I assumed his son was made in me. He told me he had a son. His son was my creator…my father.”

  I could not conceal despair and expressed, “But he was put to death before I was born. Maybe…maybe this was Thomas?”

  Karen studied me long and hard. Emotions etched her features.

  She said, “Analysse, I am not sure what you mean by a Previous Sphere. I’m sure the belief that earth or any part of it was destroyed...was the result of lies from the evil man responsible for all of this suffering. Jacob and Thomas were from America and it was never destroyed. They were taken...kidnapped from their home fifty years ago. They were never heard from again.”

  I experienced shock and was not sure I fully understood. It was difficult to register the astonishing information. I never heard of the place...America, but I could piece together the important parts. They were sickening and atrocious.

  Karen’s speech was clipped with sorrow as she related, “Analysse, I would not have even come and asked you about Jacob or Thomas...but I had good reason. I know we were wrong to put you into drug induced sleep in order to run tests. I sincerely apologize. One of the tests we ran, it’s called a DNA test. We used some of your DNA…”

  She must have noticed the incredibly confused look on my face.

  She paused and explained, “ is what constitutes you and your body. It is similar within family. We always do this test when we find survivors. It helps provide what could have possibly happened to kidnapped and missing people. This way we can inform grieved families. It is part of our work here at F.P. Headquarters.”

  I interrupted, “F.P.?”

  She explained, “Yes, F.P. It stands for Freedom Protectors. It is a group of people…an organization founded by my mother. Our mission is to fight for the freedom and liberty of all people. But in particular, we find and liberate, those Vargar and his paid henchmen have abducted. He uses the victims for his deranged experiments and research sites.”

  I inquired, “Yes, Vargar. I keep hearing his name. Who is he? How could he have done such horrible things?”

  She answered, “He is a manic mastermind
. He is obsessed with finding the perfect formula of controlled aspects and data to secure a flawless population of people. Where no one will fight or war with one another. Severe poverty and mortal pains will be nonexistent. He wants to find the perfect control group and information, so he can be known as the man who could cure all of the world’s problems with a foolproof system. But he kidnaps, murders, and does horrible experiments. He strips humans of their freedoms and choice. He rips apart families in order to find the answers to his forbidden plan and experiments. In his demented opinion, he thinks he will discover an optimal solution and ensure the world’s eternal success. He desires the glory and acknowledgement for its disclosure.”

  I absorbed everything she divulged with profound sadness. How many people had this ruthless man hurt because of his delusions?

  Karen cleared her throat and said, “Well, like I mentioned. We run DNA tests on the survivors and victims we find. We have now discovered four of his research sites, including…. your Starosa. Every time we discovered a site, my mom and I would be hopeful, but there was never a match for us to be found. And I’m so sad she died three years ago, before she would finally find one…”

  I was following along and trying to connect the dots. I dared to hope at the information she was telling me.

  She affirmed, “Analysse, you are a match for me. We are family; we are related.”

  I was speechless and fidgeting. She reached across the table and laid her hand on mine. It was a calming and comforting gesture.

  She explained, “My father is…was Jacob Parker. My brother was Thomas. My mom found out she was pregnant with me, a month after my father and brother went missing. She made it our lives’ long mission to find them. She would have been heartbroken to learn of their deaths, but she would have been thrilled to meet you. I am thrilled to meet you.”

  I was in complete awe and tried to find the right words.

  Finally, I said, “This is so amazing. Old Jake would be incredibly pleased to know we found one another. When he died, he told me to tell his wife he loved her and never forgot her. He did not know you existed or I’m sure he would have said the same to you. He was such a good, kind man. Family relationships were forbidden for drudges in Starosa, but he always took care of me.”

  We both sat silently and with tears on our cheeks. She sorrowed the loss of a man she never knew. I mourned the man who cared for me until his last, dying breath.

  I asked, “So, what does this make us. I am your…”

  Karen leaned forward and squeezed my hand.

  She replied, “Analysse, you are my niece. Thomas’s daughter. Jacob’s and Diane’s granddaughter…Analysse Parker.”

  The sound of a full name, my full name was wonderful. I was amazed to still have family in the world. It was comforting and made me think of Jude, Zander, Brenna, and Evander. The people in my life who were like family. What would come of my friends? We had to help them and make sure they were safe and okay.

  I inquired, “Karen, what about my people in Starosa? We have to make sure they are protected. Vargar threatened to kill them.”

  She reassured me, “Don’t worry, we will fly back tomorrow and officially liberate your people.”

  She hesitated and continued, “When we liberate a people, some want to return to their long lost families. Other times, they choose to stay and live on the land and home they have always known. Either way, we will secure their freedom and safety before moving to our next mission.”

  The Freedom Protectors was a group I earnestly desired to be a part of and had a powerful longing to enlist. Destiny was unfolding and joining them was my only option for future fulfillment.

  I blurted out, “Can I join the Freedom Protectors? I would love nothing more than to fight for people’s freedom, liberty, and choice. Those ideals were withheld from me my entire life, so I would fight most zealously.”

  Karen gestured agreement, “It is a noble undertaking...guaranteeing people’s freedom is important work. Freeing people from Vargar’s research sites and one day locking him away forever, is a necessary cause. However, in this world we live in, people lose their freedom to so many things, Analysse. Things like substances, food, and desires. Being a Freedom Protector means to battle against every aspect of life where choice has been stripped away. It is a rewarding, but brutal ambition.”

  Pride swelled in my chest. A desire to be a part of their benevolent cause rushed through my veins.

  I resolutely responded, “There is nothing I want more.”

  Karen smiled at me and stated, “Spoken like a true member of my family.”

  She stood from her chair and so did I. She walked around the table and embraced me.

  She affirmed, “You can join. You will need to be trained. You will need to become strong and confident in combat, but you can become a Freedom Protector.”

  Before exiting Karen announced, “We leave for Starosa first thing in the morning. I will see you are equipped with clothes and given plenty to eat and drink. You clearly need it.”

  She winked and left me to my tumultuous deliberation.

  I was no longer without a family or a weak and timid drudge. I willingly fought for my freedom in Starosa. My life had been secured by blood, love, and sacrifice. The unselfish offering would fuel me to live a meaningful and beautiful existence, keeping my promise to Old Jake. I looked forward to the future with anticipation. I was excited to discover what awaited me. I would strive to live a brave, strong, and bold life.

  I could not wait to see and help liberate my people and friends in Starosa. I was delightfully ecstatic at the prospect of getting to know my aunt Karen better and to grow to love her. I fiercely anticipated becoming a Freedom Protector. I would fervently fight for and stand for liberty until I took my last living breath.





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