The Penguin Book of English Verse
Page 145
Virtue may chuse the high or low Degree 462
W. resteth here, that quick could never rest 85
Wailing, wailing, wailing, the wind over land and sea 786
Waiting for when the sun an hour or less 985
Was it for this 560
We are not near enough to love 813
We are upon the Scheldt. We know we move 796
We could have crossed the road but hesitated 964
We know the Rocket’s upward whizz 907
We stood by a pond that winter day 823
We were together since the War began 862
Weare I a Kinge I coude commande content 138
Wearie thoughts doe waite upon me 188
Weary already, weary miles to-night 771
Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim’rous beastie 523
Weepe you no more sad fountaines 185
Well; if ever I saw such another Man since my Mother bound my Head 449
Well! if the Bard was weather-wise, who made 569
Well then; the promis’d hour is come at last 398
Were I laid on Greenland’s Coast 446
Were I (who to my cost already am 360
Westron wynde when wyll thow blow 74
Whan I remembre agayn 50
Whan I was come ayeyn into the place 9
Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote 20
What are days for? 998
‘What are the bugles blowin’ for?’ said Files-on-Parade 805
What can I do in Poetry 296
What has this Bugbear death to frighten Man 384
What in our lives is burnt 852
What is it to grow old? 764
‘What is the world, O soldiers? 826
What is thought that is not free? 748
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle? 857
What seas what shores what grey rocks and what islands 902
What should one 988
What slender Youth bedew’d with liquid odours 353
What was he doing, the great god Pan 745
What would I give for a heart of flesh to warm me thro’ 762
What young Raw Muisted Beau Bred at his Glass 438
What’s become of Waring 693
When Adam dalf and Eve span 15
When all this is over, said the swineherd 1033
When as the Nightingall chanted her Vesper 308
When as the Rie reach to the chin 142
When Cleomira disbelieves 418
When chapman billies leave the street 528
When Daffadils begin to peere 207
When Dasies pied, and Violets blew 137
When did you start your tricks 881
When first the College Rolls receive his Name 482
When he had made sure there were no survivors in his house 1098
When I am dead, my dearest 740
When I bethinke me on that speech whyleare 193
When I consider how my light is spent 352
‘When I last saw Waring…’ 695
When I reached his place 901
When I survay the bright 274
When I survey the wond’rous Cross 411
When I was once in Baltimore 830
When I watch the living meet 815
When I wer still a bwoy, an’ mother’s pride 735
When Letty had scarce pass’d her third glad year 789
When Love its utmost vigour does imploy 385
When Love with unconfined wings 298
When lovely woman stoops to folly 503
When midnight comes a host of dogs and men 689
When my devotions could not pierce 245
When my love sweares that she is made of truth 198
When night stirred at sea 892
When that I was and a little tiny boy 180
When the eye of day is shut 874
When the fierce North Wind with his airy Forces 410
When the Master was calling the roll 1070
When thou must home to shades of under ground 184
When to my deadlie pleasure 152
When to my House you come dear Dean 442
When Venus first did see 107
When VENUS her ADONIS found 387
When we for Age could neither read nor write 386
When we were children old Nurse used to say 845
When Westwell Downes I gan to treade 321
When, when and whenever death closes our eyelids 866
When you see millions of the mouthless dead 843
When your lobster was lifted out of the tank 1086
Where do’st thou carelesse lie 238
Where is the grace of Sir Arthur O’Kellyn? 682
Where is this stupendous stranger 502
Where, like a pillow on a bed 229
Where London’s column, pointing at the skies 451
Where now the vital energy that moved 522
Where the remote Bermudas ride 367
Where, to me, is the loss 826
Where wil you have your vertuous names safe laid 168
Whether at Doomsday (tell, ye reverend wise) 452
Whether the Sensitive-plant, or that 644
Which I was given because 1054
While going the road to sweet Athy 797
While in this garden Proserpine was taking hir pastime 95
While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead 839
While that my soul repairs to her devotion 244
Whil’st Alexis lay prest 354
Whilst in this cold and blust’ring Clime 391
Whirl up, sea 834
‘Who affirms that crystals are alive?’ 827
Who did kill Cock Robbin? 473
Who died on the wires, and hung there, one of two 861
Who so list to hount I knowe where is an hynde 80
Who would true Valour see 379
Why Brownlee left, and where he went 1069
Why does the sea moan evermore? 777
Why does the thin grey strand 842
Why sholde I noght as wel eek telle yow al 22
Why so pale and wan fond Lover? 258
Why will Delia thus retire 479
Wild raspberries gathered in a silent valley 1047
Will there be snowfall on lofty Soracte 766
Wilt thou forgive that sinne where I begunne 233
Wine, the red coals, the flaring gas 808
Wise Emblem of our Politick World 324
With a Whirl of Thought oppress’d 448
With how sad steps, ô Moone, thou climb’st the skies 120
With my forked branch of Lebanese cedar 1093
With my looks I am bound to look simple or fast I would rather look simple 978
With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children 863
With the wasp at the innermost heart of a peach 765
Woman much missed, how you call to me, call to me 834
Women reminded him of lilies and roses 1048
Ye captive soules of blindefold Cyprians boate 103
Ye have been fresh and green 295
Ye jovial boys who love the joys 568
Ye living Lamps, by whose dear light 369
Years ago I was a gardener 1095
Yee Gote-heard Gods, that love the grassie mountaines 134
Yes! e’en in Sleep th’impressions all remain 600
Yes! in the sea of life enisled 720
Yes, we are fighting at last, it appears. This morning as usual 728
Yet once more, O ye Laurels, and once more 259
Yf my deare love were but the childe of state 197
‘You are old, Father William,’ the young man said 754
You could draw a straight line from the heels 1048
You did not walk with me 834
You meaner Beauties of the Night 237
You, Morningtide Star, now are steady-eyed, over the east 891
You stood with your back to me 1083
You strange, astonish’d-looking
, angle-faced 690
You think this cruel? take it for a rule 456
You well compacted Groves, whose light and shade 333
Your Beauty, ripe, and calm, and fresh 351
You’ve plucked a curlew, drawn a hen 829
Index of Titles
À quoi bon dire, 845
Absalom and Achitophel, 376
Adam Pos’d, 412
Address to the Unco Guid, Or the Rigidly Righteous, 525
Adonais, 645
Aeneid, The, 66
After a Journey, 835
Afternoons, 999
Ah! Sun-Flower, 540
Alas! Poor Queen, 965
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 754
All Ovid’s Elegies, 159
Among School Children, 894
Amaretti, 138
Amours de Voyage (Canto II), 728
Anacreontiques Translated Paraphrastically from the Greek, 319
Ancestor, 1037
Another Part of the Field, 1062
Anseo, 1070
Answer, The, 248
Answer to Another Perswading a Lady to Marriage, An, 340
Antarctica, 1083
Anthem for Doomed Youth, 857
Antiplatonick, The, 307
Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England, An, 1056
Argument of His Book, The, 293
Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, in English Heroical Verse, 122
Aristomenes. Canto First, 649
Arrest of Oscar Wilde at the Cadogan Hotel, The, 921
Arrival of the Bee Box, The, 1001
Arrivals at a Watering-Place, 676
As He Came Near Death, 1012
Aspens, 844
Astrophil and Stella, 119
At Castle Boterel, 836
At Grass, 973
At the Cavour, 808
Aubade, 938
Auguries of Innocence, 586
August 1914, 852
Aunt Helen, 851
Authorized Version of the Bible, The, 202
Autobiography, 940
Autumn (de la Mare), 825
Autumn (Hulme), 832
Autumn Journal, 932
Badger, The, 689
Bahnhofstrasse, 891
Balade whych Anne Askewe made and sange whan she was in Newgate, The, 87
Baldanders, 1065
Ballad of Reading Gaol, The, 819
Ballade of Hell and of Mrs Roebeck, 884
Ballade of Religion and Marriage, A, 803
Base Details, 859
Bavarian Gentians, 907
Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed, A, 452
Beggar’s Opera, The, 446
Belfast Confetti, 1095
Belmans Song, A, 207
Bermudas, 367
Better Answer to Cloe Jealous, A, 426
Bible, The, 79
Birthnight, The, 825
Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed’s Church, The, 701
Bit of Brass, A, 1042
Black Lace Fan My Mother Gave Me, The, 1096
Blenheim Oranges, 855
Blue Jay, The, 883
Bog-Face, 945
Boke of Troilus, The, 12
Bonfires, The, 907
Book of Nonsense, A, 704
Borough, The, 600
Break of Day in the Trenches, 852
Bride of Lammermoor, The, 612
Briggflatts, 1003
Britannia’s Pastorals, 218
Broagh, 1032
Burial of the Dead, The, 876
Burning Babe, The, 141
Burning of the Leaves, The, 957
But for Lust, 962
Butchers, The, 1098
By the Pond, 982
By the Sea, 777
Caelica, 169
Canonization, The, 224
Canterbury Tales, The, 20
Casabianca, 668
Castaway, A, 767
Cast-away, The, 582
Cathay, 839
Celebration of Charis, in Ten Lyrick Peeces, A, 264
Centuries of Meditations, 344
Certayn Bokes of Virgiles Aenaeis, 90
Chauvinist, 1094
Childhood, 888
Childish Prank, A, 1023
Chomei at Toyama, 904
Chosen Light, A, 1009
Church-monuments, 244
City, 982
Clod and the Pebble, The, 539
Clote, The, 698
Cock Robbin, 473
Cock-Crow, 843
Cock-crowing, 316
Cold Heaven, The, 837
Collar, The, 246
Come Dance with Kitty Stobling, 981
Comming of Good Luck, The, 295
Common Form, 862
Commynge Home-warde out of Spayne, 93
Complaint of Hoccleve, The, 41
Composed upon Westminster Bridge, 590
Confessio Amantis, 37
Continuous, 1076
Contrite Heart, The, 517
Convergence of the Twain, The, 831
Coopers Hill, 276
Coronach, 603
Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia, The, 134
Country Mouse. A Paraphrase upon Horace Book II, Satire 6, The, 330
Courtyards in Delft, 1077
Coward, The, 862
Cradle-Song at Twilight, 811
Crocodile, A, 719
Crow, 1023
Crucifixion to the World by the Cross of Christ Gal. vi.14, 411
Crystal Cabinet, The, 585
Cymbeline, 199
Daft-Days, The, 509
Danny Deever, 805
Darkling Thrush, The, 824
David and Fair Bethsabe, 167
Davideis, 320
Day of Judgement, The, 448
Day of Judgement. An Ode. Attempted in English Sapphick, The, 410
Days, 998
De Rerum Natura, 395
Death by Heroin of Sid Vicious, The, 1072
Death by Warer, 878
Death in the Kitchen, 666
Death of Adonis, The, 387
Death’s Jest Book, Or the Fool’s Tragedy, 716
Decease Release, 139
Definition of Love, The, 371
Dejection. An Ode, Written April 4, 1802, 569
Delay has Danger, 612
Delia, 125
Delight in Disorder, 294
Deniall, 245
Departure of the Good Dœmon, The, 296
Description of a City Shower, A, 415
Desert Flowers, 952
Deserted Village, The, 504
Desertmartin, 1079
Devonshire Street W.1, 971
Dialogue betwixt Time and a Pilgrime, A, 313
Dipsychus, 757
Dirce, 680
Dirge, 945
Disabled Debauchee, The, 363
Disused Shed in Co. Wexford, A, 1045
Divine Epigrams, 285
Do not go gentle into that good night, 968
Don Juan, 617
Double Acrostich on Mrs Svsanna Blvnt, A, 255
Dover Beach, 762
Down by the Salley Gardens, 804
Dowser, The, 1093
Dresden, 1087
Drinking, 319
Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle, A, 890
Dunciad, The, 469
During Wind and Rain, 853
Dutchesse of Malfy, The, 211
Duty Surviving Self-Love, 668
Earthen Lot, The, 1075
Easter, 1916, 869
Ecclesiastes 12: 1–8 The Creator is to be remembred in due time, 204
Echo, 237
Eden Rock, 1092
Edge, 1002
Edward, Edward, 497
Eemis Stane, The, 889
1815, 1062
Elegiac Stanzas Suggested by a Picture of Peele Castle, in a Storm, Painted by Sir George Beaumont, 591
Elegies, 1083
Elegy, 972
Elegy Written in a Country Churc
h Yard, 484
Embleme IV [Canticles 7.10. I am my Beloved’s, and his desire is towards me.], 250
Empty Vessel, 890
Endymion, 609
Englands Helicon, 173
Envoy to Scogan, 36
Envy, 739
Eolian Harp, The, 542
Epic, 980
Epicoene, 191
Epicurean Ode, An, 290
Epigram on Scolding, An, 449
Epigrammes, 215
Epilogue to the Satires, 462
Epistle from Mr. Pope, to Dr. Arbuthnot, An, 456
Epistle from Mrs. Y[onge] to her Husband, 432
Epistle to Bathurst, An, 451
Epistle to Burlington, An, 446
Epistle to Miss Blount, on Her Leaving the Town, after the Coronation, 424
Epitaph, 792
Epitaph for One Who Would Not be Buried in Westminster Abbey, 463
EPITAPH. Intended for Sir ISAAC NEWTON, 459
Epitaph (On a Commonplace Person Who Died in Bed), 792
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries, 875
Epitaph on Claudy Phillips, a Musician, An, 468
Epitaph on M.H., An, 390
Epitaph on Sir Philip Sidney Lying in St Paul’s without a Monument, to be Fastned upon the Church Door, 252
Epitaph on the Duke of Buckingham, 291
Epitaph on the Earl of Strafford, 292
Epitaph on the Lady Mary Villers, 271
Epitaphs of the War. 1914–18, 862
Epytaphe of the Death of Nicolas Grimoald, An, 94
Eve of St. Agnes, The, 624
Eve of St. Mark, The, 1057
Evening Quatrains, 389
Everyone Sang, 860
Excellent Epitaffe of Syr Thomas Wyat, An, 85
Exequy to His Matchlesse Never to be Forgotten Freind, An, 267
Explosion, The, 1041
Exposure, 1043
Exstasie, The, 229
Fables, 442
Faerie Queene, The, 111
Fall of Rome, The, 969
False Friends-like, 735
Fame, 838
February 17th, 1066
Feltons Epitaph, 242
Fifteen Books of Ovid, The, 98
Fifth Ode of Horace. Lib. I, The, 353
Fired Pot, The, 844
First Book of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, The, 397
First Four Books of Ovid, The, 95
Fish Answers, A, 691
Fish, the Man, and the Spirit, The, 690
Flaming Heart. Upon the Book and Picture of the Seraphicall Saint Teresa, The, 312
Floating Island, 670
Flower, The, 247
Fly, The, 1010
For the Fallen, 863
Force of Love, The, 418
Force that through the green fuse, The, 909
Fornicator. A New Song, The, 568
Forrest, The, 217
Forsaken Garden, A, 781
Fourth Book of Lucretius. Concerning the Nature of Love, 385
Free Thought, 748
Friend of Humanity and the Knife-Grinder, The, 545
Frog, The, 1078
Frost at Midnight, 558
Full Moon and Little Frieda, 1009