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A Dark High School Romance The Brotherhood – (Redwood High) Series Books 1-5

Page 11

by Summer Rose

  I smiled as he came toward me with the first aid kit and sat on the chair before me. He placed the kit gently on the kitchen counter before digging out a bottle of antiseptic, cotton, and plasters. I soon started wincing as he began to dab the antiseptic on my injuries.

  "Sorry," he muttered as he blew on my injuries.

  "Thanks," I whispered back when he was done treating them all.

  He responded with a broad smile of his own before watching me with a severe look on his face. "You know I'm here for you whenever you need someone, right?"

  Feeling too emotional to speak, I simply nodded my head with a warped attempt of a smile. "I know Aaron, and I really appreciate that," I whispered when I finally found my voice.

  He stretched out a hand and caressed my cheek while his eyes shone with love. "I love you, Kat."

  Instead of responding, I leaned closer to him and captured his lips with mine. Hesitant at first, Aaron began to kiss me back, burying his hands in my hair while I sighed contentedly. My hands trailed upward to rest around his neck as my tongue tangled with his.

  Groaning, his hands came to rest on my waist, and he soon picked me up to set me on the counter while I wrapped my legs around him to pull him even closer. "Kat," he whispered.

  I moaned when his soft lips left mine to trail kisses down my neck, sucking and lapping at it as he went. He bit my ear playfully and licked the dip behind my ear, causing me to shiver in delight.

  My body quivered when his hand pushed at my leather skirt and caressed my thighs in a way that made me beg for more. "Please, Mason…"

  As soon as I spoke, I felt Aaron go rigid, and I swore beneath my breath at my stupidity. 'What on earth had I been thinking?'

  Aaron pulled away from me with his head lowered, and his fists clutched beside him. "We shouldn't have done that," he said, his breath still irregular from our make out.

  "I'm sorry, A…"

  "You should go, Kat. Go after him. He's the one you want,” he said to me with a sad smile, and I didn't need to be told twice.

  I nodded frantically, picked up my bag, and went ahead to find the one my heart sought after.


  I was a ball of nerves as I walked to my destination. My throat felt clammy, my palms were sweaty, and I kept contemplating turning back and running far away, but something kept me going.

  Perhaps it was because of how everyone had been telling me to go after him, or I had just reached the limit of my tolerance from being apart from Mason too long. Either way, something about the kiss I shared with Aaron made it clear that Mason was the only boy I wanted to kiss. He was the one I wanted to be with, and if there was a chance that he would take me back, I would fight for it.

  I released a shallow and anxious breath as I came to a stop before the gates of the enormous mansion that belonged to the Welsh family. My finger lifted to ring the bell, shaking intensely as it did.

  "Who is it?" a voice I recognized as Miss T's, the household maid, rang through the intercom.

  I cleared my throat to speak, "It's me, Kat," I said, hoping she wouldn't ignore me or send me off.

  Luckily for me, the intercom buzzed, signaling for me to go in, and I did. I had just walked up to the door to knock when it opened to reveal a tall, blonde and beautiful woman I recognized as Mrs. Welsh, Mason's mother.

  Her blonde hair was styled into a low tight bun, and her icy blue eyes, coupled with the white pantsuit she wore, made her look cold and a little bit scary. I swallowed as I held her gaze. The only times I had seen her was at the hospital when Mason had been shot by a serial killer and at Connor's funeral, and both times her appearance left me tongue-tied.

  "Um, you probably don't remember me, but I'm…"

  "The girl that got my son killed."

  I gasped at the raw hate and accusation that dripped from her words. Even though I had known this was a possibility, I still hadn't prepared myself for it. "I'm sorry, I didn't… It wasn't…"

  She simply watched me fumble with words while staring at me with cold eyes and a blank expression. When it was clear I was at a loss, she sighed and folded her arms across her chest. "What do you want, girl?" she snapped.

  Shaken, I begin to stammer "I… I just want to… Ma… I just want to see… Mason.”

  A short bark of laughter filled the air as she watched me with an expression that said she found my request unbelievable. "Teenagers, they never fail to amuse me," she muttered under her breath with her head lowered, but I caught every single word. Then she raised her head to glare at me. "Mason doesn't want to see you," she said, shattering my heart.

  "That's not… that can't be true. He wouldn't…"

  "You think he would want you anywhere near him after you got his twin brother killed?" she asked, and I lowered my head in shame and guilt. "In case this has escaped your notice, that boy in there has been unable to have a normal life for the past few weeks because of the reporters that keep swarming our house wanting to know what on earth happened. All this is happening because of you. Because you just couldn't mind your own damn business,” her voice had now risen several pitches higher.

  However, something in me clicked as soon as she was done speaking, "No," I said.


  I raised my head to glare at her "None of it was my fault. If anything, the people that are to blame here are you and your husband. I saw that video Mrs. Welsh, the one those men were threatening your family with, and the one Connor tried to bargain with them for your family's protection.”

  Mrs. Welsh came to stand nose-to-nose with me, her voice lowering to a dangerous tone as she stared at me with rage. "You better keep your mouth shut about that video, or you won't like what happens next," she said as her nostrils began to flare in anger.

  "Is that a threat?" I asked defensively, and she jumped back in shock.

  "No, that's not…"

  "I wasn't going to tell anyone about that video anyway. The last thing I want to do is put Mason in danger like that and have Connor die in vain. But I won't have you blaming me for something that wasn't my fault. If you and your husband had stuck around instead of traveling, you would have known what Connor was going through. You would have been able to protect him," I paused to suck in a breath and make sure she was listening. "Your son is dead because of you and your husband, Mrs. Welsh, and it's high time you both took responsibility for it," I finished and turned around to storm off.

  It wasn't until I was a few feet away from the door that I turned back to say, "As for Mason, I completely understand if he doesn't want to see me, but please tell him that I'm sorry and that… I miss him,” I gulped and ran off, my eyes dripping with tears.

  A few feet from the gate, I raised my head just in time to see the curtains in Mason's window draped shut.

  He had seen me; I was sure of it.


  "S o, he said nothing?" Aaron asked, and I shook my head as I bit down on my sandwich. We were currently seated in the cafeteria, having lunch alongside our other classmates. "And you are sure he saw you?"

  "Yes, Aaron," I said, already tired of repeating myself. "He must have been standing by his window the whole time because when I raised my head to his room window, the curtains were immediately pulled close."

  "What if it was Miss T? I mean, you didn't exactly see Mason's face, so it could have been someone else.” My expression must have said a lot because he quickly looked away and muttered a half-hearted, "Sorry."

  I sighed, "I just don't want to talk about it, Aaron. I should have known better than to go there in the first place. I knew he wouldn't want me around, yet I went there anyway.”

  Aaron lowered his head dejectedly. "I'm sorry, too. If I hadn't pushed you to go and see him, none of this would have happened."

  "It's okay," I shrugged, chewing on my food even though I couldn't taste a thing. "At least now I don't have to wonder about him and me anymore. It's clear that he doesn't want me."

  "Come on, Kat, don't talk lik
e that. I'm sure if I talk to him, he will come around.”

  "No," I said a little loudly, attracting the attention of those seated behind us. "No, please don't. Just leave it alone, okay?" I begged him, lowering my voice. "Promise me, Aaron," I watched him meaningfully, only relaxing when he assured me with a nod.

  "I promise," he said seriously and then groaned as his gaze swiveled to something behind me. "Oh, what now?" he said in exasperation.


  I didn't get to finish my sentence before Noelle slapped the rest of my sandwich out of my hand.

  "What the hell, Noelle?" I yelled at the perpetrator who now stood before me with raging green eyes and a stormy expression. "What was that for?"

  "You just can't stay away, can you? You have to have them all, huh?" She screamed in my face with an arm propped on her hip.

  I watched on in confusion, having no idea what she was going on about. "What are you talking about…? Jake, what is your girlfriend talking about?" I asked the boy who had come to stand beside Noelle and was trying to pull her into his arms.

  "No, you talk to me and not him. Stay the fuck away from Jake,” she said, shoving my shoulder.

  Now furious, I pulled a rising Aaron back down to his seat and stood to face Noelle. By now, everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us. "If you would speak with a little more clarity Noelle, that would be much appreciated," I said calmly, holding onto the little patience I had left.

  "Stay away from my boyfriend, bitch,” she enunciated.

  "Noelle, baby, it's not like that," said Jake as he kept trying to pull her into his arms and away from Aaron and me to no avail.

  "Stay out of this babe," she answered him.

  I shut my eyes tightly as I tried my hardest to remain calm. "Noelle, I thought we've been over this. I have nothing to do with your boyfriend. Jake and I rarely even talk or hang out anymore. He even stopped sitting with us during lunch. What else do you want from me?"

  "That's just what you want everyone to believe, then at night you start acting all pathetic and weepy, making up stories about seeing strange men following you just to get Jake crawling through your window to console you because you know he's a gentleman and that's what he'll do."

  My gaze swung to Jake's, the feeling of betrayal sweeping all over me. "You told her?"

  "Oh, don't look so surprised. Jake tells me everything," she said with a smirk, looking pretty pleased with herself.

  "It's not like that Katrina, I didn't mean…"

  "My lowest moments and you told her?" I screamed at him. "I trusted you enough to be my friend, to be there when I needed you, but your precious Noelle just had to know too, didn't she?" I ignored him as he shook his head in denial, "What? You two must have enjoyed mocking me and laughing behind my back at my expense, right?"

  Jake moved closer to me and held my hand. "Katrina, I swear, that's not what it is," he said, staring at me with tormented eyes that pleaded to be understood, but I was far too angry to listen.

  "Let go of me," I yanked my arm out of his grip.

  "Jake, baby…"

  "Stay out of this, Noelle," Jake growled at her, causing her to step back in shock.

  I shook my head I disbelief. "I need to get out of here," I whispered, pushing the books I had left on the table blindly into my bag.

  "Katrina, please listen to me…"

  I turned sharply to glare at him, letting him see exactly what I was feeling at the moment - so much pain and hurt. "You know, you were the first person I connected with in Redwood Jake, and I used to think you would stand by my side no matter what, but I was wrong. You don't care about me at all."

  Aaron stood; his bag held tightly in his fist as he wrapped his other arm around me. "Come on, Kat, let's get out of here. These two are not worth it," he said, glaring at Jake and Noelle.

  As we walked away from our table, everyone else whose attention had been on us soon went back to their business when they realized the drama was over.

  However, just by the entrance to the cafeteria stood the last person I expected to see.



  S eated on a swing in my backyard beside Aaron, who had walked me home after school, I kept replaying the events of the day in my head. First, I had gotten into a fight with Noelle, after which I had learned of Jake's betrayal. Mason had shown up at school, but as soon as I called his name, he simply walked away and ignored me for the rest of the day.

  "Hey, are you okay?" Aaron asked, concern written all over his face. He had insisted on walking me home and staying with me until my mom got back because he didn't think I should be alone.

  I shook my head in response, "I'm not…" I let out a dry laugh. "…but I'll be fine. I just thought he would at least say something, you know?" I said, turning to watch Aaron, who stared back at me. "If he had yelled at me, called me names, or even said anything, anything at all, it would have been better than the silent treatment he had given me. What's worse is that he had carried on with everyone else normally but ignored me like I didn't exist,” I sniffled.

  I felt Aaron's arms around me as I tried to stay strong. "We'll get through this, I promise you. Mason is a dumbass for hurting you.”

  "No," I said, shaking my head as I wiped off the tears that wouldn't stop falling. "No, he's not. I deserve this."

  Aaron groaned loudly, "Will you just stop saying that? You didn't do anything; you didn't even know Connor existed! You were just doing what seemed right at the moment.”

  "Yes, but if I hadn't enabled him…"

  "That's enough, Kat. I don't want to hear this again, okay?"

  I nodded my head reluctantly and dissolved into his warm hug, wondering what I did to deserve having Aaron in my life. "I love you, Aaron."

  "I love you too," he declared and then planted a sweet kiss on my forehead.

  We stayed in each other's arms for a few minutes until the sound of footsteps approached us. Aaron saw who it was before I did. "Now is not the right time, dude," he said, and I raised my head to see Jake.

  "Please, I just want to talk," he pleaded, his hands in his pockets as he shuffled his boots against the ground nervously.

  I stared at him for a few seconds before signaling him to speak.

  "Katrina…" he started, and I glared at him; he had no right to call me that anymore.

  "Sorry, Kat… I know I've been a horrible friend to you lately, and I am sorry. It's just, with everything so different now, there's no one to talk to except Noelle. I know I distanced myself, but I was only trying to make things easier because I know you two don’t get along," he paused, waiting for me to say something, but I remained mute. He cleared his throat and continued anyway. "Just know this, Kat. I've never stopped caring about you, and I do love you."

  "What about Noelle? Is she going to be a problem?"

  "No," he shook his head. "I broke up with her."

  To say I was shocked was an understatement.

  "What? Why would you do that? You love her.”

  He simply shrugged, his face taking on a stony expression.

  "What she did… the things she said to you were inexcusable, and she has to understand that she can't just say things like that to you anymore."

  "But Jake…"

  "It's fine, Kat, I promise," he smiled. "Just forgive me?"

  Grudgingly, I pulled away from Aaron and beckoned for Jake before hugging him tightly. "I love you too, Jake, and I forgive you for being an ass," I said with a smile.

  He chuckled and kissed the top of my head before taking a seat on the swing next to me, leaving me in the middle of my two boys. He gave Aaron a short nod, which was reciprocated before turning to me. "I saw what happened with Mason… he's an idiot if he blames you for what happened.”

  It was my turn to chuckle. Jake wasn't known for sugarcoating things "I think that has been established.” I answered with a knowing smile directed to Aaron.

  Jake cleared his throat, drawing back my attention. "
So, about the strange man. Do you still… you know?"

  "Do I still see him?" I asked, and he nodded. "No, I haven't in a few days now, and I think everyone was right about it being a hallucination. I've decided to take my therapy sessions with Dr. Martin more seriously now,” I beamed at him, finally feeling a little bit better.

  He nodded his head solemnly. "That's good to hear. It couldn't have been any of those men involved with Connor's death anyway. After all, you identified all three of them, including the dead one.”

  "Yeah, I…" I trailed off.

  "Kat, what's wrong?" Aaron asked, noticing my sudden silence.

  I stood up from the swing, my pulse increasing as several thoughts ran through my head, and I pushed my long, blonde hair back anxiously.

  "Kat? What's the matter?" asked Jake this time.

  I turned around to face them. "It's something you said, Jake, and something my mom said a few days ago.”

  Aaron came to stand before me, his hands gently placed on my shoulders. "Tell us," he urged.

  "I did identify those men, but I never saw the third one because I was too scared to go into the morgue, and now that I think about it, the cops never really described him to me for identification. We all just assumed it was him," I swayed as I suddenly felt lightheaded, thankful that Aaron was there to catch me.

  "What are you saying, Kat?" Jake stared at me, bewildered.

  "I think I know who has been following me,” I whispered.


  I f there was something I wouldn't forget anytime soon about the death of Connor Welsh, it was the face of the man that had pointed a gun at me with a sinister smile on his face that showed he would enjoy every bit the of rush that came from killing me. A look that had me jolting awake, screaming like a banshee every morning since the incident.

  After my discovery the previous day, Jake, Aaron, and I had run straight to the hospital morgue, sneaked in, and discovered that the dead body of the third man that had tried to kill me was, in fact, someone else’s and not Kaleb's. How he had managed that was beyond any of us.


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