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Love Speaks In His Own Person

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by Henry M. Piironen

Love Speaks In His Own Person

  By Henry M. Piironen

  Copyright © 2012 Henry M. Piironen

  Table of Contents

  The Call of Love

  For My Love

  The Moth

  For the Free Soul


  Lodestar, The Star of Love

  Redemption Speaks

  In the Safety of the Home of Love

  Star Garden


  The Returning

  The Fulfillment of My Life

  The Kingdom of Love

  The Acts of Love

  Timeless Rapture

  O Night

  Cruel Fate

  Before I Fall Asleep

  The Morning of Love

  Live Your Dream

  Power and the Power of Love

  The Painted Desert

  The Power of Will to Rise

  Unrenewed Love

  Daring Love

  A Moment In Love

  The Passing of Moments

  Forever Unknown

  The Presence of a Woman

  Life Is a Changing Labyrinth

  Modeling Clay

  Connection of Souls

  Dream Love


  To Fight for Love

  Rise, O My Soul

  Universal Love

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  1. Love of Thorns

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  2. Freezing Coldness

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  3. Disregard

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  4. The Hook

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  5. Violence

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  6. Oppression

  The Seven Sins of Love:

  7. The Ugliness of the Soul


  The Call of Love


  O hesitant,

  Surrender to Love,

  And I will give you the keys to the endless treasury,

  Hidden in your heart.

  What else defines your life as experiences,

  Is there a place where they would not be present;


  Take the first step to Me and I promise

  You'll never want to return to the land of the shadows.

  Look back in your life,

  See the shadows and the lights,

  See them with the eyes of the truth you mortal,

  Why would you give the withering spring of your life to all that which is not noble?

  Would you not thus come into the garden of love,

  To make it come alive,

  With your nurturing spirit of the Love that is in you?


  Are you afraid of losing your strength,

  If you open your heart for your love;

  Are you so conquered with fear,

  That you speak not the words that hide nothing behind them?

  Have you become so rough,

  That you won’t give even in love to your woman,

  The soothing charms of the acts of love;

  Hear Me,

  They are also the chalice of your own happiness.

  O mortal,

  Think like a trader,

  With what price will you get another to keep for yourself!

  Short are your days, but shorter are your moments;

  The truth is,

  What dominates the experience,

  Dominates your life,

  Painting all the colors of these moments in your life.

  Why not, therefore, travel in love,

  Why not choose love to be your life?

  And you,

  O woman,

  You the carrier of all beauty,

  Why should you hide the beauty of your nature;


  O Woman,

  Should you hide the endless river of the beauty of your heart?

  Life without love is like a night without stars,

  A forest without animals, birds and insects,

  A city of faceless men.

  But where I, the Love am,

  There the burdens are light,

  There the tears are shared,

  And happiness is unbound.

  Where I, the Love am present,

  There even the unknown finds a solace,

  And meet the ears that can hear.

  Here, with Me,

  Even though the storms rise,

  They always subside;

  Here, your lips are filled with loving kisses.


  O hesitant,

  Surrender to love,

  And I will give you the keys to the endless treasury,

  Hidden in your heart.

  For My Love

  Lost I am to your heart,

  And want not to walk away.

  I take a direction deeper into your love.

  This way,

  I will never find my way out;

  Oh, my love,

  I want to disappear into you.

  You brought love into my life,

  And for that I will always call you the love of my life.

  My love,

  My treasure, I love you,

  I love you,


  I love you.

  The Moth

  From a far come ways,

  For long I wandered only the cold starry sky as my blanket,

  Until I met the light of my life.

  I saw how I was but a larva compared to her brightness,

  A lowly,

  Wanderer of the shadows.

  The longer I walked in her light,

  The higher I sublimated my heart,

  Until it burst in love to my wings.


  At first,

  They were frail like the thinnest glass,

  But her beauty nurtured me,

  Calling me to her with her attraction.

  When I could not resist the heavenly ways of love no more,

  I raised my wings to the charm of my devotion,

  And flew,

  Towards the first touch of our souls.


  My life was surrounded by light,

  The innocent joy of the purest happiness.

  As my entirety was filled with it,

  I landed like the noblest of eagles to the ground,

  But only to rise back to her,

  Like a moth.

  Because I got to sublimate my heart,

  Travel in the heavenly ways of love with her,

  I know I can pass into timeless as rich as the wise Salomon.

  For the Free Soul

  What are we but a blink of life in the cosmos?

  Like clicking our fingers twice we are born and die in eternity.

  Let us therefore be as life according to our determinations,

  Like a fire that blazes freely through its path.

  I tree that does not burn till ashes,

  Decays to the ground.

  Why should you hide your life,

  O mortal;

  Become all that you can be,

  Receive the chalices of life that are offered you,

  For you alone are the master your destiny.

  Choose carefully the moments of your life,

  Make love your home and your land.


  My eyes are pleased to you,

  I want to touch you with my words.

  I enjoy your voice and the nature of mind,


  I will enter like a thief to your house,

  But settle to there as my home,

/>   Like a tender kiss against your soft lips.

  Our breath is hot,

  We are ready to enter to the wine garden,

  Like a man with scythe,

  I have taken your feet off the ground.

  Lodestar, The Star of Love

  There is only one man and a woman in the cosmos.

  They are eternal.

  In the beginning,

  Their love was the brightest star in the heavens,

  Until they entered to time,

  And expanded their love through periods of time.

  They divided into people and nations,

  And lived throughout times all,

  That is Love.

  When they reincarnated from the all the love they had lived,

  Met in their entirety after thousands of years of separation,

  They rose back into the heavens,

  Being for us, the Children of Love,

  That brightest example of the radiance of our love.

  Kiss therefore in the light of the Lodestar,

  And you will see the infinity of your love.

  Redemption Speaks

  Come, rise up my love,

  Hear these words of redemption,

  For you are now more than you were,

  And my love for you has grown,

  In thoughts and in memories.

  With these roots I do not count your faults,

  All from them are absorbed in love to become my life;

  I promise,

  This too will become dear to me

  So come, rise up my love,

  Release your soul to be free,

  In the abundance of our love,

  The garden we have found.

  In the Safety of the Home of Love

  My love,

  I have made you my home,

  And you live in me.

  Show me the content of your hidden caskets,

  And take me to your secret rooms.

  I have already found everything in you beautiful,

  So why wouldn’t you let me fall in love with you entirely.

  Here our fireplace is always warm,

  And you know that all that is in me,

  Is yours.

  If you’re hiding your scars,

  They won’t make you ugly.

  I too am pierced with swords,

  But with your love,

  I have become complete again.

  There is no place where the safety of our wings would not extend,

  No faces we would not see lovingly.

  I have already found everything in you beautiful,

  So why wouldn’t you let me fall in love with you entirely.

  My love,

  I have made you my home,

  And you live in me.

  By now you see how love brightens everything that we are,

  And that there is no worry our wind would not blow away from the sky.

  Only in you is my home and yours in me,

  So be,

  My love,

  With me in a serene mind.

  Star Garden

  I look upon the timeless mystery of the night sky.

  They are like my far reaching memories.

  I can watch either to the light or to darkness,

  A star or the darkest moments of my night.

  Though the sky would be filled with stars,

  How easily do I pass to be as blind to their light.

  Lift me,

  O my love,

  For me to again see these gardens of stars if I fall.

  When we are together under the night sky,

  Let us then name stars with our loving memories,

  And let us by doing so,

  Brighten the starry sky.


  Will all the stars can see,

  Be enough for all the moments of our love?


  I feel the presence of your soul everywhere I am,

  Whatever I sense,

  You are there;

  How deeply am I in love!

  I live in longing when I am not with you,

  Touches of life are empty.

  Like a blind in a gallery,

  I walk surrounded by life,

  When I am not with you.

  I cannot concentrate,

  My mind returns you always,

  Like the needle in a compass,

  My heart guides me towards my happiness.

  Longing is a temple,

  I divine my moments there waiting for you,

  O my love,

  Your beauty is my most devoted prayer for life.

  The Returning

  I travel in my experience like from place to place.

  That's why returning to my love,

  Is the pilgrimage of my religion of love.

  The Fulfillment of My Life

  When I close my eyes,

  I see your innermost beauty;

  As I open my eyes,

  I see you in all of your beauty as if shining happiness inside me.

  Where ever I am,

  You are there,

  My charming fulfillment.

  The Kingdom of Love

  I open my mind and travel in the kingdom of knowledge life from place to place.

  I have seen thousands of wisdoms,

  Visited the kingdoms of the ancient,

  Met ancient gods,

  And the rich forms of humanity.

  The kingdoms rise from time and disappear into time;

  Never shall they return from their underworld.

  How much are you,

  O human,

  Is there a measure for what we can make of ourselves in time?

  I stand before my greatest mystery,

  Who, O what kind are you,

  O humans of the distant future?

  All that is in our time,

  That is what we use to shape ourselves and our destinies,

  Let us therefore extend our minds beyond our time!

  Let us open gateways with our inventiveness, creativity and imagination.

  Like through gateways,

  Humanity outflows from us.

  How mysterious are you mind and the kingdom of knowledge,

  The unfolding futures receive their shape through you;

  But who will so daring as to be one’s own shaper.

  Countless are the forms of humanity,

  Only by extracting fear towards that great unknown,

  Can we bring for now incomprehensible alive.

  Like tyrants,


  Old cultures stand in our way,

  Like a human chain,

  We carry them from time to time,


  The persistently everlasting war.

  What else but behavior and knowledge,

  Is the difference between eras and cultures,

  Is that not still human and humanity;

  Let us therefore be the bravest of generations,

  The carriers of the Kingdom of Love.

  Let us already leave the conflicts of the ancient beliefs,

  Like arguing brothers the differences of their thoughts divide humanity.

  Let us bring here all the nobility of humanity,

  For in the kingdom of knowledge we travel in like from place to place.

  For us,

  The Kingdom of Love is not a fantasy or an impossible dream,

  Sublime your hearts to all that,

  Is Love.

  The Acts of Love

  How happy is my fate.

  As I wake up,

  You are my first thought.

  As I fall asleep,

  You are my last thought.

  All the days I am with you,

  Either in thought,

  Or with my senses.

  Oh happy is my fate because of you.

  Let me give even some of this back to you,

  Through the acts of love.

  Oh my

  Will you let me make abundant in love,

  Let me,

  Oh my love,

  To touch you like the softness of your lips,

  And tuck you in to my warmth?

  Timeless Rapture

  In the timelessness of this moment,

  My greatest happiness is to hold you in my arms.

  Oh these little streams of love,

  They feed the ocean of our love.

  And how elegant simplicity rest beneath its surface:

  In the touch of being near,

  We are both in the holy rapture of the religion of our love.

  I do not need any god to know,

  This place is holy for a human.

  Together we are the temple and the holy land of our love.

  O Night

  (Written with Fayrene)


  In this loving moment,

  I ask you,

  O night,

  Do not come too soon and take us to sleep,

  For I don't know where we shall find ourselves when we wake up.

  Will we still live in this great and intoxicating happiness,

  For now it is everywhere in us?

  Will we still desire to press our lips against each other so much as we now do?

  Will we still be in our togetherness this house made into a palace?

  So I ask again you,

  O night,

  Do not come too soon.


  O night,

  Come to us without delay

  Cloak our passion with the splendor of your radiance

  Fill our hearts with the wonder of infinity

  O night,

  Share our rapture,

  Yield our love infinite.


  As your loving words enter to my heart,

  I welcome them lovingly to become me;

  As you touch me with your words,

  They spread throughout me like the finest of wines;

  As your words expand my eyes to see a greater dome in love,

  I feel love deepening as if from a fresh spring of water,

  In my mind and in my body;

  So now I know,

  O night,

  As I hold her in my arms,

  Tenderly pressing her body against mine,


  As we are traveling towards sleep,

  In love we shall, we shall be infinite.

  And so,

  I welcome you,

  O night.

  Cruel Fate

  I shout you,

  O cruel fate,

  Why do you keep us apart from each other!

  There is no distance,

  No interval,


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